Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 141: respective means

  Chapter 141 Respective means

  Everyone exits the room.

   "How long can he live?" Duke Ed asked.

   "It depends on the will of the gods." Pai Xier sighed, "In fact, it is already a miracle that he can persist until now."

   "Robert! How is Robert!" Queen Cersei strode forward, holding her son Prince Joffrey in one hand, followed by her younger brother Jaime Lannister.

  Grand Maester Paxel said: "Your Majesty has just made a will, drank poppy milk, and fell asleep."

   "He has made a will?" Queen Cersei suppressed her anger, "Why didn't you call me!"

   Several ministers lowered their heads and did not speak.

   Duke Ed clearly told himself not to show any strangeness, but he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart. He took a step forward and asked back:

   "Queen, when His Majesty was dying, why didn't you accompany him? Do you want us to send someone to invite you?"

   This matter is indeed the queen's fault, but Cersei's attitude is still tough:

   "Do you want me to stay in that stinking room for seven days and seven nights? Don't take a bath or eat? I've only left for a while, and you guys have made your will. Lord Ed, you really know how to pick your time!"

  Duke Ed really didn't want to mess around with this woman. He was worried that he could not control the anger in his heart and let the other party see the clues, so he strode past the queen and said coldly:

   "In this case, then go and accompany the king, he is not dead yet."

   Cersei was not ready to let him go: "Wait! What about the will? Let me see."

   "The will will be read out by the imperial council after the king's death." Duke Ed put the parchment scroll behind him, feeling more and more disgusted with the unscrupulous woman in front of him.

  Cersei smiled disdainfully, and warned in an arrogant tone: "Okay, Lord Ed, just take that piece of paper and see if it can bring you power."

   Duke Ed didn't bother to pay any attention to this woman, so he turned around and left.

   "Mother, let's go see father!" Prince Joffrey cried.

   Cersei only stared at Duke Ed's leaving back, gritted her teeth secretly, and only after a while did she shake off her son's hand, and said coldly:

   "Go to yourself."

   After speaking, the queen strode away without going to the king's bedroom at all.

  Duke Ed walked out of Maegor's Tower, and stopped several important officials behind him.

  He first said to Grand Maester Pai Sil:

   "Master Pai Sear, His Majesty still needs to ask you to take more care these few days, and try to... ease his pain."

   "I will, Lord Ed."

   Then Duke Ed looked at Chief Intelligence Officer Varys again:

   "Master Varys, always pay attention to the movements in the city, and report to me immediately if there is anything unusual."

   "Yes, Lord Ed."

   Duke Ed looked at the Minister of Justice, Duke Renly, and said:

   "Mrs. Lysa still refuses to come to King's Landing. This trial will be postponed. We will discuss countermeasures after His Majesty's funeral is over."

   Duke Renly seems to have a different opinion:

"Lord Ed, please go and invite her. If Mrs. Lysa refuses to come, then no one will be able to invite her. In this case, I think it is better to hold a trial directly and convict the 'Red Viper', so that His Majesty Feel free to go."

   Duke Ed hesitated for a moment, but still shook his head.

  The hideous face and warning words of Queen Cersei appeared in front of him.

  He felt that he should deal with the queen first and avenge the king. This was the most reassuring way for him to leave.

   "Don't worry yet." Duke Ed made a decision, "We'll talk about it after the funeral."

   Lord Renly shrugged and did not continue to insist.

  Finally, Duke Ed looked at Minister of Finance Petyr Baelish again: "Lord Petyr, follow me."

  The two of them took a few steps, but Duke Ed still kept silent, as if hesitating for something.

   "Lord Ed." Petyr took the initiative to say, "If you are worried about the cost of His Majesty's funeral, leave it to me..."

   "No." Duke Ed shook his head, and finally expressed his thoughts, "Do you know the commander of the Capital Defense Army?"

"Ser Janos Slynt, of course I understand, we often drink and visit the Women's Branch together." Petyr's gray-green eyes shimmered, "Lord Ed, do you want his help?" ?"

Duke Ed hesitated for a moment. He actually didn't like "Littlefinger" very much. He thought he was too naughty and disgusting, but after thinking about what his wife said before leaving, he nodded and said, "Yes. I'm worried that the king's death will cause chaos. , so you need to make sure he follows my orders."

   "That's easy." Petyr snapped his fingers, "That's a greedy guy, as long as you give him enough golden dragons, you can make him do anything."

  Duke Ed suddenly lost his affection for Genos, but he also knew that it is better not to easily replace the commander of the capital defense army at this sensitive time, so he held back his anger and asked:

   "How many golden dragons do you need?"

  Petyr chuckled: "30,000 gold dragons. 10,000 to Janos Slynt, 10,000 to his soldiers."

   "How about another ten thousand?"

"Of course it's in my pocket." Seeing Duke Ed's anger, Petyr quickly explained, "It's the final payment, the final payment, do you understand! If you give them all at once, will they still obey your orders? Ed Your Excellency, you have no sense of humor."

   "The king is dying, tell me about your sense of humor?" Duke Ed said coldly, paused, he seemed hesitant, but still asked, "Can you get 30,000 golden dragons?"

