Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 223: The Muken.

Chapter 223: The Muken.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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Todays deal is simple, more stones: more chapters.


[Adam C. POV.]

The first sensation that greeted me was pain, an intense, blinding pain that seemed to emanate from every part of my body. I tried to move, but my limbs refused, and a cold, metallic feeling clasped around my wrists and ankles. My body felt heavy, my mind foggy.

I tried to move my limbs, to push myself up, but a sharp pain lanced through me, and a muffled scream escaped my lips. It was then that I realized, in horror, that my entire left arm was missing.

Panic rose within me, my heart pounding against my chest, trying to recall what had happened. Memories flooded back, the fight with Yamamoto, the heat, our clash, the blinding flames, and then... darkness.

I had lost.

I chuckled, not that I expected a different outcome.

I tried to gather my reiatsu, hoping to break free from my bindings, but it was like reaching into a void. There was nothing there. Looking down, I saw thick chains wrapped around my torso, glowing faintly, suppressing my spiritual power.

They had thought about everything it seems.

Where was I?

Taking a deep breath, I attempted to get a sense of my surroundings, but everything was draped in an all-encompassing darkness, so thick it felt almost tangible. The air was stagnant, carrying a weight of despair and hopelessness.

It was an unsettling feeling.

A faint light flickered somewhere in the distance. Straining my eyes, I could make out a silhouette, a person approaching. The footsteps were deliberate, lazy even, echoing slightly in the vast emptiness.

"You're awake," a voice remarked, the tone soft and welcoming, though there was no warmth in it.

Squinting, I recognized the figure, Shunsui Kyoraku. But he seemed different, a shadow of his usual carefree self, could it be he actually considered me a threat to the soul society?

"Hello there," I greeted. "Would you be so kind as to tell me where I am?"

His eyes bore into mine, his gaze empty. "You are in the Central Great Underground Prison, the Muken. The deepest, most secure prison in all of Soul Society."

The Muken? They had sent me to the Muken? The abyss where the most dangerous of beings were kept, isolated and forgotten.

Wasn't this the place they would eventually seal and lock away Aizen?

"I reckon I can't get a lawyer, right?" I asked, a soft chuckle escaping my lips.

"You fought the Head Captain," Shunsui said simply, as if that explained everything. "And defeated one of the Captains of the Gotei 13, aiding the mortals in their infiltration."

"In my defense, I defeated Mayuri in self-defense," I managed to choke out, the chains biting into my flesh, making it hard to breathe.

Shunsui sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Perhaps. But the matter remains. And consequences must be faced."

"Consequences," I echoed, bitterness seeping into my voice. "That's a pretty way of saying, you either do what we want, or we kill you."

"Freedom often comes at a price," Shunsui remarked, his hat casting a shadow over his eyes. "In this case, a hefty one."

"What are you talking about?" I replied.

Shunsui met my gaze. "You are to be executed. In one week."



Shunsui looked away. "The Central 46 has decreed it. They see you as a threat, especially after your clash with the old man."

"Awesome, anything else?" I replied, anger evident in my voice.

He hesitated before continuing. "Your execution will be before Rukia Kuchiki's. Her execution had already been set before yours, and they decided to make an example out of both of you at the same time."

Wait, does this mean Ichigo will rescue me?

I refuse to allow that outcome to happen.

"Cool," I replied, letting out a sigh. This was not the time to be angry. I needed to focus on my goal, escaping this hellhole.

"You seem pretty… okay with this," Shunsui muttered.

"You want me to cry?" I snorted, smiling at him. "Because it ain't gonna happen."


[Third Person. POV.]

The air within the walls of an old hideout in the Seireitei were thick with tension. Yoruichi, concealed within the shadows, fidgeted with the communication device Urahara had given her before her departure to the soul society.

A faint glow emanated from the device as it hummed to life, revealing Urahara's familiar face. His hat's shadow partially obscured his expression, but Yoruichi could see the worry in his eyes.

"Kisuke," she murmured, keeping her voice low.

"Yoruichi," he replied. "What's the current status?"

Yoruichi leaned in closer, taking a deep breath. "It's worse than we thought. They've thrown Adam into the Muken. The kid fought and defeated Mayuri, and then went out to fight the old man, the kid is crazy."

Urahara's expression darkened. "Taking on two captains, one of them being Yamamoto... he definitely belongs in the eleventh division."

"I've been keeping an eye on Rukia as well," Yoruichi added, concern evident in her voice. "Her execution has been moved up, and it seems they're pushing for Adam's to happen even before hers."

Urahara's fingers tapped on his desk, deep in thought. "With both their executions drawing close, it's evident the Central 46 is moving according to Aizen's tune. We need to act, and fast."

Yoruichi nodded, her fingers curling into a fist. "I'm here and ready. Just give the word. In the meantime, I plan to train Ichigo. If he masters his Bankai, it would allow me to rescue Adam."

Urahara sighed, removing his hat to run a hand through his hair. "It's going to be risky, but we are running out of options as things are."

"We've faced worse odds," Yoruichi replied, a smirk playing on her lips.

The two shared a brief, understanding look.

"Get ready," Urahara said. "I'll send you what you need. For now, stay low and gather as much information as possible, and train Ichigo as much as possible."

Yoruichi nodded, shutting off the device and disappearing into the shadows. She had a mission, and failure wasn't an option.

She might even have time to visit her little honey bee, who knows?

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