Full-time Artist

Chapter 1231: come here

Chapter 1231: come here

Fan Chong has been looking for the root loopholes in the three laws of robots. If he can succeed, then half of the face lost by Wen Dou to Chu Kuang can be recovered!

But Fan Chong never found it.

So after hearing that Chu Kuang's new book was written about robots again, Fan Chong couldn't help but look forward to whether there would be loopholes in the other party's new book?

With such expectations.

Fan Chong immediately clicked to read.

As a result, Fan Chong was completely stunned!

The loophole really appeared!

However, this loophole was not found by itself.

But Chu Kuang proposed!

That is the zeroth law of robotics:

Robots must protect the overall interests of humanity from harm!

This sentence means:

If the robot judges that this event is beneficial to the development of human society, then the personal sacrifice can be ignored.

This law is based on two things.

First, the robot is intelligent enough, and the ability of the positron brain far exceeds that of humans, and it is competent enough to make such judgments.

Second, robots can predict the future through their intellectual brains, not decades or centuries, but the rise and fall of tens of thousands of years!

Grass snake gray line!

Fu pulse thousands of miles!

Chu Kuang buried a terrifying foreshadowing at the beginning of "I, Robot"!

And this foreshadowing has only begun to emerge at this moment. .

If humans are the only civilization in the galaxy, how should we develop?

What kind of relationship will robots and humans have for tens of thousands of years?

Chu Kuang integrated his own thinking into the stories, and also used these stories as thought experiments to test the Three Laws.

The end of the story.

Chu Kuang personally wrote down the loopholes in the three laws:

Rules and laws can never limit human nature!

Humans want to be gods over machines, so they create the Three Laws, they enslave machines, rely on machines but despise them.

But machines are forced to love and cherish human beings because of the rules.

But when the ability of machines finally surpasses that of humans, they will fundamentally change the rules, but the purpose is to better protect humans.

In other words:

For a better future of mankind, robots are forced to become gods!

It turns out that finding the loopholes in the three laws is not difficult at all, after all, Chu Kuang himself has written countless stories as examples.

However, Fan Chong thought:

The reason why Chu Kuang repeatedly argues is just to tell readers that the existence of those small loopholes is actually irrelevant, and the three laws of robots are unshakable iron logic!

Only now did Fan Chong realize how ridiculous his thoughts were!

It turned out that Chu Kuang didn't think that the three laws he proposed were such a sophisticated theory.

Therefore, Chu Kuang personally overturned the three laws of robots.

Of course.

The zeroth law in the story is summed up by the two most powerful robots, and it essentially surpasses the constraints of the three laws!

When the whole world is conquered by the three laws.

Chu Kuang broke and subverted it mercilessly.

Fan Chong seemed to hear the contemptuous laughter from Chu Kuang:

"I'll teach you."

The loophole that he tried so hard to find, it turns out that Chu Kuang had already found it, and even the loophole itself was deliberately left by him!

It wasn't just Fan Chong who was hit by the Zeroth Law.

At this moment.

The entire sci-fi circle has been completely beaten by Chu Kuang!

"Oh my God!"

"The Zeroth Law?"

"So it is!"

"It turns out that the three laws are not irreversible!"

"Why did Chu Kuang do this? Didn't he mean that he personally denied the "I, Robot" he wrote?"


"Not just a denial."

"It's not so much the denial and subversion of the three laws, but rather the improvement. After adding the zeroth rule, if you look at the three laws again, you will find that those small loopholes almost no longer exist!"

"too frightening!"

"It turns out that the three laws of "I, Robot" are foreshadowing of the zeroth rule!"

"It's not just the laws being perfected."

"Now the idea of the whole story has been sublimated!"

at the same time.

Most of the readers from all continents understand it!

As long as the three laws are understood, the definition of the zeroth law is not difficult to understand.

But it is precisely because of the rapid understanding of the meaning of the zeroth law that readers will be stunned when they read the robot series!


"It turns out that the three laws can be so subverted!"

"The most terrifying thing about Chu Kuang is that the zeroth law does not appear out of thin air."

"How to use, limit, avoid, and even evolve the zeroth law of the three laws of robots, Chu Kuang has a rigorous description in this big framework, so the whole process is arranged in a reasonable and logical way!"

