Full-time Artist

Chapter 1199: Fengshen

Chapter 1199: Fengshen

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Li Yanfeng's words sounded like thunder!

All the reporters were stunned when they heard the words!


World number one?

The same comment made by another person will only be laughable and generous, but this sentence is said from Li Yanfeng, a master painter who is ranked in the forefront of Blue Star, and everyone must weigh it.

what is that...

Dear Teacher Li Yanfeng, if you were kidnapped by the shadow, would you wink at us?

And when reporters are skeptical.

Several other famous masters beside Li Yanfeng finally spoke with complicated expressions.

Although they are very clear about what they are going to say next, what it means to the Blue Star painting world:

"That's right."

"What Lao Li said is true."

"Shadow is almost perfect."

"It's not an exaggeration to claim the number one in the world."

"At least we're ashamed of ourselves."

"Speaking of which, I'm still the number one in active duty?"

"You go to the second place to stay."

"It's not just me, you all have to move back."

"Before someone asked us what the ten of us were doing here, we said we were here to see the art exhibition, but the fundamental reason was: we wanted to witness the new king of the Blue Star painting world ascending the throne with our own eyes."


The reporter was completely shocked!

If only Li Yanfeng said that the shadow is the first in the world, it can only represent the personal opinion of this famous artist;

But now the opinions of the top ten famous artists are completely unified, and even the highest-ranking famous artists in the painting circle nodded in agreement

That represents the collective will of the Blue Star painting world!


These ten people together are enough to represent the entire Blue Star painting world, and no one dares to raise any objection!

Everyone can't doubt that the top ten famous artists have all received the money from the shadow to say so, right?

this moment.

Reporters were horrified:

The Blue Star painting world is about to change!

at the same time.

behind the reporter.

Countless audiences were stunned!

Because this art exhibition is visited in batches, most people have not yet entered the venue, so as soon as the top ten famous artists came out, the crowd followed the reporters to look at these ten big men who can represent the Blue Star painting world, wanting to hear Hear what top ten celebrities have to say about Shadow.

As a result, when the big guys finished their evaluations, everyone couldn't believe their ears!

Blue Star's ten most respected painting circles even unanimously elected Shadow as the first person in the Blue Star painting circle! ?

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

There are not many famous artists.

If not for decisive reasons.

How could these top celebrities standing at the top of the Blue Star painting pyramid admit that their skills are inferior to others so easily?

What's going on inside?

What exactly did the shadow rely on to conquer the ten strongest people in the Blue Star painting world?





All the reporters and viewers felt itchy as if they were scratched by a cat.

The rear passage of ten famous masters.

The first audience finally came out one after another.

The reporters and the audience subconsciously looked at the first audience, but noticed a peculiar phenomenon:

The first batch of viewers seemed to have been struck by lightning inside. When they came out one by one, they couldn't hold back their souls, and there were words in their mouths.

Not just the general audience!

Including those top rich people at this moment completely lost the aura and attitude that is reserved for big people in normal times!

Ask them how they feel.

The evaluation of these masters is outrageous!

The reporters were excited, temporarily put aside their attention to the top ten famous artists, and turned to interviewing these non-professional audiences.

One of the audience members was in a hurry and wanted to bypass the reporter who was interviewing him:

"Sorry I have something to do..."

"what's up?"

"Don't stop me from buying tickets!"

"Haven't you finished your visit?"

"This time is enough, I can't visit it again!"

The man said impatiently as he walked.

What are you kidding?

How is it enough to see such an exhibition only once?

The reporter was stunned.

Fortunately, some interviews went well.

A young male audience member was caught by reporters.

"How would you rate Teacher Shadow's Chinese painting level?"


"Can you describe it specifically?"

"Too awesome!"

"That's what, I'm sorry, can you be more specific?"

The male audience was in a hurry, and after racking his brains, he finally thought that he had read a sentence in a certain novel, and here is an appropriate adaptation:

"Who is the peak at the end of the painting, when I see the shadow **** painting is empty!"

Is this sentence eloquent enough?


The little reporters are stupid.

A female audience member was caught by reporters.

"What do you think of Teacher Shadow's exhibition?"

"Call the Shadow God!"

"Are you from Shadow, ahem, a fan of Shadow God's comics?"

