Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

Chapter 131 - Blood Humans


Ervas was a bit taken aback after seeing one of the human women, the petite half-dwarf woman in specific, change after drinking his blood…


He was sure that nothing would happen aside from the girls get stomach sick for drinking raw blood… but the change happened right in front of his eyes, he could not deny this fact.

Somehow, even if he was a Dhampir and not a Pureblood Vampire or a Progenitor Vampire, his blood was capable of inducing a change in those that drank it… but was she really a Vampire?

"Why can my blood even induce changes…? Is it not the blood of a half-demon?" wondered Ervas as he glanced at the wound where he took out his blood, which had already recovered without even leaving a scar.

"Could have my evolutions changed my blood? Was there anything on it that made it different?" he wondered… if he was capable of inducing race changes into those that drank it, Ervas was certainly not a normal half-demon, half-vampire, and half-lich…

"Well, now that I think about it, none of my evolutions were normal, demons shouldn't even evolve, to begin with…" he thought.

The young half-dwarf woman, skin became pale white, her eyes turned from chestnut-colored to crimson-colored, and even her lips became redder. Her overall figure seemed to have become stronger as well, and her body exuded an aura of both fear and charm, dangerous but beautiful… similar to that of Vampires.

"Ah, lord Ervas, lady Veronica, I have been reborn!" she said, feeling completely new as if she had become a different person, a different being, and at the same time, she felt as if she was now closer to death than anything… she had become a being that represented death, perhaps this was even greater than dying by itself on her mind.

"I see that you did… what was your name, by the way?" asked Ervas.

"My name? That old name does not matter anymore, my lord… please, give me a new name, for my new life!" said the petite half-dwarf woman.

"You want me to name you? But what about the name that your parents gave to you?" asked Ervas.

"Parents? I never knew my previous being parents… but now, you are my progenitor, lord Ervas! You are my family! So please, bring upon me a name!" asked the young woman.

"Come on, just give her a name so she can be at ease," said Veronica.

"Sigh… Okay. You will be named… Lilith" said Ervas.

"Lilith? T-That's… a wonderful name! Lilith! I am Lilith… I shall live to serve both of you… Oh, Prince and Queen of Death!" said Lilith with a fanatical smile, her fascination growing deeper as time went by.

"Very well then, I'm glad you're happier now," said Ervas.

"Have you checked her status?" asked Veronica.

"Her status? Now that you ask… did she become a Vampire? It wouldn't make sense because I am not a Vampire, to begin with" said Ervas, inspecting Lilith's status and finding her race name.

"Blood Human?" said Ervas.

"Blood Human? So it is not a Vampire?" asked Veronica.

"It seems so… it says, 'Blood Human' and then 'Half-Dwarf' in brackets. Although she is not a Vampire, she gained the 'Bloodsucking', 'Dark Vision', and 'Rapid Healing' Skills. Aside from that, she can still change Jobs and has not become some kind of monster as she does not possess Ranks," said Ervas.

"I see… Blood Humans… was there even a race named like that?" asked Veronica.

"Not that I remember, even after searching through our memories when we investigated the many races of intelligent beings in Kritias, there wasn't Blood Humans… To begin with, Humans don't have variations such as other races, they're just humans, and their physical differences such as skin color is minimal, not changing their race names… this is a new race" said Ervas, a bit baffled by his own creation.

Although Humans could be different from each other in appearance, face, physique, talents, skin color, and more, they were all still humans, as such differences did not make them vastly different from their own race.

Unlike Elves, for example, who have Fairies, Poison Elves, Dark Elves, and more, all of these being considered full subspecies instead of the same elves. For Dwarves, Beast-kin, and for Demons, who had the most races, it was the same.

"A Blood Human? Being of such a new and gifted race… This must be the reckoning of a new era, the era of lord Ervas and lady Veronica!" said Lilith with fascinated eyes, glancing at the little Ervas with admiration, as if he was a god.

"I'm glad you're happy, Lilith… now, will you eat?" asked Ervas.

