Full-time Artist

Chapter 1227: Speak the harshest words, be beaten the most, be the most cowardly

Chapter 1227: Speak the harshest words, be beaten the most, be the most cowardly


Fan Chong's friends called one after another to congratulate him.


"New book fire!"

"Robots are still your best!"

"Lao Fan, what you wrote in this book is really amazing, I can't put it down!"

"Wen Dou has won!"

"You will be the first writer to defeat Chu Kuang head-on in Wendou!"


"Look, Lao Fan!"

"Chu Kuang released it!"

"Oh my God!"

"What's this!?"

In the congratulations, Fan Chong smiled.


A friend in the circle exclaimed on the phone!

The voice was full of incredible incomprehension, as if it had been greatly shocked, and then hung up the phone in a hurry!

Chu Kuang's new book released?

Fan Chong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't understand why his friend was so shocked, let alone why he hung up the phone in a hurry.


Fan Chong opened his blog and clicked on Chu Kuang's news.


The three laws of robotics jumped into Fan Chong's field of vision!


Fan Chong's pupils suddenly shrank into needle-like shapes, as if being beaten in the head by someone, and the whole person was stunned!

Between pupil earthquakes.

Fan Chong's mind seemed to be in an unprecedented storm, and his entire back was soaked with cold sweat almost instantly!

For sci-fi fans;

For science fiction writers;

The emergence of the three laws is definitely of epoch-making significance for science fiction!

Three sentences!

With these three simple sentences, Chu Kuang directly overturned all the robot settings mentioned in Fan Chong's new book "Mechanical Revolution"!

How can this be?

During the brainstorming, Fan Chong immediately understood what Chu Kuang was trying to convey. He almost instinctively wanted to crack the loopholes in the three laws!

There are no perfect laws and laws in science fiction!

The first of Chu Kuang's three laws relieved human beings from the most fundamental concerns about robots, and at the same time denied Fan Chong's setting and understanding of robots at the root:

Robots are not allowed to harm humans!

Robots can't sit back and watch humans get hurt!

Then Chu Kuang used the second law to strengthen the control of the robot.

It is not until the third content that the self-protection of robots is mentioned, and the robot is completely defined as a subordinate relationship of human services. .


too frightening!

Fan Chong's body trembled slightly!

Chu Kuang actually wanted to set a unified tone for the robot!

If these three laws hold true, then my book "Mechanical Revolution" will become a joke!

Because in Fan Chong's "Mechanical Revolution".

When robots come up, they will start a full-scale war with humans, completely breaking the three laws. The whole is about the war between robots and humans!

Can not!

Fan Chong's breathing began to become rapid, but for a while he couldn't think of a reason to oppose the three laws, as if the other party's setting was the orthodox king of the robot!

What are the consequences of this?

Fan Chong can completely imagine it!

In any case, I have to find the bug in his text!

In inexplicable fear, Fan Chong quickly opened the text of "I, Robot".

first time

The second...

The third...

Fan Chong only felt that the world was spinning and he was completely desperate!

There is no need for him to find loopholes at all. Chu Kuang not only proposed the three laws, but also took the initiative to borrow stories to explore and capture the loopholes of the three laws!




The other party that you think of has already thought of it in advance!

In a trance, Fan Chong seemed to see Chu Kuang grinning at himself: "Don't bother, I'll help you find all the so-called loopholes."


What Chu Kuang has done in this book is to become the only benchmark, and he actually wants to set an absolute standard for all future sci-fi writers who write about robots!

No one has ever thought of it this way!

No one has ever done this before!

But he was so persuasive that Fan Chong suddenly realized that I am afraid that the future robot will be the keynote!

The Three Laws of Robots!

Destined to dazzle everyone in the sci-fi circle!

Fan Chong wasn't the first person to be frightened, nor would he be the last!


Same moment!

Readers in the sci-fi circle are blown up!

"The existence of the three laws can prevent robots from betraying the future of human beings. This is like the life-and-death talisman in "Dragon Babu", even more perverted than that. All other robots that betrayed humans were almost all punished Crazy denial!"


"The three laws are unprecedented and have epoch-making significance, but they are so reasonable, as if everything should be like this!"

"Chu Kuang has already won from the setting!"

"Regarding robots, this is definitely the most

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is a next page ^0^ The most unprecedented setting of domineering, and I will write the same type in the future, who would dare to easily bypass the three laws and not mention it? "

"Anyone can write."

"The scary thing is that this kind of setting has complete rationality. As long as your robot setting is not reasonable, then you have already lost, but after so many years of science fiction development, who can think of more than this. good setup?"

"It's a perfect closed loop."

