Full-time Artist

Chapter 1215: I'm going to hit 10

Chapter 1215: I'm going to hit 10

at this time.

The news that Chu Kuang agreed to the invitation of the Dragon Boat Festival Ming Wendou spread all over the blog and was forwarded to major platforms!

Yan Shu!


Geek Tribe!

All major platforms are hot on the Internet!

"The old thief Chu Kuang has changed his personality this time. He actually accepted Wen Dou's invitation. Didn't he always disdain this thing before?"

"The point is not Wen Dou, but Chu Kuang is going to publish a new book!"

"His new book is about to come out just after the new year. Master Lu and Xu Ping cried and fainted in the toilet."

"Don't say anything, cheer for the Dragon Boat Festival name!"

"Dragon Boat Festival is a top sci-fi writer in Qizhou, and his level is very good. There is hope for this wave to turn over the old thief!"


"Although the science fiction of the old thief is well written, compared to other themes, this is already his weakest point."

"Dragon Boat Festival is expected to jump up excitedly!"

"Hahaha, other writers are jealous this time, especially those sci-fi writers who want to do crazy things in their dreams!"

"Speaking of which, has the old thief fought Wenren before?"

"On this issue, the reasoning writer Mr. Leng Guang has something to say."


"Yanzhou people are the most qualified to answer this question."

"What's the meaning?"

"I suggest you learn more about Chu Kuang's life and find out when this old thief became the Blue Star Fairy Tale King."

"Go check it out!"

"Is it like a shadow incident, a wonderful old melon?"

the other side.

Writers Circle.

"Chu Kuang is going to fight with the famous Dragon Boat Festival?"

"Why is it the name of the Dragon Boat Festival? I've been looking for him for Wen Dou. I've been looking for him for two years!"

"What is two years?"

"There are several big-name writers who have been posting their invitations to find Chu Kuangwendou at the top of their social platforms for so many years, just waiting for this old thief to flop."

"Dragon Boat Festival has made a lot of money this time!"

"Not to mention that he has the hope of winning the battle, even if he loses, he is now well-known. Without Chu Kuang's words, except for the local people in Qizhou, people from other continents are really not familiar with him."


"I beg the old thief to flip my sign next time!"

"I go!"

"Your dreams may hopefully come true."

"What's the meaning?"

"You go to the blog to see the latest news of the old thief Chu Kuang. You don't know what happened, but he suddenly went crazy!"

What's new?

Writers from all continents of Blue Star suddenly started blogging.

Some writers who don't use blogs even downloaded one impatiently.

And then.

Everyone was frightened by Chu Kuang's new news, this old thief is really crazy!

Chu Kuang's new developments are:

"Including the famous teachers of the Dragon Boat Festival, I will select at least one science fiction writer from each of the eight continents of Blue Star to accept the invitation of Wendou. You are welcome to come to the blog to challenge me, and I will hit ten."

The news is out!

The comment section exploded!

"Is the old thief crazy or I'm crazy? Is there something wrong with this world? How dare he?"

"There is nothing in this world that he dares not!"

"Hanzhou, Zhaozhou, Weizhou, and netizens in Zhongzhou may not know the situation well. Back then, Chu Kuang old thief's fairy tales were one to nine, and single-handedly broke through the Yanzhou fairy tale circle!"


"I remember that Chu Kuang wrote "Fairy Tale Town" from one to nine, and since then he has been called the Blue Star Fairy Tale King!"

"And this thing?"

"Really, I just checked!"

"It wasn't enough to pick nine out of fairy tales back then?"

"I want to hit ten?"

"Danqing once had the feat of one-to-nine, and it was so successful?"

"Did you forget something?"

"The feat of the old thief Chu Kuang is not just a fairy tale one to nine, he has also published eight short stories that shocked the literary world in a row, which can be called a super **** eight consecutive kills!"


"Eight consecutive kills, one pick nine, and ten fights now?"

"Is this completely disregarding so many science fiction writers around the world?"

"If I were a science fiction writer, I would definitely be in a hurry with him, so what if you pick nine out of fairy tales, and science fiction is not a fairy tale!"

"You still need to say it?"

"Those people are already in a hurry. They look down on people so much that they see the world's heroes as nothing!"

As expected by netizens, the eyes of countless science fiction writers at Blue Star turned red on the spot!


This is provocation!

Chu Kuang his uncle!

Who are you looking down on! ?

We are not from Yanzhou fairy tale circle!

No matter how many writers you have used fairy tales to pick up, at least in the field of science fiction, you Chu Kuang are not qualified to release such big words!


Countless science fiction writers are out!

Countless sci-fi writers on the blog are crazy about Aitechu, some of them reposted directly, or even ran to his comment area in a large tub while reposting:

"Choose me!"

"I'll fight you!"

"No need for ten!"

"I'm enough alone!"

"There is a kind of you who choose me!"

"Afraid you won't succeed?"

"Come, come, come, come!"

"I put the post on the top for two years in order to fight with you. Now, I would like to ask you to enlighten me. It's okay to write anything else. I'm not afraid of you when I write sci-fi!"


"No one in sight!"

Many science fiction writers are outraged. Chu Kuang's attitude is really outrageous. No wonder his readers hate him so much!

