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6 days ago
The world is up for sale, and Robin is making an offer. When Robin Waybright became the... Read more The world is up for sale, and Robin is making an offer.When Robin Waybright became the Merchant Hero, all of Pangeal turned into his marketplace; for the Merchant can buy and sell anything. Youth, skills, memories, hair color, joys and illnesses… in the trade of power, every deal can tip the scale.And Robin needs power. His homeland of Archfrost teeters on the brink of collapse, the sinister Demon Ancestors plot in the shadows, and twenty-one other Heroes, each with their own Class, have been chosen to save the world of Pangeal. Not all of them are friendly. There’s work to do… and profit to make. Collapse Character Growth, Ruling Class, Male Protagonist, Overpowered Protagonist, Sword And Magic, Strategist, Medieval, Special Abilities, Business Management, Skill Assimilation, Heroes, Demons, Clever Protagonist, European Ambience, Weak to Strong, Adventurers, Cunning Protagonist Didnt like it, read till the 9th chapter...The MC feels too OP from the get-go, and there's no solution to it. Also, its one of those 'smart ass' characters whose ego is through the roof, and the author will keep on fanning it to show how ultra alpha mc is. My age for those characters is just over and done with, I'd rather have some weak-ass MC who goes through something and grows into just a better person than these over-the-top picture-perfect characters. Personally, I LOVED The Perfect Run but any other Void Herald's book just hasn't stuck for me, and this one is going to be the same I guess. This story is a classic fantasy, literally a classic fantasy, but the characterization is so strong that every character is considered an MC. Forget the name of the author because this era is one of the best of this author I saw perfect run in recommendation and straight forward thought if the author is Void Herald and it is so letssssss go baby I just hope that this novel will truly be based on business and commercial stuff and not some power leveling by using the business The best of the batch, Void herald certainly does not fail to deliver, and if you are hesitant because of the small number or chapters don't fret! Each chapter's length is like 20 webnovel chapters I will trust you fellow daoist. Go and review Rise of the Infinite Sovereign Good author who writes good stories. I think maybe this forum as new readers of his would prefer Vanquiere the Dragon on RR. Yo it's f#cking Void Herald! What is the average number of words in each chapter of this work? A lot Tell me it's Void herald without telling me it's Void Herald...A chapter takes 30 mins to read Author: Void herald.... Let's fuuuuckkkkkkking gooooooGood novelJoin the ranobe discord, link in my profile.