"Robots can't hurt humans or watch humans get hurt. At the same time, they must obey humans. In the end, they must protect their own safety. One link is linked to the other, and the interests of human beings are thus guaranteed. Such a law has Why don't you admit it?"


"This is a theory that can only be thought of by a true genius. Chu Kuangcheng has systematically summarized the three laws of robotics. In the future, he will unify all robotics themes in the global sci-fi world!"

"Female scientists use paradox to kill robots."

"This perfect use of the three laws can help humans face the problems of robots in all directions, because robots are different from humans in that they are programmed, just like computers, and the outcome of violating the programming is self-destruction. ."


the other side.

Science fiction writers reacted even more strongly!

"Propose the theory by yourself and try to break the theory by yourself, but in the end, the theory becomes more and more impeccable!"

"I'm afraid the sci-fi world must abide by this setting in the future."

"It's not just the sci-fi world, haven't you discovered that, even in reality, human beings create robots themselves based on this idea, including the increasingly popular artificial intelligence now, what Chu Kuang does is to summarize and sum up. Summarizing, the perfect combination of reality and science fiction, and no one has summed it up so perfectly before, forming a perfect template!"

"The law is the foundation, and the story is the branch!"

"The foundation is too deep, and the stories are progressing layer by layer. The various logical relationships derived from the three laws, as well as all the possibilities derived from them, are almost completely analyzed by him."

"Nine stories and three laws were written out of flowers."

"The most outrageous thing is that at the end of each story, there will be the beginning of another problem. There is a robot in it that even created its own sect, but no matter how powerful the sect's purpose is, it still cannot bypass the three laws."

"Look down!"

"Chu Kuang is looking down on all the robots!"

"Everyone of us is subconsciously looking for loopholes in the three laws, and only after reading the text did we find that Chu Kuang, the person who proposed the theory, is also the one who really found loopholes, and the story is also completely created around loopholes and solving loopholes. His thoughts were pre-judged by him, so our thoughts became a joke in his eyes!"

Readers are like noisy, inferior creatures.

Chu Kuang stood on the altar and looked down at all beings.

The three laws are the most dazzling throne under him.

At this moment, Chu Kuang is the rule, and Chu Kuang is the rule!

Under such circumstances, Fan Chong had to get rid of the shackles of the law in this fight with Chu Kuang, but he couldn't do it, just like humans couldn't escape from eating, drinking, and Lhasa on this land, nor could they escape the blue star's gravitational force

"I am the law."

Chu Kuang completely shattered the foundation of Fan Chong's new book with the three laws of crushing, because Fan Chong couldn't explain it, how could robots with the existence of the three laws circumvent the laws and betray human beings?

It's not just a slap in the face!

This is directly digging the roots of Fan Chong!


Sci-fi fans are shocked!

Science fiction writer shocked!

But for readers who don't usually like to watch science fiction, they don't really understand the most fundamental value of the three laws.

In fact.

For these ordinary readers who don't usually read science fiction, the so-called three laws of robotics are more like an obscure thing.


Some people only fully understand the horror of the three laws after reading the text. Some people read the text and are attracted by the fun, but they still cannot fundamentally understand the crux of the problem:


"What's the meaning?"

"The story is very well written, and there is no problem in terms of attractiveness, but why do you say that Chu Kuang crushed Fan Chong?"

"I don't quite understand either."

"There's nothing incomprehensible about that."

"Probably means that Chu Kuang has fundamentally denied Fan Chong's new book. Just treat them as having a debate. Fan Chong is destined to be speechless by Chu Kuang's speech."


"I seem to understand a little bit. Chu Kuang's hand is directly attacking Huanglong. You don't need to read the story. The existence of the three laws will directly destroy Fan Chong's core argument."

"Can you be more clear?"

"Then go and see the analysis of professionals."


"Weizhou science fiction writer Chen Le!"


"Isn't it very uncomfortable to watch Chu Kuang in the sci-fi circle now?"

"Some are exceptions."



Not everyone was so hostile to Chu Kuang.

For example, Chen Le, a science fiction writer from Weizhou, is a die-hard fan of Chu Kuang.

Chen Le likes Chu Kuang's reasoning works the most, especially Sherlock Holmes.

Dear, this chapter is not over, there is another page ^0^

But there is one thing to say.

Although Chen Le likes Chu Kuang's books, as a Weizhou sci-fi writer, he also feels that Chu Kuang's sci-fi level has not yet reached the point where he can disdain the world.

Until Chen Le watched "I, Robot".

The three laws made Chen Lezhen speechless for a long time!

And this time.

Even if it's something.

Not just to maintain idols.

