Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 91: The Dragon Rises (6)

Chapter 91: The Dragon Rises (6)

As it turns out, Kai could save him some trouble by forming a clone through Senjutsu by forming a clone of half his chakra and then letting it enter Sage Transformation. It wasn't a solution but that's all Kai had if he wanted to save juicy research of a whole new jutsu later.

As such, Kai focused on forming a Genjutsu that had the same effect as one of his skills that allowed him to control his mind.

And the clone focused on forming the Yamanaka Clan's hiden that imbued the metaphysical concepts of consciousness... something Kai had a slight experience in through the seals that formed a spirit body but...

Kai gained different results for that, something he needed to grin ONLY after the clone continued to dance in the lower laboratory until all the chakra was expended.

As for why Kai couldn't just use a regular genjutsu to control Danzo and see through his memories... well, it wasn't efficient. To do that meant conversing with Danzo in his 'mind.' What Kai and Tsunade wanted was to SKIP this step so that they could directly pull out the raw information.

And... Kai did just that once he got an extrapolated skill that shared similarities with Yamanaka Clan's Hiden since each Hiden technique is not written but passed down verbally.

The OTHER skill he got from trying to illegally get 'patented' info, however, interested Kai more.


"That's everything?" Tsunade took a deep breath once she closed a THICK file filled with notes and stacks of paper. With Kai not 'allowed' to leave the confine of their labs under Tsunade's manor, they sat in the living room/personal office of her laboratory since Kai's lab was saturated with a unique scent that made every biological creature with the ability to procreate attracted to him. So, in essence, not wanting her panties flooded, Tsunade refused to enter his lab.

Kai's words, not hers.

He nodded while in his base form in a rare moment of recovering chakra, "I noted every kill he made. Every friend he made. Every... interaction he had with Hokage... damn, I didn't know that every Hokage except Tobirama Senju had such inclinations... ehm," seeing Tsunade's expression darken as Kai pulled Hashirama into the fold of 'suspicion', he cleared his throat and added, "Anyway, we know it for a fact that Hokage will shower Danzo with leniency should we find and provide all these evidence. Maybe, Danzo will be given a quick death but... that's not what you want, right?"

Heaving once again, Tsunade somberly stated everything that truly made her despise Danzo even after the cripple she'd turned him into.

"He was the one who leaked confidential information about Uzumaki Clan a decade before the Second War to let the three villages scheme against Uzu and cause this Second Nightmare... and then, in that decade, he systematically eradicated the backbone of my clan... my father... my mother... he's the one that almost caused the extinction of Uzu... the benefit of the village, my ass! Just how can someone grow so BITTER and paranoid!"

She gritted her teeth as Kai didn't know how to answer that question either. Danzo... simply woke up one day and decided to be this cancer. In fact, his life was pretty awesome but the dude cause the death of his own son by releasing the news that Mito was dead, and... well, the One-tailed Jinchuriki went bonkers and killed off the front commanded by the Shimura descendent.

But... Tsunade felt all that anger vanish.

She had her answer. She had already vented her frustrations largely. Of course, she didn't mention the kinds of things Danzo had planned for her as the most popular prospect of inheriting the best of Hashirama. Everything that Danzo claimed for the good of the village... was done for HIM to rule the village and maybe, eventually, overthrow his throat buddy Hiruzen.

"I don't understand two things... how did he get my grandfather's cells... And what about the Uchiha eye? If he did kill Kagami Uchiha back then, what about the second eye and why did he lose his vision?" Tsunade looked at Kai.

Danzo's 'report' only included his actions. She was aware that Kai left out a grand region of information.

As a prominent elder and an apprentice to the Second Hokage... Danzo had a lot of information on various Jutsus. Given the fact that he controlled Root that deployed members of various clans... it could be argued that Danzo may be the one that KNEW the most jutsus after Tobirama... and now Kai.

Grinning viciously, Kai's excited gaze transitioned from black to yellowish, "The cells just showed in the Root one day mysteriously, truly... as for the rest, Sensei... can't be the best guardian if I don't 'save' you from these moral troubles, right?"

Snorting and feeling visibly better since she had long mourned the passing of her parents, Tsunade narrowed her eyes, "Cheeky punk, you really think I won't administer grandfather's cells, or use them to enhance my own while letting Orochi do the same to me as she did to you?"

Not expecting such willingness, and being able to sense her confidence, Kai blinked in surprise as Tsunade noted it and added, "Oh, please. Everything change. Even morals. I cried at my first kill but now I don't mind being the butcher. So? Still up for 'motivating' me enough so that I ditch your help and go to my 'dear' friend?"

