Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 99: Perfect Vacation (4)

Chapter 99: Perfect Vacation (4)

Like there is a rather obvious tell when his spirit body possessed others, there was an obvious flaw in the Last Will of Fire Seal. It limited the physical thinking and action considered malicious against the village. Not consciousness and chakra given a metaphysical form. And Dan barely considered this acting 'maliciously.' He had no vendetta against Tsunade...

He was just offered a lucrative deal once he awoke from his coma and Dan felt it was 'logical' to take the deal since he had no future left here and his current state, largely was due to the Hokage and consider his 'honor' that when he did wake up, Tsunade was as popular as ever while Dan was simply ostracized by not only his previous colleagues who were in a 'similar' line of work but also by his family which had gained another internal leader after the conclusion of the Second War.

What use was trust to Dan when the only one that trusted him was the Hokage who had no means of helping him? As such... Dan had long crossed the line of implicit trust one had for their home and family.

After constantly surveilling the Senju Compound over the past month using this technique, Dan had informed the 'contacts' of the various schedule the Senju Compound uses to guard the area. If Dan had one restriction then it would be the area under Tsunade's manor that was covered in seals capable of EVEN blocking spiritual forms. What happened within was something Dan did not know but what he DID find out was the fact that Tsunade would return to her office and dispel her shadow clone 7 in the evening sharp.

Even though Tsunade did not feel any drastic reaction from receiving the experience and exhaustion from her shadow clones, Dan knew that this moment WILL open a weakness that even Tsunade isn't aware of.

As expected, she soon returned to her office and shared banter with her clone something every Shinobi and Kunoichi did as the contents of this banter revolved around her protege. It was nothing confidential but it did allow Dan to realize that Tsunade may have caught feelings for someone so young. The thought of it made Dan sneer.

Tsunade, for all intents and purposes, did not deserve love. And the plans his contacts had for her only made Dan satisfied and expectant. As such, the moment the clone dispelled, his form zipped past the walls of her office and shot within Tsunade

"Back for more?" Tsunade turned around, her arm swinging in his direction with an even greater velocity that caused a circle of 'boom' around her fist before her physical punch left a hole in the center of Dan's body while the man 'smacked' into Tsunade, and was repelled back by a strange force. Not giving the 'formless' individual she could 'see' another thought, Tsunade formed a hand seal and four marks around her ruined office glowed momentarily.

Snorting, Tsunade adjusted her clothes. Her current clothes really weren't made for fighting but it worked well for her since she did have her breasts wrapped firmly enough under her grey kimono top. 'Seeing' Dan through her sensory skills alone since she did have unimaginable control of her chakra making her a sensor itself, she clicked her tongue as the rather physical shape shook his head and turned in her direction. Seeing that things were far out of his expectations, Dan chose to retreat yet he bounced off the walls of the office.

"Uzumaki developed seals that directly seal a goddamn ninetails much less a soul... besides, my guardian would not be doing his work well enough to leave a conspiracy he sensed miles away forming alone, would he?" Smirking, Tsunade cracked her fists, "It's a new thing for me to physically beat a ghost... I wonder what kind of effect would damage on your current form elicit?"

Dan's thoughts were in turmoil. This was supposed to be a perfect plan. In a few minutes, he was supposed to return 'with' Tsunade to the appointed location. Where did he go wrong?

But while Dan only thought that Tsunade was goading her... as it turns out, the famed guardian DID sense the conspiracy from miles away!

You don't get a range of 50 kilometers to sense chakra signatures and intent and NOT use it.


As Tsunade was having a spiritual reunion with her ex-boyfriend, Kushina was having a hard time with her situation. While the enemy was completely disguised, she could naturally sense the chakra around the opponent but its choice of weapon had no chakra and as such, she had to note the movements of the enemy's limbs to try and deflect the attack. She created clones quickly enough but even three of her clones were having a hard time fending off the enemy.

And given how Kushina observed Konan feeling up the surroundings, the redhead was almost sure they were in barrier ninjutsu. Probably the same as the enemy's jutsu that made the target invisible.

The pace of her breathing quickened when the enemy suddenly turned around and rushed at Konan only to be blocked by a clone. While Kushina COULD attempt to create a lot of clones, she wisely chose against it. She, after all, didn't know when the need for her chakra capacity would arise, and wasting chakra on clones made no sense since it served to limit her own space and create even more targets for the enemy to maneuver around with.

With a scowl, Kushina pulled back, weaving two hand sighs as her clones did the same before releasing a pressurized jet of water from their mouths that could cut into iron but the enemy dug into the ground.

'The barrier isn't underground?' Kushina frowned and rushed towards Konan while the clones kept a close eye on the enemy's movement underground.

