Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 72: The Alpha-Beta Junior

Chapter 72: The Alpha-Beta Junior

While last night had been a blast, Kai was now present with a few choices like a devil's call.

[Flying Thunder God Technique]

[Four Red Yang Formation]

[The Way of Chakra Weapons]

[Strength of a Hundred Seals]

[Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art]

These were the final five legacy skills he had yet to master and each one of them would be a grave commitment to the grind DESPITE the shadow clones. The cloning technique was great, yes, and by constantly dispersing them and enduring the effects, Kai could even train his mind and perception to a certain degree but these five skills were somewhat special.

The Flying Thunder God Technique is left by the man, the myth, the legend himself Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. This was a fuinjutsu that mimicked teleportation and... the danger of this skill was that one must have a high perception. This was also one of the rarer skills that directly trained his perception... yet, he needed to start from smaller things. Teleporting items and whatnot while developing a seal formula unique to him alone. Of the many legacy skills, if not because of the terrible thought of getting torn to shred by the void that exists between two points in space, Kai would have already started this technique.

Again, the danger of this skill, despite his ability to garner information from his Trait, was very real.

The Four Red Yang Formation was developed by the First Hokage. The man was a prodigy when it came to barrier ninjutsu and sealing skills. He was also the only recorded Senju, nay, shinobi, to ever possess a Kekkei Genkai named Wood Release. The Four Red Yang Formation by itself needed hundred and thousands of chakra points. In essence, this skill needed a reserve present in a Kage so... Kai cut off this skill for now but he was definitely interested in learning a few more barrier ninjutsu.

The way of chakra weapons was again... left by the legend himself. The Second Hokage seemingly created the most amount of Jutsus in Konoha alone. Anyway, the way of chakra weapons sounded easy as if it was just a tome filled with the knowledge of making weapons... no. It was a complicated collection of various forms of chakra minerals present in the world and how each and every element interacted with the said chakra mineral. Anyway, the problem lies in the fact that this 'skill' was highly outdated and incomplete. There have been many new changes that made the previous data recorded by the Second Hokage obsolete. By itself, the legacy did not have any direct method on how to form chakra weapons.

Still, this may just be the easiest grind for him since this skill by itself could be mastered by doing the same task over and over, something his shadow clone has begun doing already. Honestly, this was one of the sweetest techniques ever, the shadow clones, that is.

Strength of a Hundred Seals was brought in by Mito when she was still married to the Senju Clan. The skill... could not be trained by his shadow clones and was just... an advanced form of Basic Chakra Storage Seal. Just that this technique would form a seal that could keep on storing his chakra WITHOUT any limits. Kai was most certainly interested in this. The seal itself was yin-based which could be seen from how the seal mimicked the meaning of infinity. By itself, an 'infinity' of chakra cannot be stored inside a single point but using the creative power of the Yin attribute, it is possible.

And finally... Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art. This was a skill... Tsunade admittedly 'hid' from him until two years ago and finally explained what was what and why Jiraiya was actually one of Hiruzen's favorites. Unlike the ordinary chakra, there is elemental nature chakra used in elemental jutsu, healing chakra which is the same as normal one aside from a shift in yin and yang ratio... and there is also something known as Senjutsu Chakra.

It is formed when the natural energy of the world around a shinobi is absorbed into the body and balanced with the yin and yang of chakra.

As one might not have expected... while many failed to master this, only two Konoha shinobi ever managed to achieve this state of chakra First Hokage and Jiraiya. Tsunade was quite pouty when she explained this, saying that she just hadn't gotten a chance to master it or she would have. An interesting thing to note was that until now, only three locations have ever been 'discovered' where nature energy is condensed to the point where it can be relatively felt without training.

Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave, and Shikkotsu Forest.

The Three Legendary Sannin each had affiliations with one of the three legendary unexplored locations themselves. But Tsunade also explained the popular belief that there may be other sources of Senjutsu chakra.

To even start learning this technique, there was a restriction to feeling nature energy, and... it couldn't be done naturally, well, that's what the world believed. Being this close to Tsunade had its benefits and she revealed that while the First Hokage had indeed mastered Senjutsu in the Shikkotsu forest, he did so naturally without any external assistance.

The Shikkotsu Rock Egg Sage Art was something Hashirama Senju brought from the Shikkotsu Forest itself. So, really, Kai needed to enter that location himself or find some another way. And Tsunade made it really enticing by saying that a shinobi can grow stronger on a multitude of levels directly by mastering Senjutsu Chakra...

This left Kai with three techniques to master.

And... he also arrived at his location. It was 9 in the morning and the new Team 'Kai' had already completed their first D-ranked mission. Unlike yesterday, Kai wore a standard shinobi outfit with a green flak jacket on his style and greeted a broadly grinning girl.

