Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 136: The Mountain and the Hound

  Chapter 136 The Magic Mountain and the Hound

  The martial arts tournament went on until the evening. At this time, there were not many knights left on the field, but all of them had extraordinary skills.

   Now playing is "Knight of Hundred Flowers" Loras Tyrell.

The third son of the Duke of Highgarden is dressed in a very flamboyant suit. The enamel of the silver armor is decorated with pairs of green vines and blue forget-me-nots. The white horse he rides under him is covered with a red blanket. Freshly picked roses.

  When the auditorium passed by, Loras took a red rose from the blanket and threw it at the ladies and wives in the crowd, causing bursts of exclamation.

  Finally, he stopped before the seats of the nobles of the North, and gave the last white rose to the Hand of the King, the eldest daughter of the Duke of Winterfell, Sansa Stark.

   "Beautiful Miss Sansa." Loras said, "No great victory is half as glorious as yours."

  Sansa blushed suddenly, not knowing how to respond.

   It wasn't until she remembered that she still had a fiancé that she quickly came to her senses, only to see that the "Knight of Flowers" had ridden away.

  Then Sansa noticed that Loras' opponent this round turned out to be that terrifying giant—"Magic Mountain" Gregor Clegane.

  This man was more than eight feet tall, with arms as thick as tree trunks, and the steed he rode seemed like a toy horse in comparison.

   And this person had just created a **** incident before.

  Of course, this is commonplace for "Magic Mountain".

  During the War of the Reavers, it was this person who raped and killed Prince Rhaegar Targaryen's wife, Princess Elia Martell from Dorne, and brutally killed her two children.

  This enmity has been remembered by the Martel family to this day.

  So as soon as the "Magic Mountain" appeared on the stage, there were bursts of shouting and cursing from the seats of the Dorne nobles.

  Princess Arianne looked at the huge knight in the arena with fiery eyes, and couldn't help saying to Prince Oberyn beside her:

   "Uncle, why don't you participate in the competition?"

  Prince Oberyn stared at the "Magic Mountain" like a poisonous snake, and said:

   "I'm not interested in participating in this kind of game with wooden spears. If you really want a one-on-one duel, I can kill all the knights here!"

   "What about tomorrow's group hand-to-hand combat? It's a real sword and gun."

"I went to check, 'Magic Mountain' didn't sign up for the group competition, otherwise I would have gone." Prince Oberyn took a sip of his wine, his expression a little helpless, "And now I'm suspected of murdering Jon Arryn , it's better to be honest."

  Princess Arianne nodded in agreement, thinking that after her uncle suffered a big loss, he could finally restrain himself.

  Looking at the field, she suddenly found that something was wrong with the war horse of "Magic Mountain". It kept stomping its feet, shaking its head, screaming and neighing.

   "Uncle, is there something wrong with the war horse of 'Magic Mountain'?"

   "There is something wrong with Loras' war horse." Prince Oberyn stared at the "Knight of Flowers", with the corner of his mouth raised, "That's a mare, a mare in heat!"

  While speaking, the two knights had already started sprinting.

   "Magic Mountain" Gregor's war horse galloped in great strides, but it still couldn't run in a straight line. Just when the knight pulled the reins and tried to adjust, Loras on the opposite side had already killed like a silver lightning.


  The tip of the spear was just right, and Gregor the "Magic Mountain" was knocked down. Because of his huge size, he actually brought down the horse as well.

   The cheers sounded immediately.

  Samwell looked at this scene with a knowing smile.

  He knew that Loras had played a trick and found a mare in heat.

   "Magic Mountain" Gregor has always liked to ride big, bad-tempered, wild and undisciplined war horses. Under normal circumstances, with his strength, it is naturally not a problem to subdue these war horses.

   But now when encountering a mare in heat, the rebellious wild horse under the buttocks will become a huge flaw.

   Just as Loras lifted his mask and accepted the cheers from the audience, "Magic Mountain" Gregor roared angrily:

   "Bring me my sword!"

  After the attendant handed Gregor the "Magic Mountain" a huge sword that looked like a door panel, the crazy knight of the western region chopped off the entire head of his horse with one sword!

  Blood spurted out, drenching the whole body of "Magic Mountain", making him look like a devil crawling out of hell.

   This **** scene instantly turned the cheers on the field into screams.

   Gregor the "Magic Mountain" charged at Loras with a long sword dripping with blood.

  Margaret realized that something was wrong, and quickly stood up to remind her brother, but her voice was already drowned out by the raging screams.

  Loras finally came to his senses, and hurriedly shouted to his attendant for a sword.

   But the "Magic Mountain" had rushed to him.


  Loras only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then he fell off the horse.

  He struggled to get up, but found that he couldn't use any strength at all, so he could only watch in horror as the giant sword flashing with cold light swung towards his neck!


  The giant sword was blocked.

   Loras let go suddenly, only to realize that it was Samwell who arrived.

   "The tournament is over!" Samwell yelled after blocking Gregor the "Magic Mountain" with his oaken shield.

   During the fight just now, he found that the terrifying knight of the western region in front of him was actually stronger than himself!

