Drug-Eating Genius Mage

Chapter 944

The Genius Wizard Who Takes Medicine Episode 944

Dapcheon (4)

The memories of the second world that have now come to an end and disappeared.

The moment when the ascendant succeeds in ascension. The methodology of a pioneer who dreamed in a different direction than other challengers.

Level 9 necromancer Naoise Fenn raised the power of necromancer to its limit by colliding two continents.

Using him, he succeeded in forcing part of the third world into reality.

The Miracle of Dapcheon, which artificially increases its power by bestowing its own necromantic magic on the continent’s crust.

The entire process may not have been completely under control, but this moment that was created belongs solely to the ascendant himself.

An instant that was created by arranging and inducing immeasurable miracles and disasters and bringing them all together in one day.

The moment when a part of the third that did not exist yet is brought down to this world and a wish is fulfilled in a misaligned wish.


A pillar of black-green light connecting heaven and earth.

The center of the huge shadow temple floating in the center.

In the memory of Ascension, where time stopped, the leader and leader faced each other.



Even though it is clear that they are aware of each other’s existence, words do not come out easily.

As if they were both recalling the memory of the moment they actually met in this place a long time ago.

In the center of the second world, I passed the apocalypse and destruction once, wandered and agonized through the third, and finally like this.

The three people who were the past, present, and future were able to meet.

It was a coincidence because it was an undetermined meeting time. It was inevitable because it was something I had to face at least once.

A moment when, despite being born with conflicting origins, their respective areas overlap without any confusion.

So, was Lennoch here because this moment was fate?

[Welcome. My mirror…]

It was the religious leader who spoke first in the breathtaking silence.

A total solar eclipse unfolding in the sky.

The moment of a lunar eclipse that obscures each other as the world and humans become equal in status.

I walk slowly past Richie Naoise Penn, who spreads his arms and wishes for that moment.

[This is the first time since Traveche’s human sealing, right…?]


[After the second ending, it is a taboo that the two of us are no longer allowed to stand in the same timeline.]

“… .”

[Nevertheless, the skill of creating contradictions by twisting cause and effect in this way is truly amazing. This is a power that only you have acquired throughout the three worlds.] The

leader seemed to smile softly at the leader who did not respond.

[Aiming and reversing cause and effect are allowed because we have reached the afterlife… After all, you must be a much better answerer than me in the past…]

“We talked about it once before.”

At that moment, the leader, who had been silent, spoke for the first time.

“Because the beginning was different and the end was divided, even any moment cannot be compared. “It’s just a meaningless question at the point where we can no longer distinguish between the answers.”

Even when he sees the leader walking past him, he does not look away or raise his voice.

Even in this chaos where time has stopped, his doctor always reaches the desired destination.

The leader’s gaze, raised above the noise, seemed to pierce coldly into the leader’s face.

“You’re still trying to attach meaning to useless standards.”

An extremely rare moment when the leader, who is insensitive to anything, reveals his emotions of his own volition.

However, Lennok felt a strong sense of discomfort in the leader’s answer, as if he was looking into a mirror.

In a sense, the Demon Musketeer of the old world stands in the middle among the three.

It was the second following the first, and it was an inevitability waiting for the coming fate.

He was a mirror of the cult leader and at the same time had similar aspects to Lennok.

That’s probably why, out of the three, only the leader was able to create this position himself.

[Hahaha… Even if it’s pointless, how can I quit…]

However, even after hearing the leader’s words, the leader burst into laughter as if he was happy.

[Even as we transcend the world and head to the next, in the face of this moment that we never dared imagine… How can we stop understanding each other?] “….” [


reasons and justifications are not mine, and there is nothing in front of us. There is only one expectation.]

The leader stopped right in front of the leader and turned his gaze.

[Didn’t you believe that I would respond to this call because you understood me just as much…]

Beyond the end of the world, everything exists by chance and only has meaning by chance.

