Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 291: Frosty Lands

Chapter 291: Frosty Lands

It didn't take too long for Tang Wulin and Yali to catch up with the others. As they were waiting for them at the border of the region while looking out for any enemy.

Once they met up, they quickly went into the icy region, with Yali covering Wu Yiyi and Zhao Jiu with her aura.

This was to help alleviate the stress on their soul power. As the blizzard that we're walking through was something that took considerable energy to withstand.

"Demons! What a discovery! I never thought I would see such creatures in my life and to think they found a way here."Said Zhao Jiu as he was swiftly telling himself to write this down later.

As the blizzard was making it hard for him to see anything that he is writing. This was also the same for walking, with them only being able to stay together because of Tang Wulin.

Having his vines wrapped around all of their waists although he had to constantly remake it.

Since it was being frozen before shattering after a bit.

"Oh? The blizzard is dying down now."Shen Yi noted as she saw a decrease in wind speed and pressure.

"Get ready, the icy rain is coming." Said Tang Wulin as he glances up.

Just as he said these words, it started to rain. Thousands of thousands of droplets were falling from the sky.

Tang Wulin quickly made more vines erupt from the ground, causing them to wrap around everyone.

Before more began to move above them, forming something similar to a shade that crackled with lightning and destruction.

Just in time for the rain to reach the ground, causing a mini-explosion as it made contact with it.

Everything the droplets touched, exploded with frost forming as an after-effect.

"What a terrible land." Muttered Wu Yiyi as she heard the screams of the demons around the area.

She saw some of them running for shelter, others trying to go underground and the rest fighting against the droplets.

They did this by constantly shrouding themselves in energy, firing attacks above, or forming barricades above them.

But even Wu Yiyi could tell that this method was draining them of their energy.

With them being unable to keep this up forever, from them having to constantly resist the constant rain.

"Well, this land is from the Demon World. From what I can tell, this piece of land may have come from Nix. The land with almost absolute zero temperature with its Icy rain and storms."Said Tang Wulin.

"Should we find shelter as well?" Questioned Shen Yi but none of them were given a chance to answer.

As in the next moment, the ground around them erupts with multiple demons appearing around them.

The demons glared at them with them baring their fangs causing Tang Wulin to frown as he noticed something.

'What is that symbol on their skin?'

There was a strange Symbol shape like a demonic head that was icy blue, that was glowing.

As he was staring at this, Wu Zhankong was able to notice something else.

"None of them are being affected by the Icy Rain."

Wu Zhankong's eyes caught the droplets that were coming from the sky, fading away as they touched the demons.

Neither exploding nor leaving any frost mark.

"Is there a special reason?" Questioned Shen Yi as she already had her bow aimed at them.

"Maybe those symbols on their skin." Said Tang Wulin after focusing his spiritual sense on them, noting a faint field of energy around them.

The demons didn't give them any more time to talk, as they all pounced on them.

"Just kill them and move on." Said Tang Wulin as he punched out with his fist, which was crackling with violent destruction.

It gave off a purple light as it smashed through the centipede demon hide, shattering its and breaking it apart.

Before then fully disintegrating its whole body, leaving nothing left but purple wisps.

'Really is a terrifying power.' Thought Tang Wulin as he glances to the side to see the others battling the demons.

He was planning on just using his destruction power for most of this trip, intending to gain deeper insight and experience with it.

From his own experience and Hui Mei's advice, they both believed that a good way to grasp the power of destruction is through combat.

This way, Tang Wulin would be able to understand his shortcoming with this power while also trying out what he has learned.

Then he would go from there, knowing what to work on and gaining inspiration.

'Welp let's wrap this up and move on.'



"How." Muttered the man knows as Ming, as he glances around the room the blood-soaked room.

The piles of corpses all around, some were chopped in half, others head smashed and some having just blood splat.

All of them were fellow workers of the Federation like him, all who would have never thought today would be their last day alive.

"Just what kind of monster are you."

Ming coughed up some blood from his mouth, covering his already blood-soaked clothing. Which was drenched from the blood that came from the gaping hole in his chest.

He could already feel himself dying from the terrible loss of blood, as he stared at the monster who was walking past him.