Giving her a deadpan, Kai snorted, "Sure, go ahead. Maybe your Sage Transformation will turn your skin into the bark of trees and grow shoots of leaves from your tits!"

Tsunade growled and threw the file at his face which he caught it promptly as she gave a cold huff, "Now I CANNOT get that image out of my mind. Thank you for that!"

"Of course," Kai smiled sincerely.

However, Tsunade's brows were still locked, "Jokes aside, Orochimaru trusts our... or rather, your abilities enough to know that you would have eventually 'unlocked' Danzo. She will realize what a source of information Danzo can be... so, what do you propose we do with her?"

Kai hummed thoughtfully. He didn't put it past the snake to bite them in their backs so he sighed, "Fine... I'll do it... I'll use my Sage Arts, give her the night she will NOT forget, and acquire her loyalty. But, remember, you're the one who tasked me with this."

Almost too stunned to speak, Tsunade's eyes widened before she guffawed, "Orochi will chew you out, boy~! Have you seen that tongue? Hmm, anyway, do you think we should try... and employ her?"

Groaning at the lack of 'trust' in his imaginable prowess, Kai pouted and leaned back, "Employ her where?"

"You are performing research on Sharingan and we are collectively researching Rinnegan but even after years... we found nothing. Makes me want to plug the damn thing inside my sockets..." Tsunade huffed, "How about... we add Orochi."

"No need," Kai frowned, "Danzo... gained a rather substantial source of knowledge once he had your family members killed and your storage facilities breached. He couldn't hope to get away after trying to poach the legacy skills so... he opted to take away Second Hokage's research materials that he, too, tried to emulate dojutsu through a jutsu..."

Tsunade frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Well... according to Danzo's memories... Tobirama Senju researched the Uchiha clan's members. He didn't go as crazy as Danzo to plot against the Uchiha Clan but... he may have looted the dead before their cremation. At the time, Shadow Clones weren't as popular and the Flying Thunder God Technique made it too simple to break in, commit the act, and leave... these research notes have some information about the Uchiha clan that supports my own theory on Dojutsu but, in the end, you need to be an Uchiha to have sharingan naturally." Kai explained as it roused Tsunade's interest who still had a hard time recovering from the fact that her Granduncle was essentially a grave robber.


Elemental Jutsus, actual Hiden of Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi, and Aburame Clans, the so-called scroll of Forbidden Jutsus of Konoha and so much research material...

That alongside Kai's own need to master and synthesize everything with Senjutsu made it absolutely clear that despite his goals, Kai would have a long time mastering JUST whatever he could excavate from Konoha.

Including the secret jutsu of Yin Transformation that turns the soul into a 'ghost' that can possess others...

Freaky stuff...

Truly, the world just doesn't stop being interesting at all.

But, Kai was invested as ever. He had clones for grind and what he wanted to achieve before anything was the ability to naturally recover Senjutsu directly, an achievement possibly marked under the belt of Hashirama Senju alone.

Others would crumble at the thought, envy Hashirama's Kekkei Genkai and whatnot.

Nuts to that.

If he could form Piercing Vision that managed to emulate the effects of Byakugan briefly then he can surely find a way to recover Senjutsu Chakra.

And as for Piercing Vision...

Kai looked up towards the ceiling, the floor above where Tsunade worked before a lurid smirk stretched over his lips and he groaned, "Nice!"




Other clones chimed while Kai dispelled the clone that couldn't keep it in his pants.


How many clones does it take to achieve the greatest level of grind?

Kai often wondered this question.

Did the second Hokage consider the implications of what would happen if such a skill got into Kai's hand?

Sure, Shadow Clones by themselves cannot recover chakra under ordinary circumstances... but ever since the 'load' of dispelling the clone grew minimal, Kai simply did not want to stop.

Again, how many clones does it take to ascend to a new level of grind?

10? 100?

To be honest, Kai had no way to figure it out. His score this month alone was forming and dispelling 1069 Clones and that, too, because Kai wanted to end the month on a good number.

His requirements, especially in Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art were quite high. But he had mastered it eventually. But that wasn't all. The clones were not just here for the show. While a 'few' did master most of the skills including the forbidden ones that would make him a criminal wanted by all the villages, Kai successfully attempted to transition most of the jutsu into Senjutsu but until now, he was better at it when it came to techniques of yin and yang transformation which led him to believe while 20% affinity in the basic elements is fine to cut the number of hand seals... he needed to train in them more to try and transition all those techniques into Sags Arts without external assistance.

