Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 393 - 392 - Attack On Abyss(Part 4)

Chapter 393 - 392 - Attack On Abyss(Part 4)

Point-of-View: Fuo Wesroh


"Gotta say, I kinda feel bad...," Remarked Rai, with a conflicted look on his face as he added, "They're just...blindly charging in without any plan, basically just throwing their lives away. It's kinda sad."

"You're too soft, you can't afford to show pity to your enemy, especially when their own leader has no problem sacrificing them," I responded bluntly.

"You may be right about that, but this is still rather difficult to watch. I thought the other races are supposed to be more pure-hearted than humans...all I'm seeing here is merciless cruelty," Frowned Key in disgust.

They're not wrong, I suppose...I can't understand it either, what kind of leader sacrifices their subjects like this? It'd be a different story if it were their trained fighters being killed, but their front line seems to be made up of nothing but ordinary civilians...it really is very cruel, but we can't afford to hesitate because of this.

Kuro's monsters were outnumbered, but they were definitely on top, with most of the enemy front line paralyzed with fear, making it easy to cut them down. Not only was the Laus Domain's strategy cruel, but it was also ineffective...once this is over, there's going to be a few hundred thousand corpses scattered all around the areas outside of Abyss, most of which would have been avoidable.

Pathetic...how can they still follow Sant A.C. Laus after all this? I find it repulsive, both his cruelty and their submissiveness to that cruelty. If they refuse to retreat no matter what, then we might as well put them out of their misery.

"Ah, they are finally starting to put up a fight...it should not be long before we can finally jump in," Suddenly remarked Thirteen, licking her lips as the enemy finally began to push back against the monsters.

I was here to the east, along with Rai, Key, the Vampire Evil Number Thirteen, two Vampire Knights, Kala Phaelyn and Lucia Ianthe, and three High Dragons.

"Right, let's get ready...as soon as Kuro reverse summons the monsters, we'll attack their rear with absolutely no mercy," I declared, preparing myself.

We won't have to worry about the front turning around and attacking us, the monsters will reappear amongst them before they can even think about it.

"Can someone carry me? I'm the only one here that can't fly," Spoke up Rai sheepishly.

"I'll do it, just wrap your tail around my waist or something," Responded Key with a sigh.

And then, we got our cue, as the massive army of monsters suddenly vanished, confusion in the eyes of the enemy as they looked around in bewilderment.

"Now! Let's go!" I exclaimed, unfolding out my bow and entering Vampire Mode as I flew up, absorbing solar energy while forming an orb of artificial moonlight in my hand.

The Earth Sage is leading this group, so I'll power up as much as possible before taking him on. I flew up higher into the air while the others all swooped down, firing out their ranged attacks at the enemy, right as the monsters reappeared and threw their front line and middle ranks into an absolute frenzy.

Thirteen was the first to reach the ground, landing with a powerful impact and knocking several enemies away, before grabbing one of them, an Elf, pulling him closer to her and-...huh? Is she...kissing him!? She then let go with a smirk, and the Elf was still for a moment, before firing a wind blast at a Dwarf that was approaching Thirteen from behind.

Oh, right, how could I forget...her Cross is called Kiss of Death. By kissing an opponent, she can either kill them on the spot or turn them into her slaves. I found it disturbing, so I guess I must have blocked it out of my mind and forgot about it or something.

She was blasting the enemies around her with piercing Blood Magic blasts, killing them rapidly, while kissing any that got too close and turning them against their comrades. She was taking several hits in the process, but I guess she's confident that her core won't be hit.

The two Vampire Knights landed next, both splitting up and taking down the enemies nearest to them...I then lost sight of Lucia Ianthe, literally, as she activated her Cross, Invisibility. Flashes of red appeared to erupt out of nowhere, as several enemies dropped like flies, without even being able to see the attacks coming.

Meanwhile, the other Vampire Knight, Kala Phaelyn, was kinda the opposite, you'd have to be blind to lose sight of her...because her Cross was called Gigantification, allowing her to grow ten times bigger than her usual size.

