Doctor’s Rebirth

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Jin Cheon-hee realized a process that science couldn’t explain, and martial arts could only partially comprehend.

‘That bell acts like a tuning fork. Since sound is ultimately a wave… is it being manipulated using qi?’

Sound can become a weapon.

Even in modern times, it’s used as a military weapon.


The next bell sound rang out.

This time, as if with determination, an even more massive sound technique surged forward than the previous two.

Surprisingly, Jin Cheon-hee brought his Ice Clarity Sword and Black Pine Cloud Sword together.

He accelerated the metal energy in the Ice Clarity Sword.


The metal energy whirled inside the Ice Clarity Sword, leaving countless different resonances and began to vibrate.

A normal sword would have shattered. But Jin Cheon-hee trusted his Ice Clarity Sword.

Gigik, giging-

It was like the effect of connecting dozens of ultrasonic speakers.

While humans can hear sounds up to 20,000Hz, here he could produce frequencies far exceeding 40,000Hz, which is called ultrasound.

It had essentially become an ultrasonic speaker.

Then he infused wind rock energy into the Black Pine Cloud Sword and struck the side of the Ice Clarity Sword.


Surprisingly, the sound of Jin Cheon-hee striking the sword flew like a sound technique.

The strange thing was that instead of spreading around in concentric circles like a normal sound technique, it flew in a straight line and tore through the Corpse Spirit Demon’s sound technique.

When his sound technique was torn apart, the Corpse Spirit Demon coughed up blood and let out a roar.

“You brat!”

‘Hmm, using directional sound was successful.’

This is a technique used even by the US military, focusing sound on a single point like a spotlight.

Used positively, it could make a guide’s voice audible only to someone standing in a specific spot in a museum, or allow only the user to hear a phone call on speaker.

However, when used militarily, it can accurately shoot high-pressure sound at a desired point.

Used this way, only the targeted enemy troops hear the sound, making it impossible for others to know what’s happening.

Of course, even so, it’s not easy to generate physical force equivalent to a sound technique even in modern times.

It’s not impossible, but it would be much cheaper to fire artillery in that direction.

Therefore, in our country, the most familiar sound wave weapon might be the K-pop medley played as a broadcast to North Korea.

However, in the martial arts world where inner power exists, the power of sound techniques was formidable.

“Cough. You… you brat!”

“Stop using sound techniques. Don’t needlessly deafen the children.”

Jin Cheon-hee couldn’t use this often either.

Sound techniques weren’t his field to begin with, and since he had observed and improvised it on the spot, it put considerable strain on his inner power.

‘Besides, I don’t want to damage the Ice Clarity Sword that Master gave me.’

He withstood it easily this time, but what about next time?

“Kekeukeu, don’t worry. The children will endure well under the protection of the evil immortals.”

It’s the same principle as keeping cattle safe until slaughter.

It seems they’ve prepared basic protections befitting precious sacrifices.

“I tried to capture you with sound techniques, but it’s not easy. In that case, I must get my hands on you no matter what.”

The Corpse Spirit Demon jingled the bell.

Jin Cheon-hee tensed up, thinking it might be another sound technique, but a trapdoor opened beneath the altar, and a jiangshi black from head to toe appeared.

“A Black Living Jiangshi…!”

‘What? A Black Living Jiangshi is appearing now?’

A creature that should only appear at least midway through the story had shown up.

‘This… is going to be really dangerous.’

A Black Living Jiangshi is created by raising the corpse of a martial artist using a special grand method.

Originally, it shouldn’t be appearing now.

It’s known to be able to use about half of its martial arts from when it was alive, and its body is as hard as diamond, making it difficult for sword energy to penetrate effectively.

Even with ordinary jiangshi, it’s not easy to inflict wounds with swords and sabers.

Such low-grade jiangshi were usually called copper jiangshi, and above them were classifications like iron jiangshi and diamond jiangshi.

