Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 104: Perfect Vacation (9)

Chapter 104: Perfect Vacation (9)

Only a day's distance from Konoha from the Bingo Spot, again, Sakumo with his infinite travel agency wisdom decided to stay the night in a rather well-off town in the Land of Fire known for its markets. And that meant ALL kinds of services.

Interested in viewing the red light district but not THAT interested to take a slice of the pie, Kai managed to persuade Minato to accompany him. Tsume was more than ready to follow while it was Kuromaru's nap time so Sakumo got the honor of guarding the guard hound and having a well-spoken head beside him who would nut for Jashin should he get his body back. It was honestly amazing how the man was still alive.

But this was time to chill and with a rather perked-up team given that Kai could sense Minato's embarrassment and curiosity even without empathizing the heck out of his chakra intent, they went off to the nearest establishment surrounded by red and pink paper lanterns that gave the women in wide-necked Yukata a rather appealing glow. Most of them had the doors to their rooms slid open as they presented themselves to any who may pay them or reject whomever they wished not to lay with. But that could be argued in many circumstances.

Kai, Minato, and Tsume got... quite the attention for a whole different reason. With his swagger as a natural, Kai was soon approached by a buck-teeth middle-aged man whose face was still flushed in a state of intoxication while his body was reacting 'appropriately' given how almost everyone here to spend their Ryo sported barely concealed erections. Even Minato's steps were a bit wider while Tsume was slightly red as her nose twitched constantly.

"Well, well, even young ones have a business, eh? How much for that beastly-looking one?" The man inquired. As proper shinobi, Kai and others concealed their core shinobi attire so they looked rather normal. Well, in terms of clothes, that is. Being young did not mean they looked young. Tsume could pass on as a newbie in the business, and realizing how she'd been complimented as a beast by a rather unappealing man whose scent made Tsume's stomach revolt, she narrowed her eyes while her hands adopted a widened claw hold that made her unusually long nails stand out.

"Now, now, let the adults talk," Kai looked back and winked at the duo, assuring them a great deal. But turning to look at the man, with an equally lurid smirk, that is, Kai grinned, "4000 for her. But 5000 for both of them. You seem like the kind of person to get things done, sir. How about it? Have you ever tasted something so forbidden?"

While Tsume and Minato were still in a daze, Kai pulled Minato forward by coiling his arm around the blonde's neck as the drunken man in front of them seemed to be considering the question seriously.

"Well... I did once. I swear, that bitch lied to me! Fucking killed him after but boy was he tight. Hmm, 5000, eh? Cheap enough for a night." The man agreed readily and Kai chuckled, "Payment first, sir."

Not expecting any kind of hanky business from a newbie, the man slid his hand under his kimono and took out a thin stack of bills that had been forcefully straightened. Grinning, Kai took the bill and placed the man into a Genjutsu.

Seeing the man suddenly lay down and hump the ground, the duo who had been feeling a little disgruntled were stunned again.

"Welp, we got some more cash to spend. I remember your type, Minato. Redheads, righ? Let's spend on the most expensive one~!"

Kai chortled, his other hand latching around Tsume's neck whose heart fluttered at the show of 'affection' as Kai heard no refusal from Minato, too... it was the truth, after all. Minato, after interactions with Jiraiya and Kai, was forced to realize that he, too, like others, had a type.


As such, they quickly found themselves in front of the most expensive redhead which only had rare visitors given the fact she was a redhead and how her weak but definitely stronger than an average civilian chakra signature looked like an Uzumaki. Did the Uzumaki have a monopoly on redheads? Kai was forced to consider this fact but in the end, who cares?

They were here and ready to pay. And, their entertainer was quite amused and surprised by her customers, too.

As such, she didn't mind the experience herself and let the trio in while closing the door to her room, revealing her status as occupied for the time being.

"So, has anyone ever poured you a drink?" The buxom redhead questioned, her gaze wandering over to the trio, who, in return observed her space of work carefully. Well, sexual entertainment was the most popular work for them at night but expensive and more trained workers like her were apt in more than just utilizing their bodies. With decorative fans sporting naked women bathing set atop a shelf, a rather graceful light blue vase, and a carved flute not far from the women on a desk next to the shelf, the room's setting was quite tasteful.

Tea and alcohol were already present while they could order eatables, too.

"Um, my Sensei poured me a drink," Minato answered.

"My mother did for me," Tsume nodded.

"I stole a jar from my Sensei and drank it on my own," Kai shrugged.

"Relax, you don't need to lie, big guy," The woman smiled at Kai with amusement.

