Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 212

212 Chapter 212: Fighting Yetis

Lying before Frost was the corpse of an ice snake, split in two halves by his glaive.

Ice snakes came in all type of varieties, size variation, colour variation and most of all venom potency. The one Frost just killed was thankfully a rather common viper class, roughly equal to E-rank in strength, its venom however would make it close to D-rank given the potency. If the snake successfully sunk its fangs into him, he’d immediately suffer immense pain and freezing nerve damage. Fairly debilitating for a single bite.

Adventurers from Northrend as well as those that reside in the Glacial mountains always, always carry anti-venom potions when exploring the region, otherwise they’d quickly end up dead or at the very least crippled. Frost himself brought the anti-venom potions he got from Leo with him, just in case but he’d rather not be forced to suffer the effects for a single second thus resulting in the swift extermination of the creature.

It was said that in the core regions of the Glacial mountains there lived ice snakes that spanned over 1000 metres in length and with power to constrict mountains, rivalling the strength of the mighty dragons, though the dragons are loathe to admit it. However just as well-known are the ice snakes that perhaps only reach a metre in length, yet their venom can wound even Gods. A truly diverse race that can threaten all manner of life.

Frost backed up a few steps as the foul smell pervaded his nose, causing it to itch. He frowned towards the split corpse really adverse to searching it for useful materials, his case with the wyvern venom leaving some form of trauma. But he was a big boy and after a few seconds of prancing around he took a deep breath and summoned an ice chakra dagger to skin it and carefully remove its venom sack. Both things being quite sellable. The skin could be fashioned into clothing or armour whereas the venom sac could be used in all manner of potions and weapon coating. Given his clean cut both were in almost perfect condition. Of course, like any monster it too had a magic crystal which he pried out and stored in his spatial ring.

As he carefully removed the venom sac with upmost delicacy, he couldn’t help but be reminded of his younger sibling Wilsander, the snakeman who was fond of poison. ‘Perhaps I should keep the venom sac as a gift.’ With such a thought he was less adverse to handling the dead snake.

After the family gathering Dark started updating the dungeon menu system, allowing communications between the many siblings so as to improve family relations and make his children feel less lonely. As of yet he’d exchanged contact details with a fair number of his siblings but was yet to call or be called, he thought that perhaps it was time to change that. But that’ll have to wait till he got back to the Dungeon.

“[Ignition]....time to get going.” Frost burned the ice snake remains and continued his journey north. He no longer kept his glaive in the spatial ring, resting it on his shoulders as he walked, appearing very menacing. The next area was a known territory of yetis, D-rank monsters that are known for fierce aggression.

Yetis were one of the starter monsters Frost had access to but as of, yet he hadn’t summoned one, fearing that they’d be similar to the polar bear. More muscle than brain. According to his monster encyclopaedia, yetis were large ape like monsters that dwelled in cold climates, fast, agile, and like to live in groups. Armed with impressive arm strength and sharp teeth they pummel their victims to death before tearing them to pieces with their large fangs. Adventurers commonly try to avoid yetis given their temperament, tendency to live in groups and most of all their lack of useful materials. Yeti pelts are not as soft or a pretty as that of frost wolves, their meat is gamy and tough making for poor food, hardly worth the danger to hunt. But Frost wasn’t here for materials, no he was here for training.


Around an hour later “kakakakkakakak,” primitive cackling could be heard from all around Frost. It was difficult to see the landscape given the blizzard, but he walked right into a valley made of high frozen cliffs that extended for tens of kilometres. Known as a yeti home ground, it was always avoided unless one was of sufficient strength and or in a hurry to the resting camp. Thanks to that the population was quite high, making the area even more dangerous.

A family of 4 yetis lived in the outer rims of the valley and spotted Frost in the distance. The four of them cackled loudly, it’d been a while since they had eaten sapient flesh.

Frost’s lips curled upwards, revealing a mad smile. “Finally, a real challenge.” He muttered under his breath as he readied his glaive. Multiple D-ranks would not be an easy fight even with his abilities. No longer holding back he summoned ice chakra for armour. He’d gotten quite proficient with his chakra control so much so that he could produce quite an impressive set of armour, he looked like a powerful ice king beckoning traitorous rebels to attack, creating an attractive profile, shame there were only yetis to see.

“Gyahhhhhhh,” finding Frost’s provocation unacceptable the largest of the four yetis roared as it thumped its chest before leaping from the elevated ridge it called home. The other three cackled with smiles ready to enjoy the show of their eldest siblings crushing this cocky meal, not even entertaining the possibility of him losing.

Frost imperceptibly frowned as he saw the large ape flying down towards him with its arms raised above its head. The thing was easily 3 metres tall and chock full of muscle, but Frost wasn’t fazed in the slightest. He looked at the rapidly approaching yeti with contempt, sighing lightly.

“Rahhhhhhhhh!” The monster yeti roared even louder as it reached striking distance, just another second and this arrogant prey would be crushed under its powerful body. Both opponents looked at one another with scorn but only Frost’s was justified.

With grace Frost twirled his quasi-4star glaive and took a strong step forward, he thrust out with the butt of his glaive smashing the yeti in the chest. In what looked like slow motion, the yeti’s massive frame grinded to a halt, its momentum resulting in the glaive’s butt puncturing ever deeper into its sternum. The yeti coughed and spurted out blood as its chest audibly cracked, a dent clearly visible around the glaive before time speeded back up and its direction swiftly flipped. Frost was physically stronger and armed with a great weapon, the yeti that came with such aggressive momentum was sent flying backwards, spurting even more blood as it flew.

While Frost merely retrieved his glaive and twirled it as if it was weightless, acting though his attack was effortless.

Boom! The yeti landed hard on the ground and the cackling of its siblings suddenly stopped. Frost smiled in contempt, placing his glaive back on his shoulders before placing his hand out and taunting the remaining three yetis with a wave. “You monkeys gotta do better than that if you want to beat me!” He released some of his pseudo aura, letting the yetis know of his power.

Silence, utter silence, even the blizzard seems to quieten down at his loud proclamation. The three yetis stared at the young Frost, fury in their eyes. They couldn’t understand common tongue, but they knew this elf was taunting and insulting them. But his aura was... dangerous, they froze unsure how to proceed but, their decision was made for them.

“Rahhhhhhhhh!” The eldest sibling that was sent flying by Frost’s glaive jumped to his feet and roared in protest. His chest was noticeably caved in and discoloured and drops of red blood could be seen dripping from its fangs. Its fury was paramount and wouldn’t take this insult lying down. It roared to the sky summoning its younger siblings, eyes clouded by anger it wantonly ignored the dangerous vibe that Frost was emitting and the fact that it was so easily batted away by him like a child.

With its roar the three yetis waiting on the ridge had no choice but to attack, their eldest brother was the pack leader, and his orders must be followed. With a quick look towards one another their expression became fierce, they puffed out their chests and beat them like drums before following their brother’s lead, jumping from their ridge to engage in combat.

The three of them appeared like missiles, flying through the air before crashing onto ground with an explosion of snow.

Frost narrowed his eyes in focus as the four yetis moved to surround him each with a furious expression and baring their fangs. “Now that’s more like it,” he swung his glaive around and entered a battle stance in his magnificent ice armour, once again taunting the beasts. He had a mad smile on his face as his blood started pumping a mile a minute, he was excited, exhilarated even. Fighting the frost wolves was nothing compared to this.

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