Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 118: Revolutionary (14)

Chapter 118: Revolutionary (14)

"Hmm... you're a clone, too?" Jiraiya sighed at the realization as Tsunade's clone look unbothered with her nose buried into the pile of paperwork alongside Nono finding out any mistakes she could find before the said papers could be set on Tsunade's desk for finalization. As the clone only nodded and Nono took the time to go out of the office and return with a tray in her hands with a glass of water, Jiraiya looked thoughtful and sat down, "I won't disturb you but you don't mind me borrowing Nono-chan for a moment, right? I need her experienced gaze to look over my new work."

Scowling, the clone looked up, "Can't you do that later? The day's work is almost done, just a few dozen approvals are left."

The thing is, Shinobi follows a strict structure that only the exceptional can break out of. But this also meant that most shinobi and civilians part of the clan need approval for most of the things they desire. After all, their security grew even more strict after Dan's infiltration but not the kind of leader to let her followers bear the brunt, Tsunade took on the responsibility of the resulting paperwork.

"It won't take long, I promise," Jiraiya grinned and pressed his hands together to request, "Please! After all, if there are any last-minute changes, I must contact the publisher as quickly as possible!"

Huffing, Tsunade returned to her work while grumbling, "You and your smut... tch. Fine, Nono, be quick about it."

With a pleasant smile, Nono agreed quickly, "Yes, Tsunade-sama."

She then sat across from Jiraiya and practically snatched the book from his hand with eagerness marring her usually calm and competitive gaze.

Flipping through the first few pages, Nono's attention soon completely focused on the story of the new protagonist instead of Naruto from the Tales of Gutsy Shinobi. The story started slow and on a more mature theme that questioned the moral dilemma of a partner only cheating on his significant other because he was scared for his own life should he try to break things off the right way... but maybe... just MAYBE, the protagonist was truly scared because he cheated on his significant other with her mother...

Before she could continue, Jiraiya idly inquired, "So? Nono-chan, what is going on with you guys?" His gaze was unfocused as he flipped through a book of his own. After all, a good writer must be a good reader first that's one of Nono's beliefs.

{A/N: Sadly... I'm a shitty reader... suggest works similar to cambrian and jordin pls!!}

Not particularly interested in the question, Nono replied half-heartedly, "Oh, just you know, after Kai's and Mikoto's engagement, we're just trying to adjust."

Interested in this more than the great nations and villages conspiring against one another, Jiraiya leaned forward, "Huh, Kai-kun really did it... Does it feel weird? Sharing a man, I mean. Of course, I understand from your letters that you have yet to share him but... is it, at all, similar to a man sharing his woman?"

While Tsunade already felt a vein pop over Jiraiya's question, Nono adjusted her glasses and accepted the culture in its raw form while leaning forward and revealing an interested look.

"It's hard for me to... assess such a feeling. I haven't entered into any other relationship so I can't just compare what I have with Kai... Mikoto, and Kushina, too, for that matter with others. I'd say one thing though... kunoichi like us can adapt easier around one capable shinobi working for what he wants... than multiple shinobi trying to adapt around a single kunoichi. Although, I would praise the shinobi's and kunoichi's skills to manage such a dynamic in both instances."

Jiraiya pursed his lips and fell into deep thought.

"Tsunade, you think I could form a harem?" He suddenly turned to look at his former teammate as she scoffed, "A harem of whores maybe. Hey, not only would they share you, you'd get to share them, too, for a pretty dime at that."

Jiraiya's lips twitched before he snorted and crossed his arms, "You say that about me? The most handsome of the Sannin? Then what about you? The matriarch of the Senju and still without a single lover!"

Since Jiraiya had basically sped here... he didn't take the chance of fully observing everything. His words made Tsunade give a smug smirk instead, "Without a single lover you say? I"

"She is indeed without one," Nono interjected with a smile, the eagerness that once flashed in her gaze was now replaced by witty coyness once again as she looked at the clone and her smirk broadened. But Tsunade gulped instead and glared at Jiraiya, "Fuck off! Ask all that from the original. Let me be with my tasks!"

Jiraiya clicked his tongue and looked at Nono, "So close."

"Does it matter? You started with the wrong person," Nono shrugged. Her attitude and words only made Jiraiya chuckle, "Well, that's true. I won't bother you guys. Read it freely and give me feedback in a few days, right? Oh, and tell Tsunade that I and Orochi would be waiting for her in the same spot tonight for drinks."

Jiraiya left quickly as Nono just stared at the slightly sweating clone who was saved from fucking up big time.

Jiraiya was good at forking out information... and even if the truth won't be hidden anyway since Tsunade did beat up anyone who laughed, Jiraiya would find it should he take some time to loiter around in Senju Clan. But that doesn't mean they should be making it easy for him.

"Do I get some free time to save you from this mess, Clone-sama?" Nono chortled as Tsunade scoffed, "Just get back here. Read Jiraiya's work in your free time."

Nono pouted and returned to the desk.


The evening soon settled into beautiful dusk. Filled and feeling quite happy after how much she enjoyed her time with Kai, including his witty and cheeky remarks, Tsunade found herself sitting on top of her grandfather's head on the Hokage Rocks. Three large portraits of the three Hokages carved into the large mountain covering a side of the Konoha and watching over the villagers a structure of pride and honor, an irony to the true nature of shinobi and kunoichi who are molded in deceit and raised to be despicable just to survive.

