Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 145: bastard son of the king

  Chapter 145 The King's Bastard

  Duke Ed hesitated for a long time in front of the gate of the Women's Branch, and finally walked in.

The rich aroma wafted out of his nostrils, and the kitsch laughter went straight into his ears. Duke Ed lowered his head, imagining the news that "the king's hand entered the women's branch" that would spread in King's Landing City tomorrow, he couldn't bear it. Can't help cursing the **** "Octospider" in my heart again.

   "My lord, is this your first time here?" A tall woman came over to say hello.

  Duke Ed ignored her and searched the hall with his eyes until he saw a fat man waving to him before walking over.

  But soon, he frowned again.

  Because after getting closer, I realized that the man was not Varys.

   "Master Ed. I didn't expect you to come here without any disguise." The fat man smiled sweetly.

  Hearing this familiar voice, Duke Ed realized that the man in front of him was really Varys the "Octospider".

   But clearly disguised.

  The Chief Intelligence Officer of the Iron Throne has completely changed, with messy black hair on his head, a small beard around his mouth, and a rough leather armor. He looks like a rude mercenary. He was playing tile guessing with a plump girl who had been forced to take off her coat and shoes.

   And Varys was eagerly planning to unbutton her pants, which is something a **** can do!

   "I have nothing to be afraid of, so I never pretend!" Duke Ed said stiffly.

  Varys shrugged, sent the opposite girl away with a rude kiss, and then walked in with Duke Ed:

   "I know, you are a decent person, of course you don't like our little tricks." Varys glanced at the King's Hand beside him, as if to imply something, "Especially at this moment."

   Duke Ed frowned again: "What did you hear?"

  Varys lowered his voice: "My little bird told me that Lord Renly received the nobles of the Reach in the Red Keep."


  Duke Ed only felt a headache for a while. He actually had a good impression of the king's younger brother, but he didn't expect that when the king's life was dying, even this man became restless.

   "Help me keep watching him."

   "Yes, my lord, I am happy to serve you."

   Duke Ed walked away for a while, and suddenly asked, "Has the queen done anything recently?"

   "This... I haven't heard of it."

  Duke Eddard glanced at the fat man next to him with scrutiny, and couldn't help but think of what Robert said to himself in the tomb of Winterfell——

   "My side is either a liar or a fool..."

  Duke Ed was thinking, is the intelligence chief in front of him a liar or a fool?

   And "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish, these two don't look like fools, so they are all liars?

   But the wife swore that Petyr could be trusted, and Varys, who else could provide him with information besides him?

   Duke Ed just felt a headache.

  He misses Winterfell very much now, misses that cold but simple place, where everyone's likes and dislikes are clearly written on his face, unlike here, where everyone wears masks.

   "My lord, this is the place." Varys, wearing a mercenary mask, pointed forward.

   Duke Ed retracted his thoughts, and saw a young girl standing in front of her with light red hair, holding a baby in her arms.

   "My lord." She looked very nervous, "Did he entrust you to see the child?"

   Duke Ed didn't know how to answer, so he nodded vaguely, and then stepped forward to stroke the baby's soft black hair.

   "My lord, can you tell him, tell him how beautiful this child is, tell him that I have been waiting for him, and since that day, I have not picked up guests, and I have been waiting for him to come back."

  He won't be coming back. Duke Ed answered silently in his heart.

  Even if Robert hadn't been murdered, he wouldn't be coming back.

  Bastards like this probably Robert himself had forgotten.

   Duke Ed glanced at Varys, wondering why the other party brought him to see the king's illegitimate son.

  Before, in order to find evidence of the queen's derailment, he tentatively asked the chief intelligence officer, and then this person brought him here.

   Is this illegitimate child evidence?

   Duke Ed was confused.

   Saying goodbye to the reluctant girl, the two left the gate of the Women's Branch.

  Varys said: "Master Ed, let's go to Steel Street now, there is an illegitimate child there, he is almost an adult, and now he is a strong and powerful blacksmith apprentice..."

   "Varys." Duke Eddard couldn't help asking, "What exactly do you want to tell me, please tell me."

   "Lord Ed, do you know how many illegitimate children the king has?" Varys asked back.

   "I only know that there are many." Duke Ed was also very helpless about his brother's passion.

"A lot indeed." Varys suddenly lowered his voice, "Three years ago, when His Majesty went to the Western Territory to participate in Lord Tywin's tournament, he gave birth to twins with a girl from Casterly Rock City. Both children were killed."

   Duke Ed was stunned for a moment, wondering why Varys specifically mentioned the illegitimate son of Casterly Rock.

   "The queen didn't come to find trouble with the illegitimate son of King's Landing?"


   This spider is reminding itself of the **** of Casterly Rock. Duke Ed understood.

   But then he had even greater doubts, why did the queen only kill the illegitimate children in Casterly Rock City, and let go of the illegitimate children in King's Landing and other places?

