Full-time Artist

Chapter 1225: me, robot

Chapter 1225: me, robot

No need to explain too much, as soon as the title of the book "I, Robot" came out, the theme of Chu Kuang's new book has been revealed!


Chu Kuang's new book also writes about robots!

this moment.

The entire network was completely shocked by Chu Kuang's hand to Maimang!

Blog comment area.

Chu Kuang's fans left messages frantically under this sudden dynamic:

"Old thief and cattle batch!!!"

"Let me translate it for the old thief: isn't it a robot, who can't write?"

"Your translation is not domineering enough, the accurate translation should be: I will teach you how to write a robot!"

"Fight against each other!"

"Did the group of sunspots say that the old thief was cowardly?"

"Hehe, is this called cowardice?"

"The old thief is just confronting you today, what's wrong with it!"

"This is the style of the old thief, what is arrogant and conceited, that is, what subject you write about, I will write about it!"

"The subject is up to you!"

"The old thief doesn't need paddles for rowing, and the eight continents of Wendou all rely on the waves!"

"Is it possible, I mean possible, the old thief saw that we were a little embarrassed, and came out to cheer us up?"

"Hmph, does the old thief have such a gentle side?"

"I don't believe it, but now I feel that my whole body is full of desire to fight, and my broadsword is already hungry and thirsty!"

Same theme, same theme pk!

Only Chu Kuang dared to be so mad at Blue Star!

This dynamic seems to be a battle song that makes the blood boil for it, and the morale of countless fans is instantly filled, and each one screams like a chicken blood, highlighting that one is fearless!


Blue Star Science Fiction Writers Circle.

No one thought that Chu Kuang's new book would be about robots!

"How dare he!"

"Is this a coincidence?"

"There are so many themes that science fiction can write about, and at the same time, the probability of using robots as the theme is not high. It was not long after Fan Chong announced the theme of his new book that he announced that his new book was also a robot theme. You told me that this is a coincidence. , isn't it insulting my IQ?"

"Take ten thousand steps back."

"Why didn't he write about robots before?"

"If I don't write about robots sooner or later, I have to choose Fan Chong when he wants to write about robots. If it wasn't for my surname!"

"This guy is crazy!"

"Where is his courage and confidence? Robots are Fan Chong's best subject. Under this theme, few Blue Star dare to say that they are better than Fan Chong!"

"Crazy, so crazy!"

"Chu Kuang's name is so right!"

"Directly challenging Fan Chong's best science fiction theme, what's the difference between hitting a stone with an egg, he has blocked his way back!"


No one could understand what Chu Kuang was thinking.

There is no problem with what he writes about, except for the robot theme, which everyone can't expect!



Fan Chong was stunned when he saw Chu Kuang's latest news. .


What are you kidding?

Is he going to write robots?

next moment.

Fan Chong was furious!


This is provocation!

What do I write, what do you write?

This is completely disregarding yourself!

What could be more ironic than this behavior?


Like other sci-fi writers, Fan Chong didn't think it was a coincidence, all the signs indicated that the other party did it on purpose!

"very good!"

Fan Chong laughed angrily.

I never imagined that there are such arrogant people in the world.

As long as you change the theme, you can still lose more decently. If you have to choose the same theme as me, the scene will be ugly!


Not to mention how Fan Chong was furious.

Many netizens who hate Chu Kuang are also collectively stunned for a while.

The madness of Chu is known to the world.

If he wasn't too crazy, how could he dare to pick the world?

But the world still underestimated Chu Kuang.

The act of Chu Kuang and Fan Chong writing about the same science fiction theme is simply outrageous!

"court death!"

"Is this because you are afraid that you won't lose enough?"

"Watch a play."

"This is really a New Year's show."

"It's a provocation like a flying dragon riding a face."

"A passerby even thinks that he's inflated a bit too much. Fan Chong can only imagine how angry he is now."

"Take the initiative to send your face."

"His fans are like chicken blood, blindly making people feel distressed, don't you know what this concept is?"

"I'm afraid Chu Kuang just wants to sell books."

"It's over!"


at home.

After Lin Yuan posted the news, he stopped paying attention to the news on the Internet.

At this time he was writing "I, Robot", thinking as he wrote:

In Blue Star science fiction, there are indeed many works with robots as the theme, but they have not formed a unified system.

After all, each author has his own understanding of robots.

The three laws proposed by "I, Robot" are different.

Lin Yuan is convinced that the three laws will become one of the highest laws of robotics in science fiction.

That's how it is on Earth.

After Asimov's three laws of robots were put forward, almost all science fiction and movies were created under the constraints of these three laws of robots!

Not complying?


For example, as an author, when you write myths, you can completely let Sun Wukong hang the Tathagata Buddha.

Will it just be accepted by readers?

Will not.