"Man... what a village, huh..." Tsunade smiled in contentment, "I used to come here. In this body, exactly, too. I would watch over the village. I met Dan right here. And now here we are... with conflict of villages still going on." In the end, her smile receded somewhat, "I... just can't imagine if the conflict would have lasted if Grandpa kept all the tailed beasts instead of handing them out..."

Every authoritative figure knew of the distribution of the Tailed-beasts. To put it simply, to end the conflicts, the First Hokage sought to capture all the nine forces of nature and then pimp them out to various villages to balance the strength of the villages. Of course, things didn't go exactly as is but that was the general gist of it.

Sitting beside Tsunade, Kai enjoyed the somewhat dry wind grazing his face. The year was close to an end. A few months and another year would start. His thoughts, however, remained in the present. The things he could achieve. But he was happy to share his thoughts when Tsunade turned to look at him, "What do you think? Was Grandpa... right? You aim to be the Hokage. Even if just for shit and giggles, it would do you good to have some political understanding."

Humming audibly, Kai let his gaze wander over the village. He could see the long line in front of Teuchi's store, he found his clone with Minato forming another rasengun, and Tsume jogging with Kuromaru and another clone of his while wearing weighted accessories. What surprised him was a woman stop Sakumo who walked alongside Kakashi but soon the man shook his head and left. Probably rejecting a prospective thirsty hoe after his ass.

"I could probably find so many faults but really... I don't have the heart to judge their circumstances. I mean, I'm with you. Senju's gem. I've mastered their legacy in its entirety. And, last but not the least, give the man a break. He died after doing so much for the village but all he got in return was people questioning his decisions. Not to mention a stupid cunt who somehow found his stem cells right on the doorstep out of nowhere..."

Tsunade pursed her lips as Kai gestured to look forward with his chin while a sincere and relaxed smile touched his lips, "Remember when Mito-sama asked me about my ambitions and I said I wanted a Harem?"

"I happened to be there," Tsunade scoffed.

"Well, it changed a little. I just don't WANT it... I also want to be able to live. I can't do that with wars happening at the whims of Kages..."

Leaning forward and cupping her cheeks, Tsunade smiled, "You know that wars happen because of the Lord of the Lands instead of Kages of Villages, right?"

Sneering, Kai chuckled, "Spare me the political bullshit. Do you think Kages don't use the conflict between the daimyos as an excuse to further their own heritage by plundering others? Makes me wonder at times... are the Daimyos controlling the villages or is it the other way around."

"Something tells me you don't focus on it too much," Tsunade smirked.

"My time is spent better on the grind," He shrugged.

"Still doesn't answer how you aim to end wars and live with us?" Tsunade questioned only to find Kai grinning broadly and staring at her silently.

Blinking, Tsunade soon blushed and groaned, "A fucking slip of my tongue, don't act smug!"

"Hmm, just waiting for your tongue to slip a bit more... you know, down." Kai laid back and laughed, "You won't believe my way of ending the war even if I tell you. Think of it as my second dream. Heck, even the First Hokage's act of sharing Tailed-beasts is saner!"

Curling her legs up, Tsunade pressed, "I would place my life in your hands on a battlefield. Me trusting your ambitions pale in comparison. Go on, I'm all ears," she let her gaze linger over his form before lying down next to him and staring at the sky.

"I..." Kai whispered and Tsunade's eyes soon widened.

"There's no jutsu for that!" She blinked.

"I'll make it," Kai shrugged.

"Others won't agree... you know, it really is an insane thought... to the point I may not even be reacting as I should be!" She huffed.

"Or, you just believe your loyal guardian at this point that he could just achieve this, too," Kai turned his body to face her, "More than that... how are you feeling? Still afraid what others would say?"

"Afraid?" Tsunade turned to look at him, "I think, by now, even Sensei got the news. Tch, I guess I can't ruin my image further by breaking things up. So, unfortunately, I'm stuck with you."

With his gaze turning cocky, like his smile, Kai retorted, "You fool! You thought that would bother me? One man's misfortune is another's fortune!"

Pursing her lips, she leaned forward slightly and pecked his lips, "You're an asshole, my legacy guardian."

"No need to butter me so much, Tsunade-sama. I've heard that compliment many times~!"

She soon sighed, "Well... I won't be able to drink with you guys tonight since Jiraiya returned."

Kai nodded, "Yeah... but let's do this again the moment we get free time. And... remember, you only have two weeks for that bet."

Sitting up, Tsunade shook her head, "I would have kept playing... if we didn't go out today... or did what we did yesterday. Of course... I've come to like you. And I don't ask for much. I'll even follow you to the Hokage's desk and work under you eventually. All I can think is... if..." she looked hesitant slightly and averted her gaze with a prominent blush, "I want to have kids, someday... but I never want them to experience what I did. So, work hard. If I find you lacking..."

"You'll replace me?" Kai chortled.

"No," with a roguish smirk, Tsunade's body began to grow older while she locked her gaze with him, "I don't replace easy. Instead, I'll rally the 'troops' and whip you into shape."

"Understandable," Kai nodded, "I guess... I'll have to even surpass your grandfather."

"That's the least of expertise you need," Tsunade chuckled and left earlier than him.

Finally, alone, Kai closed his eyes and rested for the time being. He just felt too relaxed after having stated his goals to Tsunade, at least.


Alternate Title: Tsunade's an Irreplaceable Waifu!


Shoutout to Caleb Zimmerman, Yatatata, Keagan Brown, Alec H, and Dang Tran!!

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