A Black Living Jiangshi is on par with a diamond jiangshi. While its body’s hardness is slightly inferior to a diamond jiangshi, its strength lies in being able to use some of its martial arts from when it was alive and move flexibly like a person due to its soft body.

‘It was written that one of these is equivalent to a transcendent master…’

Cold sweat ran down Jin Cheon-hee’s back.

A Black Living Jiangshi at the level of a transcendent master.

And the Corpse Spirit Demon, who is a transcendent master.

In other words, having to face two transcendent masters was no ordinary matter even for Jin Cheon-hee.

“Capture him!”

As the Corpse Spirit Demon gave the order, the jiangshi charged like lightning.

Profound Origin Divine Technique.

Thought acceleration.

He accelerated his thought speed by circulating his inner power. The opponent’s movements became extremely slow.

Jin Cheon-hee’s own movements were the same.

In this slowed time where both were moving slowly, only Jin Cheon-hee’s thoughts moved normally.

‘If I face both simultaneously and drag out the time, I’ll be at a disadvantage. Quick victory. And taking down the Corpse Spirit Demon first. That way, he won’t be able to control the jiangshi, and I can win. The problem is taking down the Corpse Spirit Demon in one go…’

Jin Cheon-hee continued to think.

‘The Corpse Spirit Demon’s unique martial art, the Corpse Spirit Jiangshi Technique. Originally, it was a martial art called the Corpse Dissolution Immortal Technique passed down in the Maoshan Sect, which the Corpse Spirit Demon combined with techniques learned after joining the Blood Immortal Sect to create his own unique martial art, right?’

The Profound Origin Divine Technique always presented the most necessary information.

This was true even for trivial information that had been almost forgotten.

It felt like scraping articles with a search engine.

‘Its power was mentioned in the novel as worthy of being at the bottom of divine techniques… It felt like an upgraded version of the Ancient Wood Demon Technique that the Ancient Wood Blood Devil had mastered, probably?’

Corpse Spirit Jiangshi Technique.

It makes one’s body like that of a jiangshi.

Naturally, it gives one a hard body impervious to swords and sabers, and at higher levels, it’s said to be able to withstand sword energy or even the higher level of strong energy.

‘In fact, about ten or more years from now, when the Corpse Spirit Demon fights Yeo Ha-ryoon, he shows the ability to withstand strong energy to some extent. But he’s not at that level yet. Then…’


Jin Cheon-hee’s gaze turned to the Black Living Jiangshi.

As if it were true that it could use some of its martial arts from before death, it was charging at Jin Cheon-hee using a lightness technique he had never seen before.

‘No matter how much the Corpse Spirit Demon uses his jiangshi technique, the hardness of his body must be inferior to a genuine jiangshi like the Black Living Jiangshi. With my current level of sword energy, he must be injured. If so, calculation complete. Let’s do this…!’

Jin Cheon-hee drew out all of his inner power.

His magnificent inner power at the level of 120-years surged through his entire body.

In that brief moment when the Five Elements True Qi was exerted to its extreme, he saw the Corpse Spirit Demon raising his bell.

‘1.2 seconds until the Black Living Jiangshi arrives. But sound is faster than the jiangshi. Does he plan to shake me with sound techniques while the Black Living Jiangshi pounces on me? Not a bad plan.’

It was like playing rock-paper-scissors with two fists.

If Jin Cheon-hee used the directional sound technique he had used earlier, the jiangshi would pounce on him, and if he attacked the jiangshi, he would fall victim to the Corpse Spirit Demon’s sound technique.

However, a smile faintly appeared on Jin Cheon-hee’s lips.

Five-Elemental Divine Technique.

Water overcomes Fire[1].

The Opening and Creation of Yin and Yang[2].

Jin Cheon-hee infused water energy into the Ice Clarity Sword he was holding.


Water energy compressed to its limit began to vibrate along the tip of the sword.

Simultaneously, he drew fire energy into the Black Pine Cloud Sword in his other hand and struck the Ice Clarity Sword filled with water energy.


An enormous steam explosion occurred between Jin Cheon-hee and the Black Living Jiangshi.

