Full-time Artist

Chapter 136: Masks and sunglasses are standard for stars

Chapter 136: Masks and sunglasses are standard for stars

Although he had the idea of buying a villa, Lin Yuan didn't know where to start, so he habitually asked someone to consult

"Ask senior Yaohuo."

Lin Yuan would naturally think of Senior Sun Yaohuo when he encountered problems now.

He doesn't know why.

Anyway, Senior Yaohuos deepest impression on Lin Yuan is:


As before, Senior Sun Yaohuos phone number is always available as soon as he dials.

After answering the phone, Senior Sun Yaohuo was as enthusiastic as ever: "Senior brother, what can I do for help?"

"I want to buy a villa."

Lin Yuan directly explained his thoughts.

Sun Yaohuo smiled and said, "What are the requirements for the villa?"

Lin Yuan thought for a while and said, "Try to stay as close as possible to the community where I live now."

Sun Yaohuo knew where Lin Yuan lived, after all, he often sent Lin Yuan off work.

"Except for this?"

"It depends on the specific situation."

"Okay, I see, then I will pick you up at your house tomorrow?"

"No, my sister has a car."


Sun Yaohuo looked a little regretful: "Then I will send you an address tomorrow, shall we see you then?"

"it is good."

Lin Yuan hung up the phone.

Senior Sun Yaohuo is so reliable!

Lin Xuan saw Lin Yuan finish this call and confirmed one thing:

Brother is serious!

He really wants to buy a villa!

Buy a villa in Sioux City!

The news caused Lin Xuan's irritation, so that when she woke up the next day, she still felt her brain confused. Fortunately, she did not forget to ask for leave from the department head.

The chief editor's office is Lu Bei.

However, this kind of leave is usually the responsibility of Lu Bei's secretary.

Lu Bei had asked his secretary before to take good care of Lin Xuan.

So Lin Xuan easily got the approval slip.

She drove her newly bought car home to pick up Lin Yuan, and asked, "Did you ask for leave from the company?"

"not yet."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, the phone rang, and it was from Lao Zhou.

Lin Xuan asked: "Do you lead?"

Lin Yuan nodded, and then connected the phone.

Lao Zhou's tone was quite concerned: "Why didn't you come to work today?"

Wouldn't it be too good to say that you want to buy a house?

Lin Yuan thought for three seconds, then replied:

"Go out to collect the wind."

Suddenly there was silence on the phone.

At the same three-second interval, Lao Zhou spoke again, with a somewhat complicated tone: "I see."

"Thank you."

After Lin Yuan hung up the phone, he said to his sister: "Let's go."

Lin Xuan: "..."

Can I use "to accompany the writer to go out for gatherings" as a reason for asking for leave next time?

It seems that the Editor-in-Chief Office cannot use this reason.

Besides, my younger brother is not a writer at Yinlan Library.


After getting on the bus and set off.

Lin Yuan called Sun Yaohuo.

Sun Yaohuo quickly said, "Are you ready to leave? I'm on your mobile phone. I'll be waiting for you here. Please pay attention to your safety."


After Lin Yuan hung up the phone, he told his sister the address.

ten minutes later.

The two sides meet.

But what surprised Lin Yuan was that in this summer, Sun Yaohuo even brought a mask and sunglasses to cover his face strictly.

"Is the senior ill?"

Lin Yuan couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

Sun Yaohuo waved his hand and said, "You can rest assured, my younger brother, it's not that I'm sick. I'm a star after all. If I'm seen by these people, it will cause public commotion."

Lin Xuan was surprised: "Are you so famous?"

She knew that Sun Yaohuo was still because Sun Yaohuo sang his brother's song, so she didn't have much idea about Sun Yaohuo's fame.


Sun Yaohuo coughed, and stood up proudly. When the surrounding eyes looked around, he lowered his head subconsciously, showing a cautious look.

"There are so many people."

Sun Yaohuo laughed in a low voice: "Let's go in first. I asked the agent to contact the manager here in advance, and someone will receive us."

After receiving a call last night, Sun Yaohuo immediately asked his agent to help find the villa.

