D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 254: a Major… uncertainty

Chapter 254: a Major… uncertainty

Kat watched as Major stood around awkwardly for around thirty seconds "So… how is that waking up thing going?" asked Kat

"Um…" said Major looking more unsure then she had at any point up till now. "I have no idea. I- I mean I'm not tired, and… this is my dream right? So I should be waking up instead of trying for sleep, but… I don't feel weird or any sense that I could wake up if I wanted

"Is there perhaps anything you can do? Could you leave first and then let Enuko know to… what? Exactly, I don't know if it we quite got to that part… sorry" Major had the good grace to look mildly uncomfortable at the fact that Kat hadn't been able to get to that part of the recount.

Kat shrugged and thought about leaving, not expecting anything to come of it, but as soon as she started to concentrate on it, she could feel something reminiscent of a switch that sat in the back of her mind. It was strange, and almost felt like it sat in the gap where her spine and skull connected but that wasn't quite right.

*Very strange…* Kat examined it, and 'touched' it experimentally and felt it catch. *Hmm clearly it requires some force behind it… why do I have this anyway? Did Enuko's spell put it there so I can leave whenever I want? Seems like something she would have mentioned.*

Shaking her head, Kat looked towards Major and said "I think I can leave if you would like" said Kat

"Er, um, sorry, you make it sound like I'm kicking you out… I just… don't really know what else to do? I have a lot to think about and I think there is a good chance that to end this waking dream will require your presence in the real world, or perhaps for Enuko to end it herself. I mean no disrespect." said Major

Kat sighed, *Yeah I believe you Major. It's clear that you are just a scared kid, which I suppose I can't blame you for. I just… looking through your memories gave me the impression you were a bit more put together… but I guess I can ignore that.*

"Hmm, I wonder if I should wake Minor before I go… I don't wish to disturb her, but I'm unsure if I can see her again if I leave" said Kat

Major frowned upon hearing this "I suppose I know what you mean. I wasn't exactly thinking of that either. Based on what you are saying, it isn't entirely impossible that I won't be able to hear her once we leave either… I think we need to wake her for this"

Kat sighed but nodded "Ok, how do you want to do this?"

Major smirked at Kat's question "Well, I wonder if Minor still has one of Haruka's little quirks" said Major

Major reached out towards Minor's tails and carefully brushed aside the fur around the edge before pinching slightly at the very tip. The reaction was instant Minor yelped in surprise and jumped out of Major's lap, whipping around to see what had 'attacked' her.

Major grinned and said "Seems you haven't changed all that much"

Minor frowned and replied "Only because that trick works on you as well"

Now it was Major's turn to frown. "It does no such thing"

Minor then returned her own smug grin and drifted over to Kat to whisper in her ear, making sure to be as quiet as possible and said "Amelie found that one out in less than a day. She's the only one other than me who knows it works on Major. Major is a bit better at hiding the reaction than me"

Kat grinned and nodded. "You sound better"

Minor shrugged "A bit yeah, but I'm still quite tired. Why am I up exactly?"

"Well, I seem to have a switch in my mind I can activate to leave, and I thought it might be best to do so. I wanted to say goodbye to you, in person, so to speak before I did so, and perhaps ask if you think Major will be able to hear you once we wake up" said Kat

Minor bounced forward and hugged Kat "I think it will be fine. I can… sort of feel that something has changed now that Major is all up and about. We'll see when you get out but I think at the very least she should be able to hear me. It's like… there isn't quite a bridge between our two worlds but a connection that wasn't there before so I think it will be fine" said Minor.

"Ok, I'll go then, but stay safe Minor, and keep well" said Kat hugging the kitsune in turn, wrapping her tail around Minor a few times and gripping her tightly with her arms.

"Mhm" mumbled Minor.

*Wait? Can I…* Kat focused on her energy again. I really hope I don't need the system for this. Kat reached into her centre of power and felt what she was looking for. The template for her beacons. *Here we go.*

Pushing her energy into the figure Kat felt a shudder run through her. "Step back a moment Minor" said Kat

Minor let go… slowly and unsure of what was happening. As she did so Kat's chest started to glow brightly, and project out a familiar icon. The mixed symbol she used for her beacon. The light slowly started to move away from her chest, expanding and solidifying into the glass like substance it was before.

The beacon hovered there in between Kat and Minor with Major watching from the side. "Here, this is yours" said Kat

Minor reached forward with a shaking hand and carefully grabbed the beacon in question. As soon as Minor touched it, the light dimmed and it dropped carefully into her palm. "Th-thank you" said Minor fighting off tears.

"No problem" said Kat. "I'll leave you with your sister now"

Minor ran up to Kat, hugging her once more "You can stay if you want" said Minor not really asking, but wanting the words to be said anyway.

"Hey" said Kat "I'm not going anywhere. I might even find a way to make you an accomplice. I'll just have to get some advice about that"

"Ok" said Minor hugging Kat tightly.

Smiling softly Kat prodded the switch, trying to flick it on. It resisted her casual attempts, so Kat brought more of her mental weight down upon it. The device seemed to creak, but was not quite willing to budge, as if it was being forcibly held in place by something else. Then a hand seemed to reach into Kat's mind. Blazing with fire, it grasped the switch and pulled down hard.

Kat felt her breath being ripped away from her. Everything faded to black for a second and it felt like she couldn't suck in air no matter how hard she tried. The moment stretched on as Kat's mind sped up in panic…

Until Kat felt a shock run through her entire frame, and then suddenly she was gasping for air, kneeling down on the floor of the infirmary with Enuko's haggard form over in the corner. "Is it done?" croaked the kitsune.

Kat recovered quickly from the lack of oxygen and looked over at Enuko. She was not in a great state. She was kneeling, hands affixed to the sigils as they were when she entered. Her tails dragging along the floor as if they had the life pulled out of them. She had bags under her eyes so dark that they almost looked fake to Kat's eyes.

Her ears drooped low, and the voice that she spoke with made it seem like she had drunk nothing in a week. It was a parched hollow sound. Looking around Kat found a glass of water, likely prepared earlier and grabbed it from the counter it rested on before handing it to Enuko.

As the kitsune reached out to grab it, she fell to her side. Kat kneeled down carefully and placed the glass in Enuko's shaking hand. Kat carefully guided the glass and hand towards the kitusne's mouth and let her drink slowly.

After barely a mouthful Enuko spoke again "Is it done?" still raspy with a tinge of desperation in there.

"It is done" said Kat "They should both be fine"

"Ah good" said Enuko curling her tails around herself "I… I just need to rest for a bit then. Don't mind me I???m not dying just yet-" Enuko was cut off with a yawn "But I cannot keep myself awake any longer. The spell was… eh it's not important. Please, watch over them while I rest… just… a bit… longer"

"Of course. I will do this" whispered Kat, but Enuko had already drifted off. Despite this, the kitsune gained a slight smile, so perhaps she did hear Kat's soft words in her ear.

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