Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 123: Revolutionary (19)

Chapter 123: Revolutionary (19)

Barely able to cover his excitement, Kai found himself at the peak of the tallest tree in the Shikkotsu Forest. He'd be leaving for another mission tomorrow since their break would come to an end but the last week's grind and research with Fukushu and the Cerberus had brought quite a bit of growth to Kai's understanding of Chakra. It wasn't enough to be considered anything new compared to the vast pool of knowledge he had already achieved but he did manage to devise a seal that could start things not only with Fukushu but may as well be a step needed for Tsunade to finally have a breakthrough with Rinnegan and even for Kushina's jinchuriki problem... even Orochimaru's goal.

What he developed was a key.

But as exciting as it was, Kai just pumped more for the skill he mastered. Adopting his Sage Transformation since that was his go-to sage mode when compared to the Rock Egg Monkey Sage Mode, Kai licked his lips and jumped down.

His clones had remastered a few wind nature jutsus into Sage Arts.


Before his fall impacted the ground, Kai's body came to a standstill. His breathing eased down as he let Senjutsu Chakra elementalized as wind nature seep into his surroundings and gained control of an aspect of nature around him using less Senjutsu Chakra.

Still two meters from the ground, Kai continued to 'stand' in the air. He could fly using Essence Transformation and taking the form of a number of birds but... this was different. This skill was inspired once he tried to remaster Wind Release: High Jump but the Sage Art turned out much differently, in the same manner as [Sage Art Earth Travel.]

[Sage Art Air Stream (10/10): Releases a stream of wind from the pores of the body with enough senjutsu chakra to interact with the wind around the user. Chakra consumption reduced by 10% at every level. Current Consumption: 100~???]

Well, his clone completed the grind, and Kai just wanted to try this on his own. Shikkotsu Forest was saturated with nature energy so this technique would use less chakra compared to the shinobi villages and the elemental nations. Of course, this was just one of the skills as his SP, too, grew by several points.

With a hearty smile, Kai soon began to jog in the air, backflipping even when he could just stand sideways, too... simply making the air his territory brought plenty of advantages to him, and even if he later isn't in his Sage Transformation, he can always just chose to not doll himself up with this menacing form and adopt to manipulate Senjutsu Chakra without it. After all, Sage Transformation fully integrated Senjutsu Chakra into his body for growth in his raw parameters but that didn't mean he couldn't control the chakra otherwise by now.


"So? What's going on?" Tsunade inquired as she found Kai's lab neatly organized and without a single clone a rare sight. Since both of their labs were under the Senju Manor, Tsunade would visit the lower wards and watch Kai's clone try and emulate Byakugan only to fail constantly...

But he finally had a breakthrough. An important one at that.

Gently scooping the single Sharingan they looted from Danzo's eye socket, Kai set the scarlet eye into a rather gigantic transparent cylinder that was as high as two meters and filled with light yellow nutrition liquid. A pattern of the seal was already drawn on the floor over which the cylinder was placed as Kai questioned, "Sensei, you remember when I told you that Danzo stole the Second's Reports? How Tobirama Senju would loot the dead Uchiha off of their Sharingan to study them?"

"I do," pulling a chair, Tsunade decided to sit down and let Kai explain whatever he wanted.

"Well, Tobirama Senju worked more on what we already knew. To be precise The existence of Chakra is present in every cell, every wave of emotion, and even intent. In layman's terms, Chakra is that concept that is the answer to everything that is mysterious."

Tsunade nodded.

"Tobirama Senju believed that the key in an Uchiha awakening a sharingan is related to their emotions. An Uchiha, in an extreme emotional state, be it anger, lust, obsession, or anything else... releases a wave of chakra from their brains as it would release hormones. This chakra is the presentation of their emotions and interacts with the bundle of nerves around the eyes before awakening sharingan. That's why the Clan was once considered a Clan that Loves too Much... good for me, I snatched their princess."

Tsunade deadpanned at the last bit as Kai just had the skill of making every situation about his move and smiled, "Tobirama Senju also believed that to be true for every Dojutsu... but he's wrong. Byakugan doesn't rely on emotionally charged chakra from the brain as all Hyuga possess it. I've come to realize that Byakugan has just a sprinkle of nature energy... and their bodies."

"Their physique?" Tsunade frowned.

"Yeah, putting Hizashi in a genjutsu was easy enough when he was helping me in 'training' to repay the favor of making him an elder. The Hyuga may not be as sturdy as Senju or Uzumaki but... they are stronger than the average. Byakugan is a Kekkei Genkai... that stems from their bloodline and doesn't need any emotional distress. It makes this Dojutsu more efficient even if less versatile than Sharingan. Not to mention, their social problem stems from outdated traditions, unlike Uchihas who need to battle their inner demons since Sharingan charges emotions ever so slightly. Again, it only enhances their most basic emotion and desires."