She was stomping on the enemies while also blasting them with her Blood Magic, massacring them by the dozens every second...of the three Vampires here, she was definitely the most effective, even if she was taking a lot more hits than the others, since she was effectively a walking target right now.

Looks like Rai and Key have engaged the Earth Sage...they're just about keeping pace with him on relatively even terms, but...he hasn't unleashed his Elemental Sage Mode yet, so unless they can kill him before he's able to transform, they're in trouble.

I'm about halfway done charging up my artificial moonlight orb and absorbing solar energy, I need to hurry and join in...taking out the Elemental Sages is going to be crucial, if not killing them, then at least forcing them to retreat.

Ordinarily, they probably wouldn't even consider retreating, but looking at their faces, it's clear that most of them don't want to be here. They may still be obeying Sant's commands, but they aren't happy about it.

The Earth Sage was attacking pretty aggressively, it almost looks like he's taking his frustrations out. As he sent a wave of earth spikes bursting out towards Rai and Key, Rai leapt off to the side to avoid it while Key flew up, her sword coated in purple flames, Obliteration Magic combined with Fire Magic.

She swung her blade across in the Earth Sage's direction, sending out a purple fiery slash towards him, which he blocked with a wall of earth, right as Rai slipped a few meters behind him and flung a blade attached to a chain at his back, lightning streaming through the chains and the blade.

The Earth Sage managed to react just in time, spinning around and raising a pillar of earth to block the blade, a look of alarm in his eyes. Without wasting a second, Key immediately swooped down as he reacted to Rai's attack and swung her blade several times, sending down several fiery slashes down at the Earth Sage.

His eyes widened in fear before the ground beneath him suddenly shifted and he rapidly slid across to the left, letting out a cry of pain as some of the slashes grazed him, including a significant hit to his left shoulder, the attack scorching a deep gash there.

Well, on the bright side, the heat from the attack seared the wound, so it wasn't bleeding...on the other hand, it probably hurts like crazy. Key then raised her blade, flames charging into it as Rai shot towards the Earth Sage, firing out several bolts of lightning as he raced forward.

The Earth Sage blocked the attacks with walls of earth, before firing out sharp, rocky projectiles, in retaliation, which Rai was able to narrowly dodge and deflect with his weapons.

The way the Earth Sage is blocking...he's obstructing his own vision, and Rai has caught onto that...and slipped into his blind spot at the first opportunity. The Earth Sage froze for a moment as he lost sight of Rai, and in that moment's hesitation, Rai raced across and slipped behind him, holding up a Spell Card with a smirk.

Right as the Earth Sage began to react and turn around in alarm, Rai and Key suddenly switched places, with Key's blade immensely charged up with concentrated purple flames. And the moment she appeared, the Earth Sage stopped moving, a frozen look of desperate terror on his face as she began to swing her blade down at his left side, aiming to slice right down his heart.

Huh, maybe there's no need for me to assist, after al-...suddenly, a mere instant before the blade could run through him, he moved, starting to jump across to his right in despair, trying desperately to avoid the blade...but it was too late, it was definitely going to cut into him.

As the blade slashed down, he let out an excruciating scream of pain, a purple haze blazing out as Key swung her sword downwards, slicing through the Earth Sage...she missed the heart though, and instead ended up slicing off his left arm and most of his shoulder...and once again, since the heat seared the wound, no blood was spilt.

But he's probably feeling an unimaginable amount of pain right now. Key swiftly began to drive her blade towards his neck, before halting and quickly springing back in alarm as earth spikes burst out towards her, some of them grazing her painfully as she leapt out of the way, but she managed to avoid any deep wounds.

"Enough! Damn you...damn you, I will not allow any more of my comrades to die!" He yelled in fury and despair, as a shockwave burst out from him...looks like he's finally entering his Earth Sage Mode.

I've just finished absorbing enough solar energy, and my artificial orb of moonlight is done too...finally, my turn to fight...


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