Chen Le, as a science fiction writer, should acknowledge the emergence of the three laws and his contribution to the history of Bluestar's science fiction!

At this time, pretending to be deaf and dumb is disrespect for science fiction!

"First of all make it clear:

The proposal of the three laws of robots is of epoch-making significance!

This is an indisputable fact whether the sci-fi circle admits it or not!

There may be some readers who don't read science fiction, and they don't quite understand the inner meaning of this sentence.

Some even wonder:

Why are they saying that Fan Chong has lost?

In fact, the reason is very simple, because Fan Chong's background is based on the all-out war between robots and humans.

Wonderfully written.

The horror of Chu Kuang is:

Didn't you Fan Chong say that robots and humans will go to war in the future?

I will use nine stories to continuously prove the three laws of logical self-consistency to tell you:

Robots can never betray humans!

Do you now understand where Fan Chong lost?

You lose in the understanding of the rules and the cognition of robots. After reading Chu Kuang, you will understand how powerful the three laws constrain robots. How to break this law full of correctness and guidance? "


Chen Le is not alone.

Recently, he was recommended by Chen Le to read a lot of science fiction, and his friend Huyan Dabo has also become a fan of Chu Kuang. The two also watched Chu Kuang's "Wandering Blue Star" together before, and they both gave high praise at the time. Also recommend your fans

And today.

Huyan Dabo also watched "I, Robot".

Huyan Dabo's reaction was the same as Chen Le's. He believed that the three laws of robotics completely unified the Bluestar Robot!

"The three laws of robots are so powerful, Chen Le explained it well.

I will talk to you about why this novel rule can shock everyone!

Because the three laws of robotics proposed by Chu Kuang are actually the main guiding principles of many ethical systems in the world.

Needless to say.

In theory, everyone has the instinct to protect themselves, which is equivalent to the third law of robots.

And every "good person" with a social conscience and a sense of responsibility will theoretically obey the appropriate authority;

follow the advice of his doctor, boss, government, psychiatrist, and colleagues;

And abide by the law and discipline, follow the rules-

Even if it affects his own comfort or safety

This is equivalent to the second law of robotics.

Furthermore, every 'good man' would theoretically love his neighbor as himself, protect his fellow man, and risk his life to save others, which is equivalent to the first law of robotics.

The three laws represent human nature.

Humans are human, and robots are human.

Humanity is just a noun, it represents respect for life, compassion and love.

As a fan of Chu Kuang, I actually prefer Chu Kuang's writing, except for science fiction. After all, everyone knows that I am quite good at writing science fiction, probably similar to Fan Chong.

But this time I fell in love with Chu Kuang's sci-fi.

The fact that the entire science fiction world has to admit is what Chen Le mentioned. The three laws of robotics are of epoch-making significance for science fiction. If I write about robots in the future, I will definitely follow the three laws. "


Chen Le, Weizhou first-line science fiction writer.

Huyan Dabo, Wei Zhou's perseverance and influence may be a little less meaningful.

But Huyan Dabo and Fan Chong are sci-fi writers at the same level. Even if he doesn't like Chu Kuang's sci-fi writers, he should recognize him, let alone if the other party doesn't speak so thoroughly, Blue Star sci-fi writers already understand the robot three. What does the great law mean?

this moment.

The sci-fi world was silent.

On the contrary, readers who did not fully understand the three laws of robotics before finally realized what a great innovation Chu Kuang has made!

"I understand now!"

"According to Huyan Dabo's explanation, look back at the three laws and the nine stories in it, and then you will understand the real horror of Chu Kuang!"

"A law that can hardly be subverted!"

"The programmer said: The three laws are like the tcp/ip protocol of the computer."

"Robots are born because of this, and because of this, there is no such thing as betrayal of human beings."

"Good guy."

"Then what Fan Chong wrote, wasn't Chu Kuang completely rejected, but Fan Chong couldn't find a point to refute?"

"That's a fart!"

"The key is that Chu Kuang mentioned the loopholes in the three definitions. He himself did not say that the three laws are impeccable. For example, when humans create robots, they can tamper with the definition of damage. What is damage? Does breaking the skin count when protecting it? Then calculate The result is that saving people will cause minor injuries, and not saving people will result in serious injuries. Can it be saved? For example, two people

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Falling into the water, it can only save one person, if it can't do it, it will violate the first law, if it can't do it, then there is no need to save it. Did you say it? However, this is still the maximum protection of human beings, so it can be widely recognized. "


The three laws are not infallible.

But think about the law in reality.

Humans will obey the law, but there are always people trying to break the rules. The three laws are the laws of robots. Of course, there will be loopholes.

