Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 85: The Dragon Rises (1)

Chapter 85: The Dragon Rises (1)

Kai was in a daze. Rightly so. It's not like he had his entire biological structure fully shifted from inside out every day. Even making sense of the situation was hard. The memories of his clones, that were dispelled at once the moment Kai... was no longer his 'previous' self, which should have threatened to tear his mind in half since 27 clones were dispersed at once felt... like a breeze.

Orochimaru's revelation came as a surprise and things finally made some sense but Kai had a lot more surprises waiting ahead.

Even after opening his eyes, Kai lay on the soft white mattress. He was in a hospital. Konoha hospital, he realized from the setting of the room. But one of the more luxurious and private sections that the Hospital had to offer.



The 'world' shifted as Kai instinctively felt he was in a Genjutsu that was at least A-ranked since it fooled all five of his senses but not... the 'new', freaky sense that rang in the back of his head. Again, he silently observed the cavernous setting equipped with a variety of medical equipment with the surroundings illuminated with a stream of dim ceiling torches.

Something had changed.

Even though he laid... he felt better than ever. Strength continued to pump through his veins, running through his very genes as he resisted the urge to howl out loud. But he also noted the sheer number of notifications from his trait. Unlike many traits, his was quite flexible in a way, and since this was the first time Kai tried to be... something else than a human gamer, he was in the uncharted category himself.

[The Host Body is introduced with an unknown virus of metaphysical nature.]

[Deducing Damage to the Trait.]

[Deducing... Deducing...]

[Damage Noted: 0.000003%]

[Host's body is adapting through external means.]

[Recalculating Damage.]

[Damage Noted: 0%]

[Physical and Perceptive Improvement Noted: 130%]

[Host's body completed the adaption to the virus, integrating it into the bodily and spiritual system.]

[Host's sub-trait Skill Tree, remains unchanged.]

[Host's sub-trait Sleepless Gamer, remains unchanged.]

[Name: Kai

Age: 11 14

Title: Senju Legacy Guardian

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Jonin

Hit Points: 100%

Stamina: 100/100% (46.1/min)

Senjutsu/Chakra: 275800 (35677 78800+250%) || (2590/min) (740+250%/min)

Physique: 354 460/1000

Mental: 401 521/1000

Perception: 311 404/1000

Water: 24/100%

Wind: 21.4/100%

Fire: 20.7/100%

Earth: 20.7/100%

Lightning: 20.9/100%

Yin: 23 40/100%

Yang: 22.4 40/100%]

[Skill points: 2028]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 86%]

The term surprise for what Kai was feeling would be an understatement of the year!

From the top... his physical body had aged to adapt to the changes. This wasn't in Orochimaru's reports and also wasn't in the knowledge gained from [Cursed Seal Research (50/50)]. This only meant that Kai had proved himself to be an unknown variable and the only glaring 'variable' was Kai's Trait itself.

Suddenly losing three years of his life didn't matter that much to Kai. People of this world lived for long and if his previous 'Mistress' was anything to go by then 'Death' was a concept manageable in this world of chakra...

But turning 14 was only one of the many surprises in store for Kai just from his status screen.

He had grown stronger physically and mentally. His chakra, at the moment, was 'normal' but Kai knew that things would never be 'normal' for him. The quantity of his chakra finally surpassed Kushina. Although the redhead had a menacing amount of chakra close to 190000, most of it was being used to suppress the Kyubi sealed inside of her. But no matter that. Kai was just... TOO happy with his reserve. A bigger chakra reserve certainly did not mean greater strength but it helped in the grind.

The most surprising change, however, was the inflation of Yin and Yang nature transformation.

And all this made Kai wonder about the level of strength held by Orochimaru. Different individuals would net different results, that Kai understood. But he couldn't imagine Bimborochi doing any worse. And this made Kai wonder... if he fought Hiruzen now, would he beat the Hokage?

And if not now... then what after

[Special action judged for creation of Skill.]

[No categorized written records found. Extrapolating data.]

[Skill creation successful.]

