Full-time Artist

Chapter 1211: Lin Yuan in action

Chapter 1211: Lin Yuan in action

The geek tribe is really getting their hands on it.

In fact, even as the blog's leadership held an emergency meeting, their actions were already paying off.

"The thirty-seventh place on the Qizhou actor list, Nie Shuang joins the geek tribe!"

"Chuzhou comic giant, hold hands with the geek tribe!"

"Yanzhou's famous rock group Black Sea joins the geek tribe!"

"The Korean singer joined the geek tribe and won the championship of a certain project of the Blue Music Club!"

"Zhaozhou calligrapher Mo Xin joins the geek tribe!"

"Wei Zhou Qu, the second head coach of the Blue Music Club joins the Geek Tribe!"

"Multiple platforms send olive branches to celebrities from all walks of life!"

All kinds of news keep coming out!

Although there are many stars who are not the top celebrities, most of them have good fan appeal!



Netizens from all over the world are discussing excitedly:

"That's awesome! Is the geek tribe really the rhythm of annexing the world?"

"I heard that my brother may also join the geek tribe. If he wants to come, I will come!"

"Other platforms seem to be doing things too."

"I see, Yan Shu is pulling stars."

"So does Tweet."

"The major platforms are fighting for people! This is it!"

"At present, the top leaders in various fields don't seem to have any news, and they seem to be watching."

"It would be crazy if the three basic friends also came to the geek tribe!"

"Then give up, the relationship between the three basic friends and the tribe is too bad, unless all the tribesmen get out of the geek tribe, but we don't know it's impossible. Lingkong seems to be the top of the geek tribe now."


Blue Star Music.

Many celebrities who are familiar with each other are communicating.

"Several platforms have invited me."

"Me too."

"Have you decided where to go?"

"The first choice is definitely the geek tribe. After all, the size is the largest, but most of my fans are in Yanshu, and I don't want to leave for the time being."

"Then let's wait and see."

"If the platform we are staying on gets cold in the future, then you have to go if you don't want to."

"If there is such a day, it must be all my fans, and I will definitely follow."

"Is the blog quiet?"

"The blogger just contacted me, and it is estimated that they will find you soon. They have been poaching people, but today their efforts have suddenly increased, and each family is fighting for people."


Blue Star Films.

Actors and directors are chatting.

"The news said that Lao Xia went to the geek tribe. What conditions did they promise?"

"Investment in the next movie."

"You are the director. The most valuable things are the stars in front of the stage."

"The film and television industry is dominated by directors and screenwriters, but actors have many fans, and they are more valuable than our directors and screenwriters in the fight for people. This is determined by the work mode, but the real top directors and screenwriters have more fans than actors. "

"It is."

"I'll take a look and consider blogging, after all, they are second only to the geek tribe, and they have invited me kindly."

"I can also blog."

"Didn't you already go to the geek tribe?"

"Who stipulated that I can only play on one platform in the future, the geek tribe dare not be so domineering, unless it is like Lao Xia, who has obtained an investment case from Zhongzhou Capital, it is inconvenient to do this."

"Haha, you can still play like this, eating what's in the bowl and watching what's in the pot."


Blue Star calligraphy circle.

It's also lively here.

"It's okay to rob singers and actors. I didn't expect us calligraphers and painters to be competed by major platforms."

"Don't belittle yourself. Although we don't have as many fans as those entertainment stars, our influence is huge."


"Where is Master Chen going?"

"Master Chen must be a big man who is wildly sought after by all parties. After all, Blue Star's No. 1 calligrapher, his status is equivalent to the shadow of the painting circle."

"I don't have that many shadow fans."

"Master Chen is bubbling, is Master Chen invited?"

"Every family has sent invitations, but I don't like to play social software at all. I'll talk about it later."


Everyone is getting started!

Blogs are getting into action too!

In fact, this action is not sudden.

After the Blue Star merger, the major platforms have already begun to deploy.

It's just that the establishment of the geek tribe has suddenly increased the pressure on all parties, so the competition has entered a white-hot stage, and this is why netizens have ridiculed it into a "snatch war" on major platforms.

And in the hustle and bustle.

Of course Lin Yuan was not idle either.

As Jinmu said, he wants to help bloggers in the name of Xianyu!

Open the phone address book.

Although Lin Yuan doesn't socialize widely, there are quite a few people in his mobile phone address book, all of which have been left to him by others over the years.

Without exception.

If these names are released, they are the ones that can attract huge attention!

Who should I find first?

Lin Yuan began to look for a target, but the phone suddenly rang.


It was Yang Zhongming who called.

Yang Zhongming said, "I heard from Li Songhua that you have become a shareholder of the blog and are you going to bring some stars over?"

