Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 252: Descions and Choices

Chapter 252: Descions and Choices

"Say, big brother, did you plan for Dai Yun'er to be the Empress?" Questioned Na'er as she ran down the hallway with Tang Wulin.

"Hm? Why do you say that?"

"Well, it just feels weird that you would come up with a plan like that. I assume you would have done something different like, suppress the Imperial Fraction or beat them up into submission yourself."Said Na'er as she turned the corner of the hall with Tang Wulin in front of her.

"Which makes me think, you have another reason for having her become the empress. Its as if this was your plan from the beginning, now that I think about, didn't you do this for the others?"Questioned Na'er as she slightly narrowed her eyes causing Tang Wulin to chuckle.

"What do you mean?"

"When we told you of our plan to go to the Spirit Pagoda. You advised us it was better for one of us to go and for the other to stay here. We didn't understand at first what you meant but after a bit and with this, it's starting to come together. Big brother, are you trying to have us take control of the influentials organization?"Questioned Na'er but Tang Wulin didn't respond.

"I would take over Shrek, thus gaining control of the strongest academy and the Sea God Pavilion. Gu Yue would take over the Spirit Pagoda and you for the Body Sect. Xie Xie for the Tang Sect as he did say he was moving up in the ranks fast. And now Dai Yun'er for the Star Luo Empire."Mutter Na'er as she stared at her big brother back but Wulin only chuckle.

"I'm astonished you figure that out so quickly, although you are missing a few things." Said Tang Wulin as his thoughts began to wonder.

"I am? Who else?"

"That is up to you to figure out." Said Tang Wulin leading Na'er to pout and slightly glare at him.

"The issue with the Spirit Beast and Humanity will not go away because we just moved them. This may just have created even more problems than intended."Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to furrow her brows.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think will happen when the people see the actions of the Spirit Beast running away, while the Calamity makes a mess of the continent? And that's not considering the fact they don't see a difference between the Spirit Beast and Calamity."Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to frown.

"So what is the purpose of having us take over these organizations?"

"A Safety-net." Said Tang Wulin.

"A Safety-net?" Questioned Na'er in confusion with Tang Wulin inclining his head.

"The Spirit Beast chances of defending themselves from humanity is all but futile when we compare their strenght. This is why we need to have someone we can trust to be the leader of these organizations. As that will limit the chance that one of these organizations would go on to slaughter the Spirit Beast."Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to narrow her eyes.

"Is this because of the project that Gu Yue is working on in the Spirit Pagoda?"

"More or less. If she can finish that platform that can bring back even ancient Spirit Beasts that went extinct. Then there is no limit that humanity will go, to take control of such a thing and utilize it."Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to nod her head.

At the moment, Gu Yue's current project was causing her to rise fast in the Spirit Pagoda. Her project success would allow the resurrection of the Spirit Beast that was extinct from long ago.

The Pagoda doesn't know that Gu Yue has the jeweled blessed which Tang Wulin gave her. That will allow her to revive Spirit Beast as the Jeweled Bless still retains the essence of those Spirit Beast long ago.

Originally she and Gu Yue had planned to use the Dragon God Heart as the core of this project. But that went out of the window after finding out Wulin absorbed it somehow.

They tried seeing if he can spit it out but found it was stuck inside of him, with Wulin being unable to interact with it at all.

As the only thing, he could do with it at the moment his boost, his blood essence and do the basic function of a blood core.

Although Gu Yue suggested things may change once Wulin reached the Title Douluo level.

But this in itself brings tons of problems, that even she couldn't ignore. If humanity found out that the Spirit Beast has control of such a platform, they would rally all of their people to go out and take it from them.

As to humanity, the Spirit Beast could very well build an army that could tower over theirs and then march upon their doorstep.

It wasn't like they would be reviving normal spirit beast, as from Gu Yue's hypothesis, it may be possible to revive even divine beast.

So how could humanity allow such a thing? Even if the building of such an army would take a while, that would still be no different than ignoring a potential danger.

It would be laughable for them to think the Spirit Beast wouldn't attack them when they have the advantage.

Especially when they have been slaughtering and treating the Spirit Beast as nothing more than resources and experiments.

Na'er and Gu Yue weren't naive enough to believe the Spirit Beast wouldn't want to do this.

As the hatred that exists between these two races has gone beyond tens of thousands of years.

'I see now if we can take control of all of the organization. Even if humanity finds out the true use of this platform, they wouldn't be able to employ their full strength. As we would be suppressing it.' Thought Na'er as her eyes began to lit up as she began to understand it more clearly but then she frowned.

"What about the Spirit Beast? Even if we suppress the humans, the Spirit Beast can't be suppressed in the same way."Said Na'er as she didn't want to harm them at all.

