Full-time Artist

Chapter 1208: I am your wall

Chapter 1208: I am your wall

Popular recommendation:

Zhao Zhou.

"I didn't expect Tangtang Shadow God to encounter such a thing back then?"

"I want to ask now, what's the mood of the second force who forced the Shadow God away back then?"

"If I were the leader of the tribe, I would like to kill that person!"

"I heard some things back then, that person seems to be the son of the tribe boss."

"My son?"

"Father and son laugh!"


"The three base friends are too domineering, Chu Kuang and Xianyu declared war on the biggest social platform at that time in order to protect the shadow?"

"Probably the tribe didn't expect things to develop like this."

"If the tribe had known that the shadow and those two had such a good relationship, they wouldn't have made such a foolish move, because at that time Chu Kuang and Xianyu were the top players in their respective fields!"

"The three of them have a really good relationship!"

"If the three basic friends are still in the tribe, the second social platform is now the tribe, right?"

"The blog should really thank the tribe!"

Central Continent.

"I said how can Sanjiyou be a blogger? Dareqing was sent by the tribe in person, and the one who sent the shadow away is definitely a big traitor who blogged into the tribe!"

"Then you didn't eat the melon clean."

"I heard that the decision maker of tribal comics at that time was the son of the tribal boss."


"Young master of the year?"

"Family filial piety!"

These three continents were excited to eat old melons, and they played with all kinds of tricks, and brought friends who had eaten melons in other continents for a long time.

Mainly because it's too dramatic:

Not to mention that Xianyu and Chu Kuang completely broke with the tribe for the sake of the shadow.

Just that the shadow who was swept out of the house at the beginning turned into the king of comics, and now he is the number one person in the world of Blue Star painting, has already made this matter full of legend!

The shadow!

It's a model of life's counterattack and slap in the face!

And in the tribe at this time, the long-lost scolding resounded again!

"Ling Kong, this dog thief!"

"If it weren't for him, our tribe would have fallen into the field where we are today?"

"He actually forced the world's number one painting away!"

"Why don't you say that this Lingkong is still selling one for two for free, and successively handing over Chu Kuang and Xianyu to others, these are the top ten big guys in Blue Star's top ranking list. It can bring countless traffic to the platform!

"I hate it!"

"The tribe must never be handed over to someone like Ling Kong in the future. It's useless to have a son, and the boss doesn't have only one son!"

"The blog was hanged up and beaten by us back then!"

"Because of the volley, we are now hung up and beaten by bloggers!"

in the tribe.

Calling volley is politically correct.

However, in the past two years, the tribe has not scolded Lingkong very much.

At first, no one wants to hold on to the past, after all, Lingkong is the company's prince;

Second, after being educated by three basic friends one after another, Lingkong is much more stable than before, and he never touches the brows of the three.

the most important is:

The department in charge of Ling Kong has made the company's related performance booming. It can be seen that his work ability is actually very strong, which has led to a lot of changes in everyone's impression of Ling Kong.

Some even think that:

Ling Kong is already qualified to take over the tribe in the future.

Who knew that the three base friends rushed into the top ten of Blue Star's top ranking list this year, and the shadow even dominated the painting circle. The opponent who was hanged and beaten directly rode on the top of the tribe's head, which revived the anger of the tribe's leaders. hook up!

For Ling Kong, this is really a disaster.

He has worked hard in the past two years and worked hard to improve his performance, so that the bad influence of the shadow incident has been downplayed.

Unexpectedly, the shadow climbed to the top of the painting list, and this incident broke out again!

"A bunch of trash!"

The blue veins in the air burst out, and the burning anger in the chest can't wait to burn everything!


Your own decisions have indeed affected the development of the tribe, but the company has grown to such an extent that in the final analysis it is the above problem!

It was just a small braid that was caught, so every time the company had a problem, he had to blame himself.

But I have to say:

Compared with that year, Lingkong is really mature.

For example, he hated those three guys who were like glue, and also hated the company executives who let him take the blame for nothing, but he didn't drop anything this time, and even suppressed his anger, instead, he squeezed out a slight touch. Twisted smile.

Not yet.

The current self is not strong enough, but soon everyone will pay the price!


Like to scold me, right?

When I take the top position, all of them pack up and leave!

As for those three guys, do you really think you have nothing to do?

Just wait and see.

Taking a deep breath in place, Lingkong made a phone call, and the smile he squeezed out gradually became natural:

"Prince save me."

