Full-time Artist

Chapter 139: Representative Lin

Chapter 139: Representative Lin

At the end of August, the airport.

Lin Xuan, Xia Fan and Sun Yaohuo sent Lin Yuan away together. This time, Sun Yaohuo didn't wear a mask and sunglasses. He had changed from the mentality of not wanting to be recognized to the mentality of eager to be recognized by passers-by.

"A star?"

"It seems so!"

"What is it called?"

There was a murmur in the distance.

Sun Yaohuo straightened his chest, smiled and turned his head to look at the crowd, but the next moment his smile solidified, because he saw several people rushing towards Xia Fan, some took photos with their mobile phones, and some took out their books. signature

"Xia Fan!"

"Xia Fan!"

The excitement is theirs.

Soon after Lin Yuan boarded the plane and left, Sun Yaohuo was already at this huge airport, feeling waves of loneliness in advance, but he was a little numb and was squeezed out by the crowd.


Lin Yuan is not very comfortable with the feeling of flying by plane. It's not a fear of heights. It's just that as the plane gets higher and higher, the eardrum is a little uncomfortable. He can only sleep as much as possible. After all, the journey lasts seven hours.

The ticket is set by my sister.

She bought business class directly.

When Lin Yuan discovered it was too late, he could only feel distressed silently. After all, the price difference between business class and economy class was not small, and the difference between them did not know how many egg yolks Lin Yuan could eat.

The villa will be handed over at this time.

Lin Yuan also paid out the renovation cost.

Just let my sister be responsible for the specific operations.

After experiencing this part of the consumption, Lin Yuan has no money left in his pocket. Fortunately, September is approaching. In a few days, new manuscript fees and song sharing will be credited, so Lin Yuan does not worry

Seven hours later.

Lin Yuan arrived at Qizhou.

The sky on Qizhou's side was still bright. Lin Yuan slept for half of the trip, so that his head became dizzy when he got off the plane. He went to the check-in area to pick up his luggage and washed his face in the bathroom. Slightly awake.

Qizhou, Yicheng.

This is the city Lin Yuan arrived. As one of the most developed cities in Qizhou, there is a four-hour time difference between this place and Sucheng in Qinzhou. It shouldn't be difficult for Lin Yuan to adjust.

He took out his cell phone and made a call.

This is the number that Lao Zhou left for Lin Yuan. He said that he could contact him after he arrived in Qizhou. Then someone would pick him up to the branch office. The person at the branch office would arrange it in advance, including the residence.

The call is connected.

The phone is a girl's voice: "May I ask you to be Teacher Xianyu, I am waiting for you at the departure gate on the first floor. The car is now parked in the parking lot below. You can see me when you come out. I am wearing red. coat"

"I saw you."

Lin Yuan looked at the girl in the distance.

When the other party saw Lin Yuan's face, she was visibly stunned. Then she put down her phone and walked over, saying in a somewhat uncertain tone: "I'm Gu Dong, an employee of Xingmang Branch. Are you Teacher Xianyu?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

Gu Dong was a little surprised. The representative sent from the headquarters was so young. This was really out of Gu Dong's expectation. However, Gu Dong had investigated some information about Xianyu before and knew that the other party was a very powerful person in Qinzhou. The composer, so I dare not neglect Lin Yuan because Lin Yuan is young: "Then let's go to the company first?"

"it is good."

There are so few words about Xianyu.

The personality is relatively cold.

Gu Dong made a preliminary judgment in his heart, and took the initiative to mention Lin Yuan's suitcase: "You should be tired after taking a flight all the way. Leave your luggage to me. The parking station is below. You can just follow me."

Lin Yuan did not refuse.

As the car drove out of the airport, Gu Dong introduced the situation to Lin Yuan: "From now on, I will be your secretary in the branch. If you need anything, you can tell me. In addition, I have a personal question. May I ask your real name? ?"

"My name is Lin Yuan."

Gu Dong nodded, and Xianyu really has a name similar to the stage name: "Then I will call you Representative Lin from now on, or if you like others to be called Teacher Xianyu, I will talk to the company."


Lin Yuanyan is concise and concise.

Gu Donggan laughed twice, did not speak any more, and drove intently. Lin Yuan took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his sister. Apart from the time difference, there was not much hindrance in the contact between the two sides.

Send the message.

Lin Yuan downloaded several popular music listening software in Qizhou. Two of the players are also popular in Qinzhou. It can be seen that there are still a lot of similarities on both sides. This makes Lin Yuan feel a little bit less of leaving his hometown. .

Put on headphones.

Lin Yuan heard the song.

He listens to Qizhous relatively popular music. There are indeed some differences in style from Qinzhou. The overall quality is indeed inferior to Qinzhou. In this regard, Qinzhou does not live up to its reputation as a hometown of music, and it is indeed more popular here. In the popular songs of Qizhou played randomly by Lin Yuan, more than 70% of the works are sung in Qi, and the remaining 30% are sung in Mandarin.

I don't know how long I listened to.

The two arrived at the branch office.

Lin Yuan and Gu Dong got off the car together and came to the door of a company. The four characters "Astral Music" were hung on the walls of this company. However, in terms of scale, it could not be compared with the headquarters. Maintenance and some fading and rust.