"You two sure care about them a lot. But then again, it makes sense, after all, you guys did create them."Said Tang Wulin with a hum as he knew Gu Yue and Na'er's greatest motivation.

The Spirit Beast was no different than their children, as they all came from them, their power of creation birthed all of them. To these beings who are their children and species, they couldn't help but give their all to save them.

"Don't worry, after this. I plan to give them a reality check."Said Tang Wulin with a smirk causing Na'er to shiver.

"You can't hurt them!" Shouted Na'er with a glare causing Tang Wulin to roll his eyes.

"You spoil them too much."


"Either way, what do you plan to do with their hatred or more specifically the Spirit Beast hatred towards humanity. I'm sure you understand, they will go behind your back, to unleash their revenge."Tang Wulin said causing Na'er to frown.

As she knew that neither she or Gu Yue would be able to sway the opinions of the whole Spirit Beast when it came to humanity. Not only because humanity has been hunting them down for thousands of years but also using them as experiments.

Pushing them close to extinction while taking away and destroying their home. To the point where only the inner sanctum of Star Luo Forest could be considered safe.

And even then, she and Gu Yue had them leave the forest which was their last home as it was nothing more than a cage.

It was no more than naive thinking that they would simply forget all of the things that were done and is being done to them.

'Yet, something has to be done.' Thought Na'er as she understands that Tang Wulin's plan so far isn't going to work out in the long run.

Even if she and everyone held important positions in the world, allowing them to limit the activity of humanity. While at the same time, finding a way to prevent the Spirit Beast from launching an attack on humanity.

This will be no different than a stalemate, as there will be no progress between either race.

"Could we do some type of peace talk?"

"Do you think that will get rid of their hatred? No, the question should be, would the Spirit Beast even want to talk?"Questioned Tang Wulin with his lips twitching.


It wasn't wrong to say the Spirit Beast would want nothing more than to have no more contact with humanity.

They would be all the happier if humanity never came near or close to their home at all, leaving them all alone.

While Gu Yue and Tang Wulin would be fine with that, Na'er didn't want things to play out like that.

"Is there no way?" Na'er questioned with her fist clenching and brows furrowing.

She wanted for both the beast and humans to come together, call her idealistic if you will but she just didn't want another outcome.

She wanted it to be like that time where both beast and humanity were working together for the realm.

'She really is set on them working together, huh. I wonder if that's because of her human and beast experince.' Thought Tang Wulin as he glances at Na'er.

"Well, she did grow up with you and stayed at Shrek for the remaining time until both of you met again. It doesn't surprise me she wants both humanity and spirit beast to work together." Zeref's voice rang out.

"Both of her people? Aren't you thinking too much?"

"Maybe or maybe you just don't want to bother." Said Zeref with a smile but Tang Wulin didn't bother to respond to the comment.

"Your father also does wish to see humanity and spirit beast reconcile." Old Tang's voice rang out causing Tang Wulin to chuckle inwardly.

'Even he wants them to reconcile? Why didn't he do it all those years ago? I'm sure he could have done it.'

Tang Wulin found it hard to believe that Tang San, a god with all those years, wouldn't have been able to find away.

Even if with the coming of the Space-time turbulence, it wouldn't be hard for him to make up a plan for them.

"Gods can not interfere too much in mortal affairs that don't involve their family. Unless it has to deal with the balance of the plane or something is putting the plane in danger, then he can't directly interfere."Said Old Tang causing Zeref to slightly narrow his eyes.

"So he had to help them in a roundabout way...Wait, is that the existence of Huo Yuhao?"Questioned Zeref.

"I am impressed you were able to relate that to Huo Yuhao. Well, while we can't claim everything was through our planning for him. We believed that Huo Yuhao would have the ability to change the situation between Spirit Beast and Humanity."

"Soul Spirits" Sleipnir's voice rang out with Old Tang nodding his head.

"With the soul spirits, you believe this would stop the fighting between humanity and spirit beast. As the core conflict was that humans needed spirit rings to get stronger, which came from the beast themselves."Yggdrasil's voice rang out with a sigh.

"Indeed but we fail to see how deep humanity greediness could go."Mutter Old Tang with Zeref, Sleipnir, and Yggdrasil falling silent.

Tang Wulin didn't think too much about the hunger of humanity, already understanding and seeing it countless times.

Deciding to be done with his conversation with the people inside he spoke out loud.

"Well, there is a way to bring them together."

"There is!" Na'er eyes widen as she turns her head to Tang Wulin as a smile began to form on her face.

"Well, it's a bit complicated, but in a nutshell. We just have to shake the boat a little bit."

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