As such, his grind for the month concluded with a few skills that would surely allow Kai to reduce Orochi's smug smirk to nothingness... but Kai did not do it for showoff. He did it for fun.

Still, with Kai having emulated most of the hiden, it was easy to master the actual secret techniques of the famous Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi Clan, and honestly speaking, the honest-looking Akimichi actually boasted the most complicated skills... but Kai had experience in their skill through the Bojutsu of Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art.

As such, despite their complication, the ability to manipulate the size and one's weight was not too out of this world for Kai.

[Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art (75/75): Allows the user to master a set of Sage Arts and wielding of Senjutsu Chakra consciously to enter Sage Mode. Reduces the cost of Senjutsu Consumption by 0.67% at every level.

1) Drunken Monk-ey's Fist This allows the user to perform a Taijutsu based on the intoxication of oneself using products brewed by nature energy and the manipulation of Senjutsu Chakra. Current Consumption: 2800 Senjutsu Chakra; 16 Stamina per minute.

2) Monkey Shifts, Staff Sticks This allows the user to perform Bojutsu that utilizes a special staff able to transmit nature energy. Current Consumption: 2000 Senjutsu Chakra; 16 Stamina per minute.

3) Monkey Steals Bitches, Monkey Eat Peaches A dance that manipulates nature energy to produce an environment of natural aphrodisia to charm sentient beings. Current Consumption: 3000 Senjutsu Chakra per minute.

Note: Special bodily conditions of the user redact the effects of the sage mode of added gain in raw parameters by 10 times.]

[Mystical Sage Palms (15/15): Allows the user to charge Senjutsu Chakra in a specific ratio of yin and yang nature to induce rapid physical improvement and a veritable boost to the immune system. Decrease consumption by 3.33% at every level. Current Consumption: 5500 Senjutsu Chakra/min.]

[Consciousness Controlling (30/30)]

[Mind Body Change (5/5)]

[Mind Body Derangement Technique (10/10)]

[Telepathic Link (3/3)]

[Spirit Transformation Technique (15/15): Allows the user to safely transform their soul into a spirit body that can travel independently of the physical body to perform various functions including possessing a weak-willed individual temporarily based on their will against the user, sharing chakra, and phasing through physical matter. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 3.33% at every level. Current Consumption: 1200/min.]

[Shadow Possession (2/2)]

[Shadow Stitch (1/1)]

[Calorie Control (50/50): This allows the user to freely control the matter of the body to expand the size of any body part and increased the raw parameters of the said part proportionate to the increase in size and density. Reduces the consumption of chakra by 1% at every level. Current Consumption: 720/sq inch.]

[Ultimate Calorie Control (10/10): This allows the user to freely manipulate the matter of the body to either decrease or increase the size of the body or its parts. Reduces the consumption of Chakra by 5% at every level. Current Consumption: 720/sq inch.]

Calorie Control is the basis of all of Akimichi Clan's hiden as they use Yang Nature transformation to achieve the intended desire. In return, Kai formed the Ultimate Calorie Control that allowed him to reduce the size of his body. This was simply inspired by the Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art. However, while the two techniques indeed required a higher chakra amount... in his Sage Transformation that could already freely manipulate the structure of his body, the amount of Senjutsu Chakra required was simply too low to be registered.

But this wasn't all.

Kai managed to form a devastating list of Sage Arts based around Genjutsu. They were the same Genjutsu but merely augmented with Senjutsu which made it impossibly hard for a non-sage to recover from the technique making Kai tie with Orochimaru as the deadliest shinobi and kunoichi of the village at the moment.

[Sage Illusion: Six Senses Destruction (5/5)]

This was the only skill that reached as high as level 5 because of the knowledge of augmenting genjutsu with Senjutsu Chakra. The rest... were an easy grind.

[Sage Illusion: Harlot's Night (2/2)]

[Sage Illusion: Joker's Nest (2/2)]

[Sage Illusion: Infinity Nightmare (2/2)]

[Sage Illusion: Void Ring (2/2)]

And these skills by themselves were Kai's greatest long-ranged attacks at the moment, at least, the Genjutsu that were not based on touch.

All this was a grind that a few hundred of his clones could have completed. Kai had used the rest to brainstorm the idea of recovering senjutsu chakra at any time and again, he couldn't outright solve the problem but he found a way to make the situation manageable.


Shoutout to Densys Bratini and Colin Chapman!!

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