Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 130: The Redhead Perfection (2)

Chapter 130: The Redhead Perfection (2)

It would be a lie to say Kushina didn't feel nervous. The pit forming in her stomach and the sensation of her heart almost dropping is hard to ignore, even for a usually cheery girl like her.

"You'll be fine," Tsunade sat next to Kushina and tucked her in. The task of forming a few seals on her body was done so there simply isn't any point to lay naked.

Looking over at Tsunade, Kushina regathers her wits and nods with determination, "I'll tame that sucker 'tebane!"

"I'm sure you will," Tsunade cracks a wry grin, too, but it's hard to hide the worry in her gaze. It wasn't hard for her to take a break from her usual research once Kai explained what they were upto. And she does fill all the criteria to protect her disciples in their weakest state.

"Here, use this if the chakra in her system goes out of control. It can seal it temporarily and stall for enough time," Kai hands over a paper seal to Tsunade and then matches her gaze with a question, "What?"

"What?" Tsunade barks in return, "Excuse me if I'm worried for the two of you"

"Wait, you're worried?" Kushina gasps and interjects, "Let's just put this off. I'm kind of nervous, too, now"

"Relax," Surprisingly, Kai smiles and chuckles in reply, "If you want to put it off. We will. If possible... don't let fear cloud your judgment. Instead... let it keep you cautious. Facing the strongest tailed-beast will not be any simpler when you're older, too..."

Clicking her tongue, Kushina cast an even more worried glance over to him, "But... I mean... what if"

"I'm going to be there right next to you for a reason. Besides... we didn't just develop our seal to hurt you. We did it to help you..."

Kushina grows silent for a while and Tsunade pats the girl's head finally.

That calms her nerves as she reluctantly looks at their busty Sensei and musters mutedly, "Shouldn't... you guys still prepare for another host i-if something happens to me?"

Tsunade's expression drops a bit but forcing a smile, the blonde Senju comforts Kushina, "Stop being silly, will you? Nobody is fighting the Ninetails. You guys are just changing the location so that you can get a better understanding of your other half."

"Then why did Kai give you a chakra-suppressing seal" Before Kushina could question any longer, Kai sticks another paper seal on her forehead and the redhead's eyelids instantly drop down while the girl falls unconscious.

A little blindsided, Tsunade looks up at Kai only for him to shrug, "What? Do you think we have all day? Besides, I've sworn to protect her, not hear her nonsense over something so simple. As they say, the best way to teach swimming is by drowning the student."

"Sure... because swimming is not so different than UNSEALING A FREAKING BIJUU, RIGHT?!"

Kai blinks and nods, "Yeah? Anyway, the room is covered by chakra seals, too."

They were in one of the Uzumaki Training Chambers whose seals were fine-tuned by Kai and before Tsunade could continue to berate Kai, he closed his eyes while placing his hand on Kushina's stomach through the blanket.


"How could you just throw me here?!" Kushina's indignant snarl made Kai snicker and raise his hands in surrender, "I did? That's crazy! You just slept"

Huffing through his rather open lies, Kushina glares at him with her violet orbs only for him to sigh and add, "My intention is not to hurt you but... it's time you face the truth, right?"

"What truth?" Uzumaki Princess demands while still floating in a golden world and crossing her arms.

"That Mistress Mito's death traumatized you?" Kai hums and exhales softly, "To be precise... you aren't afraid of Kyubi as much as you're horrified by the idea of going through the same things as Mistress Mito..."

Kushina grows silent in response and then lowers her head.

"Not all Shinobi can become a weapon... dattebane..." Kushina whispers weakly. She loves training. She loves seals. She loves Kai, too. She doesn't mind killing. But...

She just couldn't become a weapon.

"I just... don't want to be used..." Kushina whimpers softly, "Every time I see Hokage... I'm just reminded of what Grandma Mito went through."

Kai could absolutely feel Kyubi's mocking gaze. Yeah, the tailed-beast knew about Mito, that much Kai understood. But... Mito did cast a shadow over Kushina. It wasn't all that much. In fact, from a perspective, it was good. At least, Kushina wasn't as trusting of Hiruzen as the other Uzumaki of the village.

But this left Kushina with a sense of worry for the future... that she felt she was living now.

"You don't have to be a weapon," Kai shakes his head, "That edge is not for everyone. If you actually were a weapon, I doubt we'd even like each other."

This jolts Kushina somewhat but she still keeps quiet and hears him out, "And Kushina... hey, look at me," he whispers softly. His voice isn't categorized as soothing in any manner but Kai still holds her chin up and lets his gaze fall deep into hers.

"You don't have to fear Kyubi, too. Because, at the end of the day, it's not a monster. The individuals who can become the perfect weapon... no matter how weak... are the real monsters of this world. Kyubi... if I have to guess... is like you"

His words cause the giant beast nailed to the floating boulder to struggle against its chains but Kai continues calmly, his voice being the only thing that filled her senses, "Kyubi is just trapped... like you. Now, it's up to you to either fear it... or kick its ass and show who's the real top dog in your consciousness."

"Pfft" Kushina suddenly burst out laughing and hugs Kai, her body wrapping him completely and might he add, naked.

But it was of no consequence here. This is her world, after all.

"I really thought you were going to tell me to make friends!" Kushina wheezes as Kai scoffs, "Friends? Please! You tame beasts, isn't that right, furball?"

Kai looks past Kushina and matched the vertical pupils of the Kyubi surrounded by its crimson irides.

"Hmm... but we have to set 'that'..." Kushina hums.



