Chapter 297 Chapter 297. Unexpected Turn of Events
[ Name: Nihilus the Ebonfiend
LV: ???
Race: ( Lesser Demon )
Gender: Male
Experience tales at empire
Age: 399 y/o
Occupation: Slave
Title: None
Status: Angry, Irritated, Disguested
Zephyr Whisper
Ore Harmony
?????? ]
[ Zephyr Whisper ( Passive Skill ):-
Description: Zephyr Whisper allows the caster to understand and communicate with gentle winds. While the information gained may not always be profound, it provides a unique way to tap into the secrets carried by the breezes, offering tidbits of knowledge from distant places.
Cooldown Time: None.
Special note: This work is purely coincidental and the host has no control over it, the information gained from the wind will be random. ]
[ Glimmerdraft ( Active Skill ):-
Description: This whimsical ability allows the caster to temporarily imbue mundane objects with a faint, ethereal glow. While not blindingly bright, Glimmerdraft adds an enchanting touch to everyday items, making them both visually appealing and easier to locate in the dark. Once cast the glow will last for the next 6 hours.
Cooldown Time: None. ]
[ Ore Harmony ( Active Skill ):-
Description: Harmonizes the caster with the vibrations and energies of the earth, enhancing their ability to locate valuable ores and minerals. By attuning themselves to the subtle whispers of the rocks, those with Ore Harmony can discern the presence and approximate location of deposits, making them excellent prospectors in the world of mining.
Though not a substitute for traditional tools, this skill can significantly boost the efficiency of a miner and turn them into a geologically attuned resource hunter.
Cooldown Time:- 2 Hours after each use. ]
"F*cking hell, no wonder that fellow Xyrix is shamelessly meddling with Nihilus guy; he probably guesses that Nihilus possesses some kind of skills or a magic item to locate rare ores and minerals.
Otherwise, why would Xyrix want to pilfer Nihilus's minerals which he himself can mine easily with a bit of hard work, especially when Xyrix lacks any powerful skills to overpower Nihilus," Myne mused, his frustration evident.
"Also, I have to say although this Nihilus, on the other hand, seemed like a naive and innocent easy to get bully-type demon. However, beneath that facade, he concealed a wealth of valuable skills that could make him the world's best miner. If only he had something like an inventory, he could easily make a fortune in a short amount of time.
And if I'm not mistaken; he's so certain the other demon stole his minerals probably because of his skill, Zephyr Whisper," Myne reflected thoughtfully.
As Myne surreptitiously observed the two demons verbally bickering like children, he couldn't help but smirk. Finally, he feels like he can mine gold more easily in the future with these new skills contributed by two kind-hearted demons."
"Now, it's time to carry on with my plan and return to Velvet; she might be feeling bored alone in that small chamber," Myne thought. First, he used his newly acquired skill, Chrono Jitter, to confuse and escalate their verbal spat. Then, employing Illusion and Illusory Veil, he created an illusion around them and the miner trollies.
Even if he walked toward them, they couldn't see him unless they focused seriously. Although he knows that those two weak illusion skills probably not going to work against the high-level demons as desired but since both of them are in conditions where they can exchange their fist any moment they are surely in no mood to care about their miner trollies.
After ample preparation, Myne transformed into his hume form to ensure that if he was seen, it would only be in this form. Later, even if he walked under their noses in his other form, they wouldn't give him any trouble. Initially, he considered transforming himself into a demon of the same species as them, but he abandoned the dangerous plan, contemplating the potential hellish pain involved.
"I hope they won't start a fight at the wrong time," Myne prayed lady luck for good luck. Slowly and stealthily, he walked toward the miner trollies, keeping his eyes fixed on the two lesser demons who were now grabbing each other's necks, on the brink of breaking into full excitement. They just needed a bit of a spark to ignite a real fire.
Getting to the miner trollies without any problem, Myne breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly put both metal miner trollies and a few fully filled big bags with unknown items in them into his storage box skill.
In a hurry, he used Realize to create fake miner trollies filled with randomly sized unknown black-looking minerals, as well as a few big bags on them which would last for the next 10 minutes before turning into dust since he didn't put too much Mana in them, but this amount of time was more than enough for him to change back to his demon form and run quite far from the scene.
After flawlessly executing his plan and providing an example of how real theft is committed, Myne, with a happy and satisfied expression on his face, slowly started walking toward the way he came from.
๐ฆนแฎแฑแฑแฎแฑแ, แบแแค แแจแฑแ แคแข แแพแแขแแแแแ แแแค แนแจแแค, แพแ แแพแ แฒแจแพ แแจแนแ แขแแข แ แฑแแ แพแแน ( "Coward! How dare you insult my wife? You'll pay for that, filth!!")
Myne, who had hardly taken a few steps, suddenly heard a loud angry roar behind him. But before he could think anything, with a loud explosion, the fake miner trollies he had created with a few seconds of hard work were smashed into pieces by the flying body of the shameless lesser demon Xyrix who was causing trouble.
