Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 242: The Dragon of The Moon.

Chapter 242: The Dragon of The Moon.

If you wanna read ahead go to /cornbringer

Right now I'm on chapter 221 in Patreôn

Discord Server: Invite needs to be updated. Will get on that today.


[Third Person. POV.]

Within the stark white walls of Las Noches in Hueco Mundo, the vast desert stretched infinitely, a place of hunters and prey. The palace stood as a testament to the new power structure. Aizen sat on his throne, surveying the grand chamber, his thoughts a whirlwind of problems, countermeasures, and adaptations.

He had been aware of Adam's presence in this world almost as soon as the man arrived. However, the level of disruption and the speed at which Adam had managed to earn trust, especially Yamamoto's, had been a variable Aizen hadn't fully anticipated.

This wasn't good for his plans.

Not one bit.

"Troublesome..." he murmured to himself, swirling a glass filled with a clear liquid.

The man had in just a few months, increased his power exponentially, more so than any Shinigami anyone had ever seen so far.

And now, under the guidance of Yamamoto, there was no telling how much he would improve.

Gin Ichimaru approached him, his ever-present grin seeming to stretch even wider in the dim light of Las Noches. "Enjoying yourself, Aizen-taichou?"

Aizen fixed his gaze on Gin. "Thinking about our little friend, Adam. His alliance with the Gotei 13, coupled with his unpredictable power and growth, means we must accelerate our plans."

Gin's eyes glittered with intrigue. "You're worried about him?"

Aizen knew what Gin was trying to say, and that was, are you worried that man could kill you?

Aizen could almost chuckle at how bad Gin was at pretending to hide his own agenda. He knew Gin wanted him dead, for as long as he had known him, he knew that, but it was still a bit amusing to see him play his self-inflicted role.

Aizen's lips curled into a smile. "Not worried, at least not yet. Merely... recalculating. We no longer have the luxury of drawing things out. Our movement must be swift and decisive."

That much was true, right now, Aizen was certain he was stronger than Adam, and while he, himself, wasn't stronger than the old man, he wasn't much of a problem to deal with.

Every possible threat to his plan was under the influence of his Zanpakuto, everyone, except Adam.

A deep voice echoed through the hall, belonging to Tosen, "Are you sure we are ready for such a change of plans, Aizen-sama?"

Aizen stood up, looking out towards the white sands of Hueco Mundo. "We've been preparing for this for a long time, Tosen. We'll make the necessary adjustments; failure is not an option."

The atmosphere in the room grew tense. It wasn't like him to rush things, to change his plans, it wasn't like him to worry about things.

Not that he was worried. No, worried wasn't the word Aizen would use, but if he had to use a word to describe it, he would say, he was aware.

Aware of how much of a problem Adam could become if things didn't move faster. Aizen was proud, very proud, of his power, of his intellect, of many things, but his pride wasn't big enough for him to be blinded by it.

It wasn't a matter of if Adam would become stronger than him, it was a matter of when. Meaning, he had to act while he still had the upper hand, and that was now.

"The Espada," Aizen mused, "They'll need to be informed. And our... other assets as well. They need to be at full strength."

Gin tilted his head, "And what about Orihime Inoue?"

Aizen's gaze darkened, "Unfortunately, we don't have the time to play with Ichigo right now."

Gin nodded, understanding the implications. In the young captain's mind, Aizen had always been ten steps ahead of everyone, but Adam's emergence as a player in this grand game of chess meant the board was rapidly changing.

Perhaps they weren't even playing chess anymore, Gin could only wonder.

Aizen looked back towards his two confidants. "Gather the Espada. And bring Selene, she might be an asset against Adam, she knew him personally, or so she says."

Aizen wasn't sure if the anomaly he had acquired from Mayuri's lab was telling the entire truth or not, seeing she had claimed to be stronger than Adam the last time they saw each other, which was far from the truth, either way, there was a level of credibility in her words.

"As you wish, taicho~" Gin replied, turning around with a slight smirk on his face, showing how much he was enjoying seeing Aizen in this situation.

As Gin and Tōsen moved to carry out his orders, Aizen took a moment to contemplate, letting out a chuckle. Despite the unpredictability that Adam had brought to his already planned game, there was a flicker of excitement deep within Aizen.

As much as he enjoyed winning, he also enjoyed the possibility of a challenge, because challenges are the catalysts of evolution, and if there was someone Aizen wanted more than anything, was to evolve beyond his limiters.

And perhaps, just perhaps, Adam would be the one to push him beyond that wall he had reached hundreds of years ago.


[Third Person. POV.]

[Selene The Moonlit Beauty.]

The vast corridors of Las Noches echoed the soft, almost silent steps of Selene. The white, stark walls of Hueco Mundo's palace loomed around her, yet her eyes remained unfocused, lost in the depths of thought. The place seemed empty, a silence that was only occasionally interrupted by the distant screeches of Hollows outside.

Selene was a formidable figure, a powerful addition to Aizen's army, even amongst Aizen's top-ranking subordinates. That being said, she despised Aizen, a cold hatred that was rivaled and surpassed only by her disdain for Mayuri Kurotsuchi.

Needless to say, her reasons for staying in Las Noches weren't out of loyalty or ambition. It was more of necessity and mutual benefits. Aizen had her on a tight leash, his powers making it nearly impossible for her to betray him, as much as she wanted.

As she walked, she allowed her fingers to glide over the cold, smooth surfaces of the walls. These very walls that held her captive, also held potential. Selene was always one to seek opportunities even in the darkest of situations.

A voice interrupted her thoughts. "Selene," it drawled with that familiar mocking tone.

She turned to see Gin Ichimaru, his silver hair gleaming under the pale light, his eyes perpetually narrowed in that mischievous squint that she hated with all her might.

"Snake," she replied with mild annoyance, "what do you want?"

He grinned, revealing that unsettling smile of his. "So mean, Selene-chan, I just came here to tell you that Aizen-sama has orders. We're moving up with the plans, thanks to your old friend, Adam."

Selene's eyes sharpened, her otherwise placid demeanor wavering slightly. "Adam's coming here?"

Gin's smile widened, taking a step closer. "He will, in time. Seems like he's causing quite the stir in the Soul Society. Aizen-sama finds him... interesting, perhaps even dangerous, who knows?"

Deep within, Selene felt a twinge of something she hadn't felt in a long time. Not exactly happiness, but a kind of anticipatory satisfaction. While she and Adam had been on opposing sides in the past, circumstances had changed. In this place, under these lights, perhaps their interests could align.

She contemplated for a brief moment, choosing her words carefully. "Interesting. And what does Aizen-sama expect from me in this matter?"

Gin, ever observant, detected the minute shift in Selene's demeanor, but made no sign he cared. "For now, just be prepared."

A small, enigmatic smile played on her lips, "As you wish."

Gin met her gaze, the atmosphere heavy with unsaid words and plans. "See that you are. Aizen-sama's plans tolerate no disruptions, or at least not unless they are from Adam, hehe."

She nodded, her facade never faltering, "Understood."

As she continued her walk through the corridors of Las Noches she smiled, after all, if luck was on her side Aizen's time in this world had entered a countdown.

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