Tsunade sits idly. Many thoughts occupy her mind. A part of her is still celebrating her gains after becoming a Sage. Another part of her worries for Kushina... and then, finally, a more 'arrogant' part of her wants to kick Kyubi's ass herself. Yeah, she was drunk on the power she got but... it's hard not to. She'll need some training and a good dicking down No, no! No! A good kicking down! KICKING down!

Nothing like a defeat to curb the arrogance of new strength and while it is certainly strange... Tsunade did believe that Kai's lethality could overcome her pure strength. In essence, he is just a bad match-up for her... and certainly BAD in things that mattered to her, too... in a good way.

Yet, a strange thrum of chakra pulls Tsunade out of her wet dreams and she looks over at Kai and Kushina. Sensing the source of it, Tsunade pulls the blanket up slightly and unfazed by Kushina's naked form underneath, Tsunade observes the spiral Uzumaki seal on the flat of her stomach appearing and four pillars of scriptures began to mark her body. Before things could change any further, an overlaying seal formed by Kai in preparation for things finally activates, and the scriptures suddenly combine into a single length that dissects Kushina into two halves and stop right in the center of her forehead.

Tsunade admits that Kushina looked somewhat ghastly at the moment. Meanwhile, Kai's head still bobbed down at times.

"So... this is the seal they developed? What's so crazy about it?" Tsunade hums and observes quietly.



A clear drop of water suddenly woke Kyubi and it readies itself on its fours. Realizing it had gotten free, the beast looks around for a moment. Nine of its tails waves around and the sensation of freedom... well, relative freedom does fill its heart and soul with relief. Yet, it doesn't move easily.

After all, the beast of chakra knew something is up. It is now in a world of relative darkness but the clear water around it reflects dull gold and stains the walls around it in a similar manner. The moment it tried to jump up and overcome the length of these walls, it deems the task impossible due to a familiar force keeping him in check.

The Four Symbol Seal.

It's one of the strongest seals in existence that could only be infected somewhat by the pure malice in Kyubi's chakra and nothing more... well, it has not found any other weakness to the seal yet.

Remaining quiet instead of showing aggression since there is nothing to roar at but dull walls and an everpresent layer of water that barely reached the tips of its claws, Kyubi begins to move forward.

Why forward?

Why not?

As it walks, the sound of its steps fills the large, dull hallway in an unending echo. The walls on both sides remain the same as much as it walked and soon, the beast gave in its frustration.

"Where are you?!" Its rough, feminine growl fills this strange region and causes multiple ripples to spread out into the layer of water underneath it!

No answer graces its question and growling under its breath, it moves once again. Straight... Straight all the way.

But there is no end to the construct of this seal. The beast realizes that soon.

"This is a... Genjutsu," it snarls under its breath, and a massive fluctuation of chakra shudders through its being but... nothing changed except for a whisper to graze past its huge furry ear.

"You're almost correct. It's Yin-based, but not a genjutsu," It knows the source of the voice, and its growl rumbles, "Kai... show yourself to me. I will tear you first for all the humiliation I have felt!"

"Humiliation? What the hell are you talking about? I didn't nail you to a boulder."

Now it could not admit that its bottom is spanked every time Kushina's is, right? It certainly would not admit that a Jinchuriki affects the tailed beast just as the opposite is true. The only difference is the degree to which the two parties affect one another.

"Where are you?!"


A savage roar fills the area but... its calls remain unanswered and it doesn't take long for Kyubi to realize that THIS is much worse...

"Ready to talk?" This time, the voice is younger... sweeter in a sense. But it filled Kyubi with unending hate.

"Kushina! You think these walls will stop me?!"

Not limiting itself any longer... Kyubi unleashed all its chakra but the next second it felt its heart shudder. It has experienced this before.

All of its chakra seeps into the walls of the seal, yes. Kyubi expects this to infect Kushina's chakra coils and make her go berserk...


The walls absorb its chakra.

And nothing more.

It was as if the chakra is MEANT to be released and absorbed in this location...


"See? I told you, this will work," Kai grins at Kushina as the two 'watch' Kyubi while still in a rather luxurious golden world.

"Then why did you give Sensei that seal?" Kushina pouts while Kai shrugs, "That's called being cautious. Now... the easiest part is done. It is free to a certain extent... I'll wait for you outside... good luck."

Kushina heaves deeply and then smiles but it's clear that she's still nervous. Seeing this, Kai finally sighs and remarks, "I didn't want to say anything but... want to make a deal?"

"What deal?" Kushina grows interested instantly.

"You manage to become a Perfect Jinchuriki... then I will have no need to be your guardian..."

Kushina frowns and shakes her head, "Nope, I want you to be with me" she soon realizes what he means and then blinks while flushing slightly, "Oh... hmm... I guess... if you're THAT insisting..."

Thinning her lips and looking away, Kushina curls her fingers and elicited Kai to question something.

"Why aren't you still wearing your clothes?"

Kushina blinks and looks down at herself. A long seal divides her body from her navel to her forehead but the seal around her stomach was slowly disappearing and reaching up to her forehead. Blushing heavily, Kushina responds, "Because! I'm still naked outside... and it's not like you haven't seen me already."

"No," shaking his head, Kai responds, "I mean... you control this world. Your avatar here can still use chakra and stuff... so, why not just dress yourself"

"Just get out already dattebane!" Kushina shouts with a flush and throws Kai's consciousness out.


Alternate Title: Kushina's Truly a Hoe; Kyubi's Spanked!


Shoutout to Kheinz and Tyler!!!

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