D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

Chapter 235: a Katastrophic miscalculation

Chapter 235: a Katastrophic miscalculation

"Should we go over everything again?" asked Kat "Perhaps that will get our thoughts in order"

Minor shook her head "No, I've just never come across something like this" Minor rasped. "I'm not quite sure what the rules are and we really don't want to force the issue"

Kat nodded "Yeah I guess that makes sense. Is there anything we can do about this thing chasing us? I think it's a Nightmare and I'm not really sure I have the energy to take it out anymore. It's the largest we've seen"

Minor frowned "Well, I can't really see it… but it doesn't feel like a Nightmare"

Kat shrugged "Neither did that endless goop from back in the tunnel and we know how that worked out for us" said Kat pointedly

Minor's frowned deepened but she nodded. The memory of the event causing her to flinch. "Are we safe to keep running then?"

Kat nodded "Yeah, if you're comfortable I'm fine. The only issue before was keeping you from jostling even the slightest amount. It was killing my arms"

"Sorry" rasped Minor

"Don't worry about it. I still need to chew you out for nearly destroying yourself. Seriously Minor what were you thinking? I'd hassle you more about it but we have bigger problems such as your recovery and escaping that thing behind us" said Kat

Minor winced and said "Can we outrun it maybe? Or fly away?"

Kat shook her head "I can't really run much faster than this I don't think. As for flying, well the canopy is too thick to easily break through. I mean, I could maybe do it, but likely not before tall dark and inky catches up to us.

"If we could find the place broke the canopy when I dropped in then that might work, but I was trying to angle my way there and our excited follower was able to catch up to me slightly, and I wasn't sure if I could make it back without getting grabbed" said Kat

Minor frowned "Could you just smash through the trees above us? Maybe with some demonic fire?" asked Minor

Kat wanted to shrug but couldn't afford to break her running posture. Holding Minor was already bad enough. "Not really, I mean, yes, it's probably possible technically, but I think I'll get caught before I can break through.

"There is a few layers of branches and trees, and I'm not sure I freeze them all fast enough. My fire is good at applying cold to a very small area unless I have a large amount of it. It doesn't really spread like normal fire, which I guess makes sense because it isn't. On top of that, I'm holding you still. You say you're fine but you can still hardly talk. What if one of the branches nocks into you and does serious damage" said Kat

Minor frowned. She started to speak before turning and coughing up another mouthful of blood. When she spoke, it was now with only a slight rasp compared to before "I'll be fine, I can take a few hits. Damage doesn't really accumulate the same way on me as it does in a real person"

Kat glared at Minor and spoke with a sharp discontent "Indeed, you just shatter into a few pieces when you overdo things. I, WILL NOT be letting you get hurt again Minor. You said that Major was here somewhere. What am I supposed to tell her, or Enuko that right before the end you fell apart? Literally"

Minor frowned but didn't say anything further. The silence started to stretch on as Kat ran without faltering. Making sure to pay attention to the surroundings and not get caught on any stray vines or clip the edge of a tree with her wing.

It was after they had been running for perhaps another twenty minutes that Minor spoke up "What about using your fire as a shield?" asked Minor, sounding almost completely normal "You could send it behind us and use that to hold of the Nightmare while we bust through the ceiling"

Kat grimaced, as she thought over Minor's answer. *It's not the worst idea… but to put up a wall by myself would likely take way too much energy. Then I'd have to bust through multiple layers of branches and vines, and I just don't see how it could be fast enough.*

*Even if I accept that Minor is capable of taking some damage now that she's recovered a bit I don't see how it matters the time aspect is just the main issue. I can't believe that I will be able to break through it fast enough. It takes a moment just to freeze it.*

*In the end, if I just go for it, but get trapped both of us are risking a lot. Maybe death, maybe not? I think Minor at least would be.* "I just don't think I'd be fast enough Minor, plus it would take a lot of energy I don't really have to form a wall" said Kat

Minor was silent for a while, with only the growling of the monster and its heavy footfalls to fill the silence. After a few minutes Minor spoke again. "What about heading back to that clearing?"

Kat tilted her head to the side "Well, it's more possible sure, but the issue of it catching up is still a big one"

Minor nodded as if she expected this "Ok, but what if I put up the wall, you just fuel it. Same as we've done before. Can you find the clearing?"

Kat let out a long breath "I think so. I've been trying to keep track of it… But!, but!, you are still weak. Are you really fine to use your power like that?" asked Kat

Minor started to speak, but Kat glared at Minor. "Ye-" Kat pushed some energy into her eyes and made them flash. Minor faltered but continued "P-probably?"

Kat raised an eyebrow "I'm not willing to risk your safety for a probably" said Kat

Minor frowned "But risking yours is all fine and peachy? I don't like that you have to risk yourself for me any more than I'm sure you enjoy it going the other way around"

Kat shook her head "Yes but I am much safer than you. First the Nightmares don't permanently damage me, secondly, I regenerate really quickly, remember the gravel, and finally, if I'm about to die the system will return me to my home dimension" said Kat *Though we haven't tested it trapped in dreams, and it might deal permanent damage to my mind… but I'm not quite willing to tempt fate by saying it out loud… that and worrying Minor is not on my to do list.*

Minor grit her teeth at this but didn't immediately retort. "I… I guess you're right. I don't like it but you are right. Ok, but I think we still need to head for the clearing. It's the only thing different right?" asked Minor

Kat nodded. "Ok, in that case, ready the flame"

*Am I sure this is the right idea? Thought Kat as she brought her tail up next to Minor. No, no I'm, not but something has to change. I can't risk trying to tire the thing out with Major still out there somewhere.*

Kat sucked in a deep breath, and recalled the location of the clearing. It should be back and to the left… roughly speaking. She was pretty sure she'd run past it at this point, but with her memories so mixed up it was hard to tell.

Giving a nod to Minor, Kat dismissed her doubts and summoned the flame. As she did so, Kat sent the rest of her demonic energy into her legs and prepared to bounce off a tree. Kat didn't look behind her, but when the thudding stopped and Kat heard a different kind of roar, one she was hoping was a roar of pain, she moved.

Jumping forward and to the right, Kat angled towards one of the nearby trees. Kat pulled Minor in close, not willing to risk her moving too much and disrupting her balance. Letting her legs take the impact Kat slammed into the tree.

She was not prepared for it to start to crack. Kat tried to pull back her legs but the damage was already done. Her momentum had been killed and the tree was starting to fall. Gritting her teeth, Kat kicked her left leg that was lower down the tree into the trunk, giving her what speed it could.

Kat bounced off the tree, with lacking finesse. Stumbling slightly as she fell closer to the ground but managing to abuse her flexibility to remain upright. She was lucky that Minor weighed almost nothing in her arms

As she straightened, Kat set forth on her path. But not two steps later a hand reached out. Surrounded by purple fire it was clear whose hand it was. Reacting purely by instinct Kat placed her wing more firmly to the side, blocking Minor from view but allowing the rain to drip onto her.

Still Kat had bigger things to deal with.

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