Game of Thrones: Holy Flame King

Chapter 129: kill wolf

  Chapter 129 Killing the Wolf

  When Ed Stark, the Duke of the North, walked into the hall, he saw that it was already full of people.

  King Robert, with a solemn face, sat high at the end of the long hall, and Queen Cersei stood beside him.

She was wearing a crimson long-sleeved dress, her golden hair was covered by a long blue stone hair net, and she wore a proud and indifferent mask on her face, her green eyes were fixed on Stark who was coming in from the door father and daughter.

  Prince Joffrey stood beside the queen, one arm was covered with white bandages, and the expression on his face was equally fierce and resentful.

Duke Eddard looked around, looking for friendly faces, but unfortunately, except for a few of his own retainers, there were very few of them. Lord Raymond Darry was expressionless, Duke Renly smiled half-smile, and Ser Barristan looked stern... As for The members of the Lannister family are naturally full of hostility.

   At this time, Duke Ed regretted that he had not followed the advice of the Baron Caesar.

   It should be settled with Robert in private, it's not a big deal.

  But Duke Ed still had some luck in his heart, after all, he and the king were as close as brothers.

  He trusted Robert not to be too **** his daughter.

  So, he said:

   "Your Majesty, are you trying to judge my daughter?"

  Queen Cersei spoke first: "Ed Stark, how dare you speak to the king in such a tone!"


  Samwell did not follow Duke Ed into the hall. He had already guessed the following plot, but he didn't want to watch how honest people were bullied again.

  Walking casually in the inner court, Samwell saw the figure of Sansa Stark.

  The eldest daughter of the Duke of the North was wearing a velvet dress, her long maroon hair was hanging over her shoulders, and she was wearing a flower wreath on her right wrist. She was squatting on the ground and feeding a little wolf.

  Different from Arya, who is eccentric and mischievous, Sansa is a standard lady, and because she inherited the exquisite cheekbones and clear blue eyes of the Tully family, Sansa is also more beautiful.

  At only thirteen years old, she has a slender and soft figure, already very feminine.

  Samwell walked over: "Your sister is on trial, don't you go in and take a look?"

  Sansa was in a trance, and didn't notice that someone was approaching, and was startled when she heard the sound.

  She got up quickly, and when she saw the person coming, she remembered that this was one of the nobles of the Riverbend who came to greet Duke Renly, by the way, it was Caesar. She was impressed by the baron who dared to tease the king in his face.

  The girl brushed her loose hair around her ears, then pulled up her skirt, performed a standard etiquette, and said:

   "Lord Caesar, I..."

  She suddenly didn't know how to answer this question.

  Actually, she was also worried about Arya, but she didn't dare to go in and face her sister.

  Before accusing her sister of speaking ill of the queen, Sansa felt very sorry for her sister.

  At that time, she actually thought about whether to help her sister hide it—the younger sister has always liked to cause trouble since she was a child, and this is not the first time she has helped her sister hide it.

  But facing the eyes of her fiancé, Prince Joffrey, Sansa dared not lie.

   It's all Arya's fault!

  She's always messing things up!

   Sansa felt aggrieved and annoyed. At this moment, guilt welled up in her heart, and she almost shed tears.

  Samwell realized the girl's embarrassment, so he pointed to the little wolf and asked:

   "Is it called a lady?"

   "Yes." Sansa breathed a sigh of relief.

  Samwell also squatted down: "Can I touch it?"

   "Yes, the lady is very good, she never bites."

  Samwell originally wanted to say that he was not Joffrey's idiot who would be bitten by such a small wolf, but considering that the other party was Joffrey's fiancee after all, he didn't say it.

  He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the top of the little wolf's head.

  The soft wolf fur glides over the palm like satin.

  The lady is really good, she lets Samwell **** casually, and sticks out her tongue to lick his palm from time to time.

   "Master Caesar..." Sansa couldn't hold back after all, and asked, "Do you think my sister will be fine?"

   "What's the matter? It's just two children fighting, not to mention, the king and your father have such a good relationship." Samwell comforted.

   But there is one more sentence he didn't say.

   Arya is all right, but your lady wolf is not.

  Sansa was finally relieved when she heard the words, her complexion improved a lot, and she began to tell Samwell all kinds of interesting things about her little wolf.

   And at this moment, a group of people suddenly poured out of the hall.

  The leader is Duke Ed.

  I saw him walking towards Sansa with a gloomy face.

   "Father..." It was the first time Sansa saw her father look so ugly, and her heart was in her throat for a moment.

   Then, she saw her crying sister Arya:

   "Don't! Don't! Don't kill the lady! It wasn't there! It wasn't there!"

  Sansa suddenly felt dizzy, as if the world was collapsing.

   "Father, are they going to kill the lady?"

   Duke Ed glanced at his eldest daughter, but didn't know how to answer.

  Sansa was even more frightened. She quickly hugged her father's arm and begged:

   "Don't, don't, father, a lady never bites! Please, father, don't..."

   Duke Ed looked back at the king who was walking out, and begged again:

   "Robert, you can't let this wolf go?"

  Queen Cersei smiled triumphantly, and shouted: "Lord Ed, Joffrey's injury must be explained. Since that wolf has escaped, let's use this one instead."

   Duke Ed ignored the queen, he stared into the king's eyes, making the last effort:


It's a pity that the king no longer has the patience to continue the argument: "Okay, Ed, this matter is over, the direwolf is wild and hard to change, and it may hurt your daughter one day. Give them a dog .”

