Five Frozen Centuries

Chapter 261: Navigator

Chapter 261: Navigator

At that moment, the demons started calling themselves humans. They were all fighting for a spot in the Western Continent. After all, it was difficult for them to cross the ocean to reach the Western Continent with their current strength. Even if they built a ship, it would take an unknown amount of time to get there.

However, the ship that Ma Tengyun had built was no ordinary ship. It was a huge ship that was extremely fast, and its armored shell was extremely hard.

Ma Tengyun started introducing the ship to the people present.

The ship used nuclear energy as power. There were two particle accelerators installed on it that could fly when they accelerated to the extreme, but flying was too energy-consuming. It was not suitable for long-term travel. After all, they still needed to rely on the ship to travel across the other three continents.

There were also several electromagnetic railguns built on the ship. They were very powerful, and three fighter planes with hovering capabilities were parked on the ship. These planes could be launched vertically.

There was also a submarine called Hidden Dragon in the ship that could explore the deep sea.

The space inside the ship was huge, and the energy cabin was enormous. It was not easy to replenish energy while traveling, and the food storage space was not small either. When the cabin was full, it could be used by a ship for two years. There was also red wine, oranges, and other food for cardiovascular issues and sepsis treatment. There was a variety of food on board.

Apart from the two most important cabins, there were also bedrooms for humans. The advanced rooms could not be neglected. After all, the heads of the Earth Alliance were akin to the leaders of various countries before the time halt.

The captain of the ship was called Zhang Changqi. He was a person with a lot of sailing experience. His strength had reached the half-step Epic stage. Before the time halt, he had lived in a coastal city and had often gone out to sea to catch fish with his father.

After the time halt, monsters had started landing in the sea. Their family had fled west, but they had encountered many unforeseen events along the way. His mother had died, and his father had lost a leg. He had carried his father to the Soaring Cloud City.

Thanks to the protection of the Soaring Cloud City, he and his father had settled down. His father’s condition had improved as well. However, several major battles had broken out in the Soaring Cloud City.

He’d had no choice but to join the defense army of the Soaring Cloud City. Then, he had started his long career as a soldier. In the past 100 years, the Soaring Cloud City had experienced many battles, and he had kept contributing to the war and becoming stronger. He was only one step away from becoming an Epic-ranked creature.

Later, when the Soaring Cloud City had hidden, he had been sent to the newly-built armored ship, the Navigator, and became its captain. Then, he had started traveling in the ocean and had arrived at mysterious waters to fight powerful sea monsters.

Fortunately, the ship’s combat power was comparable to a Legendary creature’s power. As long as one wore the Heart Protection Helmet, the imposing aura would not affect them. However, if one encountered a Legendary creature, one could only run as far away as possible.

Apart from the captain, Ma Tengyun also introduced the first mate. The first mate’s name was Feng Zhongqiang. He might be stronger than the captain, but he was a lazy person. He often drank and caused trouble, so he could only be the first mate.

Of course, other than the captain and the first mate, the second-in-command in the Soaring Cloud City, Zhao Pingfan, the Minister of Science and Technology, was also an indispensable member of this voyage. The technological cabin built specifically for him and the Ministry of Science and Technology was also protected by its location in the center of the ship.

Ma Tengyun briefly explained the situation of the ship but still had not come up with the candidates. Wei Huo, Zhou Song, and Xiao Bin would definitely participate in this voyage. Ma Tengyun was naturally unwilling to leave them behind. On this basis, there could at most be three more demons. The panda, dog, and cat races could not move. They had to guard the alliance and control the overall situation.

Therefore, he could only choose from the Legendary creatures of the other demon races who had just joined the alliance.

Everyone started arguing. No one was willing to give up the chance to head to the Western Continent.

At that moment, Wei Huo said, “I’ll decide who is chosen. The Legendary creatures of the Golden Eagles, the Mystic Turtles, and the Unicorns can get together. Each race will send a Rare-ranked creature on board.”

The individuals Wei Huo chose were very targeted. They were creatures of the sea, land, and air. That way, even if the ship faced any problems, as long as these three Legendary races assumed their original form, they could take away a large number of people and equipment. At the same time, a Rare-ranked ship from each race could cooperate with the Research Department to conduct armor research. If they encountered an enemy, they could be sent to engage in actual combat and obtain armor data.

Wei Huo had spoken, so the demons could no longer argue. Everything was done as Wei Huo had instructed.

After the decision to head to the Western Continent was made, the people heading to the Western Continent rode the Soaring Cloud to the South Sea.

Then, they saw the gigantic armored warship.

When the ship reached the shore, humans and demons visited it every day. However, they only looked from afar and could not board the ship.

After Wei Huo and the others boarded the ship, they met the captain and the first mate. The captain was very excited, as he was a member of the Soaring Cloud City’s city guard. He had seen Wei Huo from afar before, but this was the first time the first mate had seen Wei Huo.

At that moment, Wei Huo appeared as ordinary as any man on the street. If he had not been walking in front, he would have been overlooked by others.

When they boarded the ship, the ship was ready to sail officially. However, according to tradition, some rituals would take place before they sailed away. One had to pray to the Sea God, but the ritual was very simple. The captain said a few words and the ship officially set sail!

Everyone was standing on the deck when they heard the roar of the powerful engine. Soon, the giant battleship started moving slowly. The humans and demons on the shore were in high spirits, and their faces were filled with shock.

It was the first time they were seeing such a huge ship.

The Navigator kept moving forward. Soon, they left the shore. In less than 10 minutes, they could not even see the shore.

The powerful thruster provided the ship with strong momentum. It continued moving forward at an extremely fast speed.

On the second day, a storm suddenly descended. Heavy rain poured down, and a strong wind howled. The whole world was pitch-black, lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled from time to time.

However, the ship continued riding the waves. It was fearless in the face of this terrifying storm. Nothing could stop it.

Wei Huo thought of the time when he had left the Northern Continent on a ship to head to the Central Continent a long time ago. It was not easy for a small boat to cross the ocean. Most ordinary people could only pray to the Sea God when they faced a sea storm.

However, with such an armored warship, he was not afraid of anything.

Ten days later, the sky cleared up. Wei Huo and the others watched the sunrise on the deck. The sun rose slowly from the sea surface and dyed the water red. It was a spectacular sight.

The Navigator broke the waves, but the deck was as stable as flat ground.

Wei Huo asked, “How long will it take us to reach the Western Continent?”

Ma Tengyun said, “At our current speed, we can reach the Western Continent in at most five months. If things go smoothly, perhaps even sooner.”

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