Xyrix, after smashing the trollies, didn't stop and hit hard on the solid wall behind them, coughing up a few mouthfuls of black blood.
But as if Xyrix had crossed the bottom line of Nihilus, seeing that Xyrix wasn't injured enough by his solid punch, Nihilus rushed toward him like an angry bull and smashed himself into Xyrix, who stared at him with horrified eyes.
Not expecting how things took such a bad turn, it was clearly not the first time he had insulted Nihilus while talking bad about his fatty and ugly insect wife, which was really ugly beyond words. Even insulting her felt more like praise.
But before today, Nihilus either snorted coldly and ignored him or barked at him and threatened him before getting away, since he knew the reason very well why others insulted his wife so much. But only today did he take real action, which he hoped he shouldn't have.
Another loud explosion, along with a painful cry of Xyrix, echoed in Myne's ears, who already fled with his strength as adrenaline pumped through his veins, seeing that his simple trick worked like oil on fire, the verbal fight between the two demons friends turned into a real-life and death bloody battle with just a few words.
"Well, I hope they didn't notice me and won't catch after me later like a madman after finding out that I play with both of them and stole their skills and hard-earned minerals right under their noses.
I should better change back to demon form before someone else sees me in this hume form and causes additional trouble." Thinking this, Myne, who was running crazily, stopped in a random dark corner where no one could see him. He quickly used his Mirror's Masquerade skill to turn into a demon again.
After this transformation, Myne didn't dare to roam the deepest part of the mine, where someone was about to wreak havoc in madness. He quickly fled toward the entrance of the mine; now, he wanted nothing more than to get out of the mine as soon as possible.
"แนแบแจแ แนแจแ แแบแจแ? แแแ แแจแพแแแ แฒแฑแจแ แจแพแ แแแจแฑแ แ แแพแแแพแท แแฑแพแแ แฆแแฑแ?" ( "What was that?! Did someone break the rules and start fighting inside the mine again?" )
"แแแ แแแแ แแแฒแ, แแนแแแแนแแฑ แ แแพแแแแท แแจแพ แแแ แแพแจแแ แแพ แแแแ แแแฑแฆแจแแ แฑแแทแบแ แจแพแ แแแแฑแ แ แฑแแ แจแแแแ แแแทแ แจแแ, แนแแแบ แแแขแพแ แแจแดแ แนแจแฑแแฑแแฆ แฑแแทแบแ แจแกแฑแจแจ, แนแจแฒแจแ แแแแขแ แแแ แแพแจแแ แแแแ แนแบแแจแ แแบแ แฒแพแจแพ แแจแนแจแแฒแแแแจแดแแ, แนแบแแฑแ แแดแขแจแฑแง แแจแฑแ แ แจแกแแฑแแฆ แแจแฒ, แ แฑแแแแแแฑ แแแจแบแ แแบแ แฒแขแ แแ แ แจแพแ แแฑแแจแ แ แจแกแ แจแฑแ แจแก แจแพ แแฑแแแ แแ แแกแขแฑแงแแแ แแบแแแขแแ แปแจแฑแ แแจแจแ." ( "It seems like it, but whatever is fighting down there will definitely be in deep trouble soon.
With the sound just now, it seems like a big part of mine has collapsed. Miss Gal is going to be pissed when she finds out. I remember the last time she got angry; she cut off the food supplies for everyone for an entire month... I still remember having to catch mice and insects to survive those hard days." )
"แแแพแ แแจแฒแ แแ แฑแแแแพแแแฑ, แ แบแจแ แแณแจแพ แแบแ แแขแแแฒ แแจแฑแพแแพแท แแ แแจแฑแพ แ แแข แแแขแ แแ แ แฒแจแพ แ แแแ แแจแแฑแพ, แแแทแบ แ แบแจแแ แแบแแ แแแแ แนแฉแพแ แนแแขแแ แฒแแแบ แจแ แคแพแแฑแแ แ แจแแแแ, แแแจแ แ แบแจแแพแจแ แแบแแ แแแแ แนแฉแพแ แนแแขแแ แจแฑแ แแบแจแฑแขแขแพแแแฑแ แแพ แแบแแ แแแแ แจแฑแ แคแฑแแขแ แแพ แแ แคแฑแแ." ( "Please, don't make me remember. I had to clean the public toilet by devil's worth to earn a few soul stones so I could feed my family.
That was a nightmare period of my life, I had seen things during that time that I shivered just thinking about them... Ahhh, I hope this time we won't get involved in this mess again.")
Myne, who had just exited the mine while carrying two big leather bags of his own height on his shoulder to hide his secret of Inventory skill, when showed the crowd of demons gathering at the entrance of the mine a worried and nervous expression appeared on his sweating face. They were discussing in loud voices, which unfortunately he couldn't understand.
His heart started beating rapidly, and cold sweat began falling from his forehead like a waterfall. He knew the mess he had caused down there was not going to be easy to solve. Just at that moment, a loud explosion happened, shaking the entire mine.