Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 250: Sea Palace

Chapter 250: Sea Palace

"What happened."Muttered Xu Lizhi as he began blinking his eyes before they widen in surprise.

As at the moment, he wasn't at the entrance of the palace but in an enormous hall with no water around. The ceiling seems to go all the way up to twenty feet high.

Blue Coral and innovative Pearl designs could be seen carved into the walls, pillars, and ceilings with aquatic flowers he has never seen before.

There were also sea beasts carved into the ceilings and walls that were looking down at him from every angle.

"Where is the water? Wait, nevermind that, did I get teleported?"Questioned Xu Lizhi but then a voice rang out behind him.

"It wasn't just you."

"Yuxin?" Questioned Xu Lizhi in surprise as he saw Yuxin glancing all around.

"I think we may have triggered some type of defense mechanism once we stepped inside of the palace." Said Liu Yuxin with a sigh causing Xu Lizhi to furrow his brows.

"But none of us was able to pick up on anything. Are you saying that the defense mechanism was able to get past even Zang Xin, Gu Yue, and Wulin senses?"Questioned Xu Lizhi in a slight disbelief tone.

These three individuals from what he knew had already reached the spiritual domain realm, making there senses one of the best in the world.

Unless it was divine intervention, Xie Xie very much doubted that some things could bypass their senes.

"That might not be the case, as even if they perceived what was happening. There is no guarantee that they had enough time to react before we got caught by the light."Said Liu Yuxin as she lightly bit her lips.

"I guess your right. Still, no use in thinking about it now, we should hurry up and go find the others."Said Xu Lizhi as his face flush with concern.

"Your right, hopefully, similar to us. They were teleported somewhere safe with someone else too."Said Liu Yuxin.

"What do you mean?"

"If this was meant to take care of intruders. Some parts of the palace are far dangerous than where we are now."Said Liu Yuxin with a frown on her face as her mind began racing with the possibilities.

Xu Lizhi frowned before he started to walk ahead, surprising Liu Yuxin.


"It's fine, they should be able to handle themselves. We all didn't make it this far with just luck, the best thing we can do is hope we can find everyone fast."Said Xu Lizhi as he narrowed his eyes.

Liu Yuxins was surprised at first before shaking her head and smiling as she found truth in Xu Lizhi's words.

"You sure have matured." Said Liu Yuxin with a smile as she lightly pinches Xu Lizhi cheek.

"Elder sister."Mutter Xu Lizhi but he didn't stop Liu Yuxin as she kept on squeezing his blushing cheek.

'Adorable.' Thought Liu Yuxin with an inward giggle as she held on for a while before letting go.

As they both began to move, blue light flashes straight towards Li Yuxin, arriving right in front of her.

Yet instead of it piercing through her, a purple fist smashed down on the light, dispersing it.

"Are you ok?" Questioned Xu Lizhi as he narrowed his eyes with a terrifying purple light crackling around his fist.

Liu Yuxin slightly narrowed her eyes before she nodded her head. In the next instant, she summoned her martial spirit, which let out a screech, the Phoenix martial soul.

"It seems we have company." Said Xu Lizhi as he saw numerous figures rushing towards them.

They looked similar to mermaids, except they had a more muscular form with demon-like features and sharp fangs.

They carried tridents and spears as they all glared at Xu Lizhi with their weapons pointed at them.

'Are these mermen?' Thought Liu Yuxin in surprise.

"I guess, it's too late to talk about this?"

The Mermens sneered before thrusting out their tridents, that shined with a blue light. Xu Lizhi could only let out a sigh as he saw the attacks coming his way.

'Our luck sucks.'


"My queen, are you sure this is right?" Questioned a merman who had short blue hair, large fangs and wore a golden armor with a black trident in his hand.

The mermen were staring at a graceful mermaid. The mermaid was about three meters long, with two golden shells that covered her private areas in front of her chest.

She had a head of long pink hair that went all the way down to her pink scale fishtail that glimmer with beauty and power. In her hand, similar to the mermen was a long silver trident that had various markings on it.

There was a silver crown above the mermaid's forehead. In the center of the crown was a blue-pink gem, which symbolized her status.

"Queen Marina..."Muttered the merman but he flinch when the Queen of the sea turned her cold gaze on him.

"Sea General Aron, I appreciate your concern but at this point it's pointless." Said, Queen Marina with a chuckle as she shook her head.

"My Queen..." Muttered the Sea General Aron.

"You are our kingdom general, the one who has been in contact with that beast more times than anyone. You can understand, that there is nothing we can do but listen to its command."Said Queen Marina as she turned her gaze to the outside.

"Maybe, something good will come out of this? Or maybe we will all die."

"My Queen, you shouldn't speak like that! This may cause our people to-"

"I know." Said Queen Marina causing the Sea General to go silent.

