Cultivation Struggles of a Lowly Fox

Chapter 231 – Finding a Bath and First Loss of Control

Chapter 231 – Finding a Bath and First Loss of Control

Aiko and her team walked away from the snoring Mirage Fox. They didn't want to sleep near that snoring volcano of spit.

The Umbra Fox was happily dragging away and the Gluttonous Fox could only sight in his mind.

When will he get to see such a beautiful Fox get pounded again...?

It was simply impossible, as other Foxes would kill him if he peeked!

The Gluttonous Fox blamed the Mirage Fox for this!


{Meanwhile, over at Aiko's sleeping camp}

Aiko was stretching and nudging the Blood Fox.

The Umbra Fox used this opportunity to sneak away with the Shadow Passion.

"Where are you going?" Aiko asked with narrowed eyes.

But... the Umbra Fox was not as good at sneaking as Aiko was.

"Mistress, you told me that we should have a bath." The Umbra Fox technically didn't lie, but Aiko still found it suspicious.

"Alright~, I'm going to bed." The Blood Fox stretched.

"I'm going too." Aiko could not pass on this opportunity to sleep on nice tails.

The Umbra Fox was confused, but the Blood Fox smirked at her with a knowing smile.

The Umbra Fox pursed her lips. 'The Blood Fox wouldn't be after me... right?' She formed a cute misunderstanding before dragging the Shadow Passion away.

The Umbra Fox will deal with the Blood Fox later. She had much more important things to do!

Like getting the Shadow Passion all cleaned up so that Aiko would like her and willingly steal her.

Her plan was flawless, as she knew that Aiko was very wilful when it came to friendly Foxes.

The Shadow Passion had complicated expressions. She didn't know what to think about the Umbra Fox.

On one side she was obsessed with her, but on the other... She was worried that the Umbra Fox was no different from the Mirage Fox.

It felt strange in her stomach. The feeling was similar to the Mirage Fox's feeling, but at the same time different...

She could not understand it.

The Umbra Fox smelled a river nearby, so she should be able to bathe both of them and get them into presentable form.


"River~!" The Umbra Fox nodded gently. There were no animals around, no Humans, no one. They had this place just for themselves.

The Umbra Fox was quite not satisfied, as it was harder to bathe in moving water.

Fortunately for her ears, she could hear water falling up the stream.

They both went into the Shadows, their bodies blending with it.

Both of them had superior sight while in the dark, not as much as Aiko, but still much better than most of the Beasts.

The Shadow Passion thought paused. There was something moving strangely in front of her.

They were both ducking so they would not be discovered by others, if there even were any.

As such, what was in front of the Shadow Passion was a juicy butt swaying in front of her as they moved.

Now don't get me wrong since the baggy pants covered most of the lower body, it was hard to see the Umbra Fox's figure, but since they were so low into the ground, the pants were naturally tightly fitted.

The Shadow Passion gulped and reached for those seductive cheeks.

The Umbra Fox wanted to jump away from the sudden sensation, but the Shadow Passion dragged her down onto the group; pinning her.

The Umbra Fox winced as she could feel rocks scraping her back through the fabric, but before she could say anything, her lips were sealed.

The Shadow Passion had completely red eyes, full of obsession. She kissed the Umbra Fox until her lips bled.

She licked that blood on her lips, enjoying it, but she froze soon after.

The Umbra Fox was crying. The Shadow Passion's vivid red eyes immediately dulled. She didn't know what to do and was fishing for some precious Pills to heal the Umbra Fox.

The Shadow Passion was panicking.

The Umbra Fox likewise grasped for her Storage Pouch, unlike the Shadow Passion that fished the Pill out of her bosom. The Umbra Fox had her own dedicated storage from her Mistress.

The Shadow Passion finally managed to find a healing Pill.

It was very simple and dull in colour, but it should help the Umbra Fox; is what she believed.

The Shadow Passion gazed at the Umbra Fox ready to feed her the Pill when she stiffened.

The Umbra Fox had likewise healing Pill in her hands, but that thing pretty much shined with vivid green colour.

Unlike the Shadow Passions Pill, the Umbra Fox's Pill was of almost the highest quality.

The Shadow Passion weakly opened and closed her mouth. She was unable to offer anything of value for the Umbra Fox...

She felt... worthless...

The Umbra Fox tried to stand up and the Shadow Passion moved silently to allow it.

The Umbra Fox cautiously stretched, but to the Shadow Passion's shock. The bleeding lip was already healed! Moreover, it seemed like blood was on her back, but the Umbra Fox was no longer bothered by it.

"You should've been gentle..." The Umbra Fox complained quietly, so much so that her voice was drowned inside the Forest and the Shadow Passion could only hear murmurs.

