Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 413 - 412 - Battling A (not)God(Part 2)

Chapter 413 - 412 - Battling A (not)God(Part 2)

Damn, he's fast...! He shot towards Shin at a blinding speed, who began to raise his sword in alarm, but he was far too slow to react. In the next instant, not-God closed in on him and pierced his chest with his hand before he could react, Shin coughing out blood as not-God then withdrew his hand, before collapsing onto the ground, blood pouring out of the hole in his chest.

"Oh, shit-...!" Began Shiro in alarm, as not-God then fired a massive Destruction Magic blast at him.

He tried to dodge it, but failed, his entire lower half getting obliterated as he just barely got his top half out of the way, before quickly using Teleport to get some distance, right as I used my Clone Magic to form twelve clones and had them stand in front of the others, while I and the spare clones shot towards not-God.

"I will admit that you stand a marginally better chance than the rest do...but you are severely outclassed nevertheless," He stated, as he formed clones of his own, each one going after my clones.

"Keep thinking that, you bastard, keep thinking it right up until the moment you die!" I snapped in response, as I raised my hand and rapidly extended my claws out towards him, which he easily evaded and grabbed, before breaking them with a loud snap.

I then used Teleport to slip behind him, right as a mass of ice rose up and froze his legs, restraining him, as I drove my claws towards his back...when suddenly, a third arm grew out of his back and grabbed my wrist with a tight grip.

"Once the two of you have fallen, the rest will put up little resistance," He remarked coldly, before swinging me down towards the ground with so much force that I'd already crashed down before I even realized it, my bones shattering upon impact, as he then fired out a devastating barrage of flames, wind and lightning towards Az.

Az quickly raised several ice walls in response, but it was no use, not-God's attacks were too intense and rapidly in quick succession, he was firing faster than Az could raise his ice, and before long, a massive explosion of steam and mist burst out as Az's defenses crumbled, the force of the impact sending him flying back and skidding along the ground painfully.

"Y-you're kidding, right?" Persia stuttered in shock.

I was stunned...he was at full power, in his Elemental Sage Mode, and despite that, his Elemental Magic is weaker than not-God's!? That can't be...

"Az was overwhelmed in an Elemental Magic shootout? No fucking way...," Added Rion in disbelief.

I quickly used Restoration Magic to heal myself and got back onto my feet with a grimace.

"It is as I said, none of you stand a chance against me," Declared not-God, as he undid his clones, having defeated mine, before adding, "I do not need to rely on a powerful spell such as Clone Magic for such a menial task...it is over."

"You sure do talk a lot of trash, don't you?" Remarked Belia with a nervous smile.

"Hm, I see that you obtained Sant's unlimited Restoration Magic...how troublesome, stay put for a while," He said to me, ignoring Belia as he suddenly activated a box-shaped barrier around me, before doing to same to Az, who was unconscious, after a brief pause.

"Damn it, no!" I exclaimed, as I slashed at the barrier with my blades, but it restored the damage immediately...and I can't use Teleport either!

Diablo, can you unravel this!?

"Yes, I can, it's not that complex, but I'll need a minute or two!"

Please, hurry!

Not-God then vanished from my sight, as Diablo began working on unraveling the barrier, before reappearing right in front of Belia.

"Uh-oh, not g-...," She began in alarm, before not-God grabbed her head and crushed it effortlessly.

"You likely do not have enough Divine Magic left to cast Restoration on yourself...but even if you did, I can simply kill you again," He remarked, tossing her body aside as he shook his hand to get her blood off, before adding as he flew up, "Now, you can all attack me at the same time and die together, or I can kill you one by one...it is your choice."

Sylvar silently flew up behind him and slashed straight down at his head, but not-God caught the handle of the spear before the blade could touch him, blocking the attack with ease, before firing out a lightning bolt as Bell shot one at him, canceling it out.

Rion zipped straight up through the air towards him from directly below, flinging his axe up at not-God with a rapid spin, as he blasted out a massive wave of black flames from his mouth. Not-God evaded the axe with ease, teleporting right behind Rion with his fist drawn back.

Rion quickly spun around in alarm, as not-God drove his fist forward and struck him square in the middle of the chest, a loud cracking sound echoing out upon impact, as Rion got sent flying down towards the ground, crashing with a devastating impact, the ground breaking apart as a massive dust cloud rose up.

Several earth spikes then rose up towards not-God, Bell hanging onto one of them and leaping towards his right with a massive bolt of lightning charged up in her hands, while Sylvar zipped towards his left, with his spear poised to strike.

In a swift motion, not-God grabbed Bell's wrist and violently flung her across towards Sylvar, breaking her arm with a loud snap and eliciting a sharp scream of pain from her, aiming to have them kill each other...but Bell managed to dissipate her lightning and Sylvar managed to move the blade of his spear out of the way to keep it from impaling her.

But she couldn't slow down, and he couldn't evade, as she crashed onto him and they both got sent flying back and slammed onto the barrier, before plummeting down to the ground, both knocked out by the force of their collision.

Then, as several sharp earth projectiles burst up towards him, Not-God swooped down towards the Earth Sage rapidly, easily evading the projectiles and closing in on him, plunging his hand into his chest and crushing his heart before he could react, killing him.

Several ice arrows then rained down on him, which he deflected with a swift swing of his arm, the force knocking the arrows away, before a barrage of solar beams were fired at him, Fuo rapidly zipping around and firing at him.

"Why do you not simply give up and accept your fates?" Sighed not-God, before teleporting right in front of Fuo and grabbing her bow arm, tearing it off with a swift tug, eliciting a scream of pain from her as blood burst out of the stump.

Diablo, how much longer!?

"Just a few more seconds, hold on!"

Fuo then quickly formed a block of ice around her left arm and raised it above her chest, right as not-God swung his fist towards her heart. Before he could strike, Persia struck his back with a slicing burst of wind, causing his punch to weaken.

As his fist struck Fuo, the ice around her arm shattered, as did her forearm, the broken bone poking out and the impact breaking her ribcage, as she crashed onto a mud hut, barely alive.

He then turned his attention to Persia, who fired out a concentrated blast of crimson flames at him, which he batted away with a flick of his finger, before teleporting behind her and charging up a Destruction Magic blast aimed at her back.

No! No, no, no-...right as he fired it, Persia narrowly evaded it by splitting into two using Quintuple, before rejoining into one a fair distance away, but he immediately closed the gap with teleportation. She quickly reacted by immediately firing out a powerful, concentrated wind blast from her mouth while simultaneously blasting out flames from her palms, seeming like she'd been expecting him to close the gap so quickly.

The wind blast burst a hole through not-God's head, the flames scorching his arms to ash, before Persia let out a roar as she drove a highly compressed swirling ball of wind towards his chest, but he grabbed her wrist before it could strike him...before she suddenly expanded the attack, tearing his head into shreds, before he instantly restored himself and broke her arm with a twist, eliciting a cry of pain from her.

"If you are trying to get me to use up my Divine Magic, you are wasting your time...I have not even used a single percent of my total amount so far," He remarked, before firing another Destruction blast at her at point blank range, with her not having enough time to split again.

Right as he fired the blast at her, a Defense Magic barrier appeared to block it, nullifying the blast...as Diablo finally unraveled his barrier, freeing me.

"You really think I'd let you do that?" I inquired in a cold fury, as I used Teleport to appear right in front of him, before immediately teleporting behind him as he began to react, firing Repulsion at him and sending him crashing onto the ground, "Enough is enough...you'll regret toying with us and not finishing us off immediately. I'll make sure of it..."


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