Her brown hair was untamed and spiky with two red fang marks printed on her cheeks and her black eyes turning more and more similar to a canine. Like many Inuzuka members, Tsume had a wild, but not so much exotic appearance. The color of her skin had grown somewhat wheaty over the years as Kuromaru, fully grown to the height of a large woof barked happily as his tail waggled. Tsume, meanwhile, raised her hand in a saluting motion, "Yo, Alpha! Ready for some training?"

She was always eager to train with him. According to Tsume, who openly admitted, that Kai could heal her and Kuromaru... and he wasn't shy enough to show her 'place.' In reality, the Inuzuka clan... was largely based on a pack mentality. And some, paradoxically, Tsume included, had an 'alpha' mindset despite her willing submissiveness to Kai. She wanted to become the matriarch by beating her mother, what after that? She didn't care. And while Tsume was mocked for being a 'beta' by others in the clan, she quickly destroyed... most of the said shinobi in kunoichi.

Every Alpha has his or her own Alpha. Plain and simple.

In Tsume's perfect world, she is an alpha, and so is Kai.

As she cheerily greeted him, her gaze heavily lingered on his form while Kai practically felt her... emotions churn as a heavy, guttural growl emanated from her throat.

'The hell is she eating these days,' Kai scoffed internally, not minding the brazen lust in Tsume's gaze. If shinobi 'grew' early then in the Inuzuka clan, it was encouraged for members to 'court' their mates and well, mate. No dating, no wholesome hugging or spooning. Kai would know. He happened to have arrived within the clan compound during their mating period and they would be eager to fuck whomever they liked within the clan.

When it came to the Inuzuka clan, there were some strict restrictions. The clansman CANNOT commit acts of assault on any civilian or other shinobi. Still, there had been a few cases, especially during the mating period which now also worked as a quarantine for all Inuzuka members to safeguard others. Second, bestiality wasn't tolerated by the Inuzuka clan members. Their ninkens are their most loyal followers. While horny sons of bitches, they were still professionals and anyone found guilty of such charges was sentenced to death by getting mauled by the very ninkens the lawbreaker desensitized.

Kai was quickly brought into the 'den' of hungry beasts as he instantly felt many sights set on him. While other clans would feel conflicted by the idea of a harem, the Inuzuka clan praised Kai's boldness instead. Yet... anyone with enough sense knew NOT to make a harem out of more than one Inuzuka member. This was just common sense. As such, ever since she became a chunin, Tsume had fought off every other chunin-ranked kunoichi who wanted to have a taste of him.

The funny thing was... Kai hadn't even said anything about this to Tsume. She was the one who declared she would be his mate... so in essence, he was the one being courted this time around.

"Alpha, would you like something to eat or drink?" Tsume inquired once they had treaded past the soft road made of fertile soil and now entered a more 'human' kennel that was equipped for a human's and a ninken's need. Tsume's mum being the matriarch meant that their house was the biggest. This wasn't gained by inheritance but snatched by the previous leader.

"Nah, nothing," Kai smiled seeing Tsume looking so meek now, and added, "How about we just train?"

Even if Tsume was two years older than him, she was quite eager to concede all the initiative to him and remarked with a barely perceivable whimper, "After training, how about we... mate finally?"

Kai almost choked on his saliva as Tsume lowered her head further, nibbling her lips nervously, "I- I heard last night that you became a Jonin... I must congratulate in the most appropriate manner, Alpha!" her tone rose in the end as she looked up with an excited expression as if this was more of a reward for herself than him. After all, they'd bathed together after their training a couple of times... alongside Kuromaru and Tsume was positively... scared but excited.

"If you can move after training, sure," Kai shrugged. He just wouldn't heal her.

Sure, that was a scummy move... but then again, he was one. Besides, he wasn't about to lose his virginity just because Tsume was feeling like it when Kai was sure her young body will not be able to handle it. He would rather wait than ruin his own fun.


Sparring with Tsume was a treat as Kai had made his mesh armor and other weights heavier to the point that moving was a task in itself. Right now, he can bear upto 29000 kilograms of weight. In his past life, this would have crushed many things but right now... Kai was fine. It drained heavy stamina but only by maxing his load would he progress quicker.

Unlike him, Tsunade revealed that his last record of naturally lifting weights was about 70000 kilos.

The thing was, each physical stat had requirements greater than before so it wasn't just a number's game. Besides... Kai had a sneaking suspicion that not many skills could automatically refine his body at this point so it was only him and the pure grind for a good amount of time from now on.


A/N: Do note that skills like Lightning cloak that increases physique by 100% don't mean his stats would temporarily become 600 or something. No, as I just wrote, each higher stat is harder to achieve than the last so Kai may get as high as 400-450 and even then, this increment would lower as he grows stronger. Meaning, that there will be a point where this skill would only increase his strength by a single point but its effects on his reaction timing may be worthwhile.

After all, there are skills even greater than this like sage mode which is said to have 10 times the boost (cursed seals) but punks still got owned by Konoha 12.


Shoutout to Moonspellz, Chaotic Theif, j n, and Rockgeek!!

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