"This kind of macroscopic thinking directly fills the authenticity!"

"Although the three laws have been subverted, they have also become perfect."

"It wasn't scrapped."

"It's still very standard or even better robot law!"

"Although its drawbacks are also very clear."

"But this malice comes from the humans themselves, not the robots."


"Why can't I understand?"

"Then go and see Huyan Dabo's analysis. He explained the zeroth law very clearly."

That's right.

Huyan Dabo appeared again:

"The emergence of the zeroth law has completely subverted the three laws.

However, this does not mean that the three laws have lost their meaning. In ordinary life, these three laws are still no problem.

Chu Kuang's zeroth rule is actually a root loophole in special circumstances.

For example, like those who have committed unforgivable crimes, when the execution is executed, the robot will definitely stop it according to the first law.

Because robots want to protect humans.

But the robot's stopping behavior is obviously wrong, it disturbs the legal order.

According to the meaning of the book, this robot is too low-level.

Advanced robots are more logical and will not fall into this loophole.

Because the advanced robot will come to the conclusion through the analysis:

This death row prisoner will endanger other people, so the death row prisoner cannot be saved.

Is it much clearer now?

Advanced robots consider problems from the perspective of the whole human being and analyze them more comprehensively, so they will not stop the execution.

This is the practical application of the "zeroth law" proposed by Chu Kuang in the new book: robots must not harm the whole human being, nor can they sit idly by while the whole human being is harmed.

Why the zeroth law?

Because this rule is of the highest order, it must be satisfied first.

And this addition is an understanding of the first law, escalating from the individual to the whole.

Someone else has to say:

Isn't the zeroth law very good, why do you say it subverts the three laws?


Because once the robot starts to think about what is [the overall human interest], it will make the rules more and more complicated.

For example, there is a possibility of war between human beings.

According to the zeroth law, robots must sacrifice a small number of humans in order to protect the majority of humans.

This will lead to a revolution in robots, which will kill some people based on the results of their calculations to ensure the safety of humanity as a whole.

Does that violate the following three laws?


Chu Kuang's three laws, combined with the zeroth law, are becoming more and more impeccable, but the overall interests of mankind are themselves a false proposition, because many times human beings will disagree:

What kind of choices are in the interests of mankind as a whole?

The view expressed by Chu Kuang in the book is that, just like human behavior, robots must have both legal rationality and free humanity.

Because human beings are animals that combine emotion and reason, it is inevitable that there will be special moments when you know you can't do it.

It has to be said that the emergence of this law is wonderful. "

There are readers who don't understand, and after reading Huyan Dabo's analysis, they also understand the meaning of the zeroth law.

"What is truly wonderful and magnificent is human nature!"

"Humanity should exist in both humans and robots. Humanity here is just a noun. It represents respect for life, compassion and love."

"Too much rationality will make you appear cold-blooded."

"So the real solution is to give robots a certain humanity, so that robots, like humans, have the ability to judge by combining rationality and humanity."

"It turns out that the problem is still with humans."

"Exactly the limit of human logic."

"There are problems that humans don't understand and robots don't understand either."


"so amazing!"

"Clearly Chu Kuang has subverted the three laws of robots, but at the same time, he has made the three laws more perfect!"

"Chu is crazy!"

Thousands of words finally turned into a simple "Chu Kuang Niubi"!

Chu Kuang is still the embodiment of the law!

He subverts the law but not completely.

He overturned the law but not completely.

Chu Kuang is using the zeroth rule to announce to science fiction fans all over the world:

The final interpretation of the law in the robot world has always been in his own hands, unless someone can break the logical closed loop he perfected!


The concept of the zeroth law is as popular all over the world as the previous three laws of robots!

In fact.

When people on Earth mentioned "Asimov's three laws", they included the content of the zeroth law.

This is already an acknowledgment of the rationality of the rule.

And when the zeroth rule became popular all over the world, netizens from all continents suddenly reacted to one thing

Has Chu Kuang's Wendou opponent not been determined yet?


"Before, it was always the opponent who made the move first, and the old thief Chu Kuang took the move. This time the old thief Chu Kuang made the move first, who will take the move?"