   Could it be that the queen was particularly angry because it happened in her own backyard?

  Duke Ed was tired of this kind of guessing game from the bottom of his heart, so he stopped and said coldly:

   "Master Varys, what do you know!"

  Varys shrunk his neck aggrievedly, and said, "Master Ed, I know everything, and I have already told you."

  Duke Ed suppressed his anger, and already labeled Varys a liar in his heart. No, this guy is not only a liar, he also likes to pretend to be a fool!

  At this moment, the attendant rushed over and reported in a hurried tone:

   "My lord, it's too bad, Lord Petyr was stabbed by Prince Oberyn in the street!"


  Why is everyone making trouble! Duke Ed just felt annoyed for a while, and then extremely tired.

  He cursed the **** Red Viper in his heart, and then hurried away with his attendants, ignoring Varys.

  So he couldn't see Varys at this time, but there was no trace of surprise on his face, but a meaningful smile.



  Arya Stark jumped up a tall, narrow window, but lost track of the one-eared black cat.

   "Belerion?" Arya climbed over the window, jumped onto the roof, and finally saw the cat.

  The black cat also found the girl, and ran away with a whoosh.

   Arya chased after her with all her teeth and claws. Following the agile kitten, she jumped into the courtyard, around the corner, over the wall, squeezed into a low hole, and finally came to a dark cellar where you can't see your fingers.

   "Kitten?" Arya hesitated, but slipped in anyway.

   She must catch that cat!

  The smell in the cellar was a bit unpleasant, but it was still tolerable, but the dark environment without a ray of light made Arya panic.

  She groped forward, her eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, the cellar seemed to gradually light up, and things around her slowly appeared.

  In the dark corridor, countless huge and empty eyes stared at her fixedly, making her almost unable to breathe.


   Arya closed her eyes in fright.

  She silently recited her father's name, mother's name, and fencing teacher's name... Finally, she opened her eyes again.

  The giant monsters were still there, but Arya knew they were just bones.

  She walked over cautiously, and curiously reached out to touch one of them. It was cold and hard, and looked like a tooth in shape, but just one tooth was already bigger than her whole body.

   Arya thought of the black cat she was chasing, so she dropped the bones and moved on.

  She touched a wooden door and pulled it hard. The door resisted for a while before slowly opening.

  Behind the door is a darker place.

   Arya groped her way to the rough wall, moving on.

  She thought her eyes would gradually adapt to the darkness, but unfortunately, she still couldn't see anything after waiting for a long time.

   Arya finally decided to give up, she couldn't catch the black cat at this kind of place.

  But just as she was about to return the same way, the voice of a man talking was faintly heard.

   Arya was slightly startled, and saw flickering flames appearing from a distance. By the light of the fire, she could make out that it was two people, their shadows were cast on the wall, and their voices echoed in the space.

   "... how did Littlefinger fall into the hands of the Red Viper?" one said.

  Arya recognized the accent of the Free Cities on the other side of the Narrow Sea. Her fencing teacher Syrio spoke like this.

   "Because a little guy who didn't notice messed with Littlefinger behind the scenes." Another human said.

   Arya felt that this soft and greasy voice was somewhat familiar, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but she couldn't remember it for a while.


   "A little baron."

   "Caesar?" The man with a foreign accent seemed to understand immediately, "How could he know Littlefinger's plan?"

   "Only the gods know about this. However, I have already seen that this person is playing tricks in the dark, but I have not exposed it. Instead, I have helped him hide some lies."

   "Why did you help him?"

"Hey, it's not that Littlefinger is too dangerous. I'm always worried that he will play off. But once the situation completely collapses, he can go to the valley, marry that stupid woman Lysa Tully, and then send out elite soldiers Guarding the blood gate, the storm outside has nothing to do with him. But we will be in trouble..."

   "That's right. The Seven Kingdoms can't be thrown into chaos so quickly, it's too early, we're not ready yet."

   "So, letting Littlefinger out is the best choice for us."

   "It's just a pity. We originally hoped that when the time was right in the future, we could let Littlefinger mess up the situation in the Seven Kingdoms..."

   "Littlefinger is no one's pawn, we cannot control him."

   "What about now? Now he is almost cornered."

   "Well—" the soft and greasy accent hesitated, "Let me try."

   "Okay." The man with the foreign accent asked again, "And Eddard Stark? Did you tell him about Robert's bastard?"

"Yes, I have revealed some. But you don't have to worry, with his elm head, you can't find out the truth based on the information I gave, but you will get deeper and deeper on the wrong path... When the time is right, I will tell you Give key clues, hey, he will become our pawn."

   "Hehe, don't play it off."

   "Don't worry, I'm a magician..."

   "Haha... Then please change your tricks for a while..."

  The sound gradually faded away, and Arya pressed herself against the wall, not daring to move.

  (end of this chapter)

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