  His hand holding the shield was numb from the shock.

   "Magic Mountain" Gregor let out a roar, and swung his sword again.

   At this time, "The Hound" Sandor Clegane also swung his sword and took the blow from his brother.

   Then, the Clegane brothers fought back and forth.

  Although these two are brothers, they are no different from enemies. When "Hound Dog" touched his brother's toys when he was a child, half of his face was burnt by being held in a brazier by him.

   While the two brothers were fighting, Samwell helped Loras up and took him to a safe place.

   "Thank you, Sam! You saved my life!"

   "This is what I should do." Samwell laughed.

  In fact, without him, "The Hound" would stop "Magic Mountain", but since it can brush up the favor of the Tyrell family, why not Samwell.

  At this moment, Sandor the Hound had already been beaten back again and again by his brother, and seemed about to be unable to hold on.

   Fortunately, the king's resonant voice finally sounded: "In the name of your king, stop me immediately!"

   "The Hound" Sandor immediately knelt down on one knee when he heard the words, while "Magic Mountain" Gregor's slash missed, and then he regained his rationality.

  He dropped his sword, snorted angrily, and turned away without saying a word.

   This **** farce finally came to an end.

  At this time, the joust has reached the final stage, and there are only four knights left on the field—

   "Knight of Flowers" Loras Tyrell, "The Hound" Sandor Clegane, "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister, and Samwell Caesar.

  Samwell remounted his horse, brought his spear, and came to the field to stand still.

  Through the eyeholes of his helmet, he looked at his opponent.

The knight on the opposite side is indeed very heroic, handsome and unrestrained, and his background is even more top-notch. The younger brother of Queen Cersei, the eldest son of Duke Tywin in the West, and the white knight of the Kingsguard, it is a pity that there is a "King Slayer" Disgraceful title.

   No matter how many reasons he had for killing the "mad king" Aerys Targaryen, he had violated his oath after all. This stain would accompany the eldest son of Casterly Rock City for his entire life.

  As the horn sounded, Samwell put aside distracting thoughts and began to charge faster.


  The two armored knights collided with each other, and then separated.

   Didn't even fall off the horse.

  Samwell threw away the broken lance, lifted his mask, and looked back.

  A formidable opponent.

  The two put on new lances and charged again.

  But after three rounds of this competition, there was still no winner.

  Samwell received the brand-new lance handed over by his attendant Kathu, rode his horse back to the venue, and was preparing for the fourth round of competition.

   But who knows, a loud voice suddenly came from the grandstand:

   "No need to compare, the winner is Samwell Caesar!"

  Samwell turned around in astonishment, only to find that it was King Robert who made the verdict.

   "Why!" Queen Cersei's sharp voice rang out, defending her younger brother, "Jaime didn't fall off his horse!"

  Robert held the horned wine glass and shouted: "Woman, I know martial arts better than you! Just a few rounds, Samwell hit more accurately, and sat more firmly on the horse!"

   "You are partial!" The queen was still insistent, "You just don't want to see James win!"

   "Shut up, woman! I'm the king, and whoever wins wins! You want to help your brother to judge, so you have to grow a **** first! Hahaha!"

  The queen turned pale with anger and trembled all over.

  James was free and easy, he threw the lance directly, took off his helmet, and said lightly:

   "Yes, Your Majesty, follow your decision."

  Samwell didn't expect that he could benefit from the conflict between the king and queen, so he saluted and thanked the main stand happily.

  As for whether he stabbed more accurately and sat more stably just now... Who knows, since the king said yes, then it is.

  Samwell had just taken off his helmet and took a breath when he saw James the Kingslayer come to him on horseback.

  This handsome man with blond hair had a cynical smile on his face, and said:

   "Boy, you have good strength. However, if you fight with real swords and guns, within three swords, I can finish you."

   After finishing speaking, he rode his horse and left without waiting for Samwell to respond.

   "What a stinky man." Samwell pouted.

   Really want a life-and-death duel, Samwell believes that he holds [Dawn] and can finish this "King Slayer" with a single sword.

  However, without the help of Excalibur, I'm afraid he really is no match for James.

  He also tried it out just now. This person's strength is only a little smaller than his own, but his riding skills are better than his own, and he also has the attribute of agility, which is a hindrance. If the duel is fair, there is a high probability of losing.

   But it doesn't matter, Samwell believes that he still has a lot of room for improvement.

   Sooner or later, he will pee with one hand and hit the "Kingslayer" with only the other hand.

   Next, "Knight of Flowers" Loras Tyrell will face "Hound" Sandor Clegane.

  However, when Loras came out, he only wore a linen shirt and said to Sandor:

   "Dear Sir Sandor, you just shot to save my life, so the victory is yours."

   "I'm not a jazz." Sandor muttered.

   Indeed, the second son of the Clegane family has always refused to accept the canonization of knights, although he already has enough qualifications.

  However, he still accepted Loras' kindness.

   In this way, there are only two players left on the field—

   "The Hound" Sandor Clegane, and Samwell Caesar.

  The two of them will compete for the final championship.

  (end of this chapter)

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