"The company has three floors."

Gu Dong introduced: "The recording studio and other equipment are on the first floor, the second floor is mostly working areas, and the third floor is mostly offices. You are the representative sent by the head office and are on the same level as the general manager, so we have The representative office is set up for you."

Lin Yuan nodded.

The location of this company is a bit biased, and the advantage is that the surrounding environment is pretty good, and it looks relatively empty. The size of the three-story company is definitely not comparable to that of the headquarters. However, I heard that the branch company is not developing well, so Lin Yuan also Understandable.

The company does not have an elevator.

The two can only climb stairs.

Lin Yuan didn't feel disgusted, but followed Gu Dong to visit the company with great interest. When passing by the working area on the second floor halfway, many employees looked at Lin Yuan behind Gu Dong curiously.

"Gu Dong came back with someone?"

"That person is a representative from the headquarters?"

"How do you feel so young?"

"It's probably because I'm young and bully, so I was sent to us. We didn't pay much attention to the head office of the broken company. The manager had been begging for a few months before the head office was willing to send someone over. Now the manager obviously treats others as a life-saving straw, but forgets how a straw can save people who fall into the water..."

"I suspect this man is still a student."

"I am now beginning to worry that the company will really close down this year. The headquarters sent a young man over. It is obviously perfunctory to find a job here. It is not easy to find a job these years. Have you all been looking for a next home?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm a company loyal minister!"

"I said that you are fat and you are still breathing. Before you came to our company, you had a glorious record of changing jobs five times. If it weren't for our company's lack of people, the personnel side would not admit you at all."


Naturally, Lin Yuan didnt know the discussions in the company. He had already entered his office under the leadership of Gu Dong. The office space was not large, but the vision was good. Looking outside from the window, it happened to be a large lawn. , Which made Lin Yuan think of his position in the headquarters.

There is a sign at the table.

Headquarters representative: Xianyu

There is a black desk with fresh green plants in the corner of the room. Obviously someone has taken care of it beforehand: "I can have a meeting later and introduce you to the company employees. Jing Ideal will hold a welcome ceremony for you tonight. He attaches great importance to your arrival!"

Gu Dong smiled.

And behind Gu Dongs smile, there is actually a bitterness: "My dad dreams of looking forward to sending people from the headquarters. He probably puts all the companys future hopes on this representative, but what is the situation of the branch company? One person can easily solve it."

"no need."

Lin Yuan directly refused.

He doesn't like welcoming ceremonies and so on. At this moment, he is more concerned about the question: "How do I arrange my residence? Is it close to Qizhou Art Institute, and it will be inconvenient to go to school in the future?"

Gu Dong: "..."

Her mood became more bitter.

This representative was still a student. He had already made it clear on the phone when he sent someone from the headquarters. Zhou Ruiming even called the manager himself and repeatedly emphasized: "Xianyus main mission in Qizhou is to study. Qin Yi's status as an exchange student passed."

The implication is clear.

Don't give Xianyu too much work.

Cheered up, Gu Dong smiled reluctantly: "Your residence is a little far away from the company, but very close to your school. This is something specially ordered by the headquarters. We have already rented the house for you. The cost is borne by our branch."

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan was relieved.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door. The specific content was not clear. Lin Yuan's office could only hear a general idea: "If your company can't do it, you can find the headquarters. When you signed the contract with you, it was in Starlight. The headquarters name was signed, and you promised us..."

The sound gradually approached.

Lin Yuan heard an apology from a middle-aged man: "We will prepare a few more songs to send to you, which will definitely satisfy you. We didnt cooperate well before, and we attach great importance to your companys orders. ..."

The voice hasn't fallen yet.

A few men in suits passed by Lin Yuan's office, and they stopped when they saw the sign at the door of the office: "When will your Qinzhou headquarters send a representative over, don't tell us a word."

The door is not closed.

The leader saw Lin Yuan standing in front of his desk at a glance, and then looked at the sign on Lin Yuan's desk, and immediately raised his voice: "Are you the representative sent by the Astral Headquarters? Please help us to contact the headquarters, we Your branch cant make the order for the company. Let your headquarters do it. We signed the contract in black and white!"

"We represent just arrived..."

The voice of apology just sounded, and then a middle-aged fat man appeared at the door, his expression was a little embarrassed, he bowed to Lin Yuan and sent the group of people out of the company, and his voice gradually faded away.

Lin Yuan asked: "He is?"

Gu Dong helplessly said: "He is the general manager of the branch, Gu Qiangyun, and also my father. The group of people just now are the biggest customers of our branch. They have cooperated several times before, but this time we cooperated. Party A has been dissatisfied with the work, so they will come to urge them. This is not the first time this has happened."


Lin Yuan sat down.

Seeing that Lin Yuan hadn't reacted much, Gu Dong couldn't help feeling disappointed. After another thought, she felt that she took it for granted. How could the headquarter send someone over and the branch's dilemma would be solved?


The chair underneath should be new. It feels very comfortable to sit on. In terms of working environment alone, Lin Yuan likes it. Lin Yuan adjusts to a little bit before saying: "Look back, please send me the address of my residence. ."