Because rules cannot limit human nature.

Of course.

This is what people understand now.

In fact, Asimov himself later used the "zeroth law" to overturn the three laws.

But at least for now, few people can think of this.

On the contrary, some people try to crack the three laws in the discussion, and they also find loopholes, but they are not fatal.

After all, Chu Kuang has been doing things like finding loopholes in the law.


When a statement is recognized, even science fiction writers cannot deny it. After all, science fiction writers cannot represent science fiction itself.

In fact.

After Chen Le and Huyan Dabo, there have been more and more science fiction writers who admit that the three principles of robotics are basically established.

Don't underestimate the words "basically established".

To know that the law itself is basically established.

Even though the laws are different in each country.

There are no truly perfect laws and rules in the world, so the laws are constantly being added and modified.


It's too complicated when it comes to the human dimension.

Swish swish.

With more and more people nodding, the ending of this literary fight is actually self-evident.


In the spotlight.

Weizhou science fiction writer Fan Chong finally had a tough Aite Chukang:

"I admit defeat. The three laws of robotics are unbreakable laws. I will not create any robot themes in the future, but I will try my best to find the real flaws in the three laws."

Chu Kuang corrected himself with nine stories.

There are no subversive flaws in the story.

Chu Kuang thought of all the rebuttal points Fan Chong could think of temporarily.

Without any choice.

As an opponent, Fan Chong chose to admit defeat and bow his head, officially ending the fight.

And this fight has reached its climax so far!


this moment!

A carnival moment for Chu Kuang fans!


"The old thief is awesome!"

"This wave is simply a lore!"

"The Three Laws of Robots are too shocking!"

"No matter how good the rules are, there are loopholes. The old thief uses nine stories to deny and correct himself, instead of self-affirmation. It makes me feel like the old thief himself wants to find subversive problems more than Fan Chong. ."

"no doubt!"

"This is one of the best sci-fi ever!"

"This is the four-game winning streak?"

"This wave is not a four-game winning streak."

"This wave has won seven consecutive victories."

"Where did the seven-game winning streak come from, isn't that the only way to defeat Fan Chong?"

"I still don't understand the madness of the old thief. I suggest you count the number of chapters in "I, Robot" carefully."


"Fan Chong's book is a series of six stories, and Chu Kuang's book is a series of nine stories, so after Chu Kuang defeated Fan Chong, he used the next three stories to defeat the short stories of the three science fiction writers?"


Fans are stunned!

It turned out that Chu Kuang defeated Fan Chong, Dragon Boat Name, Tenglong and An Zhi at the same time! ?

Conditions are fully established!

Because Chu Kuang's "I, Robot" is a series of nine stories, but any one of them can be regarded as an independent story!


This wave is a four-shot!


It seems to be to verify the claims of the fans.


The Dragon Boat Festival admits defeat!

Tamron admits defeat!

An Zhi admits defeat!

The three of them didn't even struggle.

The difference from Fan Chong was that the three of them lost, but they were not at all unwilling.

Either way, the result is a loss.

It's no shame to lose to the same person as Fan Chong.

A little resentment at most.

It's all Fan Chong's fault!

This kind of feeling is similar to the decent people who want to lose, so each speech is more cowardly.

But because Fan Chong provoked Chu Kuang, he spoke too arrogantly.

In a fit of rage, Chu Kuang even came up with the "Three Laws of Robots", the Dao Law, and overwhelmed it!

under the rule.

Not only Fan Chong was bombed to pieces, but even the three of them became cannon fodder.

On the contrary, Tamron is more optimistic.

This guy really doesn't have many friends, and he even made a lot of nonsense in the previous sci-fi group who complained about him being too cowardly:

"Anyway, the result is a loss. I can go to me, and you can go to you."

"At least Fan Chong worked hard!"

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ Some people were not convinced and responded on the spot.

Tenglong sneered: "Fan Chong lost, I also lost, I am equal to Fan Chong!"

Did Fan Chong work hard?

I didn't try?

Is Fan Chong's behavior worthy of praise?

It's nothing more than saying the most ruthless ~ suffer the most poisonous beatings!

Why don't you, An Zhi and the Dragon Boat Festival name directly choose to be the most cowardly person!

Because an opponent like Chu Kuang is not something they can defeat at all, the lesson this time is extremely painful, and if you see Chu Kuang in the future, just walk away!

this day!

Seven kills complete!

Chu Kuang is approaching God!

And at home at that time.

Lin Yuan looked at Fan Chong's confession, showing a strange expression. The other party was looking for loopholes in the three laws of robots?

This may not be necessary.

Because this is what I am going to do next.

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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