Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 263: Ascension.

Chapter 263: Ascension.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

This novel ends in two days in Patreeeeon, but will continue with daily updates here. That way I will work out some chapters for the next project.

Currently on chapter 241, novel will end on chapter 252-255

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated.


[Sosuke Aizen. POV]

Every step he took towards me resonated like a death bell, echoing throughout the desert as Urahara watched not so far away. With every inch he closed between us, the atmosphere grew denser, the air harder to breathe, and the weight of his very existence bore down upon me.

I could barely move.

The visible fury in his eyes painted a vivid picture, one of pain, of betrayal, of countless emotions intertwining into a storm that was threatening to consume everything in its path.

Yet, somehow, as his rage seemed to crescendo, his reiatsu, that immense, overwhelming force, simply disappeared. It was almost as if it was disappearing, being swallowed by the void.

The void where his reiatsu once resided was unsettling. It was a blankness, a nothingness, and I couldn't tap into it, couldn't read it.

I could breathe again.

Yet, I didn't feel anything had changed about my situation.

Now that I think about it, something had changed.

His eyes… were like the ones he had during his Bankai; but now had four black irises, and in them… all I could see was death.

My death.

This... this was wrong. I had always been the mastermind, the puppeteer pulling the strings from the shadows, but now, standing before him, I felt my control slipping away.

Frustration bubbled up within me. No! I wouldn't be bested this way. I had dealt with powerhouses, with beings that defied comprehension. I wasn't going to be overshadowed now.

Not by him.

Not by Urahara!

In anger, in my defiance against the world, I unleashed everything in my arsenal. Kido after Kido, spells that could obliterate mountains and raze the earth, spells that could bind the mightiest of foes.

Each one cast with pinpoint precision and unrelenting force.

But Adam... he didn't move. He didn't flinch, didn't defend. He merely stood there, allowing every spell to crash upon him. Each attack would hurt him, blood would spill, but none of the wounds would be substantial.

Each impact resonated with a hollow emptiness, as if they were being absorbed into that vast void he had become. My attacks, each one lethal on its own, seemed almost inconsequential against him.

"It… can't be," I growled, taking a step forward in anger.

Could it be that he had actually done it?

Was this what true transcendence looked like? No… I refuse to accept such an outcome! I refuse to accept someone else standing above me!

My mind raced, searching for a strategy, an angle, anything that could give me an edge.

Desperation led me to use my ultimate weapon once again. My Bankai.

It had trapped him once.

It could trap him again. Perhaps just long enough for me to end him.

"Bankai!" I roared, grabbing my Zanpakuto tight.

[Sosuke Aizen. POV]

Triumph filled my heart, replacing the overwhelming dread from moments ago. I believed I had him, truly, right where I wanted. The world around us was mine to shape, a masterful illusion constructed by my Bankai.

His stillness, his silence, everything suggested that he was lost within the trap I'd set. And that made me confident. Overconfident, perhaps. Every step I took towards him was heavy, filled with the weight of anticipation, of the sweet victory that lay moments ahead.

I had to finish this. One clean slash, and he would be no more. This was the power I held. No matter how powerful one was, no matter how transcendental, my illusions could always find a chink in their armor.

But as I neared, poised to deliver the final blow, a whisper, cold and haunting, caressed my ear.

"You can't fool those eyes anymore, Sosuke Aizen, for now they see reality for what it is."

Before I could process the words, reality seemed to shatter around me. Adam moved, but it wasn't just a mere step or a jump; it was a transcendence of space itself.

His hand reached out, fingers grazing my throat. I could feel a coldness seeping into me, not just of temperature, but a void, an emptiness. My senses dulled, vision blurred, and I could feel my very existence being erased.

The last thing I saw before darkness took me were those eyes, those four black irises, seeing me, seeing through me, seeing everything.


[Yhwach POV.]

From my throne, I observed the events unfold. The vast sea of spiritual pressure from Hueco Mundo, a flicker in the fabric of the cosmos, hadn't escaped my notice.

Aizen vs. Adam.

It was almost funny, seeing Aizen, a being who always thought himself to be several steps ahead, weaving plots within plots, always so sure of his control over the narrative of fate, lose his composure.

As their battle raged on, I sensed the shift in dynamics, the sheer raw power emanating from Adam, my brother was reaching new heights. The very essence of his being was evolving, transcending.

I could feel it, his power resonating with mine.

His eyes were a show of that. Like I had acquired my Almighty, Adam had acquired something else, another part of the Soul King.

The Almighty allowed me to see and alter time if necessary as long as it involved me. But Adam's gift was different, for as long as it involved him, he could see him everything for what it was.

The All Seeing eyes.

I smiled.

There was a poetic beauty in watching Aizen's confidence crumble, piece by piece, as he grappled with an opponent he clearly had underestimated. And in that crucial moment, when Aizen thought he had the upper hand, I decided to intervene, if anything to amuse myself.

Whispering into the very winds that carried their reiatsu, my voice found its way to Aizen. "You can't fool those eyes anymore, Aizen, for they see reality for what it is." It was less of a message for him and more of a nudge for Adam, a catalyst to hasten what was to come.

"Brother, now that your awakening has begun… what will you do?"

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