Collide Gamer

Chapter 770 – Tournament of Oddities 5 – Present and Far Back When

Chapter 770 – Tournament of Oddities 5 – Present and Far Back When


John yawned.

“Am I boring ya?” his girlfriend snapped at him with a dismantling smile, immediately destroying the stern expression she tried to keep up. Then she gave his dick a long lick. To not interrupt the conversation, she continued with a handjob. She needed both hands to properly cover the size of his cock. “No, but seriously, what’cha yawning about?”

“Can I not just be tired?” the Gamer wondered. Putting a hand on her fluffy, pink head. She was currently giving him a blowjob under the table. Not in any hidden fashion, there was no blanket to hide under. One table over, a group of ten was having a serious business dinner. One table further, the waiter was fucking a female customer up the ass. The mixture of proper and perverted continued all throughout the cantina and across its many differently shaped tables.

Thanks to his gift to just not care about what other people did, as long as nobody was being harmed, the Gamer phased all of that out and only looked at the table in front of him. Salamander was lying on her chest, completely nude, and had several strips of meat sizzling on her back. Around her, Aclysia and Beatrice were making sure the fire spirit was well oiled and the meat turned in the proper intervals.

Whenever something was done, they took chopsticks, using forks would have been quite unpleasant to the grill, and brought the finished meat up to their master’s lips. It was steeped in the endflame elemental’s magic, adding an intensely smoked aftertaste to everything. All the while, one of his girls was under the table and working on his dick. Rave had just taken over from Sylph.

John would have much preferred to do all of this outside, but it was raining again. He would have complained that it was just his luck that he visited one of the most famous beaches in the world in one of the hottest summers of his life on the few days that the weather was awful. However, his luck had been so good recently that he didn’t feel in a position to complain. Basically every man on the planet would have given their left hand to switch positions with him at the moment, so he had to be grateful for what he had.

“Ya can be, but ya aren’t, tiger,” his girlfriend asserted, her hands slowly pumping. “Do tell me or I’m not going to use my mouth anymore.”

“Then I would cum all over you and you would have to run around in those clothes drenched for a little while,” John pointed out, as his girlfriend was still wearing her casual clothes, a cropped, blue top and yoga pants, with a gap between them that showed off a nice amount of midriff and the Lover’s Will mark.

Rave took one hand off his dick and raised her index finger. “First, I still have my body suit for emergencies,” she raised her pinkie, either accidentally or deliberately causing her hand to take the popular heavy metal hand sign, “and B, what do you care about that? You t-o-t-a-l-l-y totally would love to see me running around covered in your cum.”

“I think you’re conflating your fetishes with mine there,” the Gamer pointed out. “I mean, yeah, it would be hot, but I’m not THAT big into that. I like cumming inside you a lot more. Meanwhile you – cum! – are getting increasingly exhibitionistic since accidentally shooting your first porno.” He shifted his attention to eating for a little while, as his girlfriend was busy squirming from the orgasm he had bestowed on her with a casual command in the middle of his sentence.

After about three pieces of meat, she had calmed down enough to continue the conversation. “Fair enough,” she panted and resumed the handjob. However, she only used one hand and rubbed his head in an almost painfully teasing fashion. “Then gimme a reason not to cover myself with your stupidly large load. We both know ya wanna be inside me in some fashion.”

She wasn’t wrong about that. Although John would take a handjob over having nothing, he very much preferred the blowjob. “I taste delicious?” he therefore suggested.

“Fair enough again…” No longer insisting on her original point, craving his cock like the perverted girlfriend she was, she leaned towards his dick. Her glossy, pink lips parted, around the head and she effortlessly slid down. Soon, her left-hand pressed flat against his groin and his entire length had vanished into her mouth and throat.

“Oh my Lord,” The Gamer gasped and greedily guided his girlfriend’s gaping gob up and down his shaft. Without warning, she sprouted a pair of adorable cat ears. The left one flicked as she began to purr in anticipation for her cream. A purring that only accelerated the pace at which she would receive it. John’s entire dick was surrounded by steady vibrations and his balls tightened.