Checking Shizune's condition, Kushina quickly bent down, her hands glowing green with chakra, and provided basic medical assistance till the point blood stopped flowing from her.

"Use 'em, Dattebane!" Kushina commented hurriedly, tossing a scroll over to Konan who quickly unsealed a few tens of exploding tags and used her chakra to control the paper tags quickly.

Knowing that Kushina wanted to try to blow a part of this barrier, Konan got to work while a clone stayed with the bluenette.

On the other hand, tired of waiting, Kushina suddenly fisted the ground with chakra collected over her fist exploding out in a classic Tsunade-like strength that caused large chunks of ground to tear up and force out the hidden enemy that parted the cloud of dust somewhat for the remaining two clones to charge the assailant who silently and skillfully held Kushina off, revealing that when it came to skills, the enemy was beyond Kushina in normal senses.


An explosion rang behind them but Kushina paid it no heed. If the barrier didn't break, it would be fatal to direct her attention elsewhere. And if it did break, then the reinforcements would arrive and distraction may let the enemy slip away.

After a second's wait, Trio of Kushina and the enemy rushed at each other. Given the amount of chakra the opponent possessed, it could create a clone or two but it did not even out the playing field and use his higher skill and advantages at play. After all, he could always truly aim for Konan but he was still stalling Kushina.

"Tch," After two minutes passed, the individual clicked his tongue and dispelled Kushina's clone by suddenly changing the range of his blade.

An action so simple that it caught Kushina's clones unprepared as none of them considered such a move after parrying the same bladed attack constantly and understanding its range but no matter how talented a Shinobi or a Kunoichi is, usually, it only takes one such moment to decide the battle!

While Kushina was barely fazed by the memories and experience of her clone given how they died as she had a constitution almost as mean as a Senju, she could not fathom the range of the blade at once and while she did retreat while slashing against the movement of the enemy's arm, she met no blade and then something sharp pierced her shoulder...

Again, she felt no chakra from the hidden weapon...


Kushina's mind stirred as she realized the trick but it was not enough. The moment the sharp blade pierced her shoulder, Kushina felt her vision swim and her head ached sharply before she buckled on her knees with cold sweat drenching her body at a breakneck pace.

Her last view was of pulling out the chromatic weapon that the opponent had been using ingeniously to give the illusion of invisibility.

The weapon did not extend these were Kushina's thoughts The enemy changed the weapon with something longer but equally invisible.

The quick-acting poison soon made Kushina fall unconscious.

Konan bit her lips. Pointing her hand towards Kushina, she sent a wave of exploding tags past the unconscious redhead that would react to touch. It was extremely reckless but that's the only thing Konan could think of in her moment of utter helplessness despite all the training she had committed herself to... just this bout of invisibility wrecked her.

Not even sensing anything, a sharp blade almost reached Konan. Almost passing through her skull...

The tip of the chromatic blade was merely a centimeter away when Konan's eyes widened as she only briefly viewed the shadow of that defiant... devilish grin before a horrible, blood-curdling sound of bone crunching and flesh tearing resounded as a burly, headless man in a uniform of red and brown flak jacket towered over Konan with a head rolling not far from her.


Both the headless corpse and Konan slumped on the ground with the bluenette still recalling that familiar, vicious, and excited grin as her breathing slowly eased. Only a few seconds later did a sharp buzz of electricity impact the barrier from the outside, revealing that Mikoto with her kunai charged with lightning chakra rushed in only to find the odd situation.

The barrier around finally 'crumpled' and turned into chunks of the earth as Konan realized another thing, they actually weren't seeing the outside world through the 'invisible' barrier but just a real projection of it while the barrier from the outside similarly made everything within 'disappear.'


"That was quick?" Sakumo noted as Kai had asked to stop to 'refreshing' himself in the woods. Given the privacy of the matter, nobody would spy on him and expect a round trip to and from Konoha as one of his many intended clones dispelled and updated him on the situation.

Kai took his word of protecting Kushina seriously and he had long expected things to shake. He was only wrong about one thing. While Kai expected one of the first strikes to come from the village itself against Kushina and him, it was actually Dan who had been using the Spirit Body Technique to spy on them for quite a while now and cooperating with Iwa Nin who snuck into the borders of Land of Fire.

So... it was someone who wanted to get even with Tsunade who caused this situation.

Still, Kai was just happy to be included in the event.

"To answer your question, the turd was barely worth mentioning!"

Sakumo revealed a disgusted expression, "I did not ask for details of your bowels, Kai-kun... sigh... Bowels... vowels..." and then Sakumo entered his own world.


Shoutout to Basilisk Basilisk, runningFree, Thed Nilson-strang, Sakuya, Matthew S Crowe, Franzisko, and Brandon Dixson!!

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2) Stop it, Bro~

3) Quest Maker in Soul Land

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