Full-time Artist

Chapter 1229: The Legendary Robot Law 0

Chapter 1229: The Legendary Robot Law 0

The pit mentioned by the reader is apparently the final piece of the puzzle in the Fairy Tale series, The Little Prince.

Of course, Lin Yuan has to fill in this pit, but not now, at least after successfully winning the ten-game winning streak of science fiction.

Think so.

Lin Yuan suddenly received a call from Xia Fan:

"Just received the news that the company has set up a project to shoot the second part of Resident Evil."


"Then I'll make a movie with peace of mind first. It's better for you to make an album for me slowly, or do it for the rest of the Fish Dynasty first."

Knowing what to do and what to lose.

Xia Fan took the amphibious development route of singing and filming. The company was shooting the second part of the Resident Evil series. As the biggest beneficiary, she continued to serve as the film girl No. 1 and decided to take the initiative to give up the priority of album production. .


Lin Yuan was a little surprised, but he agreed and quickly put the matter behind him.

Wen Dou has three opponents left.

Now can't be taken lightly.

As for what works to use next to meet new opponents, Lin Yuan has already fully considered.

Continue writing the Galactic Empire series!

The Galactic Empire series is a real sci-fi epic, with a history of tens of thousands of years, and the historical process of the whole book is roughly divided into several stages.

First, the blue star stage.

Second, the space phase.

The third stage is the establishment of the Galactic Empire.

Fourth, the destruction stage of the Galactic Empire.

Fifth, the final chapter of the story and future stages.

The current chapter "I, Robot" has only written from the Bluestar stage to the early stage of space. During this stage, Bluestar's technology developed rapidly, and it continued to manufacture robots to develop space. A total of fifty planets were developed before and after.

The next thing Lin Yuan is going to write about is the space phase.

There is also a small amount of plot in the space phase about the blue star phase.

However, space is still the main focus. With the development and development of the fifty planets, they are gradually dissatisfied with Bluestar's bosses and will begin to isolate Bluestar and jointly block Bluestar with each other, making it impossible for Bluestar to continue its space development. .

at the same time.

The huge population and the gradually deteriorating environmental conditions of Blue Star have made Blue Star enter another state of existence:

A huge underground city.

Asimov shared four films, "The Cave of Steel", "The Naked Sun", "Robots in the Dawn" and "Robots and Empire" to complete the storytelling of this stage.

These four still feature robots as the protagonists.

The three laws of robots and the operation logic of robots are deeply elaborated in these four books.

the most important is:

The legendary zeroth law of robots was also proposed at this stage.

And the emergence of the zeroth method is considered to have completely subverted the three laws in a sense!

Considering that the story is a little messy, Lin Yuan intends to publish the four stories together.

Anyway, these books add up to about 600,000 words.

This is also to make it easier for readers to read.

After all, the most troublesome thing about watching the Galactic Empire series is the time line sorting and generalization.

Fortunately, this system is very considerate.

The timeline of the Galactic Empire series is straightened out.

Lin Yuan only needs to write the stories organized by the system.

Identified idea.

Lin Yuan officially started writing.

And when Lin Yuan started to formally write "The Zeroth Law of Robots".

Under the name of the Galactic Empire series, Silver Blue Bookstore has organized and published the nine stories of "I, Robot".


Although these nine stories can be read for free on the blog, Blue Star readers seem to have an inexplicable obsession with paper books, and the physical publication of this work has achieved quite good sales.


Thanks to the reading frenzy triggered by "I, Robot".

The traffic of the blog has been getting higher and higher recently, and it is even chasing the geek tribe!

As soon as the relevant news came out, all parties were shocked!


Many netizens on all continents were frightened by Chu Kuang's influence!


"How much did this wave of thieves increase the popularity of the blog?"

"The main reason is that too many people are paying attention to the fact that the old thief uses a sci-fi pen to pick the world!"

"It's not just the old thief alone."

"Don't forget that Xianyu poached a lot of Qinzhou's big-name musicians from the geek tribe before."

"Chu Kuangjia Xianyu is too scary!"

"One of these two people is responsible for recruiting people, and the other is responsible for keeping people, and they work together seamlessly!"

"The two great protectors of blogging!"

"The acquisition of a geek by a tribe is equivalent to two against one, but in the end, there is not much advantage. You must know that a geek alone has higher traffic than a blog before."

Geek tribe.

Some of the major departments from the bottom up cannot accept this fact.

"It's outrageous!"

"Our advantage is running out?"

"It shouldn't be!"

"Before the acquisition of the tribe, we geeks were not afraid of their blogs. Why did the gap in traffic not only not widen, but narrowed slightly after the acquisition of the tribe?"

"Is the tribe poisonous?"

"The main reason is that this Chu Kuang is too tossed, he made big news like picking up the world with his pen, and even let people go to blog to fight him, but he has not fallen yet, he has won seven opponents in a row, even including Wei Wei. Continental Fan Chong!"

"We must find a way!"

"If this goes on, blogging will only become a bigger threat to us!"


"What kind of monster is this Chu Kuang, do you want to use his personal talent to fight against capital!?"

Regarding the news of the surge in blog traffic, UU Reading Lin Yuan just glanced at it casually and didn't care too much.

Where is this.

Shadow hasn't shot yet.

But I don't know if the three laws of robots are too amazing.

the next day.

Lin Yuan's remaining three Wendou opponents have been quiet.

This made Lin Yuan's writing very easy, and he didn't need to use energy medicine to force the draft.

Apart from writing.

Lin Yuan even had time to go for a walk on the set.

At this time, "Resident Evil 2" has been approved for shooting.

Lin Yuan's film director was an old friend, Yi Chenggong.

have to say.

Yi Chenggong's technology is now more and more comprehensive, and he is still very relieved to hand over the film to Lin Yuan.

Before shooting "Kung Fu", Yi Chenggong completed it very well.

As the heroine of the movie, Xia Fan also performed quite well.

Especially the action scenes.

Xia Fan seems to be more clean than the first Resident Evil performance.

Why don't you go back and shoot Marvel too?

Lin Yuan couldn't help thinking.

The reason for this idea is mainly because Xia Fan's fighting scenes are so exciting, and she has the demeanor of a female star.

Her hot body, sharp movements, and sharp eyes make her look heroic, and she is really suitable for playing popular female characters in the Marvel series:

Black Widow!

It just so happened that Lin Yuan had filmed "Spider-Man" in the Marvel series before, and the actor of Spider-Man is still his own good buddy...

"Write it down first."

There are too many movies that he wants to shoot in the future, and Lin Yuan plans to use the Marvel series as one of the alternative projects first.

ps: The difficult transitional plot has come to the well-liked Kavin link again.

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