The religious leader who exists based on that miracle is not obsessed with the concept of reason or justification.

Anathema’s death. A sanctuary declared by a priest. The fact that the stage for this moment was prepared was a miracle that occurred through the disorderly arrangements made by the religious leader.

It was only the leader’s own will that accepted the leader’s suggestion and took this position.

The leader was asking if the leader knew about this from the beginning and called him here.

[Our meeting will always have meaning, and it will be a miracle that cannot be desired just for this moment… but that is why it cannot last for long.] The

leader of the cult seemed to be looking at the leader beyond the veil-like gaze.

[You know…?]


The origins of the cult leader and leader are originally located at opposite points.

Therefore, the two have acknowledged and tolerated each other’s existence, but have not tried to force their time to overlap.

When the leader first violated that rule and came to visit the leader, the leader also recognized the omen of Anathema’s death and accepted the invitation.

In the first place, this meeting itself is a result that exists through a cause that cannot exist in this world.

Even if we borrow the concept of the religious sanctuary and memory palace, we cannot maintain it for long.

That’s why the leader deliberately postponed the meeting and had a Q&A with Lennok first, and now he’s making the leader aware again.

Did he understand what the religious leader said about not having much time?

“I want to make sure things get done before Yusa’s lunar eclipse approaches.”

The leader, who had been listening silently, opened his mouth.

As he looked back at the sky with his arms crossed, his gaze seemed to change sharply for a moment.

“If we don’t set a time when the concept of nadir will be overturned, the timeline will get twisted. So, let me ask you.”

[Please speak.]

The leader looked beyond the noise.

The head of the school received a gaze that was so cold that it showed no emotion at all.

Two transcendent beings who were not accepted as beings of this world exchanged unreadable glances.

The leader, who had been staring at the leader for a while, asked in a voice without any emotion.

“Austerity. “How much is left?”

[Nothing left.]


[We passed the event horizon a long time ago and are just retracing our steps backwards toward the outcome.]

The religious leader slowly tilted his head as he looked at that scene.

[I thought you would have known this a long time ago, but it was surprising… In some ways, it would be similar to the way you control the origin…] The

leader did not answer.

As if the silence itself was the answer.

The leader also smiled brightly as if he understood.

[Ah, is that so… you already….]


[That’s really amazing. How can it be so similar even though we are walking different paths? How can they be so similar?…]

The religious leader turned around with his back turned and shook his head helplessly.

[After all, we are not essentially the same. Just as the concept that distinguishes us can no longer be called origin…]

“It has to be different from you who still want salvation.”

Beyond the noise, the leader seemed to close his eyes.

“I have no regrets. There was value and meaning and memory beyond what was born and disappeared. “As far as I remember, it never goes away.”

[Is that so…]

The leader laughed.

His calm state from start to finish suddenly became bitterly distorted.

[I don’t remember those things anymore…]


Did the leader also not know that he would personally hear the true thoughts of the leader?

Although it was only for a moment, the feeling of insensitivity seemed to loosen up for a moment.

“This is the end of what I have to say.”

The leader muttered.

“The rest will be all we can do as we please.”

[I know… The moment we should meet is not now…]

After answering that, the cult leader turned his gaze towards Lennok.

[If it weren’t for the third time, I wouldn’t have come to meet you either…] “…

[So let’s listen… our destiny.]

The religious leader asked.

[What is the ending of this world that you desire?]

* * *

A glimpse of the world that has passed the first and second and reached the third.

But the fourth miracle does not exist.

The world is completed and destroyed through three changes, and all that remains is the apocalypse when the end of the open sea descends.

The third is the number representing perfection.

Any further opportunities are not allowed, and the unfinished world will simply disappear.

That countless worlds met similar endings.


Exploring the world’s secrets one by one and facing the fate of countless failures.

What was Lennok thinking as he tasted the tears and blood shed in the meantime?

The struggles and curses of transcendental people who realized that there is no next in this world.