Although his agent is not a big man, because of the particularity of his profession, his contacts are still very wide.

When he heard that Sun Yaohuo said that Xianyu wanted to buy a villa, he didn't even sleep. He was so busy until midnight, he made dozens of phone calls and finally found a good villa.

After entering the door.

The manager really had been waiting here long ago.

Next is the regular area introduction and house inspections. They looked at a three-story villa plus a basement model house.

Lin Yuan thought it was pretty good.

But he didn't speak, just let his sister watch.

My sister said yes, that's good.

Anyway, Lin Yuan bought the villa for his family. Of course, he wanted the family to be satisfied. He himself felt that the difference was not bad.

"What do you think?"

After the manager introduced it for a long time, he smiled and looked at Lin Xuan.

Lin Yuan and Sun Yaohuo were both behind Lin Xuan, so the manager felt that Lin Xuan should be the one who could make the decision.

Lin Xuan: "..."

How can I feel?

Lin Xuan felt a group of guilty conscience.

From stepping into the model room and seeing this luxurious villa that she had only seen on TV before, she could no longer listen to any introduction from the manager about the villa, and she was full of entanglements like this:

"Is this where I should be?"

"How do I pretend to buy a villa often?"

"No way, how can I pretend to be able to afford a villa?"


The old lady can't pretend!

I don't know anything!

Why doesn't my dear brother speak anymore?

You embarrass my sister like this, don't you know?

And this manager!

The question is to everyone here, why just stare at me?

Just because I look good?

Are you discriminating against beautiful girls?

Seeing that Lin Xuan hadn't spoken for a long time, Sun Yaohuo said in his heart. Sure enough, the younger sister's sister would occasionally become a taciturn person just like the younger brother.

Fortunately, Sun Yaohuo has experience.

Although he had never bought a villa, his junior said last night that he wanted to buy a villa. Sun Yaohuo checked a bunch of information and asked the seniors in the circle who have experience in buying villas, how can he not be scammed...

Senior is very easy to talk.

Although when the first call was made, the very powerful senior in the circle just said "busy" and hung up.

But when I made a second pass, saying that I wanted to help Teacher Xianyu gather some suggestions for buying a villa, the other party had already finished the work in one second, and even made an appointment with myself in a restaurant to help myself. After talking for nearly an hour, he said a bunch of very old experiences.

Before leaving, he still held his hand and said that there was a chance to introduce someone, but Sun Yaohuo had a bad memory, and he didn't remember what the other party said specifically.

In short, Sun Yaohuo is also half a villa expert.

He took off his mask and sunglasses, and naturally communicated with the manager.

In the process of communicating between Sun Yaohuo and the manager, Lin Yuan and Lin Xuan have basically understood the situation of this villa through their conversation.

"I feel it's ok."

Finally, Lin Xuan finally spoke.

She felt that this sentence should be nothing wrong, her own poor attributes were well hidden.

Sister is optimistic?

Lin Yuan nodded and looked at the manager: "Can it be cheaper?"

The manager smiled and said, "You were introduced by my friend, and I can give you the best price..."

The two sides discussed for another half an hour, and finally signed a pre-purchase contract.

Go back to the lobby.

Lin Yuan glanced at Sun Yaohuo and suddenly said, "Don't seniors need to wear a mask?"

"Ah! What a mess!"

Sun Yaohuo was surprised when he heard the ~ He was about to put on a mask and sunglasses, but Lin Xuan, who was next to him, looked weird and said, "I think it's unnecessary, right?"

A few people looked around.

People come and go in the hall.

Everyone is busy with their own affairs. Of course, many people have seen Sun Yaohuo, but they all walked over peacefully. Even a group of people passed by and said to Sun Yaohuo: "This gentleman, can I trouble you Let me give you a second, you are blocking the entrance of the door."

Sun Yaohuo moved stupidly.

Lin Xuan sighed and patted Sun Yaohuo on the shoulder: "I will let Xia Fan take you when I look back. I believe someone will know you one day!"

Sun Yaohuo: "..."

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