Did the chairman know?

It seems that the relationship between Xingmang and blog is very close.

As for Yang Zhongming, it is not surprising that the chairman calls his name Lin Yuan directly. He seems to have a good personal relationship with the chairman:

"Yes, but the teacher is not in the target range."

After Xingmang broke up with the tribe, everyone in Xingmang turned to blogging, including the company's two fathers, Yang Zhongming and Zheng Jing.

"Then you should also find me first." Yang Zhongming said lightly.


"I will make 90% of Qinzhou's father Qu will be on the blog. When you pull people, you can directly promise those people, including me, Zheng Jing and Lu Sheng, the vast majority of Qin Zhou's father, can be Help them write songs and even make albums."

Lin Yuan's mind swayed for a while.

He never expected that Yang Zhongming would send such a great gift!

Ninety percent of Qin Zhou's father Qu!

Lin Yuan was not surprised that the other party had this kind of appeal.

Lin Yuan was surprised that this group of Qu Daddy not only agreed to enter the blog, but also made promises to the people he found!

"Thank you, teacher"

Lin Yuan didn't know what to say other than thanks.

This move is too crucial, Qin Zhou's number of Qu Daddy is second only to Zhongzhou!

Yang Zhongming seemed to like hearing Lin Yuan call his teacher, with a smile in his voice: "They are willing to do this, not only for my face, but also for Zheng Jing's face, Lu Sheng's face, and yourself. face."

"I can't do it without a teacher."

Yang Zhongming didn't speak, and Lin Yuan really didn't have that influence.

Qin Zhou's father admired Xianyu, but only Yang Zhongming surrendered to Xinyue.

"Just let it go."

Yang Zhongming said, "I don't like Zhongzhou."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "I don't like it very much either."

Yang Zhongming continued: "I don't like the third one yet."

Lin Yuan was stunned.

It took a few seconds to realize the meaning of Yang Zhongming's words.

Don't like the third?

That can only be second.

even first.

Without tangling too much on this topic, Yang Zhongming encouraged Lin Yuan and hung up the phone.

Lin Yuan was slightly dazed with his phone.

He originally wanted to poach people on the condition that he helped write songs.

Now it seems.

You seem to be able to borrow countless favors from Qin Zhou's father?

Even Yang Zhongming, the third-ranked Qu Dad in the world?


Did not stay in a daze for too long.

Soon Lin Yuan began to act.

Let's start with the more familiar ones.

The first person Lin Yuan chose to win over was Qin Zhou star "Shu Yu".

Shu Yu once participated in "The King of Masked Singers" in the name of "White Swan", and later participated in the Blue Music Club, where he learned a lot from Lin Yuan, and they got along quite well.

the most important is:

Shu Yu is Qin Zhou's most popular song queen, ranking seventh on the Blue Star singer list, one place higher than Jiang Kui!

The world's top female singer!

A star of this caliber joins the blog and definitely makes a splash.

But the other party's social platform is the tribe, which is now the geek tribe.


The call is connected.

Shu Yu's voice was full of surprise and apprehension:


After the Blue Music Club, many Blue Star singers called Lin Yuan "coach", and they all took his courses and benefited a lot.


Lin Yuan went straight to the point: "I am a shareholder of the blog now, do you want to come to the blog?"


Shu Yu replied with a smile.

The decisiveness made Lin Yuan even stunned. Could it be that he also has the fruit of face?

"This side of the company..."

Another voice suddenly and faintly came from the phone, but soon Lin Yuan couldn't hear anything.

After a few seconds.

Shu Yu's voice sounded again: "It's settled. I'll contact the blog back. I can't help it in vain. The coach must invite me to dinner. I can eat very well."

"Is it your agent just now?"

Lin Yuan wondered: "Your company shouldn't let you agree like this."

Shu Yu said with a smile: "Although I don't have the status of your prince in Xingmang, I still have the right to speak after working hard in the music world for so many years, unless they don't want to renew my contract with my cash cow."

This is the white swan.

Shu Yu was still the proud and confident white swan that Lin Yuan knew, even with a bit of domineering.


Lin Yuan confessed: "I originally wanted you to make conditions."

Shu Yu laughed: "During the Lan Le Club training, I benefited a lot from your class. This is the best condition."

"One yard owned by a yard."

"It's the same for me."

"I understand."

This call is over.

Things went much smoother than Lin Yuan had imagined.

The process Lin Yuan imagined is:

Sending an invitationShu Yu refusesLin Yuan puts forward conditionsShu Yu shakesLin Yuan adds weightShu Yu still refuses or chooses to agree.

This is a transaction process.