Shaking his head, Kai muttered, "Loyal becomes blind... confused becomes lost, anger becomes terror... attraction becomes attachment."

"So? What of it?" Tsunade failed to understand the reason for the monologue even now.

"What of it? Everything I said... can be understood by Chakra. It can explain what we cannot understand. For instance... this Sharingan. How can I measure what kind of chakra was needed to awaken it? If Tobirama is correct, then different emotions must have differing effects on the awakening. There are TOO many variations to be recorded!"

Grinning, Kai's gaze bore into Tsunade's amber orbs, "What if... we had a new language? A language that would converse in chakra?"

Tsunade's lips parted slightly before she shook her head, "What you're saying is even more complicated. Every bit of this 'language' will be unique. Let's take twins for instance. Even though twins look the same, they will not be considered the same in this new"

"Yeah," Kai smirked, "Everything and everyone will be unique. No two things will be alike... but that's what everyone would think at the surface. Chakra is still controlled. It's still under our control..."

Tsunade's eyes widened as she caught onto what Kai was trying to imply.

"That... that's only in the legends..." She whispered as Kai spoke softly, "I believe... this could be the first step to the fabled Creation of All Things... that Rikudo is said to have shaped this world from."

Tsunade still remained too stunned to speak as Kai turned to look at the Uchiha eye, "Danzo killed Kagami Uchiha and robbed both of his Sharingan. One of these eyes had lost its light and you questioned me about it... The truth is, the Uchiha clan also had some crazy fuckers like the Second Hokage who pushed their knowledge and abilities beyond what was expected of them and in the end, they created a Forbidden Jutsu... Izanagi. It's a technique based on Creation of All Things that implant a Genjutsu over the real world."

"To be precise, it implants a different result within a certain duration after the technique is used which will result in the loss of vision. Let's say, we're fighting with me using this technique. You end up killing me... Izanagi will shift the reality to the conclusion my survival."

"Is that what he used to escape from Yata?" Tsunade inquired as Kai nodded, "But enough about the husk in our prison. All I've managed to figure out right now is to convert an entity without sentience into chakra itself. The seals under the cylinder are not for that, however, they are there to maintain the chakra formed out of a substance."

"So, why use a Sharingan? It's valuable research material," Tsunade pursed her lips.

"Because I'll be motivated to research the next step if something as valuable as a sharingan is just caught in this incomplete research," Kai giggled and pressed his hand against the surface of the cylinder before a large seal spread on its surface from his hand!

[Chakra Origin Seal (9/25): Turns the selected non-sentient targets into a mix of unique chakra. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 2% at every level. Current Consumption: 19870~??

Next Level: Spend 560000 Chakra or 25 SP.]

Despite the tremendous consumption, the technique was still classified as an A-ranked Jutsu, and under Tsunade's amazed gaze, the eye began to slowly dilute and turn into a mist-like milky white form still in a spherical shape with a violet undertone. The chakra seemed unaffected by the nutrition fluid as Kai huffed and smiled in satisfaction.

"Maybe we can use this to finally start more research about Fukushu, Cerberus, and the Jashin God he keeps chatting about," Tsunade called out from the side as Kai nodded before revealing a knowing smirk.

"Alright, what do you want?" Tsunade rolled her eyes as she saw this. This technique may not be too valuable to others but this could build a new foundation for the village! Of course... even if Kai had managed to 'discover' this language of chakra... now they must find ways to 'read' and understand it.

Like a code.

"Hey, why do you assume that I won't just present this technique to you out of the goodness of my heart?"

"Would you?" Tsunade gave him a sidelong glance.


"Then... what do you want?" Tsunade smirked as Kai traced his chin before shrugging, "I don't know... I expected to ask something but who knew my life is so awesome that even I am content for the time being."

This was not a response she expected from a being as greedy as him but... she noted the sincerity in his voice and added, "Then figure something out. Even if you do give us the technique, it's useless until we manage to form a technique that deciphers this 'new' language we've been weaving for ages so you've got your work cut out for you after you return from your next mission."

Kai nodded, "Yeah... damn, didn't even feel how three entire weeks just sped as I managed to form a revolutionary technique for the very chakra itself..."

Tsunade scoffed but this time even she couldn't refute his words. After all, if what he said is the truth then this technique was a shard of something much grander.


Alternate Title: A New Rikudo


A/N: Alright, I had two main addition to the lores of naruto in this ff which I will replicate over to Paradise of Infinity in its naruto arc. One of the lore was chakra being a vault of language that transcends body, mind, and the spirit. Again, I still find Naruto's power system one of the best just because of chakra. Its like magic and ki combined.

The second lore will... well, I'd like to keep it close for now. For one, it's still WIP and two, it will be more for world-building than anything as I did in quest maker by changing the back story of the Dragon God entirely.

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