It was a man who donned all-black clothing with a trench coat and a yin-yang Oni Mask that covered his face.

This oni-masked wearing man somehow got into their facility that was supposed to be hidden. With not even the leaders of Shrek and Spirit Pagoda knowing about it.

As the secrets, this place held was something that would make any of these fractions feel weariness towards the Federation.

It was because of this that this place was tightly guarded but not to the point where it would draw suspicions.

'Yet this monster was able to kill them all. All of the soul masters that were watching over us. Disabling all of the soul technology and soul fixed ammunition that was everywhere.'

Ming took one last look at the man before his body finally slopped down on the wall.

The Oni man continued walking onward before stopping in front of some rails and staring ahead.

Or more specifically what was behind the rails was a gigantic rocket.

The Oni man tilted his head at the rocket, looking it up and down before moving his hand to his mask.

"I found it, bringing it back now." Said the Oni Mask Man before putting his hand back into his pocket.

It was then, black and white energy exploded from under the man's feet. Spreading across the whole room like an expanse, shrouding everything in its yin-yang glow.

The energy coated the deceased bodies like a blazing inferno, illuminating the room that was dark from the broken lights.

It was then, screams rang out.

The shrill screams came from none other than the bodies that the black-white energy was covering.

These screams became louder and louder as the energy began to rise before the ghostly, spectral figure began rising.

If Tang Wulin was here, he would instantly know what was happening. With Zeref praising the Oni Mask wearing man ability, in calling up the souls of the dead.

Yes, the screams were coming from the souls of the corpse in the room.

"Please! Let us rest!"Shouted Ming as he found himself appearing once again in the room that he died tragically.

But not in his physical body but soul form.

It wasn't just him but all of the other souls were screaming at the man, begging and pleading him as if they feared something.

The Oni Mask man didn't say anything as the yin-yang energy began moving towards the giant rocket.

They began crossing, interweaving, and forming a pattern around it before they began to travel upwards.

Covering the rocket with its peculiar glow.

The Oni Mask wearing man glowed for a second before the terrible screams of the soul became even worse.


"Let us go!"


Yet their screaming fell on deaf ears as their whole figure began shrouded in the energy. Before they began to gradually be consumed by the energy, their screams and pleading being the last thing heard.

The Oni Mask man glances at the rocket before the whole room is shrouded in a blinding light for a while.

When the light dyed on, the masked man and the rocket was gone.

The only evidence of them being here was the burn and flame marks left in the room.

The whole facility had been quiet for a few hours passed before a thunderous sound rang out, with sounds of movement.

"Sir! Here is empty as well."

"Here too!"


Countless Soul Masters with a Federation Uniform was moving through the Faculty, checking all of the room.

"Is the Killer still there?"

"Negative Sir! It seems it was also taken, with all of the workers and soul master here."Said one of the Federation Soldiers as he looks all around in the scorched room.

"I am on my way."

It didn't take long for the Federation General to make his way to the room, with a squad of a dozen Soul Masters.

They all move through the room, searching it top to bottom but finding no corpse. It wasn't wrong to say that if it wasn't for the burn marks around, they all would have thought there was no struggle.

"It's obvious there was a fight but no damage to the surrounding areas. All of the Soul Ammunition weapons are still up but there all down."Said one of the Soldiers, as he gave the general a report.

"And they have seemed to have taken the secret God Killer Weapon..."

"I noticed. We came too late."Said the General as he glanced at the rail but not finding the weapon that should be behind it.

The Federation General didn't know why they weren't notified of an attack or why none of the alarms went off.

If it wasn't because they made it so this place had to send a daily report every few hours, they likely wouldn't even be here now.

It might have taken a few days before they found out, this place was attacked and the rocket was taken.

"But how did they take the rocket? I don't see any broken roofs or walls."

"They might have teleported it outside of the base before taking it somewhere?"

"Maybe they trapped it in a secret space?"

The Federation General didn't make any comment as his eyes remained on the rails for a few minutes before sighing.

"Check the facility one more time."

"Roger, Sir!"

As the general saw the soldiers moving away, he could only shake his head as he knew he would have to report this.

'Commander Cheng Xinjie isn't going to like this.'

'Not one bit.'

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