"You don't need me to save you. Your dad is on a conference call with my dad. I guess the matter is settled. By the way, have you been scolded again?"

"got used to."

"You guys are really able to endure, let's wait for the cooperation to start and then make arrangements. By the way, I'll give you some good news. At the beginning of the year, someone in Central Continent said something."


"This world is still the king of Central Continent. Some people are too popular and need to be suppressed."

Of course Lin Yuan didn't know what was going on in the outside world.

As for netizens turning over old accounts, he just glanced at them and passed them by, after all, there is still a lot to do.

One is to write a new book to help Chu Kuang become a top writer.

The second is the second filming of the Harry Potter series, and he occasionally needs to be on the set.

The three are to customize an album for Xia Fan.

Chu Kuang's new book has to be completed first.

Lin Yuan was thinking about which one to write at the moment.

at this time.

Jinmu suddenly called him: "Have you seen the rankings of social platform traffic surveys?"

Lin Yuan: "I see."

Blogging is now the second largest social platform in the world.

It is impossible for Lin Yuan not to care about this matter, he is one of the shareholders of the blog.

Jinmu said with a smile: "The development of blogs is booming now. As the original opponent, the tribe has been declining, but we must face new opponents."


Lin Yuan guessed.

Jin Mudao: "It's a geek but it's not exactly a geek. The things involved here are quite complicated. You should know that there are many capital consortia in Zhongzhou, right?"


Lin Yuan mentioned it when he heard Sun Yaohuo chatting while eating.

Jinmu explained: "There is a common organization among these consortiums. The members are the heads of the major consortiums. This organization controls the five major entertainment companies of Bluestar. They are inextricably linked, and they almost control the largest economic lifeline of Central Continent and even Bluestar, which is one of the important reasons why geeks can sit on the world's largest user group, even if they are the latest social platform developed to the world."

"That's it."

"Now the blog has your three vests, attracting countless fans to join. Although it is not as good as geeks, it also threatens them, so it is necessary for us to stabilize the customer base. You can be more active if you have nothing to do."

"for example?"

"Chu Kuang has written novels on his blog, and Shadow has drawn comics on his blog, all of which can help the platform to attract traffic. Back then, we and the blog fought one after another on this two-acre-three-point land, and it's still the same now. It's just that our opponents have become geeks. The most terrible thing about geeks is that there is not much difference between everyone in terms of size. What is really terrible is the behemoths behind them."

"It's okay not to provoke each other."

Lin Yuan's thoughts are relatively simple. He and the tribe are still fighting because of the shadow incident. In recent years, he has forgotten about it, and rarely takes action against the tribe, a former opponent.

"It's not as simple as you think."

Jinmu said with a wry smile: "You have touched the interests of too many people just by your existence. Let's not talk about it, and those cartoons of Shadow have already caused headaches for the five major entertainment companies, let alone your Harry. The Potter series of movies is like a beast of gold at first glance. There are so many novels, and there will only be more movies. This stuff is rampant in the market, and the Big Five don't like this situation."

Lin Yuan frowned.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

Although he doesn't know what Jinmu's words mean, at least he can understand the reason.

This may happen to people when they reach a certain position.

Unless you stand higher and go further, until no one dares to point fingers at you.

"Also you probably don't know."

Jinmu smiled and said, "The current Xingmang is too big, almost the size of the Big Five, you know what I mean?"

The Riddler.

Lin Yuan pouted, then suddenly stunned, but he wanted to understand the key.

Xingmang is a big company in Qinzhou, but it's only a big music company, but after these years of development, it seems to be much more than that.

The Big Five would not want to see a "Big Six" rise.

However, Lin Yuan is also a shareholder of Xingmang, and the development of Xingmang is too involved with him.

The tree wants to be still but the wind is not constant.

Lin Yuan likes steady laning development.

However, the opponent probably doesn't want to play the game without any gunpowder.


"It's good to understand, but you don't have to worry too much. No matter what kind of tricks, everyone must abide by the rules of the game. It's impossible to get on the table, and we've never been alone."

Jinmu was reminding Lin Yuan.

Facts have proved that Jinmu's reminder is not aimless.

Three days later.

Suddenly there is big news:

Geeks are talking to the tribe about a partnership.

There are even rumors that geeks may buy some of the tribe's industries.

