Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 166 - [War Against A God] 5/?: Freeing The Princess In Distress From Her Evil Father!


Krakenusa felt as if her mind was shrouded in darkness, a darkness that covered her entirely and tightly made her stuck where she was. Her mind could not simply escape this, and she could only see through her eye and those eyes in her tentacles what happened outside of her mind, where her body was being controlled by Oggoth.


Oggoth's mind control abilities were exceptionally strong against his own children, the Gazer that he created… As long as these Gazers were within a certain radius from him, he would have almost complete authority over their bodies and minds.

If they were weak enough, their minds would be slowly broken apart and the Gazers would become doll-like creatures without a mind of their own, despite being one of the few Monsters races capable of developing a complex intelligence (Although they mostly used it to kill Humans or Demi-humans like any other monster).

And if they were strong such as Krakenusa, their minds would be shrouded in strange and mysterious darkness, which was the representation of Oggoth's authority and power over them. Such darkness was impenetrable no matter how hard the mind tried to destroy it, and they would be, in the end, slowly eroded and made into simple puppets for the Demon God to use.

Through his developed mind abilities, Ervas sensed that there were two different minds inside of Krakenusa, one was Oggoth, and the other… the original mind, shrouded in a thick cloud of darkness, without letting her go away nor control her own body.

Ervas wondered if all those that were mind-controlled by Oggoth felt the same way… perhaps, those Lizardmen, Orcs, Goblins, and Kobolds fought before had already had their minds eroded and destroyed by Oggoth the moment they were taken control over due to their fragile mind strength, their only salvation being Oggoth's death or their own, which Ervas chose the last one at the moment they fought against them for practicality.

But now that Ervas found someone that was still struggling against Oggoth, he wanted to save it, and make it an ally. After all, the High Gazer Emperor was a Rank 10 monster with the ability to lay eggs that can produce even more monsters… Ervas was a good person, yes, but he also could not deny that he was interested in the benefits of making such an ally… perhaps killing it and making it an undead would never bring such unique abilities back, so he wanted to keep Krakenusa alive if possible.

He designed a simple plan of weakening her physical body through magic attacks from Legion, while Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep would use their Mind Attack Skill to erode not her mind, but the will of Oggoth inhabiting her body.

And now, as Veronica used her incredible powers alongside Shade and Ozgeth's assistance, she finally reached the last stairs, finding a small room, which was incredibly tightly packed with transparent eggs.

"Fry it up!" she shouted, as Ozgeth and Shade nodded, converging into her soul, and channeling their magic into hers.

Veronica's arms shapeshifted into a giant and metallic-like structure while being completely covered in thick shields to resist the Lesser Gazers lasers, resembling an enormous Military Tank!

From within the enormous cannon, a bright light converged into a single sphere, firing a powerful cannon of pure white and yellow light, resplendent and penetrating, burning the whole room packed with transparent and slimy eggs, while also killing most of the Lesser Gazers recently emerging from within them!


Alongside an explosion, the enormous swarm of Lesser Gazers suddenly became smaller, and was quickly destroyed by the combined attack of everyone present at that moment!

"Now, Ervas!" shouted Veronica, as Ervas changed his arms into tentacles through Phantom Form Transformation and directed them towards the High Gazer Emperor!



Krakenusa felt lost since she was born that she had always been a puppet of Oggoth, and was now slowly being killed outside, she could not help but feel rather depressed, despite already having guessed the outcome.

"Is this my end? This feels… not bad, just… I suppose it is relieving, yes. But I would have liked something else" she thought.

"Do you?" asked a voice from within her mind.

"UWAAHH! W-Who is it?! Father?!"

Krakenusa had never been spoken by anyone other than herself… she heard the voice of Oggoth sometimes, but it was faint and unnerving, however, this voice was calm and tiny.

"Err… calm down. What is your name?" asked the voice, it was Ervas, whose mind had divided when he expanded a large tentacle made from his soul, which he inserted inside of Krakenusa's entangled body.

"My name? Krakenusa… that is what Oggoth gave me as a name… And you? Who are you? I've never been… talked by someone before, this feels awkward and embarrassing, to be honest" she said, despite being a monster, her mind and personality was still that of a young woman.

"Nice to meet you, Krakenusa. I am Ervas, I've come to kill your father and save you, can you help us control the Gazers here afterward?" asked Ervas.

"The Gazers? I am not sure I can do that…" muttered Krakenusa.

"Well, as long as you try, it is fine by me," said Ervas.

"Oh… Okay, I will try then… Will you really help me? And how are you planning on killing my father?" asked Krakenusa.

"Gods don't die, right? Well, they can if you crush their souls… I and Veronica can do that, so we'll give it a shot, at worst, he will just fall asleep for an eternity," said Ervas.

"That… Sounds like a good plan, I suppose? I don't know much, but I just want to live, would you give me such an option?"

Krakenusa lacked a lot of knowledge about many things aside from what she had learned from her environment, what she hears from Oggoth, or the occasional System which she can check but not affect.

"Yes, let me give you a second chance of sorts… but for that, I need your assistance, Krakenusa," said Ervas.

"How so?" asked Krakenusa.

"I need your own mind, that of the owner of your body, obviously, to free yourself from your father's will," said Ervas.

"Ah, I see… but how- UWAAAH!"

Krakenusa was about to ask Ervas how he was really planning on doing such a thing, to begin with, only to be surprised once again by the young boy, who materialized his own consciousness and soul inside her mind through his Mind Encroachment Skill and Phantom Materialization.

Then, he enveloped Krakenusa's consciousness with this phantom, octopus-like body, which felt very sticky for her consciousness, that is why she cried in horror again.

"Don't worry, I am not trying to do you any harm, cooperate with me and stay still" said Ervas.

"O-Okaaaay… T-This is very weird, though!" she said.

"I'm sorry, but let's do it," said Ervas.

Ervas then began to infuse his own mana into this tiny phantom consciousness, and carrying Krakenusa's consciousness with him, which was tightly wrapped on himself, he flew at a great speed through the dark space, penetrating it with great ease, as if he were a hot knife going through butter.


"U-UWAAAH! W-We is really flying out of here?! I have never managed to break through such darkness before! Just… who are you, really?" asked Krakenusa.

"I am the Prince of the Igni Kingdom, and I devoted to my people," said Ervas.

"A prince? What's a prince?" asked Krakenusa.

"…There will be a lot to teach you later on, but for now, help us out in killing your father," said Ervas.

"I will try, but I won't promise you anything, Ervas!" said Krakenusa.

"As long as you try, it's fine," said Ervas.

"Nnnghh…! W-What?! You! How are you… inside of here?!" roared Oggoth's consciousness, trying to attack Ervas consciousness in the form of a white octopus.

"Get off the way," said Ervas, expanding his tentacles towards the dark clouds inside of Krakenusa's mind which represented Oggoth's authority.

"Soul Break," said Ervas.

Clash! Clash! Clash!

Ervas tentacles, coated in the power of Soul Break began to crack into pieces the dark clouds, making Oggoth feel excruciating pain.

"Ungh?! HNNNAGYYAAA! …W-What is that?! Go away!"

Feeling a pain that he had never experienced before, Oggoth quickly escaped Krakenusa's mind, clearing the dark clouds as both her and Ervas emerged into a white sky.

"Well, that's it. See you outside," said Ervas, disappearing.

Krakenusa then, for the first time, was given control over her own body, glancing at the outside scenery through her eye.

"I… I am free!"


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