"I have never read the comics of Shadow God, but I will consider reading it in the future. I adore him because of that "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". I never thought that someone in the world could depict the entire country!"

"So wonderful?"

"This is the highest masterpiece of contemporary painters. Apart from the amazing painting saint 400 years ago, there is no other person who can compare to Shadow!"


That painter from Zhao Zhou?

That was the recognized number one painter in the history of Blue Star. The painting level of the other party has surpassed the so-called master level and has reached the legendary perfection!

A top rich man was interviewed by reporters.

"I'm not interested in money, so what about the wealth of my family, I don't even have a decent painting at home."

"Don't you have a master's handwriting at home?"

"Without the painting soul series, no matter how much you collect, it's just a vulgar thing."

"Painting Soul Series?"

"Teacher Shadow's paintings are divided into two types, one is ordinary paintings, which are what you call the master's handwriting; the other is the painting soul series, there are only a few paintings in the world, there is just one in this exhibition tube, if you can If so, I am willing to pay a lot of money to buy it.

Painting Soul Series! ?

It's a bit of a mess!

The reporters immediately remembered the name and vaguely guessed the situation. I'm afraid everyone's shock came from the so-called "Shadow Painting Soul" series. What kind of painting is this?

The interview did not take long.

The second group of spectators began to enter.

When the second batch of viewers also saw the painting soul series, all the previous questions were answered!

"Oh my God!"

"What kind of painting is this?"

"Why does it feel like the soul is being absorbed into it!"

"So beautiful!"

"Peerless painting!"

"This is the painting soul series mentioned by the first audience just now!?"

"It's a good series of painting souls, isn't it that even the soul must be attracted by this painting?"

"I don't know Chinese painting, I only read comics, but this one is really different!"


The third batch.

Fourth batch.

Fifth batch.

With the entry of batches of audiences, the entire exhibition hall resounded with similar admiration one after another, and everyone was conquered!

"Ninety-nine paintings are all handmade by masters!"

"And the painting soul series can be called the stars and the moon!"

"It's no wonder that the masters commented that way. Shadow is indeed the number one painter in the world!"

"We all thought crooked before!"

"The rich and the top ten famous artists came to the Shadow Painting Exhibition, not because he has a lot of face, but because they already knew about the Soul Painting series!"

"No matter how awesome people are, they will be conquered by the Soul Painting series!"

"I was just a manga fan of Shadow before, but now I'm a fan of his Chinese painting!"

"Shadow is a great national player who was delayed by comics!"

"Feng Shen!"

"Shadow will be completely consecrated in the Blue Star painting circle!"


Reporters are still interviewing in batches.

I thought the Chinese painting masters had the most outrageous evaluation of the shadow.

Unexpectedly, the evaluation is even more outrageous, but it is the ordinary audience who have visited the exhibition in batches.

interview to the back.

Reporters can't tell whether these people are crazy or they are crazy:

"Why do I get more and more mysterious the more I listen?"

"What's going on inside?"

"What the **** is that painting soul?"

"No matter what it is, just report it directly!"

"too crazy!"

"You help me top it first."

"Why are you going? Are you going to the toilet again? You've been there five times!"

"This time, I'm going to buy a ticket."

"But you're going in the direction of the toilet."

"Go to the toilet first, then buy a ticket!"

If you don't go in and take a look, you may not be able to sleep well tonight!

at that time.


Netizens were also immersed in the shock of the terrifying guest lineup at the Chinese painting exhibition at the Central Continent Art Museum.

"Has the exhibition started?"

"What's the situation now?"

"What is the level of Chinese painting of shadows?"

"Why is Shadow so popular among the rich?"

"Not only the rich, but the top ten masters are here."

"The masters are all in, let's see what the masters say for a while."



"Oh my God!"

"This news headline is so scary, it must be a headline party!"


The news is out!

Various reporters are scrambling for first-hand reports, but the headlines are more terrifying than each other!

"Top Ten Famous Masters Surrender!

"Blue Star's top ten painters say: Shadow is the number one person in the world!

"Shadow Painting Exhibition, the audience is crazy!

"It is said that there is a painting in the Shadow Chinese Painting Exhibition that shocked the audience!

"Shadow's Conferred God Battle!

"A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains, Shadow Painting Soul Series!

"Passerby Interview: Shadow has been delayed by comics for many years!