Cum pumped into her, giving her yet another orgasm. An orgasm so intense it sent her eyes rolling up, as John cranked up her sensitivity through the Lover’s Will connection. Without any regard to subtlety, he cranked it all the way up to the maximum, doubling the intensity of her sexual pleasure. Even her muffled screams could likely be heard through half of the room. Only once he was done feeding her, he let her slide back up.

“You’re gonna be the death of me,” Rave gasped and coughed, struggling to get the occasional aftershock-fuelled spasm under control. “You know what they will write on my gravestone, tiger? Stroke by orgasm.”

“I would say it would be: loving, sassy and perverted wife to John Newman and mother to…,” he stopped for a second, which Rave used to get out from under the table and grab the glass of water that stood on the table. She took a mouthful and swirled it around for a little bit, swallowing when John continued, “…don’t know, how many kids do you want?”

“Ask me that again after the first one,” the Lightbearer announced and slid out of her pants and panties, both predictably sticky. A moment later, she mounted her man and went to kiss him. Under normal circumstances, John would avoid kisses right after a blowjob, but they had made the discovery that the palette cleansing water removed any residue of his spunk.

Apparently, it was a creation by a local water mage, who John had already come to an agreement for monthly deliveries with. As far as water went, it was still and tasted slightly sweet, so it was pretty normal in that regard. When it came to allowing him to kiss his girls without feeling uncomfortable, though, it was a godsend.

While they were engaged on a tongue level, Rave guided his dick to her lower lips and then sunk down. The Gamer grabbed himself two handfuls of butt and both were getting served continuously by the maids, who chatted among themselves and the elementals hanging around the table or exploring the room. Namely, Gnome and Sylph were somewhere else at the moment. Sylph had wanted to explore and John wanted her to have a guardian. Mostly because he was afraid she might discover a room full of gummybears somehow and lose herself in it. One couldn’t be too cautious around here.

John dialled Rave’s sensitivity down until he actually suppressed her pleasure a little bit. The magical machinations of the Gamer powers prevented it from ever becoming normal even if he continuously left them at the maximum 100% intensified sensitivity. Insofar, there was no need to worry they would become dull to ‘basic’ levels of sexual stimulation. He just liked to wield such powers carefully. That aside, it was easier to have a conversation when he had a way to counteract all of the passives that increased the provided pleasure.

“So, what I was yawning about,” the Gamer went back to what they had talked about before the tangent, “the House of Exceptionals meeting is quite boring.”

“Government stuff can be not boring?” Rave asked and rotated her hips, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Unless you’re voting on building some sort of murderdome, I can’t imagine a topic that’d keep my interest. What’re ya discussing anyway? Not like the House of Commons had a session to send any laws over already.”

“I made a list of topics and mock laws to discuss, simply to test the waters and speaking procedures,” the Gamer told her. “At the moment, we’re having a discussion over whether or not we should tweak the taxes on individual goods, in order to incentivize the populous to shift to a lifestyle the state is more approving of and… wow, I can almost feel you drying up downstairs.” In reality, he just felt her bored gaze drilling into him.

“That’s incredibly boring.”

“It’s an incredibly important question from an ethics standpoint,” John defended himself. “Is the government justified to make such decisions? Can you trust it to make the right ones? What if we tax incentivize a product that turns out to be completely faulty or causes a rivalling industry to collapse under the unnatural shift in consumer interest?”

“What if ya just let people live their lives and talked about something more exciting?”

“That’s my first instinct as well. I’m more in favour of supporting research and development in fields that I find promising. Doesn’t intervene in the free market as much. Regardless, you got to know your tools.” He hummed for a second to change the topic, kneading Rave’s butt like two globs of pleasantly warm jello. There was no greater destressing ball in the world than this perfect ass. “More interesting topic then. Do you think Leman Russ was justified when he demanded the reprimand of Magnus the Red, ultimately leading to the Edict of Nikea?”