Ling Kong, who has recently been caught in the whirlpool of melon fields due to the shadow incident, may soon be the general manager of the tribe!


This is indeed a controversial figure.

Everyone in the tribe and many people in the circle knew that this person had been hammered by Xianyu Chukuang and Shadow respectively.


When Ling Kong does not oppose these three people and does other things, he can always reap success.

This is also the reason why Ling Kong has a bad reputation in the company, but is still expected to become the new general manager of the tribe.

It was also on the day that the news of geeks or joining forces with tribes came out, Lin Yuan came to Starlight Entertainment.

Office of the Chairman.

Li Songhua smiled and made a cup of tea for Lin Yuan:

"Barley tea, try it."


Lin Yuan sat down to drink tea.

Li Songhua suddenly called and invited him to come and sit, Lin Yuan felt that the other party had something to say.


Finish your tea.

Li Songhua smiled bitterly: "I have to say thank you, Xingmang has grown to the point where you are the biggest contributor, whether it's animation, film, or music, without your existence, we couldn't have done what we are today. excellent."


Lin Yuan turned around for the other party.

Li Songhua added a cup of tea to Lin Yuan. Instead of following Lin Yuan's turn, he told him a secret:

"Actually, I'm from Central China."

Lin Yuan was stunned, he thought Li Songhua was from Qin.

Li Songhua smiled and said: "To be exact, I am half from Central Continent. My father is from Central Continent, and my mother is from Qin Continent, but I prefer to call myself Qin people. The place in Central Continent is too philistine, and there lives a pack of wolves."

Lin Yuan listened quietly.

Li Songhua continued: "Because of my father, I was expelled from Central Continent. Of course, no one did it, but there is no room for me to develop in this place. You can understand that our family offended people, and my development in Central Continent was restricted everywhere. ."

"So you came to Qinzhou to develop?"

"Because at that time, Zhongzhou's hand couldn't reach that long, and I went to Qinzhou. There was no reason for them not to give me a way to survive. Then I created Xingmang Entertainment, and then I met you."

Lin Yuan probably understood what Li Songhua meant:

"Now that the world has merged, you have entered the field of vision of some people, but Xingmang has done so much."

"Yeah, the global merger means that I have returned to Central Continent in disguise, and I have some good achievements. It is a pleasure that those people start to think that I am a person again, maybe a person who can barely threaten them?"

"What grudge?"

"You want to hear it? That would be thrilling, back then..."

"Forget it, it doesn't matter."

Lin Yuan felt that the other party could read a lot of words.

Li Songhua laughed dumbly, the interruption was very Lin Yuan.

"I want to tell you that our Xingmang has been pulling so much, and some people are unhappy and may target us. It can also be understood that I am implicated in you. You can leave Xingmang with your shares, although this is my most Afraid to see the situation."

"Would it be better to leave?"

"It is better to stay than to leave, because when you leave Xingmang, there are people who want to suppress your limelight. The radiant radiance will make them feel that their radiance seems to be covered up a little by you, unless


Lin Yuanfu said to his heart: "If you can't beat it, join in."

Li Songhua laughed: "That's right! You join them, and from then on the sky will fly. It is said that many people are optimistic about you, so optimistic that they want to marry their daughters to you, they are all top celebrities in the world, and the family genes are good, basically All are beautiful.

Of course.

If one day, you can show mercy to me, it would be the best, I don't want to do it all over again.

That wall was torn down.

There is no wall now, and then help me stop the thousands of troops. "


Lin Yuan understood, Li Songhua was looking for him today because he prepared two choices for him.

Either fight side by side with Li Songhua.

Either join the Central Continent Consortium.

Tea is good.

Lin Yuan suddenly stood up.

Li Songhua smiled gracefully:

"I see you off."

Lin Yuan wondered: "Send me away, or send me tea?"

Li Songhua's smile was already a little reluctant:

"It will be all right."

How can there be a mountain that collapses in front of you and doesn't change its color?

If anything, it's nothing more than a landslide that wasn't severe enough.


Lin Yuan turned around.

Just when Li Songhua was still holding on to his smile, Lin Yuan suddenly said:

"In fact, there are walls in all directions, always there and never disappearing."

Li Songhua was startled: "I'm not talking about this kind of wall."

Lin Yuan smiled: "I'm not talking about this kind of wall."

Who isn't a riddleman anymore?


"I am your wall, which can stop thousands of troops."

ps: continue to write.

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