Dark and Light Martial Emperor

Chapter 33

Episode 33.

Confidence (3)

A tension that could not be hidden appeared on Myung Ho-rim’s face.

That wasn’t all. The late Jisoos who were resting around them and those who were sparring also focused their attention on the two people.

Yeon Ho-jeong proved his skills by defeating Choo-seong of Noehyeop.

Myeong Ho-rim is the world’s best martial artist and has studied martial arts more deeply than anyone else here.

As the two people faced each other, an inexplicable silence arose. Some people may not admit it, but it is a dance between the two strongest people here.

Naturally, the level of attention was bound to be high.

Myung Ho-rim opened his mouth late.

“It was a bit late, but I enjoyed your duel with Chu Danju.”

“Thank you.”

“It was an amazing spear move. “Did you have martial arts skills like that in Yeonga?”

“It’s nothing compared to a famous family.”

Myung Ho-rim smiled kindly.

“Quality is more important than quantity. “My eyes were opened to a mysterious spear technique I had never seen before.”

Yeon Ho-jeong also smiled.

“I also want to experience the true martial arts of the best family in the world.”

It was a meaningful word.

Myeong Ho-rim laughed without knowing his true intentions.

“Haha, I don’t know if I will hit the castle of Confucius.”

“You are humble.”


Yeonhojeong, who held the middle of the iron bar and turned it, seemed to be already ready.

“It was a messy place, but we’re done tasting each other, so let’s move on to the main story.”

Tasting meant close-range batting.

Myung Ho-rim’s expression hardened as he recalled yesterday’s fight.

‘It wasn’t normal. And today too.’

Every single one of the techniques shown in the fight against Chuseong was practical.

However, Myeong Ho-rim saw Yeon Ho-jeong’s true ability hidden within the ugly Chosik.

‘It’s not because I like martial arts. The key is how to use that martial skill and under what circumstances.’

Yeon Ho-jeong knew how to use his weapon accurately at the optimal moment.

It was a difficult task for anyone. Talent is talent, but it was impossible without a huge amount of actual practice.

Where on earth did this young man experience such real combat?


When Chu-seong receives the first three seconds.

‘There must have been something back then?’

I felt an unknown force entangle me.

No, it seemed exactly like that. It seems like Yeon Ho-jeong did something, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what it was.

‘There’s no doubt that whatever it is, there’s more to it than meets the eye.’

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes lit up.

“Would you like to begin?”


Myeong Ho-rim picked up the wooden sword that had fallen on the floor.

It was a gently curved wooden sword. It was different from a wooden sword.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes lit up.

‘The law of swords?’

He recalled a time in the past when his family was invaded by a mysterious group.

Whether in my past life or now that I have returned to the past, I have never forgotten the situation back then. The shock was so great that I remembered almost everything.

‘There were definitely thieves at that time.’

It wasn’t just thieves. There were swordsmen and swordsmen as well as spearmen.

The raiders all used the most commonly used weapons in Gangho. There was not a single person who used a memorization tool with clear characteristics, a mandarin duck whip, or a steel pen.

If the Myeong family is really the family behind the attack on the Yeon family.

And if we can get a glimpse of their traces in the teachings of Myeong Ho-rim, the third prince of that family.

If Myungga is truly the culprit, how should we move forward?


Yeon Ho-jeong erased his thoughts.

‘It may not be a famous family. Hasty judgment is prohibited.’

The purpose of creating a training atmosphere was not simply to compete with Myeong Ho-rim.

It was to compete with all of them. This was because he might have missed something.

But there wasn’t. No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t find any similarities between the martial arts of other families and the martial arts of the raiders.

On the other hand, yesterday, Myung Ho-rim’s momentum felt similar to that of the attackers.


Myeong Ho-rim lowered his posture.

“Well, I’m ready.”

“Me too.”

“If you do, let’s get started.”


The two jumped at each other without any hesitation.

Even though it wasn’t with all his might, he was fast. It was a faster walking method than anyone else practicing here.

Yeon Ho-jeong deployed martial arts without hesitation.


The whirlwind technique was unleashed. The bongsul, as free and soft as the wind, flew towards Myeong Ho-rim’s shoulder and side at the same time.

Myeong Ho-rim’s eyes sparkled.

‘Be strong!’

I could tell with just one number. How amazing is Yeon Ho-jeong’s military skills?

It is on a different level from a bare-handed box-to-box fight. The Bongsul technique of pulling out and swinging the Byeoklajingi contained the conflicting qualities of lightness and heaviness at the same time.

Myeong Ho-rim swung his wooden sword.


It was a great response.

Myeong Ho-rim’s movements, wielding a dual-wielded wooden sword, were effortless. The power of the heavy iron bar was blocked from the root.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s feet stepped on the ground.


The strong rebound went up my thighs and added strength to my lower back.


A sting that explodes in an instant.

The blow delivered by the rotational force of the waist was very fast. Myeong Ho-rim quickly lowered his stance and struck the wooden sword at the top.


Myeong Ho-rim’s eyes wavered.

I could feel it even without seeing it. The surface of the wooden sword was slightly dented by the thrust of the baton.

‘Immense power!’


Myung Ho-rim, who pushed away the iron bar and flew backwards, was momentarily surprised.


Yeonho-jeong was already approaching, as if he expected her to retreat.

The distance was incredibly close. So much so that there is no bird to wield the wooden sword.

At the same time, the iron bar was also moving. The iron bar coming in with a lateral strike was so fast that it was even slightly bent.

‘Can’t be stopped?!’

Even though we didn’t even compete, we were on the defensive.

If you keep going like this, you will definitely get hit. It wasn’t a close match and I didn’t make a mistake, but I ended up falling down ugly.