Steam explosion.

It’s the principle of explosion that occurs when water rapidly expands in pressure after being heated.

When volcanic magma meets groundwater or the sea, the rapidly heated water vaporizes into steam and explodes. The resulting heat and pressure destroy the surrounding area.

Especially groundwater explosions are unpredictable and can cause hundreds of casualties once they occur, making them a nightmare in volcanic areas.

In daily life, it can happen when ice is put into boiling oil, and it has also caused explosions in steel factories.

It can also occur in nuclear power plants, where nuclear fuel melts at 2,000 degrees Celsius and explodes upon contact with coolant.

This was the principle Jin Cheon-hee used.

‘If used incorrectly, I might go down with it…’

It’s the same principle as someone using thunder techniques not being electrocuted by their own electricity.

It’s a martial art using Five Elements True Qi, not real water and fire.

‘Originally, in the Wudang Sect, they create destructive power by colliding yin and yang energies.’

He tried to imitate that using Five Elements True Qi and a bit of scientific knowledge.

‘I wonder what Cheon-woo in the Wudang Sect would think if he saw this.’

If asked, he decided to insist it was created from the Zhuge Clan’s Five-Elemental Divine Technique.

The steam created by Jin Cheon-hee was thick.

The underground stone chamber also rumbled with the thunderous sound.


The Corpse Spirit Demon, who was about to use his Corpse Spirit Sound, stopped his hand that was about to shake the bell and protected himself with inner force due to the shaking.

The Black Living Jiangshi was thrown back by the explosion.


Then came the sound of someone kicking off the ground.


Jin Cheon-hee burst through the steam.

“Old man, prepare yourself!”

He charged straight at the Corpse Spirit Demon, sword in hand.

Instead of mixing in feints, he accelerated using the Heaven’s Foresight technique and his powerful inner true qi, making his speed like that of a bullet.

Taiji Immortal-Destruction Sword.

Absolute form.

The Way of the Immortal Sword!

The Ice Clarity Sword vibrated subtly.

In that movement, which seemed to vibrate at high speed, was a group capable of neutralizing the opponent’s counterattack.

In response to Jin Cheon-hee’s counterattack, the Corpse Spirit Demon shook the bell with one hand.


A sound technique was coming.

‘As expected!’

Jin Cheon-hee’s sword left afterimages and split into dozens in mid-air.

While the sound technique split the afterimages created by Jin Cheon-hee, his real body instantly reached the front of the Corpse Spirit Demon.


The Corpse Spirit Demon hurriedly struck the Ice Clarity Sword with his other hand not holding the bell.

‘As I thought. It’s not an ordinary person’s hand.’

Energy was overflowing from the Corpse Spirit Demon’s hand.

Energy at the same level as sword energy. It should be called hand energy (手氣), using the character for ‘hand’ (手).

‘Everything up to here is as calculated. And at this point…’


The Black Living Jiangshi that had been knocked aside stood up. And it turned its head towards Jin Cheon-hee like a puppet with a creaking sound.

‘I need to finish this before that one arrives! This is the decisive moment!’


He took a breath. He drew out his inner power to its fullest.

Normally, martial artists don’t use their full power at once.

Or rather, they can’t.

The amount of true qi that the eight extraordinary meridians can move at once is fixed, and trying to use more true qi than that can lead to qi deviation.

But Jin Cheon-hee, who had already drawn out his qi and circulated it throughout his body, was in a state where he could project his full power at once.

And that power was shown here and now.


The energy imbued in the Ice Clarity Sword grew stronger and stronger. And eventually, it changed to overflow like burning flames.

“What is this!?”

The Corpse Spirit Demon exclaimed in surprise and pulled away his hand wrapped in hand energy.

His hand was half-frozen, with the skin cracked and dozens of wounds.

But that wasn’t all.

Even after pulling his hand away, it continued to freeze.

“You young brat… This is no ordinary technique.”

  1. 水剋火[↩]
  2. 陰陽開闢[↩]

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