Fairy Tail: Shinigami

Chapter 217: Training, and Secrets.

Chapter 217: Training, and Secrets.

If you want to read ahead go to /cornbringer

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[Adam C POV.]

The wind ran across my face as I moved around the training ground, blurring in and out of sight, the only sound around, being the sharp clash of metal meeting metal.

Each footstep I took, each slash of my blade, a rhythm, like a dance between me and Yoruichi.

I had to admit, fighting Yoruichi was like fighting a tempest, her fighting style was unpredictable and very unforgiving. Her mastery of Shunpo, made it appear as if she was teleporting rather than merely moving.

The world around us would blur, and she'd be behind me, a blade's edge away from landing a decisive blow.

She was faster than me. Or was it more skilled? At this level, it was hard to tell the difference.

"You're holding back, pretty boy," Yoruichi taunted, her golden eyes shimmering, as she kicked me back, before she pivoted on her heel, launching another series of attacks that I narrowly dodged.

I chuckled.

It wasn't that I was deliberately holding back, I was used to fighting people weaker than me, people I could simply overpower, and her style made it difficult to go with my usual method.

Breathing heavily, I leaped backward, trying to create distance and buy a moment. I needed to strategize, to analyze her moves, and adapt. If I could anticipate even one of her moves, I might gain the upper hand.

Her playful smirk seemed to say, 'good luck with that'.

"Remember, Adam," she began, her voice carrying through the space between us, "It's not just about raw power or speed. It's about understanding your opponent. Anticipate. React. Flow."

Good advice kitty cat.

A deep breath in. Exhale. I readied myself. Move, flow, and adapt. Easier said than done, especially when your opponent is a speed demon.

Grinning at my reaction, she was on me again. Left, right, a feint, then a true strike from above. I tried to keep up, creating a small barrier between us. She smiled, and before I knew it, there was pain.

A kick sent me sprawling, the taste of blood lingering in my mouth, before she could capitalize on that, I rolled back to my feet in one fluid motion. The world spun slightly, but I kept my gaze locked onto hers. This was more than just physical training; it was a mental and spiritual test of wills, so to speak. I could feel our reiatsu clashing, hers commanding and wild like a storm, mine deep like the sea.

I smiled at the thought, moving forward as I caught a glimpse of her next move. Trusting my instincts, I attacked, our blades locking with a loud clang. The force of our clash created a shockwave, sending a gust of wind throughout the training ground.

We stood there, face to face, the silence punctuated only by our ragged breaths.

Yoruichi's lips curved into a smile. "Better," she murmured approvingly. "I haven't had this much fun in ages."

I smirked, wiping away a smear of blood from the corner of my mouth. "Glad I could provide some entertainment."

Jumping back, I swung my blade, unleashing Hado #78. Zangerin, destroying a good portion of the training ground.

Though as expected, before the attack had reached her, she dodged.

However, this time, I followed.

I figured that instead of my passive approach thus far, it might be best to just go for the kill, so to speak.

So, as she moved left, trying to land a surprise attack, I anticipated right, shifting my weight and parrying her strike.

"You're getting predictable, Yoruichi," I teased, aiming to unsettle her just a tad.

A flash of amusement lit up her eyes. "Is that so?"

As if answering my unspoken challenge, her next attack was a blinding flurry, designed to overwhelm and confuse. And for a moment, it worked. Her blade, kicks, and punches seemed to be everywhere at once, left, right, above, below.

I grinned, taking all of the attacks head on, not dodging a single one.

Then using all the strength I could muster, I anchored my foot deep into the ground, the earth beneath giving a reassuring solidity. With a quick twist of my wrist, I deflected her blade to the side, receiving a shallow cut, while simultaneously using my other hand to land a swift, powerful punch to her midsection.

She went flying back, the surprise evident in her golden eyes, before hitting the ground with a thud. For a moment, there was silence. I stood panting, covered in cuts, bruises and blood.

With a groan, she sat up, rubbing her abdomen. "Well, that was unexpected," she said, flashing a wry smile. "But effective."

I extended a hand to help her up. "Would you look at that, I won," I replied with a smirk.

Yoruichi laughed, taking my hand and allowing me to pull her to her feet. "Well, what can I say? Every now and then, I have to let the student feel good about himself."

"Whatever helps you sleep, kitty," I replied, cracking my sore neck.

I was getting used to my power as a soul, without a body holding me back. It was just a matter of time before I could fully grasp this.


[Yoruichi Shihouin. POV.]

I stepped through the sliding doors of Urahara's shop, my feet padding softly on the tatami mats. Kisuke was leaning over some papers, scribbling furiously with a brush, as usual. He looked up as I entered, his eyes widening a bit before he masked his expression with that ever-present smile.

"Yoruichi, to what do I owe the pleasure?" he greeted, setting the brush aside.

Like he didn't know, no wonder Adam didn't like him, sometimes I even wonder how I deal with him.

"I came to talk to you about Adam," I began, opting to dive right into the subject.

"Oh?" His eyebrows rose slightly. "How did the training session go?"

I sighed, taking a seat on a cushion across from him. "It went better than I expected. He's progressing at a rate that's... troubling."

"Troubling?" Kisuke echoed.

Troubling was an understatement.

That kid was a fucking monster. Not to say I didn't like him, but it is what it is.

I nodded. "A few weeks ago, I could have killed him in a fight without breaking a sweat. Now, I'm not so sure. His adaptability and his rate of learning are off the fucking charts. Not to mention, his spiritual pressure feels different, more complex, more intense, dense."

Urahara steepled his fingers, his expression becoming more serious. "Is that so?"

That pretty much confirms some of my suspicions, Kisuke is hiding something, again.

"Yes," I continued, narrowing my gaze on him. "And I don't like things I can't understand, Kisuke. Just what is he?"

Urahara sighed, a weight suddenly filling his eyes. "It's best if you don't know, Yoruichi."

It was that bad?

"Don't know?" I replied, raising an eyebrow at him. "If he's going to be fighting alongside us, I have a right to know what he is."

"Yoruichi," Kisuke interrupted softly, "I assure you, if I thought Adam was a threat to us, to you, I would not have let him into our circle in the first place."

"Then why the secrecy?" I replied, crossing my arms. I didn't like not knowing things, especially when said things affected me.

He closed his eyes for a moment as if weighing his words carefully. "Because the less you know, the safer you'll be. Knowledge can be a dangerous thing."

Oh, so guarding the reality altering marble was safe mode?

I scowled at him. "Ignoring the fact we've been protecting the Hogyoku from Aizen for over a hundred years, you know I've never been one to shy away from danger, Kisuke. You of all people should know that."

He chuckled softly. "Indeed, I do. But this is one of those times where ignorance might truly be bliss."

He regretted finding out.

He regretted knowing what Adam was.

It wasn't like Kisuke to be like this.

I stared at him for a long moment, finally sighing in resignation. "Fine. But you better know what you're doing, Kisuke."

"I usually do," he replied, his smile returning.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help smiling back. Despite my reservations, if Kisuke trusted Adam, then that would have to be good enough for me. For now, at least.

That being said, I couldn't shake the nagging feeling that we were all venturing into dangerous, uncharted territory.

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