[Sage Transformation (1/25): Allows the user to absorb natural energy and balance it with internal chakra to form Senjutsu Chakra of equal amount as the chakra present in the user's body. The Body's constitution reacts to Natural Energy and mutates the user's body. Transformation increases the parameters of the user by 10 times. Reduce the time consumed for transformation by 4% at every level. Current Time Required: 3 minutes.

Special Note: Senjutsu Chakra cannot be recovered using regular chakra regeneration.

Next Level: Full transform 1/69 times or 60 SP]

Ten times increase... Kai stared at the notification with his breath hitched up in excitement.

Again, he was aware that the gap between each stat point increased drastically, and the stronger he gets, the 'weaker' the effect of the skill numerically, but Kai was excited nonetheless. Aside from being unable to recover Senjutsu Chakra naturally, Kai was also made aware of another problem by the extrapolated information. When in Sage Transformation, he could not utilize basic elemental chakra or, at the very least, he had to find a way to incorporate Senjutsu chakra to form these Jutsus. But aside from this, the times 10 limiter was a game changer!

And this opened a world for Kai where he could... finally hope to go after his second ideal. A dream that was only below having a great harem.

With there only being one bed, Kai was alone in the small section of the cavern. The deal wasn't over yet. While Bimborochi had done her part of the deal, Kai would need to uphold his part of the deal, too.

But it was worth it.

After curbing his excitement largely, Kai moved. Or at least, he tried to.

In the next second, unimaginable pain filled his veins and made him spasm on the bed uncontrollably!

When his vision swam and his consciousness threatened to slip into darkness, Kai's eyes snapped open once again...

Or, to be precise, he fell unconscious and woke up like a fever dream only for his eyes to fall over a very 'dangerous' woman.

Now, Kai's clone did see 'her' silhouette in the darkness and heard her voice. So, while Kai had formed a critical opinion of the woman before, it certainly helped to shift his opinion that SHE had the charm befitting a woman since the beginning and now a body befitting the Legendary Sucker herself, if not surpassing her.

Her skin was still chalky white but... her smooth features and the 'creamy' texture of her exposed skin was too hard to ignore. With her jet-black hair cascading down her shoulders, her narrow, slitted-yellow pupils revealing a sense of amusement, and her noticeable plumper lips curled in a satisfied smirk, Kai couldn't help but ignore all of it and let his gaze linger on the real stuff without any sense of shame.

Wearing a loose purple tunic that fell straight down from the tip of her large mounds, the deep neck of the tunic only revealing her soft, plump, and desirable breasts, the woman still kept her legs crossed and greeted 'it', "Well, look who's up?"

Her voice was scratchy but her confidence and 'purr' made it better... harder. Her gaze pointedly looked at the large tent pitched under the blanket as Kai still stared in at amazement just how much better Bimborochi was better than her earlier variant.

Erection for such beauty was a necessity, especially when Kai felt his body way more reactive than usual. He, in fact, felt his stomach curl in a starved protest but at the moment he was hungry for more than just food.

"Hmm?" Orochimaru continued to lean back on her chair and let her gaze wander off towards him entirely, "I suppose Tsunade will be annoyed that your body had to physically grow to adjust so perfectly. It makes me wonder how that is even possible. If anything, my adjustments were made to reduce the damage to your existence by nature energy to its very minimum."

Aaannnnd, the nerdy talk bored the little general who slumped slowly and waited for its time to shine. Orochimaru's eyes twitched at that, but Kai still stared at her and waited for her to finish.

Nodding with a satisfied smirk, she continued, "How are you feeling? Did you get the chance to observe your condition last time when you tried to move?"

"Yeah, somewhat," Kai nodded, "What caused such a reaction?"

"You didn't expect to age... hmm? What? 3-4 years, maybe, without repercussions, right? Still, the first move would be the hardest. Although, I would suggest not to strain your body with any intense activity for a few days." Orochimaru chuckled and stood up before walking around the bed to make way to Kai's left side as he intended to sneak a glance at the woman's backside but damn, it was worthy to stare at it for a while.

