Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 203: Meeting

Chapter 203: Meeting

Brax listened to Jenna talk about what had been happening in Destol while she sat on his lap in the warm water. She talked and went on and on while he hugged her tightly. After soaking for long enough, they eventually got out of the water. Brax couldn't help but watch out of the corner of his eye as Jenna slipped into her underwear and got dressed.

She followed him upstairs into his room. He was going to grab a pair of sweatpants and change into some comfortable clothes when Jenna took the things in his hands and put them back. She picked out some respectable clothes and told him to change into them. Brax nodded and grabbed the clothes and headed towards the bathroom.

With a flash, Jenna moved to block his path. "Are you afraid to be seen by me? You have already showed your wife everything before." She teased him, throwing back at him the words he had used before to get her into the hot tub.

"Who is afraid?" Brax said.

Before he could say anything else, Jenna snatched away the towel he was using to cover himself.

*Capcha* *Capcha*

Jenna didn't hesitate to take out her phone and snap a couple of pictures before he put his clothes on. It only took him a minute to get dressed. Only then did he step towards her again.

"I do need to get past to use the bathroom though. Unless you want to take a few pictures of that as well."

Jenna shook her head and stepped aside so he could enter.

They relaxed in the living room since it was still early. Jenna flipped through the channels on the television looking for something interesting to watch while Brax rested his head on her lap and played with his phone.

When she didn't find anything she wanted to watch, Jenna turned her attention to her husband. She ran her fingers through his hair. Brax didn't mind and found it relaxing.

"Let's do something?" She said.

"What do you want to do?" Brax asked without looking away form his phone.


"Really? Anything is fine?" He asked while putting his phone away and looking up at her.

"You know what I mean." She said while giving his side a pinch.

"Alright, we have laid around all morning. Let's go out for lunch."

"That sounds good to me." Jenna said. "But I did tell Uncle and Aunty that we would be around for dinner today. So we can't stay out all night."

"Okay, sounds good to me." Brax said while turning over on the couch and burying his face into her stomach.

"Let's go. Stop playing around." She said, pushing him to sit up, instead of laying on her thighs.

"Alright, alright." Brax said as he sat up.

The two left the house in Brax's Specter and drove into the city.

Brax drove to the flower city mall where he parked and accompanied Jenna inside.

Both of them were drawing a lot of attention. Jenna firmly held Brax's hand with her fingers entangled with his. She had become a lot more forward and afraid to be seen by others lately. Being with Brax made her feel safe.

She knew that she was starting to get a large number of online fans from her exposure in Evolution. She could hear faint whispers and saw people pointing at her as they passed. She didn't miss their phones pointed in her direction.

Previously, she would have felt very annoyed and self-conscious in this type of situation. But now she held her head high and pulled Brax along to the shops she wanted to poke her head into.

Brax was also aware that people were talking about them. Unfortunately, they weren't talking about him for good reasons. He had also gained a bit of notoriety from playing Evolution. On top of that, there were still a lot of people discussing him being taken into jail while in possession of a large amount of drugs.

The police force had said that they would issue a statement exonerating him of all charges. But if they truly did so, they would be the ones to take the backlash. It was their officers who framed and attacked an innocent person. The worst part was that it was all on video. In the end, they only posted a few sentences on their website saying that all the chares against Brax had been dropped. But they didn't elaborate any further and pushed into a less trafficked section of their website.

Needless to say, nobody saw it. Some people who had been staying current with the news were surprised to see Brax out of jail and walking around with a fairy like figure. It didn't take long before pictures were taken and posted to the forums.

Brax didn't care what those nosey people did as long as they left him alone. It didn't bother him if they took pictures or talked bad about him on the internet, as long as they respected his wife and didn't trash talk her, he could care less.

"This place looks nice." Jenna said, dragging him inside a restaurant.

"Would you like to dine with us, or are you making a reservation for another time?" The hostess asked.

"We will be having lunch her." Jenna said while still holding Brax's hand tightly.

"Just one moment." The hostess said before leading them to their table in the corner of the restaurant.

Jenna flipped through the menu and then order a few dishes for them to split. "Do you have anything planned for today?" She asked. "I know you said that you wanted to hang out today, but is it for any particular reason?"

"I missed you." Brax said. "Is that reason enough? I feel like we have been so busy inside of Evolution the past few days that I wanted to spend some time doing nothing with you. Is that alright?" He asked.

"That sounds perfect to me." Jenna said with a nod. "Then let's not talk about Evolution today, let's just enjoy each other's company."

They chatted and talked until their food was served. The meal was tasty and the service was good. The dishes had been cleared from the table while Jenna drank her coffee and Brax sipped on his tea.

Suddenly their vision of the street below was blocked as a man in a fine suit came and stood between the window and the table.

"Brax Tomlin?" The man asked.

"That's me, why are you disturbing my date?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

The man ignored Brax's question and pushed their things aside while clearing a spot on the table for his briefcase. After opening it, he set a stack of papers in front of him.

"You need to sign these and we will settle outside of court." The man said while he tossed a pen in front of Brax.

Brax had already guessed who this man was, but only confirmed it after he looked at the papers. It was a settlement for the lawsuit he had filed against the city police department.

Brax didn't pick up the pen, he only looked at the man in the suit like he was stupid.

"Quickly sign it, I don't have time to laze around and wait for you." The man said.

Brax brushed the papers and pen off of the table and turned back to Jenna, carrying on their conversation from before, completely ignoring the man.

The lawyer in the suit tried to control his anger that was about to bursting out. He picked up the papers and placed them in front of Brax again. "Mr. Tomlin, you need to sign these so we can all put this incident behind us." The man said slowly.

Brax turned and stared at him with an expressionless face. "I don't know you. Why are you coming into the private dinning establishment and harassing me? This is almost as bad as those police officers that attack people and file false charges!" Brax said loudly.

An anxious expression flashed across the face of the man in the suit when he heard Brax's words.

"Is it really necessary to make such a scene?" The man in the suit asked.

"Why wouldn't it be necessary? You are some random person who came and interrupted us without even introducing yourself and then demanded that my husband signed legal documents immediately. Who the hell would agree to your nonsense?" Jenna exclaimed before taking a sip of her coffee.

The man frowned when he realized he might have been too eager and pushy. His boss had already demanded that he get these papers signed and returned today. He hadn't been working at his current job for too long and desperately wanted to please his boss. He quickly racked his brain to think of a way to accomplish his task.

when you look back to the table he realized both Brax and Jenna had gotten up and were walking towards the exit of the restaurant.

"Please wait a moment!" The man in the suit called after them.

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