Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 262

262 Chapter 262: Battling an ice revenant (4)

Clashes of metal against metal rang throughout the room along with the occasional explosion caused by Lola. The three of them working in concert managed to keep the ice revenant on the back foot, slowly but surely causing damage. Their methods were not the most logical and in some cases very risky, but it preserved the monster’s core best.

By attacking the armour as well as the semi-ethereal limbs connecting the pieces of runic armour they ate away at revenant’s energy. Just like how Frost cut down the frost elemental, repeated attacks dwindled its ability to reform its body causing it shrink and heal slower. Their aim for the revenant was much the same. However, unlike the frost elemental it didn’t shrink in size but the glow of its semi-ethereal body and the runic markings on its armour dimmed with every blow.

Eventually the revenant would be too exhausted to hold together its own body, retreating into its monster core to recuperate. Of course, doing that would spell its doom, once it retreated to its core it would have no means of attack or defence, the battle would be over. This method however did have its downsides, the ice revenant’s beautiful runic armour took the majority of the attacks, leaving dozens of gashes across the metal. It’d take a lot of work to repair it, a significant loss in terms of profit as normally the runic armour and weapon would be the most profitable pieces gained from killing an ice revenant. Frost couldn’t help but feel his heart bleed a little every time he increased the damage upon the armour. Most of the gashes and cracks were caused by him after all given his avenue of attack and his superior weapon.

The fire balls and other spells cast by Lola helped to weaken the armour and directly burn up the mana holding the revenant’s body together. After 15 minutes of intense fighting the poor boss monster was looking rather dishevelled. If this was a beautiful female monster this action could be seen as downright criminal, three people ganging up on it. The ice revenant however was not a female and only dwarves and artisans would find it beautiful.....great metal to work with.

“Ahhhhhhhhh DAMN INSECTS! PISS OFF!” Finally, the ice revenant had truly reached the limits of its patience. If things continued down their current track he’d end up slowly tortured to death. It was not a pleasant feeling to be so restricted in ones counterattacks. The moment it tried to focus on Sam, redirecting the majority of its power into its broadsword, Frost would swoop in and either give Sam a helping hand or take advantage to deal him a powerful blow. Similar results would happen when he tried to deal with Frost first, this young elf was incredibly nimble and had far more physical strength than he expected, causing the ice revenant to always eat a loss.

The worst however was the damn rabbit woman mage, her timing was always on point, and it was because of her enhancement magic and restricting magic that he suffered the most damage. She was the furthest away and the moment the ice revenant tried to attack her; the two males would increase their attacking ferocity. It was infuriating and quite frankly quite terrifying, but everyone had their limits and the ice revenant had reached his.

It no longer held back, ignoring the danger prospects to its core it attacked with renewed ferocity. If it was going to die it was sure as hell going to take these attackers down with it.


The ice revenant’s broadsword came down upon the floor with unyielding force, shattering the floor. The resulting force repelled Sam away who knew better than to take such a blow head on. Sam shared a look with Frost who nodded in response. The next phase of the battle was about to begin, and it was the most dangerous. The ice revenant would no longer care about defence, going all in in attack, one slip up could spell the end of them. Unlike the ice revenant their bodies really wouldn’t be able to endure repeated blows, even with Sam and Frost utilising chakra armour, this was the difference between monster and sapients.


Receiving Sam’s gesture, Frost frowned as he examined the state of his body. ‘Down about 30% stamina, not much but still a lot for just 15 minutes work.’ The next part of the battle would be even more gruelling if that was even possible. It was imperative to monitor each of their physical states so as to reach the end. The moment they ran out of gas would be the moment a massive broadsword cleaved them in two or an ice spell froze them solid.

With the fervent attacks of Frost, Sam, and the long distance assistance of Lola the ice revenant had very little opportunity to cast magic while under close combat assault. A few 1st or 2nd circle spells nothing that really affected Frost or Sam thanks to their innate ice resistance and [veil of flames] spell respectively.

Sam quickly turned his head a moment later to give his wife a gesture, signalling the next state of battle. They’d already gone over this situation; Lola’s mana levels were most important. Though it seemed as though Sam and Frost were the ones dealing with the most difficult task and energy demanding that was only physically. And both Sam and Frost had no problems with their physical capabilities. Lola’s job however was key to them keeping the revenant on the back foot allowing the two close combat fighters to keep up the pressure if she stopped using magic the two of them would be quickly drowned in the revenants 3rd circle spells.

Lola understood her husband’s gesture and checked her own situation before frowning, she wasn’t doing too well, less than half of her mana remained. With a serious expression she replied to Sam with her own gesture, reporting her situation. They couldn’t use words since the monster knew common tongue and using gestures was far quicker. Even as they all replied their situations the group didn’t stop moving, thinking, or watching the ice revenant.

After slamming down its broadsword and scattering plumes of ice everywhere the ice revenant didn’t stop, quickly turning around to find Frost, the last attack was only done to force back Sam, Frost was his true target. The slippery little worm that besmirched its glorious armour with god knows how many cuts and gashes.

Quickly finding his target momentarily distracted as he responded to Sam, the ice revenant rotated its body, dragging the broadsword across the floor, scraping up plumes of ice as it did, obscuring the area around his blade ever so slightly.

“Shit Frost lookout!” Sam roared in warning, the ice revenant had already moved, Sam wouldn’t reach in time, the most he could do was alert his friend. Just when Sam was about to give Lola a signal to assist with magic, he caught sight of Frost’s own gesture, the ‘ok’ sign made with his right hand. Sam stopped in place, a wry smile growing on his lips. Leaving it up to Frost, Sam nodded to his wife, she needed to take a mana potion and relax her mana veins for a minute or two. If Frost said he was fine he was inclined to believe him. After training with the young man for the past 3 days both he and his wife knew that although like most young and talented people Frost was prideful, he wasn’t foolish. He knew his limits especially after the situation with the great frost centipede.

While Sam and Lola attended to their physical states, Frost had a front row ticket to the ice revenant’s dogged pursuit. With the ice dust conjured up by scraping his broadsword across the ice floor the ice revenant shot at Frost, obscuring his forward vision. Frost stood his ground with his glaive in hand, ready to respond to whatever came. He could tell from the look in the revenant’s eyes that it wanted to squash him like a bug, preferably with its broadsword. The revenant had already realised that weaker magic had no effect on either of its close combat aggressors. Sam’s was obvious the [veil of flames] protected him but for Frost it was as though his magic simply had no effect, infuriating the revenant to no end. ‘Wasn’t he an elf how come he has such high innate ice resistance?’

With Frost’s view partially blocked the revenant launched his broadsword at Frost through the ice dust, that’s right he launched it, but he didn’t let go. The ice revenant only had a semi-ethereal body allowing it to do some quite interesting things. Extension of his limbs was one of them. Like the frost elemental Frost faced against on the 3rd floor, the ice revenant’s sword arm elongated as the sword was thrust through the ice dust, aiming to catch Frost unawares.

A second later the ice revenant’s massive broadsword was hurtling through the air with the revenant’s hand still attached. It split apart the ice dust and zoomed straight for Frost’s head, as fast as any arrow.

Frost fully expecting to be attacked through the ice dust held his ground. His glaive gripped tightly with both hands he rotated the shaft, aiming to deftly deflect the broadsword with perpendicular force and slam it into the ground by his side. He had the skills and physical strength to do it.

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