The Shadow Passion looked at the ground, an assortment of sharp rocks littered it and they were all bloodied.

The Shadow Passion's face distorted. She did not expect this at all and was heartbroken.

She was like that despicable Mirage Fox! A few tears rolled down her cheeks, but she did not mutter a sound.

Whenever she tried to cry and calm down the Mirage Fox, so that he would be gentle; he would just beat her up before continuing.

At first, the Shadow Passion thought that this was what love was, but... now she didn't know what was right or wrong...

The Umbra Fox didn't notice the Shadow Passion state and looked around cautiously. That pinning was quite loud, so she was worried if they were found out.

Unlike Aiko and Blood Fox, they were not as strong in direct confrontation. Moreover, they even didn't have the proper means to protect themselves in close-quarter combat.

The Umbra Fox grasped the Shadow Passion's hand since she knew that the Shadow Passion was still behind her. She still did not look at her since she was cautiously looking around.

The moment the Umbra Fox touched the Shadow Passion's hand a warm current spread in her body. The Shadow Passion was confused about this sensation. She wanted to possess this sensation, not give it to anyone else.

She wanted to keep everyone away from this. This moment was just hers and hers alone...

The Umbra Fox dragged the Shadow Passion near the pond with the waterfall. The pond still joined into the river, but the water was much more still here.

Another thing was the fact that it looked shallow, which meant they wouldn't drown.

They knew how to swim, but their instructors warned them from waterfalls or white, bubbly water. They were instructed to never approach them!

It was simple, even if they were powerful Beasts, Nature was still more powerful. The currents inside the water would drag you down and disorient you, slowly suffocating you...

They patiently waited inside the bushes.

They could not find any living beings nearby, so the Umbra Fox sneakily arrived next to the river.

There were still shrubs near the pond which provided cover for them.

The Shadow Passion wanted to take the lead in case there was something dangerous, but Umbra Fox was quicker.

She scouted the surroundings while the Shadow Passion watched her speed.

The Shadow Passion would have to take at least 3 times as much time as the Umbra Fox took, her worth diminishing by the moment and her feelings dulled.

She did not feel good enough to be with the Umbra Fox.

The Umbra Fox suddenly came back and dragged the Shadow Passion out of the shrub.

The Shadow Passion's eyes shook as she saw that lively expression from the Umbra Fox, like she was never hurt, to begin with.

"Alright~" The Umbra Fox hummed happily. "I have secured the area with monster repellents. They are not strong enough for powerful monsters, but the small annoyances will not approach this place for a few days~"

Aiko gave them some of her resources so they were well geared for many situations.

The Shadow Passion blankly nodded. She never saw someone using such precious resources so easily...

The Umbra Fox was very... bouncy, she walked with spring in her feet, making her body bop up and down.

The Shadow Passion was... mesmerised. Even if she tried to walk like the Umbra Fox, she would not be able to match her tempo.

She was confused about how the Umbra Fox was so... agile.

The Umbra Fox tilted her head, she could not understand why the Shadow Passion was so... stiff.

The Umbra Fox took the Shadow Passion's hand which startled the Shadow Passion.

Her body stiffened even more.

The Umbra Fox smacked her lips. "Your body is completely stiff, how are they training you?!" She didn't like the state that the Shadow Passion's body was in.

The Shadow Passion watched the Umbra Fox's lips move. She simply... loved them.

"Helloooo~?" The Umbra Fox used her hand to wave in front of the Shadow Passion's face.

"Y-yes!?" The Shadow Passion stammered. She was caught in an awkward situation...

"How do they train you?" The Umbra fox didn't understand the strangeness of the Shadow Passion so she just brushed it off as inattentiveness.

"Once a week." The Shadow Passion smiled gently like it was some sort of accomplishment.

"Huh..." The Umbra Fox blinked blankly.

"Hm?" The Shadow Passion tilted her head.

"I'm training 3 times..." The Umbra Fox murmured.

The Shadow Passion's smile stiffened. Was the Umbra Fox willing to engage in sex with others that she trained so much?!

"A day..." The Umbra Fox felt it was unfair she had to train so much when the Grandmaster was around...

The Shadow Passion was horrified and immediately grasped the Umbra Fox's hand.

"Are you alright?!" The Shadow Passion had awful expressions. She didn't expect that the Umbra Fox would be forced so much.

The Shadow Passion immediately started to browse the Umbra Fox's body and see if anything was aching. Her body ached just from one training a week. She could not imagine what state the Umbra Fox body was in...

The Umbra Fox was confused, but seeing that kind of expression on the Shadow Passion she did not reject the 'search'...

She even smiled gently that the Shadow Passion cared about her so much~

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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