At the same time, this is also the standard process for all parties to pull people.

However, what Lin Yuan didn't expect was that Shu Yu agreed to his invitation as soon as he came up.

You don't have to promise yourself anything.

However, no matter how straightforward the other party promised, Lin Yuan should give Shu Yu the same amount. This is Lin Yuan's principle of being a human being.


Qin Zhou.

an entertainment company.

The agent looked at Shu Yu helplessly:

"The platform of Geek Tribe is the most likely to unify the market in the future. If you follow Xianyu to blog like this, the general manager will probably get angry with your blood pressure."

"you are wrong."

"Where did I go wrong, Aunt Xingxing, even if you go to the blog, at least you have to negotiate some conditions, such as asking Xianyu to create a solo album for you, promising you a rise in the singer rankings, etc.!"

"You are wrong again."

"Why am I wrong again?"

"First of all, as long as the general manager is not a fool, he should know the status of Teacher Xianyu in Qinzhou's music scene. If you don't believe it, let's make a bet."

"What bet?"

"Just betting on Xianyu's face, he can make most of Qinzhou's first-line singers, even the queen of singers and even countless musicians follow him."

"He's willing to give what he promises."

"No one needs Teacher Xianyu to make any promises, because everyone knows that Teacher Xianyu never lets his own people suffer."

"Just because of this?"

"This is the consensus of Blue Star's first-tier singers and even all the singers, that is, after the Blue Concert, Qinzhou's music scene is a sea, and the sea is full of countless fish."

"Qin Zhou's head coach at Lan Le Club is Yang Zhongming!"

"You may not believe it. I think Dad Yang is also a marine creature, similar to a great white shark or a blue whale."

The agent was speechless.

What the **** is this!


Of course Lin Yuan didn't know what Shu Yu was thinking. Who was he thinking about next?

Continue flipping through contacts.

Lin Yuan suddenly saw Fei Yang's phone number.

The two exchanged their contact information when they participated in "Our Song", but they didn't have much contact with each other. When the Blue Music Club was training, he would occasionally call to scold the other party for singing and what to do. is not good enough...


Or forget it.

Fei Yanglan was scolded by himself too many times during the training camp.

Once even reprimanded the other party's singing problem in the live broadcast.

Not to mention that he also gave the other party a hat of "the second child of ten thousand years".

Lin Yuan felt that the most unlikely person in the address book to promise him was King Fei Ge.

Look again.

How about the robot Liang Ziyuan?

Liang Ziyuan is a very influential singer in Chuzhou. Although the other party is not from Qinzhou, he has a good relationship with Lin Yuan.

For the songs in "Slam Dunk" before, Lin Yuan also specially asked the other party to sing.

Mind this.

Lin Yuan made a call.

"Do you want me to blog?"


"Then wait a moment."

Liang Ziyuan hung up the phone first.

Five minutes later, Liang Ziyuan took the initiative to come back:

"All right."

"You were just now?"

"Call my agent back, he was going to sign a contract with the Geek Tribe on my behalf."

"Just give up?"

"I feel that it is more promising to go with the fish father."


"I know Shu Yu's previous level, but she's actually a little better than me. She shined in the Blue Music Club, and her singing skills have improved significantly. After asking, I found out that it was Father Yu who taught me well, and I will teach you later. I swear, if you are not afraid of raising tigers, after all, I will continue to represent Chuzhou in the Blue Music Club in the future."


"Then it's settled!"

Inviting Liang Ziyuan turned out to be a success.

Lin Yuan couldn't believe it with ease.

But what Lin Yuan couldn't believe was still behind.

third call.

Fourth call.

Fifth call.

Sixth call.

Lin Yuan made dozens of phone calls in a row!

He has contacted all the singers and first-line singers in Qinzhou, and he has not even let go of some musical instrument players.

For example, Su Lian, who won the Erhu World Championship with "Erquan Reflecting the Moon" at the Blue Music Club.

Another example

All of these people were in the training camp of the Blue Music Club, took lessons with Lin Yuan, and even sang his works.

Contact information is also left in class.

However, although the vast majority of people have left each other's ~, they have never formally contacted each other once.


Almost all of these invitations were successful!

There were only a few people who said that it was because they had signed a contract with the geek tribe, or the company refused to agree and rejected him.

Lin Yuan was not angry or disappointed.

Quite the opposite.

He was in a very good mood.

Because the success rate of invitations has been terrifyingly high, it seems that everyone is the kind of person who will not refuse others.

The promises that Lin Yuan had prepared were useless at all!

Is there such a thing as face fruit?

Lin Yuan touched his face silently: "Then let's contact Fei Yang."

What if he agreed?

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