Even though I knew that the opponent’s herbivorous management was amazing, I was driven to this point. I could only see that I had let my guard down.

absence. Defeat. mistake.

Three words stimulated Myeong Ho-rim’s pride.

Phew! Kaaaaang!

The arm that held the iron bar and swung it became heavy.

Before I knew it, the wooden sword was blocking the iron bar. Even though it was a time that could never have been prevented, it was prevented.


A subtle golden energy rose from Myeong Ho-rim’s body as he held the wooden sword with both hands.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes sparkled.

Myeong Ho-rim finally unleashed his true power.


The gushing golden energy spread out in all directions like a haze.

It was truly a beautiful sight. It was surprising that Jin-gi could be typified to this degree, considering his great temperament.


Full Sang burst out in admiration.

‘If your energy is as vivid as that, you can be considered a peak expert.’


Yeon Ho-jeong stepped back.

Myeong Ho-rim tried to attack right away but was startled.

Yeon Ho-jeong did not just back down. I grabbed the end of the pole and stretched it out and swung it, and a powerful shock struck my chest.

It felt like an awl attached to the end of a whip was flying. It couldn’t be stopped by simply releasing internal energy.



His career was ruined by a clean, diagonal strike.


Yeonhojeong came in again. He attacked me before I could return to my stance.


He had incredible stamina.

Attacking and dodging were too fast. The problem was that this type of attack and defense was extremely draining of stamina. No, before that it was a combat technique that overworked the muscles.

In fact, Yeon Ho-jeong’s body was red. This was because I was squeezing my muscles to their limit.

‘Show me.’

Yeon Ho-jeong swung the iron bar.

Myeong Ho-rim repeatedly retreated from the barrage of battalion in all directions.

‘Unleash your martial skills properly!’


Bongcheom broke the bluestone floor.

At that moment, Myeong Ho-rim’s counterattack began.


Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes widened.

For a moment, it seemed as if his arm had extended and he was striking the wooden sword diagonally.

It was an exquisite counterattack. It was not Myeong Ho-rim’s reflexes, but the martial arts technique itself that focused on counterattacks.


I quickly grabbed the iron bar and blocked it, but the impact remained.

It didn’t end there. Myeong Ho-rim’s teaching method was just beginning.


Myeong Ho-rim, breaking through the earth and moving forward.

It was a true magic sword method that followed the Jinshin martial arts of the Nine Ju Myeongga, Geumra Shingong (金羅神功). Even though it was created less than a generation ago, it was a powerful martial art that could only be passed down to blood relatives.

Kaang! Kaga River!

The sword wielded with both hands was solemn and powerful.

However, there was nothing special about Touro. Strong power and speed were given to simple movements, as if representing the truth that simple things are strong.

Kaga River!

In an instant, Yeonhojeong was pushed aside. He was blocking the bar by rotating it with both hands, but it seemed like he was not able to counterattack properly.

Myeong Ho-rim’s eyes sparkled.

Once I had won, I was determined to see it through to the end. He raised the power of Geumra Shingong to its maximum.


The golden essence burned brighter.

At the same time, the energy contained in the wooden sword slowly swirled.


Yeon Ho-jeong opened his eyes wide.


Three strikes from the wooden sword were flying.

The logic behind Turo and Chosik are also different. However, I had seen the energy swirling within that blade.

To be precise, I remembered seeing how to use energy.

Kaga River! thud!

The iron bar bounced off the powerful force and scratched the ground.

The true energy contained in the blade was rotating arbitrarily. But the rotation was invisible to the human eye.

Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes were feeling it.

It feels fundamentally different from Jungwon martial arts.

On the outside, it appears to contain honesty and depth, but the method of operating the internal attack itself was completely different from that of the Jungwon martial arts.

And that martial arts….

‘Jang (掌)!!’

At that moment, Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes glowed bright blue.

Buuuuung! Quang!


Myeong Ho-rim’s body was pushed all the way back.

His eyes wavered.

‘Oh great martial arts!’

He looked at the wooden sword.

The wooden sword was almost completely torn to pieces. If he hadn’t brought up his Jinra Shinkong to his full potential, he would have been seriously injured by this blow.

Myeong Ho-rim looked at Yeon Ho-jeong.


A blue energy wavered from Yeon Ho-jeong’s body. Yeonga’s Five Great Martial Arts, Byeokna Jingyeol, which is not inferior to Geumra Shingong, was burning.

He was holding the iron bar with both hands and kneeling on one knee. However, the posture of holding the iron bar was strange.

It is not a spear technique, but a posture as if one is holding a scimitar or a large axe.

At that moment, Myeong Ho-rim felt a shiver run down his spine.

‘It’s not really martial arts!’

Yes. Yeon Ho-jeong has been showing off the box fighting skills and batting skills as well as spear skills.

None of that was Yeon Ho-jeong’s true martial arts. Yeon Ho-jeong’s Jinshinjeolhak was something much stronger and much more explosive than that.


Yeon Ho-jeong stood up with his head down.

It seemed like he was saying hello, but it also seemed like he didn’t want to show his face.

“I think it would be best to end the dance here.”

Is it an illusion? Yeon Ho-jeong’s voice sounded a little cracked.

Myeong Ho-rim, who threw away his broken wooden sword, took the gun. Both of his hands holding the gun trembled slightly. The shock was too great.

“I learned a lot.”

“Me too. then.”

With those words, Yeon Ho-jeong crossed the training ground and headed toward Naewon. He walked so fast that even Yeon Ji-pyeong could not catch up with him.

A single road leading to Naewon’s accommodation.

A terrible murderous spirit blazed in Yeon Ho-jeong’s eyes.

“…It’s a famous family.”

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