Rave gave him a playful slap and he giggled, feeling like a dog that had gotten to sit on the couch for a whole five seconds before being commanded off. “No Warhammer talk,” she demanded.

“Sure, sure,” John obliged and groaned instead. “Gaia be thanked for the desync thingy.”

“Right, I’ve been wondering about that, how is it like being in two places at the same time?” She looked at him from several angles. “Do I have to fear ya developing into two personalities anytime soon? ‘Cause you seem to be present here completely, but ya can’t exactly have a debate without being there as well.”

“No, you don’t,” he immediately eased that fear. “It’s kind of hard to explain… Well, we have to start with the fact that I’m a big boy with a big brain that can handle both tasks simultaneously relatively easily. I sort of separated my thoughts into two different processors, if that makes sense, but all data still gets stored on the same drive. The me that’s here and the me that’s there might not be thinking the exact same things but we share the exact same memories without any delay. I might not actively listen to anything that’s being heard by Jack, but I can recall it immediately if I want. It’s pretty odd.”

“I, uh, I guess I get what you mean, but I have never really felt it, so I can’t really understand?” Rave sounded confused and for good reason. That wasn’t a way a person usually operated. Doubtlessly, there were people who developed a mental state where they could split themselves and operate two different thought trains in parallel, but those were so rare that John knew none other than himself. Scarlett came close, but she was less thinking in parallel than juggling extremely many topics and ongoing analysis.

The Gamer shrugged, “It is how it is,” and kissed her neck. He was deliberating whether or not he wanted to take the time to raise her shirt, when a new person approached their table. Rave turned and froze first, causing John to rear his head and follow her gaze. Both of them were completely surprised to see a duo stopping two metres away from the table.

One was a woman with white hair. The style was fairly messy, as was the thick braid she had made of it, falling down to her lower back. Her eyes and the entire upper half of her face were hidden by a metal construction that looked like the sigil ring of a giant, as intricate as its silver design and the shield at the front were. What was visible of the rest of her face was attractive. Fair skin, a cute nose and light pink lips. John wasn’t able to make out much more of her, aside from a noticeable bosom, neither overly large nor particularly small, raising the chest area of her flowing, black robes. That woman, John did not know and an Observe revealed nothing.

The other, however, looking at John with intense disapproval, he had met in the past. It was a disapproval she likely held for every debauched activity going on in the room, but was aimed specifically at him due to a past history with him and the pink-haired techno lover that had only just stopped bouncing in his lap.

She had dark red hair with the kind of lustre normally only seen in advertisement or the front of hair colouration packages. In slight waves, it framed her face and cascaded down to the middle of her back. Two particular strands were currently flowing over her shoulders and onto her chest instead. Between them sat her cleavage, formed by boobs a tad larger than those of the white-haired woman in her company. In turn, in that wonderfully distracting bosom, sat a silver-white and golden pendant in the shape of a shield, dangling from a metal chain.

Her top was a white piece, sleeveless and held by strings running over her shoulders. It hid her midriff completely and even covered the rim of the knee-long, black skirt she was wearing. Although the top was different from the old shirt, the composition nevertheless reminded John of the school uniform of Ashcroft, the educational facility he had gone to before his life took a turn for the better.

Although she likely only wore those clothes as a compromise with the hot weather, they made her look incredibly sexy. Her trained figure was enticing, the way her top clung to her athletic midriff almost more erotic than seeing it revealed. Her waist wasn’t quite narrow enough to qualify for an hourglass figure, but she was close. It was a trade-off made for a build that looked like she could outrun most men in a marathon, without looking overly muscular.

It helped that her face was no less stunning than her body. High cheekbones and a heart-shaped structure combined with a fine nose and pink lips to create a sight equally enticing and cute. Well, she would have been cute if her greyish green eyes didn’t drill into him. Disapproval had turned into annoyance throughout the time it took him to check her out.

“As I feared, you have changed for the worse, John Newman,” Moira Brighton announced.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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