"But what is needed in this situation is strength. Absolute strength to defeat all, something we sadly do not possess."Mutter the Sea Queen as she began moving ahead causing the Sea General to frown.

'If only the Sea God was here.' Thought the Sea General Aron with a regretful sigh.


A streak of blue traversed the narrow corridors that weren't filled with water. It instantly arrived in front of Xie Xie, whose back was turned.

Yet instead of the water torrent smashing into Xie Xie, a polished shield made out of ice was formed behind Xie Xie, enduring the attack.

"These guys don't give up."Mutter Xie Xie as he shivers from the attack that came from behind.

Gu Yue didn't say anything as fuming white smoke began to appear all around her. It began spreading all around the corridors as if they were veiled in a layer of ice.


The Mermen quickly called upon the element of water, as streams of water began to form from the icy clouds that were spread around.

The flowing stream began carefully wrapping around the trident and spears of the mermen before they all hurled it towards the two humans.

'They converted it back into the water!' Thought Xie Xie in shock but Gu Yue expression didn't change.

With a wave of her hand that shined with seven-colored radiance, the countless streaks of blue light trembled before they all disperse. Then with a flick of her hand, the water began to vibrate and spin, turning into a whirlpool.

With a thrust of her hand, the whirlpool was pushed towards the rushing mermen who eyes widen in shock from how easy their attack was canceled.

They all tried to gain control over the water rushing towards them but to their horror, they found it was impossible to communicate with the water element.

How could they have known that the person they were fighting was none other than the Silver Dragon King? The master over the element and laws of the plane? The one who has taken her elemental control to a terrifying level.

They could do nothing but get swept in by the rotational force of the whirlpool that swept across and devoured them.

"Now then. You all in the back, you have been a pest."Said Gu Yue as she glances behind her before her eyes glowed with power.

Instantly, a cold aura began to radiate forth from Gu Yue, stirring up an icy wind and fierce gale before bursting forward.

Icy air towards the left hall of the corridor, with the mermen soldiers on that side, expressions changing as they felt the temperature suddenly dropped.

They could all feel the layer of frost already appearing on their body.

But before they could save themselves, they suddenly turn into frozen ice-like sculptors. Fortunately for them, Gu Yue didn't have the ice shattered into a million pieces.

"You cursed fiends!" Shouted one of the mermen who was on the north hall of the corridor, as he watches his fellow soldier break into pieces.

"Shut up, isn't this your fault! You guys keep attacking us."Shouted Xie Xie causing the mermen to roar with anger as they unleashed an immense tidal wave forward.

It was big enough to reach the whole ceiling, with it obscuring some of the pillars as it rushed onward to Xie Xie and Gu Yue.

'Space-Time Dragon Freeze the World.'

Xie Xie began to slowly turn his hand as a grey hue began to spread out from his hand, enveloping the surging tidal wave that was coming toward him.

To the shock of the Mermen Soldiers, the tidal wave instantly froze in place as if the world was frozen in time.

'Space-Time Dragon Warp the Earth.'

'Space-Time Dragon Acceleration.'

'Time Acceleration.'

With a stomp of his feet, the whole space trembles around Xie Xie and the mermen soldiers before the space crack from above.

Black-white dragon release a terrifying roar as they rushed towards the mermen who eyes widen at the sight of them.

As the mermen get ready to defend themselves, Xie Xie appeared right in front of them with five black rings shining behind him.

Within the next second, they were all slowed down to the speed of a turtle before they were all hit by the void dragons.

'Lucky for you guys, I will leave you all alive. Since we are breaking into your home.' Thought Xie Xie with a sigh as he moved his gaze away from the down soldiers.

"You let them live?" Questioned Gu Yue as she saw Xie Xie moving towards her.

"Well, they aren't exactly at fault." Said Xie Xie causing Gu Yue to nod her head before she begins to walk onward.

"Wait up!" Shouted Xie Xie as he chased after Gu Yue before catching up with her.

When they first got teleported here, to both of their surprises, the hall they were in was filled with no water.

It was only after a bit of thinking that Gu Yue made a theory that some parts of the palace weren't filled with water.

Or that something special was going on that caused all of the water to be drained from the palace.

Either way, it worked out for both her and Xie Xie as they continued moving forward without having to deal with the water pressure.

"Say...Gu Yue, can I ask you something?"Questioned Xie Xie causing Gu Yue to arch a brow at him.

"You have some questions about the space element? Or the Temporal essence?"

"No, it's about when I was training with the Jade Dragon King in the Dragon Valley." Said Xie Xie causing Gu Yue to glance at him but she didn't say anything.

"I'm not sure if Wulin told you about that but when I was training with the dragon, I learned some things." Said Xie Xie as he shifted his gaze to Gu Yue.

"Gu Yue...You have the Silver Dragon King bloodline, right?"Questioned Xie Xie causing Gu Yue to raise a brow.

"Oh? Why do you think that?"

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