"Interview with the Rich: The most eager to have a collection of shadow painting soul series!

Sounds like a title party.

However, when netizens clicked in, they were frightened enough!



Everything that happened at the scene has the most abundant evidence!

Not to mention that the media that released the news were all well-known big media of Blue Star, and there was no problem in terms of credibility!


The whole network was shocked!

"The evaluation of this exhibition of shadows is too high, isn't it, the ten famous masters have joined hands to hold him to the throne?"

"Feng Shen?"

"Shadow's ranking is only eighteenth, how come you are conferred a god?"

"It seems that there is a painting called "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains". What shadow painting soul series does it belong to?"

"Why does this news sound so mysterious?"

"Isn't it Chinese painting? I have seen many Chinese paintings by masters, and I feel okay, not to mention that Shadow is a cartoonist."

"The news is too exaggerated."

"I now seriously suspect that the top ten famous names have been bought."

"Even if the top ten famous people are kidnapped, do you think those rich people are also bought, and how much can they buy them?"

"Is it possible that there is a stake in it?"

"You want to talk about money laundering, right? The question is how many years Blue Star has been cracking down on this thing, and now this situation has disappeared, not to mention that you don't believe in the top ten famous celebrities and top rich people, you should believe the interviews of ordinary passers-by audiences, right? "

"seeing is believing!"

"It's better to go and see with your own eyes!"

The news is clear, the top ten famous artists and countless top rich people have endorsed together, and there are audience interviews at the art exhibition site. It seems that the shadow of the gods has been proved like a mountain!

Even so, some netizens were still skeptical and decided to go see it for themselves.

Anyway, the audience interview has already said:

Even people who don't know how to draw will definitely fall into the hands of those who see that "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains"!

That night!

Crowds like a sea!


Because of the shocking news spread all over the world, in the Central Continent Art Museum, the solo Chinese painting exhibition of Shadow has completely exploded!

If you haven't seen the exhibition, you want to see it.

Those who have seen the exhibition want to see it again.

Tickets are hard to come by!

After the top ten famous artists in the Blue Star painting circle jointly elected Shadow as the number one person in the world, the Blue Star painting world ushered in an unprecedented earthquake!

Swish swish!

Countless professional painters set off to Central Continent with various moods, wanting to see the legendary series of Shadow Paintings!

Maybe some people are still hesitant before visiting.

But no matter what kind of mood you come here.

When they really saw the "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" that finally appeared gorgeously.

All the doubts before coming here disappeared in an instant, replaced by an unprecedented shock!

That is the highest masterpiece of contemporary painting!

It's no wonder that even the top ten famous people are ashamed.

In front of the "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains", the master-level skills also became eclipsed.

online. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

More and more netizens have seen it!

More and more painters to see!

The ever-expanding collective voices one after another, corroborating all the comments.

And when various discussions were popular all over the Internet, the official account of the Literature and Art Association, which represents the highest authority of Blue Star Art, published a report!

The title of this report cites Li Yanfeng's evaluation: "Shadow as the first in the world"!

"Shadow Chinese Painting Exhibition shocked all over the world.

In this art exhibition, which attracts global attention, there are too many works worthy of special mention. The talent of a master is vividly displayed in the art exhibition:

There are birds and flowers.

There are mountains and rivers.

There are characters.

From fine brushwork to freehand brushwork.

The scope of Shadow's involvement in the field of traditional Chinese painting is astonishing.

But when the painting exhibition was halfway through, when the painting of "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" fell from the sky in the attitude of a king, all other works seemed to be less important, or those works were still important, but their existence was more like the final painting. The soul made an excellent foreshadowing.

It is said that the country is picturesque.

But it is really possible to put the magnificent mountains and rivers of Blue Star into the pen, let everyone appreciate all the customs of the world with just a pair of Danqing, and praise the beauty of the mountains and rivers from the heart, only "A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains" can do it.

This is Shadow's triumph.

The world named it as the painting soul series.

The so-called painting soul series is of course more than this one, but most of the other paintings are not available, but we can be sure that if the world were to choose a painting to represent the pinnacle of contemporary Bluestar Chinese painting, only the shadow painting soul . "

Officially appointed.

The New Year has not yet arrived, and the rankings have not been updated yet, but everyone understands the fact that the Blue Star painting world has changed.



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