   "Robert," Duke Eddard said loudly, "for the sake of our friendship of many years, and for the sake of my sister, don't do this."

  Hearing Duke Ed talking about his sister, Queen Cersei screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on:

   "Robert! Don't you dare kill a beast! What kind of king are you!"

   "Shut up! Shut up, everyone!" Robert yelled out of patience, "Kill that wolf, that's all!"

  Sansa burst into tears, shaking her father's arm constantly, asking him for help.

   Duke Ed suddenly felt an unprecedented exhaustion. He hugged his two daughters tightly, and then looked at the king in front of him:

   "Robert, do it yourself. The person who pronounces the death sentence must be executed with his own sword!"

  Robert stared at Ed blankly, and finally turned away without saying a word.

  Cersei smiled brightly, and couldn't wait to say: "Sandor, go and peel off its skin, I will use it to make a bed!"

   "No." Duke Ed said coldly, "If it must die, I will do it myself."

  Cersei narrowed her eyes: "Ed Stark, what trick are you trying to play?"

  Duke Ed's tone was cold and sad: "The direwolves are the coat of arms of the Stark family, and I will never allow them to die at the hands of the butcher."

   His eyes were burning with rage, and he strode towards the direwolf amidst the mournful cries of his daughters.

   "Everyone, please let me have some space." Duke Ed turned around and said.

   "Lord Ed, don't play tricks." Cersei warned.

   "I will not tarnish my reputation with lies." Duke Ed said coldly.

   Cersei snorted softly before leaving triumphantly.

  Others also left one after another, including the duke's two crying daughters, who were also taken away by the guards.

   "Lady." Duke Eddie squatted in front of the little wolf, trying to call its name.

  It responded by sticking out its tongue and licking his palm.

   Duke Ed discovered that the name Sansa gave it was really appropriate.

   It was the most well-behaved and most beautiful wolf in the pack, until he cut its throat with [ice], it didn't struggle, but let out a long whine.

   "Jory, you find someone to send its bones back to the north and bury it in Winterfell. The women of the Lannister family will never get this wolf skin!"

   "Yes, my lord."

  Duke Ed dragged his exhausted body towards the castle. In the darkness, figures came and went, as if all kinds of strange eyes were cast on him.

   In the first confrontation between the Hand of the King and the Queen, he lost miserably.

  At this time, Duke Ed couldn't help but think of the reminder from the Baron of Yingzuiyu again.

  At this moment, he wished that time could go back...

   "Sam, what are you looking at?"

  Samwell heard Natalie's voice before turning his gaze away from Duke Ed: "I was watching that wolf be executed."

   "Oh." Natalie shrank her neck, as if feeling a little cold, "It's so pitiful."

   After a while, she whispered in Samwell's ear again: "The queen is too much."

  Samwell glanced sideways at the little girl: "It wasn't just the queen who killed it."

   "Then who else?"

   And Eddard Stark's honesty and stupidity.

   Samwell said something silently in his heart.

He had thought of a backup plan before, which was to reveal to Ed Stark that "Littlefinger" Petyr Baelish and his secret lover, Lady Lysa, murdered Duke Jon Arryn .

   But now, he has decided to completely abandon this plan.

  According to Duke Ed’s temperament, if Samwell really did this, he would definitely get a question from the Duke of the North—

   What about the evidence?

  Samwell really has no tangible evidence.

   Then, next, this upright and staid Duke of the North will definitely wonder if he is deliberately slandering Jon Arryn's widow.

   You must know that Lysa Tully is not only the widow of the adoptive father of the Duke of the North, but also the sister of his wife.

  With these two relationships, would Ed Stark be more willing to believe in a strange Baron of Eagle Mouth Island?

  Even "Littlefinger" Petyr was the childhood playmate of Duke Eddard's wife, and the vassal most valued by his adoptive father.

   This is no better than Samwell, an outsider.

  Sparse but not intimate.

   Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Samwell really tried his best to make Ed Stark believe in him, he might not be able to rely on the Duke of the North to make a comeback.

   You know, in the original book, Duke Eddard actually ran to confront Cersei after learning the ironclad evidence of Queen Cersei’s derailment, and persuaded her to run away quickly with her children on the grounds that she didn’t want to kill women and children…

  This kind of intelligent extinguishing operation deserves to be played to death.

   It’s not that you shouldn’t stick to your glory, but that when facing conspirators, you must be more vicious than them in order to win and protect your own glory.

  So, Samwell understands that Ed Stark can continue to make friends, but he must never hand over the real chips to him.

Fortunately, Samwell has also made other preparations. He has been in King's Landing for so many days. In addition to designing Hopper Redwin and Geraldine, he is also preparing a big gift for "Littlefinger". .

  As for Ed Stark, Samwell can help him within the scope of his ability, but he will never regard him as a reliance.

   This wolf from the North is not a natural fit for Game of Thrones.

   I don’t know if I can escape the fate of being decapitated in the original book…

  Outside the city gate, a northern cavalryman was heading north with the body of the direwolf.

  Samwell silently watched his figure disappear into the darkness, and an ancient prophecy from the northern border emerged in his mind—

  The wolves that went south, when they returned north, had nothing but dry bones left.

   The original plot has inertia, and the protagonist has just intervened. It is impossible to change beyond recognition all at once. Next, we will return to King’s Landing. Because of new conflicts, the plot will change more and more. Please be patient.



  (end of this chapter)

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