"Waiting to get off work."

Gu Dong said, "I will send you there."

Lin Yuan nodded, saving a taxi fare.

At this moment, the company manager Gu Qiangyun came back. He knocked on the door and showed an apologetic smile: Im embarrassed to encounter this situation when I first joined the company. I am Gu Qiangyun from the branch office. Hello there!"

He stretched out his hand.

Lin Yuan shook his hand politely, and then asked curiously: "I just arrived, so I still don't know the situation very well. Are there many branch companies like the one just now?"

Gu Dong: "..."

Gu Qiangyun: "..."

The atmosphere was embarrassing for a few seconds before Gu Qiangyun coughed: "Its not too much, not too much. Music companies here are more or less squeezed from the list. The big deal is that we compensate some liquidated damages. Up."

"How much is not much?"

"Just four or five orders."

Gu Qiangyuns sweat came down. Although the representative sent by the headquarters looked young, he seemed a bit fierce. This is because he is very dissatisfied with our work here. What should he do to file a complaint with the headquarters?

"Four or five orders..."

Lin Yuan did not frown as Gu Qiangyun imagined. He only cared about the price of these Party As orders: "Like the group of Party A just now, how much do they pay for customizing a song with the branch?"

"Eight hundred thousand."

Gu Qiangyun replied.

This time, Lin Yuan's brows really frowned. The price of this order was too small. When he received the order for "Fish and Dragon Dance" at the headquarters, the other party paid 5 million. Why is the price of Qizhou's internal order so low?

Fire pit!

This is a fire pit!

Gu Qiangyun carefully observed Lin Yuans face, and saw that he was still frowning. He felt a little heavy: "You may be used to staying at the headquarters. Xingmang is a top entertainment company in Qinzhou, but Xingmang Entertainment is in Qizhou is actually a small music company, because the order rate is not very good, we have received the highest price of one million orders, and only large entertainment companies can receive the value of millions. Big order..."

"Success rate?"

Lin Yuan's heart moved.

Gu Qiangyun was stunned. It seems that Lin Yuan still doesn't know the situation here. He brought up the spirit and introduced: "Because Qizhou has a large number of film and television dramas every year, there are of course some game projects, so their The demand for music is also very large. The top productions are usually customized from Qinzhou, but some small projects can't afford the price of Qinzhou, so they will find some small music companies in Qinzhou."

Lin Yuan thoughtfully.

Gu Dong, who is next to him, added: However, our small music companies have limited capabilities, so if Party A has been dissatisfied with the songs we have put out, our list will be out of order, and both parties will proceed according to the contract signed at the time. Negotiations are sometimes simply invalidated, and sometimes we have to pay liquidated damages."

"and many more."

Lin Yuan found a loophole: "What if Party A defrauds the liquidated damages on the grounds that the song is not up to standard? After all, the quality of a song is a very subjective thing."

"do not worry."

Gu Qiangyun smiled and said: "This kind of thing is impossible, because most of the orders are directly invalidated. Only when we face the party A with a good reputation in Qizhou, we will add a breach of contract to the contract. Option, the amount is generally not too large, so that Party A will not risk the credibility crisis to cheat us. Moreover, Qizhou has a special auditing association. When the two sides do not agree with the result, they will enter the relevant channels for judgment. The auditing association is still very To be fair, if you are not convinced by the results of the review association, you can release the song and accept the public's judgment."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Although there are still certain subjective factors, it is enough to achieve this level. One hundred people listen to a song, and ninety people feel that the song is not good. It is a subjective view, and it is relatively objective. Besides, Most companies really pay great attention to reputation. If the company's reputation is bad, it will be difficult to gain a foothold in the circle.


Gu Dong further dispelled Lin Yuan's doubts: "Basically, there has been no dissatisfaction with the results of the Music Review Association. The members of the Music Review Association are all respected seniors in the music world. They all have professional establishments in Qizhou. This is theirs. jobs."


Lin Yuan nodded, "So if we can increase the order rate, Party A's bids will get higher and higher in the future, and there may even be a case of several million orders?"


Gu Qiangyun wanted to remind Lin Yuan that there are not many companies in Qizhou that can receive millions of orders. People are willing to spend millions to customize a song. Why not go to Qinzhou, a hometown of music? , But seeing that Lin Yuan's eyes were a little bit sharp, he closed his mouth obediently.

It is good to have dreams.

Lin Yuan's mood improved. It's not as bad as he thought. He said, "Then increase the company's order rate first. Could you please send me the squeezed order."


Gu Qiangyun and Gu Dong looked at each ~ What you said is so easy. First, increase the company's order rate. Do you know that an order will have to be spent for several months?

"Not available?"

Lin Yuan looked up at the two.

Gu Dong hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, I will take all the lists. These lists are all in charge of the composition department, but because they have not been completed, they have entered the public pool. Everyone can pick them up. You can see if you have a list that suits you."


Lin Yuan is ready. Although the price of the company's order is not high right now, according to Qi Zhou, as long as the order rate increases, Party A's bid will also increase in the future.

He is ready.

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