   "Of course." Petyr's lips curled up, "Although there are only mice left in the treasury, I am the Minister of Finance, and I can conjure a golden dragon by snapping my fingers."

  Duke Ed was really in no mood to joke with Li Petyr, and he didn't want to get involved with bribery, so he waved his hand and said impatiently:

   "Petyr, I leave this matter to you! Make sure that the city's garrison obeys my orders!"

   "Leave it on me!" Petyr bowed gracefully, smiling brightly.


  In the room with the doors and windows closed, there was a golden light that could blind people's eyes.

  On a hill made of golden dragons, Samwell was lying lazily, like a giant dragon guarding a treasure.

  Unfortunately, he is not guarding, but devouring.

  These golden dragons are his championship rewards for this martial arts tournament.

  As one gold dragon after another was sent into Samwell's mouth, his strength attribute continued to rise slowly but firmly.

  Samwell has already felt the urgency of the coming rain, so it is naturally impossible to keep these golden dragons. At this time, converting them into strength is the most sensible choice.

   While devouring, he was also thinking about the current situation.

   "Littlefinger"'s counterattack was indeed beyond Samwell's expectations. This guy is really a master at creating chaos, but fortunately, the situation has not completely lost control.

He could actually guess that "Littlefinger"'s next plan must be to throw the blame for the king's death on the Lannister family. This is actually very easy to do. After all, in the previous actions, the Lannister family really Some telltale feet were exposed, perhaps these telltale feet were the clues deliberately left by "Littlefinger".

   In this way, he can lead Duke Ed to become suspicious, and even provoke a dispute between lions and wolves against the Lannister family.

   And because "Littlefinger" himself participated in planning the death of the king, he must pretend to help the wolf family, but in fact he will definitely stand on the side of the lion as in the original book.

   They even plan to have Duke Eddie die in King's Landing. In this way, the Seven Kingdoms will be in chaos.

  Samwell certainly didn't want "Littlefinger" to succeed. If the Seven Kingdoms fell into chaos at this time, it would do him more harm than good.

  He still wants to bring disaster to Dorne instead of disrupting the entire Seven Kingdoms.

  So the best way is to let the "Red Viper" take action as soon as possible.

  But this poisonous snake seemed to have learned its lesson, and it didn't do anything until now, which surprised Samwell.

   Is this still the violent "Red Viper"?

   Or did this guy become more cautious after suffering a loss in Starfall City last time?

   Actually, Samwell has several alternatives to destroy Littlefinger's plan, but this is the safest and most in line with his interests, and it is his first choice.

   It seems that the poisonous snake has to be "urged".

  Of course, you can’t go directly to see Prince Oberyn. You can fool around the first time, but it’s too easy to arouse the other party’s suspicion if you go the second time.

   Have to find a different way...

  Samwell stuffed the golden dragon into his mouth expressionlessly, while his brain was working rapidly.

  Finally, Renly Baratheon's handsome face appeared before his eyes.

   Yes, you can go to Renly!

  When Samwell heard that the king made a will, it was actually Duke Renly who was beside him, not Duke Ed.

  He immediately realized that there was a problem.

  Although Duke Renly is the king's younger brother, the only person Robert really trusts is Ed Stark.

  In the original book, Duke Ed also wrote the will for the king.

  Although Duke Ed went to Eagle's Nest this time, the king might be worried that the other party would not come back, so he asked his brother to make a will.

  But Samwell still felt that it was more likely that Renly Baratheon was playing tricks.

  The king's younger brother may be eager to participate in this game of thrones.

   In this way, it gave Samwell the opportunity to take advantage of it...

  While constantly stuffing the golden dragon into his mouth, Samwell's brain was also running crazily, and soon, a plan quietly took shape.

  Samwell stood up from the pile of gold coins.

  He ate for so long just now, and it is estimated that he has eaten nearly 30,000 golden dragons, and the originally magnificent "hill" has shrunk by half.

  I don’t feel much in my stomach, maybe it’s been “digested” directly, even my throat is uncomfortable, and my mouth is full of bitterness.

   Fortunately, the strength attribute has been raised to 6.74.

  However, due to devouring a large number of golden dragons, its effectiveness is also rapidly decaying. Now he has to eat more than two hundred golden dragons to increase his strength by 0.01. This effect really makes Samwell's heart ache.

  Based on this speed, and taking into account the attenuation, even if he eats all the remaining nearly 10,000 golden dragons, it may not be able to increase the strength attribute to 7.

  So he doesn't plan to eat the remaining golden dragon for the time being, let's keep it as money first. Let's talk later when we have more money.

  Although the heart hurts, the effect is also extremely obvious. Now Samwell only feels that his body is full of explosive power, and he can't wait to vent it.

  Even if the "Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane is in front of him, he dares to fight head-to-head with the opponent.

   He even wanted to pinch "Littlefinger"'s neck directly.

   But he still took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

  In a place like King's Landing, using brute force to solve problems is the most stupid way.

  He was going to use Duke Renly's ambition to give the "Red Viper" an ultimatum.

   Otherwise, if "Littlefinger" is given more time, the situation in King's Landing may collapse beyond control.

  (end of this chapter)

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