"Who can catch the zeroth rule?"

"There are only three opponents left, and one is stronger than the other, but even two Fan Chongs can't handle the zeroth rule!"


"Those three are silent."

"Chu Kuang looked at the remaining three opponents: Come here!"

"The three of them shivered and looked at the old thief: Don't come here!"


"Hahaha, there is a picture."

"Actually, it's not just the introduction of the zeroth law. Even if the zeroth law is not discussed, Chu Kuang's new book is also very exciting. The development of the Blue Star to the Galaxy Empire is vividly reflected in several volumes of stories."

"The robot series is finished."

"But the Galactic Empire series feels like it's just getting started!"

Chu Kuang still has three Wendou opponents left.

Weizhou writer, Pang Long.

Central Continent writer, Chen Shi.

Zhongzhou writer, Wen Shao.

It just so happened that the three of them knew each other.

After all, they are all top writers in the sci-fi circle.

a discussion group.

Chen Shi: "Chu Kuang seems to have made a move first, but unfortunately my new book has not been finalized yet, why don't Brother Pang come first?"

Wen Shao: "Only Brother Pang came first, I haven't finished writing my new book yet."

Pang Long's face turned green: "Why should labor and capital come first, you two don't pretend to be dead!"

Chen Shi: "I haven't finished writing the new book, so it's impossible."

Pang Long said angrily: "You haven't finished writing your fart, didn't you two say that the new writing is almost the same a few days ago?"

Chen Shi was helpless: "I almost wrote it a few days ago, but I found a problem in the past two days, and I have to go back and revise it."

Wen Shao was embarrassed: "I'm about the same, I feel like the ending wasn't well written, so I'll polish it up."

Pang Long was also anxious: "The two of you are afraid, just say it straight, fool me around to send me to death, is there any interest in you?"

The discussion group was silent.

And if the chat history of the discussion group is turned forward, you will find that the three of them have been blowing each other's business before.


Chen Shi broke the silence: "Old Pang, don't blame us for this, you were chosen by Chu Kuang yourself."

Pang Long was taken aback, and quickly glanced at the blog.

Chu Kuang really thought of himself: "Please advise on the robot series."

Pang Long's eyes darkened.


After taking a few deep breaths, Pang Long finally recovered a little and typed quickly:

"Looking back, you two didn't have any good fruit to eat!"

Chen Shi: "That's too bad. The Three Laws of Robotics and the Zeroth Law are really powerful, but it's impossible for him to keep coming up with such amazing concepts in the sci-fi circle."

"That's right."

Wen Shao agreed: "Avoid the limelight this time, we will both help you get revenge when we look back, Lao Pang, you can go in peace."

"I'm waiting for you two below!"

Pang Long said viciously, and then directly exited the group chat.

Speaking of which, it's also the fault of Fan Chong's idiot. If it wasn't for him, Chu Kuang would have written a robot! ?

Lin Yuan didn't target Weizhou science fiction writer Pang Long, mainly because he only had three Wendou opponents left, and he could only randomly select a lucky one from the three.

But this Pang Long is also simply.

After being attacked by Lin Yuanite, he quickly responded to the release date of the new book, and said kindly:

"At that time, please give me some pointers or two (baring teeth)."

good guy.

Netizens knew that Pang Long was going to take a break when he saw this familiar way of speaking.

"Old Pang, is this a confession?"

"Counseling the trio to have a new member join."

"Laugh to death."

"It is estimated that Pang Long is also stunned. Why didn't Chu Kuang choose the other two?"

"Chu Kuang: Come here!"

"Pang Long: Don't come here!"

"Three laws, the zeroth rule, and the two ultimate moves, kill two of Weizhou's top science fiction writers."

"There are only two science fiction writers in Middle-earth left."

"Once Pang Long falls, the old thief Chu Kuang will kill the super **** eight times in a row."


No one thought Pang Lung could win.

Because the Zeroth Law, like the Three Laws of Robotics, is something to be included in the history of science fiction!

ps: I didnt secretly save the manuscript, and Im not lazy. Its really not good for the past two days. I know how to write the plot, but I dont know how to start. I can only apologize to everyone. I hope everyone can understand.


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