'This bitch.' Kai deadpanned before heaving a deep breath.

Not being even a little lazy despite the customers being children and a teenager, the woman set cups and poured them a drink with a happy smile, and only after they did drink it did she question them, "So? How would you like to pass the next three hours?"

While Minato blushed deeply, Tsume remarked bluntly, "I want to train."

"Train?" The woman quizically looked at the girl with the wildest 'feel' ever.

"Yea..." Tsume nodded as she snuck a glance towards Kai, "A few tips and tricks... for later..." she mustered softly, finally feeling a tiny bit bashful but... grind was grind, and Kai was wholly pleased by Tsume's uptake. His smile broadened and his hand, like usual, ruffled the girl's head causing her smirk to broaden into a cute grin that revealed her sharp canines.

"Hmm~ How envious," the redhead purred, "Would you like me to demonstrate said tips on your sweetheart?"

Scowling at the impunity of the seductress, Tsume gave her voluptuous form covered in the revealing red yukata complementing her long red hair a proper look before growling, "Back off."

Seeing the sudden change in expression and manner, and wholly unaware that the girl in front of her was more dangerous than their brothel's guards, an even greater spark of amusement ignited within the redhead's eyes, "Fiesty, are we? How am I supposed to teach you anything with such a mannerism?"

Tsume frowned harder but the hand on her head continuously blessed her with the strength and the might of warm pats making her calmer and more rational allowed her to scoff, "Forget it... I will learn on my own."

"Right, leave Tsume with me. And if possible... point me towards the tailor who can make such sexy pieces?" His eyes wholly rested on her breasts without a hint of shame as the woman nodded, "Of course. Is that all?" She then looked at the blushing Minato. She had experienced this before... there were many men who acted like him. Shy and unsure. She had made many men actual MEN and wasn't averse to the idea.

Smiling similarly, Kai patted Minato's back while setting the youth on his master's path. Kai didn't know who Jiraiya would be prouder of Him or Minato?

Anyway, Kai chuckled, "We'll look around a little more. If anything happens, be sure to use the seal to notify us."

His words were soft and Minato nodded before yelping, "Ah, you're leaving me alone?"

"Well, you want me to watch? That's high-level kinks dude..." Kai blanched as Minato spiraled further into a panic.

"Leave some teasing for me," the woman narrowed her gaze at the blonde and added, "Our mistress commissions Old Teppo living in the center of the town for our clothes. Ask anyone about him, he and his wife keep the shop open all day long."

Kai nodded, "Thanks, he'll tip ya," he added while patting Minato's back once again and then leaving with Tsume who took one last look at the woman, eliciting her to wink at Tsume, and in return, Tsume stuck her tongue out and left.

After pimping out Minato, Kai instantly noticed Tsume relaxing quite a bit. She wasn't particularly on guard against the youth but now she continued to sport a broad grin despite having their steps paused two times more by eager fellows falling for Tsume's charm. Sucks for them, she had a more attractive kill record than her face but unwilling to cause a commotion, Kai opted to make these fools relive their worst nightmares in a genjutsu. It wasn't anything advanced such as a shift in perception of time so the amount they spend in Genjutsu will be the same as they are screaming in real life.

Stepping up and keeping pace with Kai, Tsume questioned curiously, "Are we really going to that clothing store... I wanted to train, Alpha."

"Sure, go ahead. I'll send a clone. But I have a hoe in the pad who has red hair, too... I would like something similarly designed for her, and others, so, I need to get ideas on some outfit."

Of course, Kai wanted to 'dress' them up. It's even sexier with clothes on, period.

Pouting, Tsume grumbled, "Nah, I'll follow you... tch, but after that..."

"Sure, we'll train. Go all out," Kai smiled, "I want to get inspiration from you and Kuromaru, too, to work with Cinnamon."

Tsume's expression brightened and she grinned, "Sure! I can inspire growth in anyone!"


Their temporary stay for the night had been fruitful, the most for Minato in fact. While he didn't say anything and was still a little embarrassed about it, Kai and Sakumo could easily observe that the youth was tired but more focused than before. It was clear that the youth had grown after the experience in a more subtle manner but if it would really be beneficial to the blonde was yet to be seen. There was, after all, a chance that he might turn out to be like Jiraiya after having a taste for it.

And so, with the annoying head strapped to the side of Tsume's waist, they began their final portion of the journey to Konoha with exactly one week having fully completed as Kai wondered the level of grind his clones must have accomplished. After all... he did leave them with a SIZEABLE chunk of his chakra so they don't dispel easily.


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