'Heck... is it fucking weird to get hots for the Bimbo?' Kai wondered and then shrugged. Who was he to stop his body's honest reactions? If it's hot, then it's hot similar to if there's a hole, there's a goal!

Bringing him out of his thoughts as his body started to react once again, Orochimaru hummed thoughtfully while holding Kai's shoulder. She could have done all this without 'presenting' herself but then again, where's the fun in that? And even if the two hadn't gotten to 'connect' in any form of relationship except being comrades in war, Orochi had respect for Kai's potential. If there was anyone that HOPED to make her stay more interesting then she pinned that hope onto Kai than her former teammates who were riddled by their own moral dilemmas.

"Do you sense it now?" Orochimaru inquired as Kai did sense a tiny pulse of chakra... nay, it was different. It was more gentle than healing chakra but so... heavy.

"Is that Senjutsu Chakra?" Kai inquired.

"Indeed it is," Orochimaru smiled, "But, I would much rather let you slowly figure out the nuances of Senjutsu Chakra or make use of your own connection. It would simply not be exciting for me to hold the hands of someone like you and tutor you at every step."

Kai scoffed and then looked at her, "So... your change is permanent?"

"Disappointed?" Orochi questioned with a knowing smirk as the youth rolled his eyes.

"Are we done here?" Kai questioned in return as Orochimaru took her time to let her thoughts out with her words, "Well, I don't suppose you need me to make it clear that life will be hard for you if any of this gets out."

Brushing away the threat with a shrug, Kai questioned, "Anyway, I just realized something. You used Senjutsu chakra but... your form is the same? What's the difference between us in utilizing Senjutsu Chakra?"

Smirking widely, "Quick as always, well done. Consider this free lesson a grace from my side since Jiraiya would have no idea about your condition and Tsunade can only understand so much without conducting experiments. Unlike the usual Sage Mode that I achieve through actively concentrating and absorbing natural energy, yours is instinctive. A reaction of your body itself, to be precise. So, while we both may possibly have the same boost in strength and perception, your body would mutate. With your sage transformation branching from me, your mutation is somewhat reptilian and as such, you DO gain better physical maneuverability but again, you have to test these things on your own."

Kai nodded. He intended to do just that while returning to the grind.

He still couldn't help but let a smile creep up. One thing he realized at this moment was that there is someone who would most certainly 'appreciate' his growth.

"I see," Kai replied and huffed, "Where are my clothes?"

"Gone," Orochi shrugged.

"Where?" Kai frowned. Expecting physical reactions, he had stored away most of his storage seals, and the seals on his body were removed, too.

"An accident involving nature energy," Orochimaru informed with a straight expression, "Well, I was trying to imbue inorganic matter with natural energy... Your clothes sacrificed themselves for a good cause."

Beaming at the annoyed youth, Bimborochi added, "You can wear my old clothes. I'm sure you'd fill them nicely."

"Nah," Kai scoffed, "See you around, Orochimaru-san. Oh, by the way..." he let his gaze wander over her form as she continued to sit close to him. The same, sweet scent continued to tickle his nostrils as he exhaled loudly and nodded, "Looking good. You'd give Sensei a run for her money if you decided to doll yourself up a bit."

One of the rules Kai had established in hopes of forming a harem was to make his intentions clear and now that he was older, things grew significantly... better as Orochimaru blinked in surprise at the blunt compliment and the next second Kai disappeared...

Which shocked Orochimaru for a good reason.

After all, she was still in her Sage Mode which made her pupils and the purple marks around her eyes more prominent. Still, with her unreasonable scope of perception, she failed to find Kai. This meant... he did not travel through the usual means and only ONE method fit the bill.

Space-Time Ninjutsu!

Regaining her composure, an even more brilliant yet 'predatory' smile adorned her pretty, somewhat oval face and softer features, "Feels like playing with fire despite getting this strong already... too damn interesting. Let's hope... those around him can live up to expectations somewhat..."


Shoutout to Smitty, Ryan Griffin, ano nymous, and Amin T.!!

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