Because the myth system is deeply ingrained.

Readers have reached a unified consensus under the influence of traditional mythological systems.

Violating this system is deviating from the classics, and the sense of substitution collapses instantly. How can the monkey do the Tathagata?

The same goes for the three laws.

Asimov directly used this "I, Robot" to unify the robot system and become "the cornerstone of modern robotics"!

Where are the three great laws?

Why are later science fiction works willing to voluntarily comply?

Why does everyone think that Asimov who proposed this law is dead?

Of course, it is not possible to propose a concept alone, the flexible application of the logic of the three laws is the key point, and it must be demonstrated through.

The answer lies in the nine stories in I, Robot.

These nine stories seem to be independent, but in fact they are not separated from the same source, and there is no problem in treating them as a whole.

The protagonists are basically robots.

Robots with different levels of intelligence.

The timeline is basically based on the intelligent development of robots. In the later era, robots are more intelligent. The nine stories are equivalent to directly sorting out the brief history of the development of robots.

And in nine stories.

The three laws are dead logic.

However, Asimov continued to use the abnormal state of robots in nine stories to try to overturn or even subvert the three laws.

Such as one of the nine stories, "The Liar Robot."

There is a robot named Irby who has the ability to telepathically.

Because of this ability, many people asked him to ask questions, but in order not to make the questioner feel sad, the robot seemed to be the incarnation of the news network to give some nice answers:

"You'll be promoted soon."

"Because your boss is resigning."

"You have a crush on Xiao Wang."

"Actually, Xiao Wang also has a crush on you."

At the end of the story, the truth is revealed, and the world is in chaos.

The crowd angrily questioned why Irby lied to deceive them.

Erbie Ma Liu recited the first of the three laws: [Robots must not harm humans, or sit back and watch humans get hurt and ignore them.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

It turns out that due to the constraints of the first law, Irby cleverly used lies to avoid hurting human feelings.

Irby can't always say:

"You have no hope of promotion because your boss is planning to delay retirement."

"You have a crush on Xiao Wang, but Xiao Wang has no feelings for you."

Human beings will be sad to hear these words, which violates the first law.

Yet Irby, as a robot, doesn't know that when these lies are exposed, people will still be hurt, more hurt.

out of revenge.

Humanity traps Irby in an unsolvable logical paradox that eventually causes his run to collapse.

Conclusion of the story:

When the robot has the ability to see through the mind, the physical damage defined by the first law has been extended to mental damage.


This is just one of the stories.

This book is to subvert and overturn the three laws in the story, and at the same time let the protagonists slowly use the three laws to crack them.

Three laws can lead to countless logics.

Asimov's nine stories are just that, looking through different occasions to find the limits and edges of logical tests, discussing how robots react when they can't fulfill human commands.

At the end you will find:

Behind the seemingly unreasonable behaviors of these robots, three laws must be used to explain them.

In other words.

In the nine stories, the core conflict stems from the loophole capture of the "Three Laws of Robotics".

in the process of cracking.

Readers will follow the protagonists to experience a humorous sci-fi reasoning.

Maybe robots will one day generate intelligence and think for themselves. As long as they rely on this law to imprison the thinking of artificial intelligence, they will not threaten the dominance of human beings.


Although these three laws seem to be perfect, they are completely made to protect human beings, but the chaotic concept of "the overall interests of human ~ For countless years, even human beings themselves have not understood it, and even more so. Stop talking about those robots.

As Will Smith said:

The problem is not the robot.

Technology itself is not the problem.

The limits of human logic are the real problem.

If you use the three laws well, the problem can be solved.

For example, Lin Yuan is writing the second story "Ring Dance" in his thinking.

The story takes place on Mercury.

The robot Speedy was instructed to go to the hot sunny side to pick up selenium but did not return.

Powell and Donovan on Mercury are desperate.

Because there is no selenium to restore the solar panels, they just die in situ.

Two hapless creatures can only ride an old-fashioned robot to the vicinity of Speedy, only to find Speedy going crazy.


Because the high temperature carbon monoxide in the selenium pool damages Speedy's iron body, triggering the self-protection loop of the robot's third law.

And the selenium mining order he received was not high enough priority, so the second law of obedience was not strong enough.

The conflict between the two causes the robot to keep dancing in circles around the selenium pool.

Card bug.

In desperation, Powell could only bet on the first law that robots must protect human beings, and walked into the high temperature zone in a space suit.

When it's almost over.

The robot Speedy sensed that humans were in danger, successfully triggered the loop of the first law, broke away from the previous conflict cycle, and rushed over to save Powell.

Powell succeeded.

Asimov also succeeded.

And Lin Yuan is replicating this success.

ps: The eyelids started to fight, so let's go to sleep, everyone, don't forget to vote for the dirty white in the monthly ticket annual competition.

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