This is still a science fiction writer with a blog.

A lot of science fiction writers don't blog at all.

Seeing Chu Kuang's dynamic, they have to play even if they don't blog, otherwise Chu Kuang may not be able to see their voices.




Many top sci-fi writers went to blogs to register accounts, and used their main platform's big publicity to prove that they were looking for Chu Kuang!

The whole network is boiling!

this moment.

The one who understands these science fiction writers the most is Yanzhou Fairy Tale Circle.

At that time, the fairy tale circle of Yanzhou was killed by Chu Kuang alone, and it has not come out of the shadows until now.

At this moment, I saw Chu Kuang say:

I want to hit ten!

All Yanzhou fairy tale writers have sympathy:

"History repeats itself."

"When he was fighting with us, what did he say?"

"He asked at the time: Who else?"


"Stop talking!"

"I think about it now, and my brain is still buzzing. This guy is really not human. He can't lift his head after playing our Yanzhou fairy tale for so many years."

"Now it's science fiction."

"He dares to be so arrogant in science fiction?"

"It's more than arrogant, this time I added a person!"

"This is the end of him. Many sci-fi writers who are more famous than the Dragon Boat Festival have been blown up by him. Let's see how he ends up!"

"Ten ten?"

"I think ten gangs beat him!"

Back then, Chu Kuang's fairy tales picked nine out of nine, which was almost equivalent to pointing at the entire Yanzhou fairy tale circle and saying:

You go up together.

Today, Chu Kuang repeats his old tricks, which is equivalent to saying the same sentence to countless science fiction writers at Blue Star:

Come on together!

Science fiction writers from all continents should not smash him?

The rush has already started!

All sci-fi writers screamed in anger!

"Fuck him!"

"I can't bear it!"

"If you endure it this time, it will be a great shame for all science fiction writers!"

"I've never seen such an arrogant person when I grew up!"

"Follow the rules of Wendou."

"Report works and names first!"

"This time, let him be convinced that he lost!"

"He will not dare to write science fiction in the future!"

"It depends on who he chooses. This time, both Wei Zhou and Zhongzhou's science fiction writers are dispatched, and the people who come out there are all top experts!"

Who to choose?

This is indeed a problem. There are so many sci-fi writers that they want to fight with them, so many that Lin Yuan is dumbfounded.

Why are you so excited?

I didn't provoke you, didn't you want to find me Wendou?

at this time.

Jinmu called again, his voice was excited, and he was panting violently:

"Are you crazy?"

"Isn't Uncle Jin you said that the new book is going to be a little gimmicky?"

Lin Yuan was puzzled.

Jin Mu was almost choked to death by this sentence: "The gimmick I said is, what is worth promoting in your new book, for example, your new book will be a love drama, or something as the biggest selling point, not to let you alone People are directly provoking the entire Blue Star sci-fi circle!"

"I'm not provocative."

"I want to hit ten!"

Jin Mu anxiously said, "Isn't that what you said?"

Lin Yuan was aggrieved: "The last time I hit nine, this time I hit ten, there is no problem with this sentence."

Jinmu was silent for a while: "You say it again, I want to hit ten."

Lin Yuan was helpless: "I want to hit ten."


No momentum.

Jinmu knew where the problem was, just like the oolong that said "who else" back then, the tone and context expressed different meanings.

It's as if someone said "hehe" as sarcasm, and someone just expressed kindness.

Lin Yuan is obviously the latter.

Lin Yuan caused too many misunderstandings due to such reasons, just like the effect of "unobtrusiveness" of the early Lanling King.

"Okay, that's the case anyway, now think about how it will end."

"Isn't it Wendou, ten people, I will write ten books."

"It's that simple?"

"It's not easy, ten books, even short stories, are very tiring to write."

"I mean, can you write it?"

"it should be OK."

Lin Yuan had confidence in his hand speed.

However, the choice of opponents is still quite critical.

Lin Yuan is going to write ten sci-fi novels, and there must be strengths and weaknesses in terms of quality.

Fortunately, this group of sci-fi writers is also divided into strong and weak. Lin Yuan intends to leave the strongest sci-fi to the stronger writers.

Mind this.

Lin Yuan quickly took out a notebook and began to choose works.

"First of all, "Rural Teacher" will be used."

"Then "Chao Wen Dao"."

"And 'Bring Her Eyes'."

"Of course not to forget Ball Lightning."

"By the way, "One Day Prisoner" is also good."

"Well, 'Supernova Age'."

"There are many works by Da Liu, such as "Full Band Blocking Interference" and so on."

"This wave can sort out the veins of the three-body veins, and there will be no surprises in the future."

"We also have to find some from abroad."

"List a few more as options."

"Asimov's work can be considered."

Ten science fiction.

Lin Yuan wanted to choose some shorter ones as much as possible, and then come back and come up with a complete Chu Kuang sci-fi collection.

Opponents are also very picky.

Because these writers who want to write and fight, they all introduce the information of their works clearly.

This is Wendou's rule.

You can't always make short stories and I make long stories.

The type and length must be consistent for intuitive comparability.

Lin Yuan sighed: "Difficulty in choosing, I wish someone could advise me."

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