"Eat? Ah, the food! Of course, lord Ervas!" said Lilith, as she began to dig in with a lot of voracity.

"It worked… Hm?"

Ervas glanced at the other three women, who also desired to be 'converted'.

"Please… can we join her?"

"Let us… join her…"

"Please… please…"

They muttered soft words as if they were too baffled after seeing such a miracle happen in front of their eyes.

"…Okay, but promise me that you will eat afterward," said Ervas.


"We will do… whatever you say"


The gloomy girls implored Ervas blood, as the little boy sighed and gave them what they desired. Taking three cups made by Veronica's metallic material, he filled them with his blood.

Due to Ervas ability to regenerate and vast mana, he could refill his blood quite easy, and he had also eaten more food than his size should be able to take thanks to the 'Digestion' Skill, so he had many calories accumulated and energy to spare, a few cups of blood were nothing to him, so he gave away his blood without any issue.

The three women drank the blood, as they kneeled and closed their eyes as if they were praying… after a few minutes, changes began to slowly occur on their bodies.

All of the three girls whose appearances differed from each other changed, their colorful eyes all turned scarlet red, their skin turned pale, and their figures became stronger and more refined. Their natural beauty was developed as well as their magic and physical talent

The three women then felt just like Lilith, as if they had been reborn.

"This… this!"

"This is… wonderful!"

"Aaah…! I am no longer weak… nor fragile…"

Then, similarly to Lilith, they all asked for new names, completely forgetting about their previous names, those that their parents gave to them.

It seems that although not all of them originated from the same party, they all shared in common that they lacked any family. It seems that many of the adventurers from their generation came from the several orphanages in the Saphira Duchy, usually without families and without prestige, they would be paid by adventurers from rich families to form parties and complete quests with them… It was common for those adventurers with money to pay a bunch of penniless adventurers to be their escorts or even meat shields.

"Then… to go with the theme of Lilith… you will be named Eisheth, you will be named Agrat, and you will be named Naamah… now please eat your food, I am worried about your health," said Ervas.

The tallest of the three girls, who had a slim figure and whose short hair that reached her neck had turned from black to blue color was named Eisheth.

"Eisheth shall be my name… lord Ervas"

The smallest after Lilith of the girls, who had long brown hair made into braids that turned completely white, was named Agrat.

"Agrat… I like how it sounds"

And the one with the shortest hair, flat chest, and small feminine features, resembling a tomboy, whose hair turned from chestnut to red, was named Naamah.

"Naamah… Very well then, lord Ervas, I shall become your sword"

All three of the young women were happy with their names, and began to quickly dig in the food with Lilith… their eyes were now filled with energy and 'life', and seemed like completely different persons than before. Ervas checked their status and saw how all of them became Blood Humans as well.

"Wait… those names, you just gave them the name of the four-original demoness? Well that's interesting…" said Veronica.

"Well, after transforming they all become just as enchanting and beautiful, so I thought it could fit… as they're not truly Vampires either, or Demons, but Blood Humans. The concept itself is just all over the place, I am just playing with names that I find held some mythological importance so these girls could sound nice," said Ervas.

"I get it, don't sweat the details," said Veronica, petting Ervas' head.

"Anyways, I wonder what would happen if Ervas gives his blood to others than humans… would they become Blood species as well?" asked Shade.

"Hm… I think that we should leave that for another occasion, if possible, I would not really want other people's races to change like this, even more against their wills. So, if they do not come asking me personally, I will not do anything to them" said Ervas.

"Fair enough," said Shade.

Ervas and Veronica glanced at the four girls eating their food while chatting about what will they do from now on, it seems that they were planning on serving Ervas as his guard… although he already had many monsters constantly guarding him everywhere.

"Are they pregnant?" asked Veronica telepathically.

"Yes… They are also pregnant, which worries me a bit about the changes that the fetus might go through, even more, when we already changed them to begin with before, when we cleansed their minds and bodies" answered Ervas.

"Hmm… this might be the unprecedented birth of many new races, it seems" laughed Veronica.


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