Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 402 - 401 - Descent

Chapter 402 - 401 - Descent

Point-of-View: Belia Lasmodeus


Okay, good, it worked, I'm in Persia's body...but I'm not staying. Fortunately, I managed to transfer just enough of my remaining Divine Magic to cast the spell I mentioned, the one that I didn't have enough time to cast if I'd stayed in my old body.

Suddenly, ice burst out all around me, surrounding me rapidly. In the blink of an eye, I was completely restrained, I couldn't move a muscle without getting pierced by ice spikes.

"I think you're misunderstanding the situation!" I called out, "I'm not taking over her body, just borrowing it! I'll get out of it in a couple of minutes if you give me some space!"

"What the hell are you playing at?" Azyl responded in an icy tone from behind me, sending chills down my spine, pun totally intended.

"I don't have time to explain, but if I take too long, I might get stuck in this body! This isn't like Demonic possession, if I really wanted to take over someone's body, they wouldn't be able to simply resist it! If I spend too long in here, my consciousness may end up overwhelming and crushing hers!" I exclaimed urgently...okay, so, I made most of that up.

But there is a negative for spending too long in here, namely that her body is slowly getting stronger while my Divine Magic slowly melds with and strengthens her...I'll keep quiet about that though, since that only benefits her.

After a moment's hesitation, Azyl reluctantly gave me some space, moving the ice away...but keeping them within striking distance. What a terrifying boy he is. After this, I doubt I'll ever be able to stand a chance against him...

I began activating the spell as fast as I could, pouring the majority of my remaining Divine Magic into it...as I created a new body for myself, one that was identical to my old one...except that it was without the halo and wings.

As I finished creating it, I quickly grabbed the empty body and pressed my mouth onto its mouth, before activating the same spell that I used to get into Persia's body, transferring my consciousness and the last drop of my Divine Magic into the new body...






Alright, sweet, it worked. But...I feel a whole lot weaker. I'm still way stronger than any average mortal, and I'm stronger than I used to be in my base form...but it feels like Demigod Mode is gone for good, so I'm a fair distance below my former full power now.

The amount of Divine Magic that I used to create this body was barely a fraction of the amount used to create my old body, so naturally, it was much weaker...but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's worse. The wings and halo signified the overflowing divinity of my old body, but they also signified my reliance on that divinity.

After all, if I ever ran out of Divine Magic, I'd cease to exist. But not anymore. With my current remaining Divine Magic, I can probably cast Restoration Magic about three of four times, and then that's it, I'll be all out. But when that happens, I won't die. Not immediately, anyway.

I'm no longer immortal, and if I had to guess, I'll probably die in about four or five thousand years. I can still use Dimensional Magic, Weathering Magic and Observation Magic freely, not to mention that I can still cast freely spells and possess all five Elemental Magic types.

So, yeah, I'm weaker now, but I'm still quite the force to be reckoned with.

"H-hey, what the hell was that all about?" Growled Persia, grabbing my collar with a glare.

"Sorry about that, and also, thanks," I replied sheepishly, before explaining briefly, "The being that created Sant and I took back the Divine Magic he used to create our bodies, so before I could cease to exist, I transferred myself into your body, before making myself a new body and then transferring myself into that body."


"Why would the being that created you do that?" Inquired Azyl suspiciously.

"Dunno, probably just to get back some Divine Magic. Also, he doesn't like me, so there's that," I responded with a shrug.

"Hey, I almost forgot, why did you have to kiss me? Surely you could have activated that spell without doing that?" Frowned Persia, looking displeased.

"Well, uh...yeah, it wasn't exactly necessary, I just acted on impulse in the heat of the moment. If felt right, you know?" I replied with a sheepish grin.

"Huh!? Excuse me!? Why, you-...!" She began as she approached me with murderous intent.

"Oh, and by the way, you should be feeling just a tiny bit stronger right now...it may have been just for a few seconds, but your body held a fair amount of Divine Magic in that time, it should have made you stronger," I informed her, changing the subject to try and distract her.

"Huh? Woah...I think you're right, I do feel a bit stronger...," She muttered in response, as she swung her arm across to the side, the force of the swing kicking up some dust...alright, it worked, and now...to make my exit...

"Yup! And now, if you'll excuse me...I'm out," I remarked as I flashed a peace sign, letting myself fall backwards and into a portal, before emerging through a connected portal and landing on the bed in my room in the Rustlands' castle, letting out a sigh as I sunk into the mattress and pillows.

Okay, that anticlimactic near-death experience really took the wind out of my sails, I feel so...blegh. Hm, but seriously, what the hell was that all about, anyway? Samsara, you bastard, just what the hell are you upto...?


Point-of-View: Kuro Black


"Hey, what just happened? Why'd his body suddenly disappear?" Inquiried Sylvar, looking baffled.

"What was he yelling about? It sounded like nonsense to me," Added Bell in confusion.

It did seem like incoherent, deranged screaming at first, but he mentioned Samsara, not-God's real name, something about becoming one with him. The hell was that all about? Hm, was it not-God who stopped me from completely draining Sant's life force?

Suddenly, a flash of brightness erupted from the sky, so bright that it made the sun look like a dying candle...and then, the sky split open. What looked like a rift in space was above us, as if they sky had been a painted background that was now torn in half.

And from the rift, something emerged. A being that was all-white, with a huge body that looked like it was about three meters tall. It almost looked like a mannequin, with a face that didn't have a mouth or a nose or ears, only two sharp red spots where its eyes would normally be.

It had a golden halo that was tinged black along the outline, and huge feathered wings that were a mix of white and black feathers. Other than that, it was a body of pure, blank white. Is that...not-God? Uh-oh...wait, does this mean that Belia is gone too, just like Sant?

"Greetings, all. I am currently addressing every mortal in this world, pay close attention, as I will not repeat myself," Suddenly came not-God's voice, directly into my head.

"Huh, wha-...? Hey, you guys are hearing this too, right?" Inquired Sylvar in bemusment.

"Yes, I can hear it as well," Replied Bell, looking taken aback.

"Let's be quiet and see what he wants," I remarked with a frown.

"I am Samsara, the one that is in charge of the cycle of life and death in this world. I am also the one who created both Sant A.C. Laus and Belia Lasmodeus. I have descended to the mortal world for a singular purpose...to establish a peaceful balance and order to a world that has fallen into a cycle of chaos! And in order to accomplish that, there are several individuals that must die!"

Okay, I think I can see where this is going...

"Specifically, all monsters must be eliminated, along with individuals such as Kuro Black, Azyl Roake, Belia Lasmodeus, Shiro Blanc, Sylvar Miirphys, Bell Fairbairn, to name a few. I will require some time to get accustomed to this physical form, so until then, I will be in the land known as the Laus Domain...in one month from today, I shall hunt down and kill all those that cannot be allowed to exist. You shall all have a month to live, do as you please in that time...consider it an act of mercy from me, before I kill you."

"Act of mercy? He's got some nerve...," I muttered with a sense of annoyance.

"Sant A.C. Laus was my beloved disciple, and he inherited his objectives from me, therefore...those that want to carry on Sant's wishes, I implore you to assist me in my endeavor. However, I will not force you to join me. That is all," He stated, before suddenly zipping away at top speed in the direction of the Laus Domain, leaving us stunned and speechless as he flew off...


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