Earthling in Uncharted Dimensions

Chapter 196: Will He Save Them?

Chapter 196: Will He Save Them?

Tubians could only have one element or concept as their speciality, as they are given a second chance to live. It is also their innate ability to detect the amount of energy exerted by someone.

The indigenious people of Zaxaluke can only have a maximum of three or two elements as their forte. That too, one among them must be stronger and the second must be a weaker force. If a third one exists inside a person, that could only remain in traces.

But Hegerus detected the boundless power of Space and Time from Lee. To be honest, Lee was unsure about the weakness of the Tubian of Malice, and hoped that this last attempt would hit the mark.

Unsure of how Lee housed two forces of infinite strength, Hegerus recollected Gauthama's words. The term 'Gifted' rang something in his mind, and a sinister smile came upon his face.

"I was thinking about leaving you alive after breaking a few bones, but you had tricks up your sleeve."

A dense cloud of Malice rose from Hegerus body and his body began to irradiate faint purple streaks. The daylight had completely vanished, and his figure was clearly visible through the darkness.

"I will make you suffer, if that is the last thing I do."

Lee said with an unyielding heart, and dashed at Hegerus. The dark elf did not stand idle and ran at Lee. Xavi and his subordinates have understood their helplessness and retreated to further afar.

Hegerus almost punched Lee's fist, when he felt something amiss. Lee was as fast as the dark elf was. The stacked effect of boosting Lee while slowing down Hegerus brought them to a speed, yet faster than naked eye could follow.

For his surprise, the Malice around his fist disappeared when he touched Lee. Instead, a bright dense disk of white light formed in front of Lee's fist and it slammed into Hegerus' chest.


The condensed energy of Serenity made Hegerus stumble back in pain. Quickly healing himself with Malice, Hegerus found his body and actions incredibly slow. Before he could wander his eyes around, a fiery fist slammed into the dark elf's face.

The clenched fist pressed Hegerus' nose deep into his face. But the Tubian did not fly away. He was locked inside a specific set of spatial coordinates, and each second used up an unbelievable amount of Mana.

*thuck thuck thuck....*

The Space element attributed Mana was holding Hegerus down on a specific location like an anchor, while the Time element attributed Qi was accelerating Lee's actions to an incomprehensible speed. Each time the dark elf was punched and thrashed, a lethal dose of Death energy flowed into him.



Name: Hegerus

Race: Tubian

Age: +30 Millenia


Health: 660,780

Power: 2,320,000

Dexterity: 4,790

Intelligence: 10,000


'Fuck, this bastard still has more health than me.'

Glancing at the Mana and Qi reserve, they were at the last three digits. Lee did not hesitate to convert another 5 billion Essence to energy forms.

Lee took a halt of his continuous bombardment of punches, and took a step back. The atmosphere became silent from the unending noise of 'contact'.


The dark elf was laughing, despite having a dozen broken teeth and a crumbled nose bridge. When he smiled, the vacancy in his mouth was visible. Blood was flowing like a stream, from the corners of his mouth and from his nose.

As Lee heard his question, Malice began to flow out of the confined space. Lee had only locked Hegerus' body in the coordinates, but not his energy.

'Serenity Shield.'

A layer of whiteness descended upon the dark elf and the Malice only showed faint discomfort. Hegerus kept his wicked smile on, and Lee punched that face asking for more punches.

'Space element, manifest.'

A command, and the next instant, Hegerus went pale and his eyes went wide. Though there was no one near Lee, he sensed a great and endless pit of energy descending next to Lee.

The Tubian race had an ability to 'see' very dense concentrations of energy. And this ability enabled him to see the formless lump of boundless potential near Lee.

'Compress this bastard.'

The formless Space element became a clone of Lee, and Hegerus was stunned by the sight. As a being with uncomparable power and age, his arrogance had clouded him from seeing the true potential of this young man.

The humanoid Space element extended its arms forward and slowly brought it together. Hegerus began to lose his cool, as he felt the pressure of an invisible and unbreakable wall slowly compressing him. With all his might, the Malice penetrated the serenity shield and dashed vigorously, and pierced An's head!


All it took was a split second, and An was killed before a defense could be created. It was unknown whether Tera was alive or not. Mia was the first to get punctured to death. The agony of failure to safeguard his dear ones placed a weight over Lee's heart, and his innards crumbled.

The next instant, the wicked maliciousness was cut off from its source and Hegerus was crushed by the sudden clasp of the Space element's soul. The hideously disfigured body of the dark elf was still mockingly laughing at Lee, and tears rolled from his eyes.

'Time element, manifest.'

The mockery on the face of the dark elf faded away as time manifested next to Lee. It was also the clone copy of Lee. It stepped forward as Lee commanded-

'Reverse Time around those three women.'

Xavi and his fellow cultivators could not see anything in the dim doughnut shaped moonlight. The faint outlines of the figures were vaguely visible. Even stealthy cultivators did not have the guts to probe forward. The Immortal class cultivators sensed sudden and dense energy signatures appearing at a distance, and their curiosity skyrocketed. But the innumerous lives lost during the encounter acted as a warning.

The Time element was struggling to reverse the temporal signature around An, Mia and Tera. The Malice consistently disrupted the rhythm of Time manipulation, while slowly disintegrating. Hegerus was further crushed and compressed and his fingernails were beyond recognition.

Then that bastard said-

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