Full-time Artist

Chapter 151: Hell Difficulty

Chapter 151: Hell Difficulty

Gu Dong went straight to Lin Yuan's office as soon as he returned to the company, his expression could not be said to be happy or worried: "Representative Lin, today there is a new order. They are willing to let you choose a singer and participate in the recording."


Lin Yuan's reaction was as flat as ever, because he had more concerns: "How much?"

Gu Dong's expression stagnated.

She took out the documents that the other party gave to herself, and said: "The price hasn't been officially discussed yet, or representative Lin will first check the requirements of this song to determine whether it is suitable or not, because the situation of this list is a bit special, I actually It is not recommended that Representative Lin pick up..."

At this time the phone rang.

Gu Dong put the list on the table and said a little embarrassed: "Answer the call."

Lin Yuan nodded.

This call came from Fan Longhe.

Because Xianyu's ability to write songs is already linked to Fan Longhe's future to some extent.

Therefore, Fan Longhe paid more attention to it than ever before, and asked urgently in the first sentence:

"Master Xianyu is willing to take orders?"

"I just returned to the company..."

"Then you quickly ask now!"

Gu Dong embarrassed: "I'm going to ask, and it may be presumptuous. How much is your company willing to pay for this order?"

"Two hundred...no, three million!"

Fan Longhe gritted his teeth: "This is the highest price I can make the shots. If your company is not satisfied, I have to talk to the leaders above, but the hope is not great. After all, 3 million is already very high in the market. The price is higher, and we only need the copyright of the theme song!"

Fan Longhe really worked hard, and even omitted the process of bargaining, because this matter is really important!

When Gu Dong heard the price, his heart was beating!

It is the first time she has met such a rich party since she worked!


It should be said that this is the largest order that may be taken since the establishment of the branch!

She confirmed it and said: "Three million?"

Lin Yuan raised his head and glanced at Gu Dong, and said quickly: "I'll take it."

Gu Dong's eyes widened, and his voice was trembling. He said in a low voice, "Representative Ke Lin hasn't read other people's requirements for the song, and the time for writing this song is very tight. You must Lets see if it fits..."


Lin Yuan said.

Seeing Gu Dong still staring at him, Lin Yuan picked up the file and took a look. Three seconds later, he said again:


You only watched for three seconds!

Gu Dong couldn't help holding his forehead.

But Lin Yuan had said so, she could only release the mobile phone she was holding her fate, and responded calmly to Fan Longhe: "Master Xianyu answered."

"it is good!"

Fan Longhe was a little excited.

Although I don't know if Xianyu can write better songs, being willing to take orders is a good start. At least he has the qualifications to continue playing with Luo Qi!

What he feared the most was that Lin Yuan didn't even plan to pick it up when the time was so short.

Then without Luo Qi's hands, he would just lie flat and ridicule.


He suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said: "I can send a few lyricists over to meet up, because we want Qiyu songs, Teacher Xianyu may not be familiar with..."

"it is good."

Gu Dong nodded and agreed: "Then we sign the contract tomorrow?"

"Sign it tonight."

Fan Longhe was more anxious than Gu Dong imagined.

"That's fine too."

Gu Dong didn't feel excited at all. After she hung up the phone, she looked at Lin Yuan and said, "Representative, are you really sure? This kind of big contract requires liquidated damages. If you can't write a suitable song ..."


Lin Yuan gave a positive answer.

He knows that it is not easy for the company to take orders, so he also pays more attention to this order. Anyway, this month's salary has been paid, and his small treasury now has tens of millions of funds, which can be said to be very sufficient and sufficient to deal with any situation.


That night, Fan Longhe rushed to the company to sign the order with a bunch of people.

This is a big order of 3 million, so the penalty fee alone is set at 300,000!

If this order cannot be completed, then Astral Music will have to lose 300,000 yuan!

It's a gamble!

Gu Qiangyun's signing hands trembled a little unsuspectingly.

If this list becomes yellow, a company that is not already wealthy will be even worse!

Sign the contract.

Fan Longhe looked around and said, "Can I meet Teacher Xianyu?"

Gu Dong said: "He is home."

This time it wasn't early to leave. Lin Yuan came home after get off work hours, and Gu Dong personally sent him back.

Fan Longhe nodded and said seriously: "Okay, this order, please."

"Don't worry, Teacher Xianyu is very strong."

Gu Qiangyun was tying up tickets.

It's not that Gu Qiangyun has enough confidence in Xian Yu.

Mainly because he said this to every Party A before.

Although his worries are about to overflow, he cannot let Party A see his guilty conscience!

After Fan Longhe left, Gu Qiangyun sat down on a chair: "This order is so good, the time is too hasty. Gudong, you are bringing back a hot potato. If you don't pick it up, I'm afraid I won't have this chance in the future. I am afraid of being scalded to death..."

"Bite your head."

Gu Dong sighed softly and said, the matter has reached this point, can it go back?

Shortly after.

The news that Lin Yuan signed a new order has spread throughout the company quickly, and the discussion within the group is quite lively:

"Three million orders!?"

"Thunder Entertainment is worthy of being a big company. Just this order can directly match our previous orders!"

"Representative Lin is too fierce!"

"Aren't you happy too early? In just one month, Representative Lin has to write a song worth three million yuan, and you have to meet their requirements. How much hope do you think?"

"Hey, let's just be happy, don't puncture your dreams."

"It's not that I want to pierce my dreams, it's mainly a compensation of 300,000 yuan. If this order is not completed, how can the company go on in the future, I think I hope that it will not even reach three times..."

"Don't say it, the more I talk about it, the more afraid I will be. Will the company go bankrupt or will I lose my job?"

"If this order is completed, then the company will simply make blood. Even if we waste a few months, it won't be a big problem! It is said that Qu Dao has not billed for three years, and it has been billed for three years. Meaning!"

"Alright, keep on dreaming, don't think badly."

"I feel that Representative Lin is also in a hurry, so he signed this order directly. After all, there are too few people who can agree to his request. Although I also think this list is very risky, I think about it. If Thunder Entertainment put three A million shots on my face to let me write songs, I am sure... I dare not take it!"


"Its not a question of whether you dare to take it, its mainly because you dont have the confidence and the strength to write a song worth three million a month. Even if its a gold medal, its a bit reluctant, let alone custom. Various requirements are deadlocked."


The moods of the company up and down are all contradictory and complicated.

On the one hand, it is the excitement about signing the 3 million order, on the other hand, it is the worry that the order cannot be completed.

There is little hope for the former.

The latter ~ is highly likely.

Did not question Lin Yuan's meaning.

Although Representative Lin used a nearly terrifying speed to complete "Jiang Hu Liao" before, no matter what the reason, such a situation must be an example!

Song writing is delicate work.

Three million orders will definitely have very high quality requirements for songs. It is hell-level difficulty to complete this level of songs within one month!

ps: Sorry, I cant write it today. I have to go back and refine it later. Typos and some details are slightly rough. After all, the amount of update is relatively large. I hope to understand. I will finish writing this paragraph tomorrow. Everyone may wish to guess which song it will be. If there is a better song than the one imagined, it will be adopted, provided that the popularity is high and not unpopular~

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