What were you going to say in front of people who were looking for answers across the world?

Even though I’ve imagined this moment countless times, I can’t get my mouth off it easily.

Because I know.

The fact that they too have traversed all the paths that Lennok has traversed while worrying and suffering.

It is also true that the creation, destruction, good deeds, bad deeds, sacrifice, and grief they experienced were so terrible and painful that they could not endure.

That’s why the cult leader was broken, the leader was twisted, and Lennok was still looking for him.

The next thing that doesn’t exist in this world with a fixed ending.

The only way that can be the answer to all anguish and pain.


Even though I opened my mouth with difficulty, the words didn’t come out easily.

Even at this moment, Lennok was still thinking, pondering, and hesitating.

Maybe it would be better to ask them outright right here and now.

The meaning of what the leader says is that the concept of nadir is overturned.

Lunar eclipse of quicksand. The regret of old age. The purpose of Shinsal. Third ending.

Now that it has a real meaning, you might feel at ease if you spit out the words that are floating around in your head.

It is painful to suffer from incomprehensible words, and it is difficult to uncover the secrets of the world.


“Am I your destiny?”

After a long, long thought, what came out of Lennok’s mouth was a pure rebuttal.

“Am I the last of you?”

Lennok’s expressionless eyes turned to the two transcendents standing in the distance.

“Am I… the one who will decide the ending for you two?”


Lennok answered himself in quiet silence.

“Probably not. Even if that were the case, I wouldn’t have thought of it that way.”


“In the end, you were not bound by your origins. Instead of being concerned about his essence, he probably tried to deal with it.”

Lennok laughed.

“At least that’s definitely what I would have done.”

Just as the religious leader lives in coincidence and tries to control it.

Just as the leader tried to overcome the inevitable and adjust the inevitable.

Lennok was also called fate, but he had no intention of being bound by fate.

Maybe when it all started, there might have been defined roles for each other.

But even though we were clearly standing in the same place, everyone is now facing the ending with different answers.

This was possible because, after all, Lennok was Lennok himself.

“I might be able to hear the answers from both people here and take one side.”

Lennok, who had passed between the leader and leader and ahead of them, looked back.

Transcendent people of coincidence and necessity looking down on themselves from both ends of Dapcheon.

“But… no matter how many answers I think about.”

Lennok looked up at them and smiled brightly.

“In the end, I can’t shake the feeling that even that is within the ending I wanted.”



“Does the ending of this world truly exist only beyond the sea of darkness, or do we have to rely on the mercy and death of foreign gods floating on the sea?”

I raise my gaze and look at the eyes of foreigners shining across the sky.

A bizarre appearance with tens of thousands of pupils crammed into a huge pupil.

The gaze of the end, as if human eyes were stuck in a bubble that could easily dissipate at any moment, even if it were life.

It must be an image of a foreign body that exists only in the memories of the leader and the leader, but somehow its eyes seem to be looking at Lennok intently.

But despite the chill running down his spine, Lennok’s mind was extremely calm.

“The answer is still within me. Even the possibilities and turning points that you once hoped for must have been here in the past.”


The kaleidoscope of possibilities that exist within Lennok.

The reason why only the junction connecting the open sea was empty.

The reason why, unlike the cult leader, there was not even a trace of the leader’s potential in the kaleidoscope.

Because he knows that, Lennok cannot be shaken.

You can trust that the first answer you choose is correct.

“I’ve been thinking about this since I heard Jindun’s answer.”

Lennok laughed.

“If the fourth does not exist in this world…”

The beginning was a coincidence, but the end is not.

There was no inevitability in this relationship, but it was inevitable that it would fall apart.

In that case, for Lennok’s answer to transcend the world, it must transcend fate.

I recognized this from Jindun’s answer and made a promise while watching the disappearance of Heavenly Gyeon, and now I am finally convinced.

“I should be the fourth.”

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