Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 245: Family

Chapter 245: Family

Xiang Ning was sitting in the front. He turned to his sister and said, Lets get out here. Everyone else, wait for a bit. Something feels wrong.

Everyone nodded, noticing the childrens reactions.

Xiang Ning and Xiaoyu got out of the MPV, holding hands as they approached the group. The director himself appeared and got so emotional that his body trembled when he saw them. He beamed and welcomed them, My good children, my good children! It is great to see you back.

Im sorry, Grandpa, weve been quite busy these days. Now that we have some time off, I thought of bringing some gifts to the children and teachers.

Thats good, thats good. Children, come! Its your big brother Xiang Ning.

Many children recognized him because he visited several times a year.

Big Brother Xiang Ning, Big Sister Xiang Xiaoyu! When the fearful children heard Grandpa Directors words and matched their faces to memory, they rushed over. One boy even hugged Xiang Nings thigh while the girls buzzed around him, chirping about various things.

It was a heartwarming scene.

There were a few new kids who had arrived this year, still immersed in the pain of losing their parents. They didnt dare come forward, but when they saw their friends so happy, they wanted to approach.

When Xiang Ning saw them, he held the kids hands and approached the hesitant children. He dropped to one knee, looking at the children hiding behind their teachers and smiled warmly. Hello, my name is Xiang Ning. You can call me big brother like the rest of the kids. What are your names?

The children looked at each other, then at Xiang Ning, then up at their teachers. Under the teachers encouragement and the persuasion of their enthusiastic friends, they stepped forward and shook Xiang Ning's hand. Very slowly, they relaxed.

The people in the car finally realized why Xiang Ning could be so gentle and friendly to anyone he wanted. Especially Fang Rou, who got to see another side of him.

I brought many gifts today! Of course, some of them are from my friends. May I introduce my friends to you?

Yes! laughed the children.

Xiang Ning nodded with a grin, then waved at the cars. Fang Rou and the rest were a bit nervous, since they didnt want to scare the kids, but got down to introduce themselves to the kids anyway.

The children were naturally curious; even the introverts slowly opened up with so many friends around them.

Fatty Wang and Lu Shiyu were unexpectedly popular.

Fatty Wang was soft and round with a silly grin, so the kids warmed up to him easily. And Lu Shiyu? As Xiang Ning watched her play with the kids, he felt like something about it looked familiar. But he didnt think much of it, since Lu Shiyu was from Azura and hadnt been to Earth before.

After playing for a while, it was time for gifts. The two trucks opened and the crowds jaws dropped. It was too much.

The director was stunned, but didnt say anything. He understood Xiang Ning well. Even after seeing the world, the boys heart had never changed.

Xiang Ning watched as Fang Rou and the rest distributed the gifts. They were all marked with names, because he clearly remembered what each child and teacher liked. He had even asked about the new kids before he visited.


Xiang Ning and Grandpa Director stood before the window at the Directors office.

Grandpa, I noticed that something was wrong since I arrived. Did something happen?

Sigh, about that. I feel so helpless. As he spoke, Grandpa Director took out a document.

Orsay Technologies?

Thats right. They won the exclusive right to sell dimensional rings, and since our orphanage is in a good location, they want to buy up the land and make us move. But the kids have many memories here, so how can we leave?

Xiang Ning frowned, thinking of the childrens fearful expressions and the frustrated teachers who looked like they wanted to speak up, but couldnt. From that, he knew the company wasnt good people.

As they spoke, they heard a sudden commotion outside. Even Xiang Ning felt disturbed and his brows furrowed when he turned to look out of the window.

Its them. Theyre here again.

Dont worry, Grandpa. Leave it to me.

They walked out, and when they arrived in front of the group, Xiang Ning instructed the teachers to bring the kids indoors.

The teachers nodded and the kids went back in an orderly fashion. Many of them propped themselves on the windowsills, because they knew their big brother Xiang Ning was the best and could beat these people up.

Uncle, dont stop them, let them come in! yelled Xiang Ning. The guard nodded and followed the instructions, even though he was confused.

Xiang Ning stood in his spot as five black cars drove in, briefly explaining the situation to Fang Rou and the rest.

I know them. Theyre part of Denrow Corp, the agent for the sale of dimensional rings in Marsh City. If it werent for the last-minute injection of money on their end, my father wouldve gotten the deal. Wang Zhe frowned.

Theyre crossing a line here. Do you need us to assist?

Xiang Ning smiled and shook his head. Theres no need, I can handle this.

When Grandpa Director heard him, he hurriedly said, Children, thank you for your good intentions, but please dont act rashly. I dont want you to hurt yourselves.

Dont worry, Grandpa, we wont be the ones fighting here. Li Zimo smiled.

Assist didnt necessarily mean physically fighting. Every person here had powerful figures backing them, so any random member of this group was enough to chase Denrow out. But since Xiang Ning had declined their offer, they waited to see how he would handle this.

The car that first entered the compound was a limited edition magnetic levitating car worth ten million dollars, a very rare model in Marsh City.

Three men exited the vehicle, two of which looked like they were bodyguards to the young man in front. He must be the person in charge.

Hey, it looks like weve got new friends here. Hmm? The young lady of the Thunder Dojo? Young Master Wang of Meteorite Constructions? Ive wanted to meet you two for a long time, I didnt expect to see you here today. Hmm, let me introduce myself, Im the general manager of Denrow Corp, Zhao Yang.

Fang Rou and Fatty Wang wore stone-cold expressions and had no intention of greeting him back. Zhao Yang just smiled and continued, Looks like were in a sticky situation today. Do the two of you plan to intervene in this matter?

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

yay, finally xn's squad is recognised for their powerful backgrounds, which is pretty cool. - doge

Denrow Corp is fucked. How dare they come and demolish the precious place of the MC?!

Also MC and Xiaoyu's interaction with the orphans are too precious AAAAAAA- Chacha

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